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© Быстрова В.И., Веременко А.С., Левченко И.Д., Чечеткина С.А., Николайчук К.М., Бекенева К.А., 2023
УДК 542.934:612.42:612.428:612.67
Николайчук К.М., студент 5 курса НГУ, г. Новосибирск, РФ Быстрова В.И., студент 5 курса НГУ, г. Новосибирск, РФ Бекенева К.А., студент 5 курса НГУ, г. Новосибирск, РФ Веременко А.С., студент 4 курса НГУ, г. Новосибирск, РФ Левченко И.Д., студент 4 курса НГУ, г. Новосибирск, РФ Кузнецова В.А., студент 5 курса НГУ, г. Новосибирск, РФ Научный руководитель: Горчаков В.Н., д.м.н, проф., НГУ, НИИКЭЛ - филиал ИЦиГ СО РАН
г. Новосибирск, РФ
Старение сопровождается преобразованием организма, обуславливающим реорганизацию
структурно-функциональных и гидратационных характеристик лимфатического русла в трахеобронхиальном лимфатическом регионе. Такие преобразования ведут к негативному изменению функции. Основной задачей данной работы послужило выявить связь между цитоморфологической организацией и гидратационными параметрами лимфоузла, подвергшегося старческим изменениям в трахеобронхиальном лимфатическом регионе. Работа выполнена при помощи гистологического, термогравиметрического методов и статистической обработки. В работе отражена связь между цитологическим профилем функциональных зон лимфоузла и степенью гидратации на разных этапах онтогенеза.
Ключевые слова
Лимфатический регион, трахеобронхиальные лимфоузлы, гидратация.
Nikolaychuk K.M., 5th-year student of NSU
Novosibirsk, Russia Bystrova V.I., 5th-year student of NSU Novosibirsk, Russia Bekeneva K.A., 5th-year student of NSU Novosibirsk, Russia Veremenko A.S., 4th-year student of NSU Novosibirsk, Russia Levchenko I.D., 4th-year student of NSU Novosibirsk, Russia Kuznetsova V.A., 5th-year student of NSU Novosibirsk, Russia Scientific supervisor: Gorchakov V.N., MD, Prof., NSU, RICEL - Branch of IC&G SB RAS
Novosibirsk, Russia
Aging is accompanied by the transformation of the body, which causes the reorganization of the structural, functional and hydration characteristics of the lymphatic bed in the tracheobronchial lymphatic region. Such transformations lead to a negative change in the function. The main objective of this work was to identify the relationship between the cytomorphological organization and the hydration parameters of the lymph node that underwent senile changes in the tracheobronchial lymphatic region. The work was performed using histological, thermogravimetric methods and statistical processing. The paper reflects the relationship between the cytological profile of the functional zones of the lymph node and the degree of hydration at different stages of ontogenesis.
lymphatic region, tracheobronchial lymph nodes, hydration
The morphofunctional state of the tracheobronchial lymph nodes is closely related to the drainage of the
organs of the bronchopulmonary system. It is obvious that a change in the function of these organs causes a certain restructuring of the lymph nodes in different periods of life. Aging disrupts the functioning of the lymphatic system, which is one of the causes of impaired fluid homeostasis. In turn, the degree of hydration change determines the morphofunctional characteristics of the lymph node. It is obvious that the water balance is considered as an indicator for assessing the drainage and immune function of lymph nodes belonging to a certain lymphatic region. Understanding the relationship between hydration and structural and functional characteristics is important for the prognosis of age-induced changes in lymph nodes. This makes relevant the purpose of the work to study the structural-cellular and hydration characteristics of the tracheobronchial lymph node in the process of ontogenesis.
Materials and methods
To conduct the study, 50 white male Wistar rats of two age categories were used: young (age 3-5 months) and old (age 16-18 months). These age groups of animals were selected for comparative determination of the ratio of life expectancy of rats and humans using a coefficient of 1.7 [3]. This coefficient made it possible to compare young animals with the adolescent age of a person (16-20 years) and old animals with old people (6575 years). The animals received PC-120-1 extruded compound feed as food and had free access to water. Tracheobronchial lymph nodes were selected as the object of the study. The selection of the studied group of lymph nodes was carried out in accordance with the principles of ecological lymphology [6, 7, 9]. The study was performed using the following methods:
Histological method is the main method of studying cells and sizes of compartments of the lymph node. The method is based on the use of light microscopy and a certain algorithm for assessing the structural and cellular organization of the lymph node [5, 11]. For this purpose, tracheobronchial lymph nodes were fixed in 10% neutral formalin, followed by the classical wiring scheme and pouring the material into paraffin and preparing histological sections. The sections were coated with hematoxylin and eosin, azur-eosin, toluidine blue, trichromic dye according to C. Masson. Morphometric analysis was carried out using a morphometric grid installed on a section of the lymph node, with the determination of the specific area of the lymph node compartments [4, 8]. Additionally, cells were counted in the structural and functional zones of the lymph nodes on a standard area of 2025 microns 2 with a 900-fold magnification of the microscope.
The thermogravimetric method is a method that allows you to study the hydration parameters of the lymph node. The chosen method is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of N.F. Farashchuk [10]. The principle of the method is to dry the lymph nodes at a constant temperature with fixation on the analytical scales of changes in the mass of the lymph node. Based on the known characteristics of the volume of the organ and the area of its compartments, the volume of fluid falling on a certain compartment of the lymph node was calculated in accordance with the Cavalieri-Aker-Glagolev principle [8].
Statistical processing of the obtained results is carried out using Excel and StatPlus Pro, AnalystSoft Inc.
Results and discussions
The regulation of fluid exchange within the lymphatic region is determined by the corresponding regional lymph nodes [1, 2]. In the course of the work, the relationship between the hydration parameters and the structural and functional characteristics of the lymph nodes of the tracheobronchial lymphatic region in different age periods was determined.
Tracheobronchial lymph nodes at a young age contain fluid in the range of 10.71 mm3 (in a fraction of 65%), in mass terms, water accounts for about 14.28 mg. The volume of lymph in the sinus system was about 2.55 mm3 (in fractional terms 23.8%), and the volume of intercellular fluid was 2.33 mm3 (in fractional terms
21.7%). The water fractions in the young tracheobronchial lymph node are presented as follows: free water -4.88 mm3, bound water - 5.83 mm3. The hydration coefficient, showing the ratio of free and bound water fractions, in the lymph nodes of young animals is - 1.19. Such an indicator of the hydration coefficient indicates a uniform distribution of water fractions.
The study showed that age-induced dehydration in the tracheobronchial lymph nodes occurs with age. Thus, in the lymph nodes of old animals, there was a decrease in total water by 8.2%. Additionally, a sharp decrease in the volume of intercellular fluid in old animals is recorded, the latter indicator is 0.71 mm3 (in fractional terms, 7.2%). In addition, with age, there is an increase in the hydration coefficient by 2 times, which reflects a decrease in the free fraction of water in the structure of the lymph node due to a decrease in the volume of fluid in the lymphatic sinuses. The loss of the water component is reflected in the dimension of all the structural and functional zones of the lymph node, which is accompanied on the one hand by a decrease in the transit of lymph, and on the other by the proliferation of the connective tissue component.
Tracheobronchial lymph node refers to lymph nodes with a compact morphotype, which reflects the value of the cortical-cerebral ratio (K/M index). In young animals, this indicator is 2.32. At a young age, the anatomical structure of the tracheobronchial lymph node is marked by a high proportion of lymphoid nodules, the interstitial part of the cortex, the paracortical region and cerebral cords. In the cortical substance, lymphoid nodules with a germinative center predominate, indicating high lymphoproliferative activity at a young age. The sinus system of tracheobronchial lymph nodes is not large and is represented by subcapsular and cerebral lymphatic sinuses.
With aging, an even greater compactification of the lymph node is recorded, which leads to an increase in the K/M index, the value of which is 2.86 at the later stages of ontogenesis. This is due to the fact that the proportion of cortical matter increases due to a pronounced decrease in the area of lymphatic sinuses during aging. At the same time, in the cortical substance there is a decrease in the interstitial part of the cortex (1.4 times), lymphoid nodules with a germinal center (2.7 times), paracortical area (1.3 times). Studies have shown an age-related increase in connective tissue, manifested by a 3-fold proliferation of the connective capsule (Table. 2) and the development of connective tissue around the vessels. The noted changes indicate the involution of lymphoid tissue, accompanied by a decrease in the drainage and immune functions of the lymph node.
The cellular composition of young tracheobronchial lymph nodes determines the immunomorphological status in the lymphatic region of the bronchopulmonary system. The tracheobronchial lymph node of young animals is characterized by the presence of many lymphoid cells, among which lymphocytes predominate. The structure of lymphoid nodules is dominated by blasts, medium and small lymphocytes, while there are no plasmocytes and mast cells. The paracortical region is mainly represented by small and medium lymphocytes. Among the cells of the brain strands, lymphocytes and plasmocytes are the most at different stages of differentiation, macrophages and reticular cells are less represented. Cerebral lymphatic sinuses mainly contain small lymphocytes, macrophages, reticular cells and plasmocytes in smaller numbers. A feature of the subcapsular lymphatic sinus is the accumulation of macrophages.
With aging, a change in the cellular profile is observed in the structural and functional zones of tracheobronchial lymph nodes. Thus, the number of lymphoblasts in lymphoid nodules decreases by 2.8 times, medium lymphocytes by 1.5 times and macrophages by 1.9 times, but the number of small lymphocytes has not changed in comparison with young animals. In the paracortical region, the numerical density of small and medium lymphocytes decreased (by 1.3 and 1.7 times, respectively), lymphoblasts (by 1.7 times), plasmocytes (by 2.5 times) and the number of reticular cells increased by 2.1 times. In the cerebral strands, there was a 1.3fold decrease in the number of lymphoblasts (plasmoblasts), 1.2-fold decrease in plasmocytes and a 1.8-fold increase in the number of eosinophilic granulocytes. In the cerebral lymphatic sinus, the number of lymphocytes
decreased 1.2-fold, the remaining cells did not show statistical reliability. Changes in the cellular profile of tracheobronchial compartments the lymph node is associated with the involution of lymphoid tissue. It is natural to reduce the numerical density of blasts, lymphocytes in all structural and functional zones against the background of an increase in reticular cells and the appearance of cells with signs of destruction.
The tracheobronchial lymph node provides an outflow of lymph from the organs of the bronchopulmonary system. The effect of environmental factors determines the peculiarities of hydration and structural and cellular organization of lymph nodes in different periods of life. Young people are characterized by high immune activity, which corresponds to a certain morphotype of the lymph node with a sufficient level of hydration.
With age, the involution of lymphoid tissue is accompanied by the loss of an aqueous component (dehydration) against the background of a decrease in the dimension of compartments with a change in their cellular profile in the lymph node. There is a decrease in the numerical density of blasts, lymphocytes in all structural and functional zones of the lymph node against the background of an increase in reticular cells and the appearance of cells with signs of destruction. All these are morphological manifestations of aging, causing a decrease in the efficiency of the lymph node.
Changes in the structural-cytological and hydration characteristics of the tracheobronchial lymph node can be considered as a kind of markers for the prognosis of aging. List of literature:
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© Николайчук К.М., Быстрова В.И., Бекенева К.А., Веременко А.С., Левченко И.Д., Кузнецова В.А., 2023