Daily calorie intake, level of physical activity and morphological status of children and adolescents in three cities of Russian Federation
UDC 796.01:612
Dr.Biol., professor E.Z. Godina1, 2 PhD E.Yu. Permyakova1
1Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
2 Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to identify the intergroup variability of morphological characteristics, as well as indicators of physical activity and nutritional status in modern adolescents.
Materials and methods. The paper provides the results of a comprehensive examination of adolescents in the cities of Elista, Arkhangelsk and Moscow. The analysis included morphological characteristics, body composition indicators, as well as personal data, taking into account the calorie daily calorie intake, as well as the amount of time spent on physical activity and work in conditions of hypodynamia.
All calculations were performed with the Statistica 12.0 software package. The choice of data processing methods was determined after checking the normality test for the number of indicators, therefore, to compare the means in the case of metabolic parameters, as well as indicators of the caloric content of the diet and the level of physical activity, the Kruskell-Wallis test was used (the non-normal distribution was confirmed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). In other cases, the assessment of intergroup differences was carried out using the methods of one-way ANOVA
Results and conclusion. It has been recorded that the overweight in Arkhangelsk adolescents of both sexes determines the high values of basal metabolic rates in this group. At the same time, a low level of physical activity has a negative effect on the development of the musculoskeletal component, that is, increased body weight values are associated in this group to a greater extent with its fat component. Residents of the capital have intermediate values among the three groups surveyed for most of the morphological indicators and minimum indicators of exchange. In this case, however, it is this group that is characterized by the maximum amount of time allocated to physical activity. The results obtained indirectly indicate the presence of a certain level of socio-economic differences in the surveyed cities.
Keywords: modern children and adolescents, physical activity, calorie intake, body composition, anthropometry.
Introduction. The study of the relationship between the body composition and lifestyle is of great interest for a number of scientific disciplines. Most of the works on this topic (Dayan et al., 2019; Merhout, Doyle, 2019 and others) are devoted to determining the relationship between the calorie intake and the level (and quality) of physical activity with body composition and body mass index (BMI) indices. This is
of a certain value in the context of the term "obeso-genic" environment, which has been frequently used in recent years (Rendina et al., 2019), as a complex of factors leading to a decrease in the level of physical activity (up to hypodynamia) and a steady increase in the calorie intake (it has been proved that BMI is negatively related to the distance to the nearest fast food restaurant (Wilkins et al., 2019)).
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I April № 4 2021
Objective of this study was to identify intergroup variability in morphological characteristics, as well as indicators of physical activity and nutritional status in modern adolescents living in different locations of the Russian Federation.
Methods and structure of the study. The results of comprehensive anthropological examinations of 15-17-year-old schoolchildren in the cities of Elista, Arkhangelsk and Moscow, were taken for this study. In Arkhangelsk and Moscow the investigated children were of Russian origin, in Elista -Kalmyck children and adolescents were investigated. All measurements were carried out according to the standard method.
Calorie intake and level of physical activity were assessed using a questionnaire; body composition indices and metabolic rates (basal and specific) were determined by bioimpedance analyzer according to the standard method (Smirnov et al., 2009).
The collection of data was carried out with the signing of consent protocols, subsequently the data were depersonalized.
All calculations were performed with the Statistica 12.0 software package. The choice of data processing methods was determined after checking the normality test for the number of indicators, therefore, to compare the means in the case of metabolic parameters, as well as indicators of the caloric content of the diet and the level of physical activity, the Kruskell-Wallis test was used (the non-normal distribution was confirmed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). In other cases, the assessment of intergroup differences was carried out using the methods of one-way ANOVA.
Results and discussion.
Morphological characteristics
The larger values of the considered traits were characteristic of adolescents in Arkhangelsk, the min-
imum values were recorded among the residents of Elista (Table 1).
At the same time, the intergroup differences in body height for both sexes are statistically significant (but not for the schoolchildren in Moscow (M) and Elista). For body weight and BMI, the significance of the obtained differences was confirmed only when comparing girls from Elista and Arkhangelsk. For boys, statistically confirmed differences were demonstrated for Kalmyks who had the lowest values of the studied traits.
Data from the questionnaires. The results (Table 2) suggest that the schoolgirls of Elista when compared to the other groups spend more time to work in conditions of hypokinesia and less - for physical activity. At the same time, the maximum daily calorie intake has been confirmed for them. For the boys, the trend is somewhat different: for example, the increased energy value of food consumed in this group is combined with minimal time spent on physical activity and sedentary work. Arkhangelsk and Moscow schoolchildren were almost the same in calorie intake but demonstrated different patterns for the daily routine. Thus, female residents of the capital spent more time working in conditions of hypokinesia, and young men have the highest value of this indicator among all groups. As for the level of physical activity, Moscow schoolchildren are ahead of their peers from other cities, and the inhabitants of the Russian North take an intermediate position, according to the amount of time spent on it.
Intergroup pairwise comparisons recorded the differences in the amount of time spent on hypokinetic work for boys: schoolchildren in the capital of Russia paid more attention for this type of leisure, residents of Arkhangelsk were in second place, followed by those from Elista. The maximum number of statistically significant differences was also confirmed for physical
Table 1. Descriptive statistics (M±S) of the following morphological traits in the three groups studies (A -Arkhangelsk, M - Moscow, E - Elista)
N Height, cm Weight, kg BMI, kg/m2
? 3 ? 3 ? 3 ? 3
А 184 64 160,4±6,6 * 168,0±9,8 * 51,1±7,8 * 58,2±13,3 19,8±2,4* 20,4±3,6
М 48 42 156,7±11,3 162,9±15,1 48,4±12,4 54,8±16,0 19,4±3,4 20,2±3,4
E 168 287 155,9±11,1 * 161,6 ±14,3 * 47,6±11,9 * 52,3±15,0 19,3±3,2 * 19,6±3,6
Note: * - differences are significant when comparing the values of the indicator among Arkhangelsk and Elista, ** - differences are significant when comparing the values of the indicator among Moscow and Elista, *** - differences are significant when comparing the values of the indicator among Arkhangelsk and Moscow
Table 2. Descriptive statistics (M±S) of calorie intake, time spent on hypokinetic work and physical activity
in the three groups studied (A - Arkhangelsk, M - Moscow, E - Elista)
Kcal/day Hypokinetic work. min/day Physical activity, min/day
■ ? 3 ? 3 ? 3
А 2312,4±1136,8 2630,2±790,4 754,1±124,7 * 754,9±146,0 12,3±12,9 26,0±15,4
М 2368,6±824,2 2629,5±1028,3 760,9±150,9 822,8±174,9 35,8±16,6 35,6±16,4
E 2681,8±697,6 2664,8±710,5 766,1±290,9 683,7±180,1 12,1±6,2 ** 25,4±13,1 **
Table 3. Descriptive statistics (M±S) of metabolic indicators in the three groups studied (A - Arkhangelsk,
M - Moscow, E - Elista)
Basal metabolic rate, kcal Specific metabolic rate, kcal/m2
? 3 ? 3
A 1269,4±154,71 1391,1±191,36 837,6±78,36 860,3±51,41
** **
M 1145,1±179,59 1244,4±240,89 927,2±110,42 -kick 934,4±84,06
E 1157,2±134,98 1298,6±230,50 856,7±77,21 887,6±70,40
* * *** ***
activity: in the groups of girls - between Muscovites and those living in Elista, as well as between the latter and the inhabitants of Arkhangelsk. In groups of boys - between the residents of the capital at one pole and the residents of Elista and the city of Arkhangelsk on the other (between the last two groups the differences are very small).
Metabolic indicators. As can be seen from Table 3, the maximum values of basal metabolic rate were found in girls and boys of Arkhangelsk, while the specific metabolic rate was the highest in groups of Moscow schoolchildren of both sexes.
From Table 3 it can be concluded that schoolchildren in the Northern region as individuals with the highest values of body weight among the surveyed groups also have the highest values of basal metabolic rate. At the same time, the level of specific metabolic rate in this group is quite low, possibly because this indicator is calculated per unit of body surface, depending on height, which, in turn, reaches the highest values in this group. The hypothesis about the possible effect of high calorie intake on high body weight values in schoolchildren of Arkhangelsk was not confirmed (on the contrary, the maximum values of this indicator were recorded in the residents of Elista). This fact,
combined with a relatively low level of physical activity, can cause elevated body weight values.
To support this hypothesis, the amount of skeletal-muscle and fat mass in the groups surveyed was also compared (Table 4). According to the results, the girls of Arkhangelsk are characterized by the minimum values of skeletal-muscle mass, both in absolute and relative expression. At the same time, a high proportion of the fat component allows to conclude that it is it that contributes more to the maximum body weight observed in this group. As for the Arkhangelsk boys, the percentage of skeletal-muscle mass in this group is minimal, but in its absolute amount they occupy an intermediate position. The fat component in this group is higher than in the other two. Moscow schoolchildren are characterized by a greater amount of skeletal-muscle component and the minimum values of fat mass for the three groups studied. Teenagers from Elista are characterized by intermediate values of skeletal-muscle mass in the case of girls and minimal in the case of boys. The fat component shows a slightly different picture: its absolute value is minimal in teenagers of both sexes, and the relative one has intermediate values among the groups.
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I April № 4 2021
Table 4. Descriptive statistics (M±S) of body mass components in the three groups studied (A - Arkhan-
gelsk, M - Moscow, E - Elista)
Skeletal-muscle mass, kg Skeletal-muscle mass, % Fat mass, kg Fat mass, %
■ ? 3 ? 3 ? 3 ? 3
A 16,6±4,3 * *** 27,8±5,1 33,2±9,9 * 48,4±6,8 14,0±5,1 12,2±6,4 27,4±10,0 20,6±6,8 *
M 20,9±2,8 28,3±4,8 38,1±4,5 46,8±5,3 13,8±5,1 10,9±6,4 24,6±5,5 17,4±7,5
E 19,0±2,1 * 26,7±4,5 37,8±4,0 * 48,3±5,6 13,3±5,3 10,4±6,0 25,3±5,5 * 17,8±6,9 *
Conclusions. The increased body weight of the Arkhangelsk adolescents also determines the high values of the basal metabolic rate in this group. At the same time, the low level of physical activity has a negative impact on the development of the skeletal-muscle component, that is, the increased weight values are associated in this group more with fat component. Residents of the Russian capital have intermediate values among the three groups studied in the values of most morphological characteristics and minimum metabolic rates. However, this group is characterized by the maximum amount of time allotted to physical activity. This does not contradict previous data showing that there are more leisure opportunities for residents of larger cities (Bogin et al., 2019; Godina et al., 2019). In the case of Elista schoolchildren, with minimal or intermediate values of the most studied characteristics, it is also important to consider the impact of the traditional way of life (primarily, diet habits) of the indigenous population of the region (Kalmyks) on their physique.
The study was performed with the support of the project № AAAA-A19-119013090163-2.
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