Master's student at the Faculty of Economics of the National University of Uzbekistan
The main priority of socio-economic development in Uzbekistan is to continue and deepen reforms, diversify and modernize the country's economy, thereby ensuring high and stable rates of economic development, efficiency and macroeconomic balance.
Ensuring employment is our priority. In Fergana region, some work is being done to provide employment and create new job vacancies. Active involvement of the population, especially young people in labor, achieving high efficiency in production, rapid economic development, play an important role in solving many social problems. Therefore, special attention is paid to the creation of new job vacancies.
The launch of new enterprises ensures the achievement of the main goal in these areas. More than 500 new job places have been created at the recently launched Indorama Kokand Textile JV in Kokand. At present, Fergana Akbarali Tikuv LLC, AAA Club in Rishtan district, and Bulut Textile placed in Kokand have created an average of 100 jobs in each.
Within the framework of the State Program "Year of Small Business and Private Entrepreneurship", the establishment of small enterprises and micro-firms in the region, development of private entrepreneurship and home-based work, comprehensive support of farms, expansion of landscaping and creative work, resumption of enterprises the work being done to further improve the market infrastructure is creating many new jobs.
Table 1.
Distribution of the employed population in Fergana region by type of
economic a< ;tivity (in percen it) (2)
2016 2017 2018 2019
Total 100 100 100 100
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 27.6 27.3 28.0 27.4
Industry 16.8 17.0 17.3 16.9
Construction 7.9 7.9 7.9 8.3
Transportation and storage 5.2 5.2 5.4 5.2
Accommodation and meals 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.3
Information and communication 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2
Financial and insurance activities 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4
Education 8.2 8.1 8.5 8.4
Health and social services 5.1 5.0 5.3 5.4
Art, entertainment and recreation 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Other activities 15.4 15.4 13.4 14.4
On June 6, 2020, during a meeting with activists of Fergana region, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoev set tasks for the socio-economic development of the region. The importance of educating young people was emphasized [3].
Over the past period, 80 vacancy fairs were held in Fergana region, where 7,523 people were provided with employment vouchers, 250 people were involved in vocational training, and 393 people were involved in paid public works.
Modern information technologies are being introduced into the employment system. In particular, at the beginning of last year, the website of the regional department of labor and social protection - www.farbandlik.uz was launched. This site contains information about vacancies in the region. The "Employment Information Center" established in the center of Fergana also pays special attention to employment.
For the regions of the country with a large number of surplus labor resources, including Fergana region, the most effective ways to regulate the labor market are to increase the demand for labor and reduce its supply. These methods reflected in the following:
a) Method of increasing labor demand: The study of ways to stimulate labor demand growth is aimed at ensuring reasonable employment, as well as the development of industries that are effective for the region. The main areas of their application are: encouraging the creation of jobs for the processing, storage and sale of agricultural products and the provision of agricultural services for the development of productive forces and nonstandard forms of employment; increase the volume of direct investments for the expansion and reconstruction of existing jobs and the creation of temporary jobs for people temporarily released from the agricultural sector;
b) Method of reducing labor supply: Reducing labor supply to the regional labor market and encouraging the reduction of labor in this market, as well as redistribution of working time and jobs among engagement in social production can also effectively reduce labor supply.
The net growth rate of labor resources for the whole country and individual regions is calculated as the difference between the natural increase and decrease of these resources. The difference between the number of arrivals and the number of departures determines the migratory growth of labor resources, i.e. the migration balance.
Absolute indicators of the number of labor resources and their growth (all ages, working age, etc.) are compared with absolute indicators of the population. The greatest possible effect on the use of labor resources can be achieved only by ensuring the harmonization of industries development and productive forces development of the country.
The state employment service was established in 1991. The basic principles of this service work are in line with international experience. For example, the Law on Employment provides free assistance to citizens in choosing a suitable job and employment, provides free education to the unemployed, pays a stipend while studying a new profession, and participates in paid public works. Employees and employers who apply to the employment service are provided with information on employment opportunities and employment, the requirements for citizens who want to take up a profession; helps citizens find suitable jobs, and helps employers choose the right employees. The Employment Service guarantees employers support for job retention and creation programs for young people, people with disabilities, single parents and many children.
Table 2
The current state of labor resources in Fergana region can be _seen in the table below. (4)_
Name of regions Economicall y active population Number of occupie d Economicall y inactive population Total labor resourc es Average annual populatio n
Fergana region 1644,8 1492,6 407,3 2052,1 2117,7
Quvasoy 43,4 39,6 8,0 51,1 52,8
Kokand 126,9 115,4 16,6 142,3 146,9
Margilan 111,0 101,2 20,5 131,0 135,1
Fergana 115,3 104,6 42,3 158,7 163,8
Beshariq d. 92,5 84,4 30,4 123,5 127,5
Baghdad d. 89,2 81,2 25,2 114,7 118,3
Buvayda d. 98,0 89,2 24,6 122,5 126,5
Dangara d. 82,7 75,1 12,0 94,0 97,0
Yazyavon d. 48,8 43,7 10,6 59,3 61,2
Quva d. 100,5 91,5 38,8 140,4 144,9
Altiariq d. 94,7 85,7 22,0 116,6 120,3
Qoshtepa d. 79,9 72,3 22,9 103,0 106,3
Rishton d. 87,6 79,3 21,6 109,1 112,6
Sox d. 34,6 31,0 6,7 41,2 42,5
Toshloq d. 84,6 76,7 24,1 108,9 112,4
Uzbekistan d. 100,7 90,9 27,0 127,8 131,9
Uchkuprik d. 95,7 86,4 26,8 122,7 126,6
Fergana d. 104,2 94,8 17,5 121,0 124,9
Furqat d. 54,5 49,6 9,9 64,1 66,2
According to the table, in 2019, the economically active population in Fergana region was 1644.8 thousand people, the number of employed 1492.6 thousand people, the unemployed 9.3%, the economically inactive population 407.3 thousand people, the total labor force 2052.1 thousand people, the average annual population was 2,117.7 thousand.
Human resource management is the task of the region and enterprises to ensure an effective balance between the available labor force and their needs. The main components of the management structure of the human resources system are:
- organization of vocational education;
- development and use of employees of enterprises and organizations;
- implementation of professional careers and psychological support of the population.
In the context of the financial and economic crisis, the factor of assessment of supply and demand in the labor market loses its importance. In recent years, the gap between the value of labor and wages has been widening. The ratios between wage levels in the public, private, and mixed property sectors have been significant. There are also significant regional differences in labor during the transition period. Low wages reduce motivation for productive labor, leading to the exodus of mentally active employers from the region. In the context of modernization of the economy, the creation of new high-paying jobs in the regions is an important condition for sustainable economic development.
The Republic of Uzbekistan has adopted national and regional programs to create new jobs and provide employment. According to him, the sources and mechanisms of financing the state employment policy are clearly defined, and the regions have broad authority in its implementation. In the regional labor market, as in other markets, there is a correlation between supply and demand. Labor market research should analyze not
only aggregate demand and aggregate supply, but also supply and demand in a particular sector of labor market [1].
Population and its demographic indicators (vocational, qualification and education system) in the formation of labor supply in the region; factors such as the ratio of the total population to the economically active population, living standards, the state of the economy and the direction of its development. Hence, the situation in the labor market will depend on the general state of the economy. The regional characteristics of the labor market depend on the level of employment and its composition. The main regional problems in the field of labor and employment will depend on the stratification of the labor market in different regions. The development of the regional labor market depends on the specialization of economic entities, the availability of mineral resources, investment attractiveness, production growth, state support for the region.
The peculiarity of natural, economic and demographic conditions determines the specifics of the economy of each region - the direction of specialization, the sectoral structure of the economy, the level of socioeconomic development.
The territorial organization of the economy is a multi-level system of interaction of elements of the productive forces based on the harmonious functioning of different types of production and labor in the region. Their rational combination in the regions leads to the efficient use of natural, labor and financial resources [7].
The basis of the territorial structure of the economy is the location of production, and it manifests itself as a result of the development and deepening of the regional division of labor.
Thus, the regional labor market is the region's production and social production infrastructure, the unemployed part of the able-bodied population operating in the economy in various sectors of production, and the region's employment with employers, taking into account the interests of both parties.
At the regional level, farming and small business support measures are more effective than nationwide measures.
Employment problems at the regional level are addressed as follows:
• development of the system of vocational training and retraining of the population (primarily, temporarily unemployed);
• improvement of information support (including computerization);
• provision of employment centers with separate buildings and trained personnel;
• increase the effectiveness of unemployment registration, employment and social support;
• support for women, youth and adolescents with disabilities, long-term unemployment and other vulnerable groups in the labor market;
• organization of public and temporary work.
A lot of practical work is being done at the local level on employment, payment of benefits, training. At present, Uzbekistan has a full system of legislation in the field of employment. Among them are the Labor Code, which defines the constitutional right of citizens to work, and the Law on Employment. This law sets out the basic principles of state policy in the field of employment. This includes equal opportunities for the exercise of the right to work and other conditions not related to sex, age, race, nationality, language, social origin, property status and position, religion, beliefs, membership in public associations and business qualities of workers and the results of their work to provide free employment to all citizens, regardless; encouraging and supporting people's labor and business initiatives, to promote the development of productive and creative work skills that provide them with decent working and living conditions; to encourage employers who maintain existing jobs and create new ones for citizens who are in need of social protection and have difficulty finding work and so on.
1. Абул^осимов \П., Ашурова М. Х. Мех,нат ресурслари ва улардан унумли фойдаланиш йуллари // Экономика и финансы (Узбекистан). №11, 2015. Б. 10-16.
2. Муминова Э.А., Курпаяниди К.И., Толибов И. Миллий мех,нат бозорида рекрутинг фирмалари фаолиятининг хусусиятлари // Экономика и финансы (Узбекистан). №5, 2019. Б.26-31.
3. Labor and employment in Uzbekistan. 2016-2019. Statistical collection. -Tashkent, 2020, - B. 148.
4. Speech by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev at the meeting with activists of Fergana region. June 6, 2020. https://president.uz/uz/lists/view/3634
5. Data of the Territorial Department of Economy of Fergana region.
6. Толаметова З.А., Элмонов Б.Э. Инновацион бандликни таъминлаш йуналишлари // Экономика и финансы (Узбекистан). №6, 2019. Б.26-31.
7. И.С.Глебова, С.С.Берман, Р.Р.Садыртдинов, А.А.Воробьев, Ф.Т.Эгамбердиев, А.А.Каюмов, А.Т.Умаров, Н.Г.Муминов, Г.К. Жанназарова, А.Ю.Макушина. Социально-экономическое положение территорий: международный опыт и перспективы развития. Коллективная монография - Казань: «Рокета», 2019. 276 стр.