Shavkat Kodirovich Muxtorov
PhD student of Bukhara State University
This article analyzes the work done on the organization and management of the educational process in higher education institutions and their level of effectiveness. In addition, the necessary recommendations on the use of credit technology in higher education institutions are given.
Keywords: credit, credit technology, workload, curriculum.
The concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 is based on the needs of the social sphere and the economy, improving the quality of education on the basis of ensuring the integration of science, education and industry, competitive personnel. In order to train, effectively organize scientific and innovative activities, develop international cooperation, as well as measures to introduce new principles of management in the system of higher and secondary special education of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 11, 2019 No PP-4391 It is developed on the basis of execution of the resolution
The concept defines the strategic goals, priorities, objectives, medium and long-term stages of development of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan and is the basis for the development of programs and comprehensive measures in this area.
Today, there are 114 higher education institutions in the country, of which 93 are local and 21 are foreign higher education institutions and their branches. In particular, 6 new higher education institutions, 17 branches and 14 branches of foreign higher education institutions have been established in the last 3 years.
Based on the proposals of customers, 329 areas of education and 582 master's specialties were included in the classification of areas and specialties of higher education. In the 2019/2020 academic year, part-time education was introduced in 59 higher education institutions, and evening education was introduced in 10 higher education institutions.
The number of students studying in higher educational institutions of the country amounted to 410 thousand in the bachelor's degree and 13 thousand in the master's degree, which has increased 1.7 times over the past 3 years.
54.8% of students are in the humanities and pedagogy, 25.2% in the production and technical field, 5.2% in the social sphere, economics and law, 5.9% in agriculture and water management, 4.4% in health and social sciences. 4.5% of them study in the field of education and specialties in the field of service education. 40.8% of master's
students are in the humanities and pedagogy, 23.3% in production and technology, 13.3% in the social sphere, economics and law, 5.9% in agriculture and water management, 13.5% in health and social security, 3.2% in the field of education in the field of service education.
Admission parameters for the 2019/2020 academic year amounted to 121 thousand and increased by 18% compared to the previous year and by 92% compared to 2016. Starting from the 2018/2019 academic year, 16 higher education institutions of the country have started training on the basis of joint educational programs in cooperation with foreign higher education institutions.
The Center for the Development of Nanotechnology, the Research Institute of Semiconductor Physics and Microelectronics, the Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry, the Research and Practice Center for Intelligent Software Systems have been established at the National University of Uzbekistan. Today, the number of academic councils awarding academic degrees in higher education institutions is 84 (48 in 2017). As a result of the defense of doctoral dissertations by 1,693 professors and teachers in the last 3 years, the number of teachers with academic degrees in higher education institutions has reached 9,636 (including 2,130 doctors of sciences (DSc), 7,506 candidates of sciences) PhD) and the scientific potential of higher education institutions of the country increased by 5.1%.
Over the past 3 years, 1,611 professors and teachers of higher education institutions have been provided with internships and advanced training in foreign higher education institutions. Within the framework of international cooperation, 112 young people were admitted to master's and 51 doctoral programs at foreign universities and research institutions.
The "El-yurt umidi" Foundation provided internships for 46 professors and teachers in Canada, the United Kingdom and Italy.
In 2017-2019, 1,154 highly qualified foreign teachers and scientists were involved in the educational process (94 from the United States, 445 from Europe, 299 from Asia, 316 from the CIS).
Compared to 2016, the basic salaries of professors with the degree of Doctor of Science in higher education institutions increased by 3.2 times. In the 2013-2014 academic year, Bukhara State University, with the permission of the Ministry, organized the educational process using a credit system of education as an experiment in one area of education (Vocational Education (Chemical Technology)). The Interim Regulations on the use of credit technology without violating the requirements of regulatory documents and methodological guidelines for its implementation were developed and put into practice.
An early version of credit technology Uzbekistan Page 516
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Name of educational activity Load calculated in weeks, hours Volume of study load, hours Credit
Theoretical education 128 6912 192
Qualifying practice 22 1188 33
Certifications 18 972 27
Graduation thesis 6 324 9
Vacation 30 0 0
Total (excluding holidays) 174 9396 261
Before the results of the experiment were completed, for reasons unknown to us, all work in this area was completed. The transfer of students to the credit technology system of education at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies in the country means that in the near future all universities will need to move to a world-recognized system.
Based on the experience of other institutes at Bukhara State University, we have a smooth transition to credit technology for the field of study "Economics" (sectors and industries) (most of the areas of study are also suitable), based on the current SST and curriculum. developed an initial variant of the tooth.
This means that a student must earn 261 credits to earn a bachelor's degree, which can be rounded up to 260 credits, and the 36 hours per credit can be reduced from an additional block of subjects.
In most European universities, 60 credits (test units) are accepted for one academic year. In our case, they are distributed as follows:
I course 42 weeks X 1.5 credits = 63 credits. II course 46 weeks X 1.5 credits = 69 credits. III course 46 weeks X 1.5 credits = 69 credits. IV course 40 weeks X 1.5 credits = 60 credits. A total of 261 credits
A working curriculum for the 1st and 2nd semesters and the distribution of credits by subject have been developed for the chosen field of study. The current curriculum was used as a basis and the annual credit was 63 test units. In developing the system of assessment of students' knowledge, the assessment criteria of European universities were used. The order of credit (test-unit) on activity of students during the semester is developed.
The annual workload of students in a number of European countries is 14001680 hours, the academic year is 34-40 weeks, the annual workload is 60 units. Four-year bachelors are required to collect a maximum of 240 credits in 5600-6720 hours.
In the initial stages of the transition to the credit system of education, the possibility of a smooth transition without a complete abandonment of the previous system was discussed above. We recommend that you do the following:
1. Increasing the total number of undergraduate subjects to 40-42;
2. Adaptation of the credit (test unit) for each academic year to the European credit system (60X4 = 240 credits).
3. The state educational standards set the minimum standard duration of the year at 40 weeks, in which the student's weekly classroom workload is 30 hours, and the average total study time is 45 hours. It can be seen that the total annual workload is 1,800 hours, and the workload of the four-year bachelor's program is 7,200 hours. In this case, the workload of 30 academic hours corresponds to 1 credit (test unit) (1800: 30 = 60 credits X4 years = 240 credits), it meets the requirements of ECTS.
1. Development of STS and standard curricula on the basis of the credit system of education.
2. Develop standard curricula for all disciplines based on academic hours and test units.
3. Development of the Regulation on the accumulation of student credit (test unit).
4. Develop a procedure for students to collect credits (test units) in the relevant subject during the semester.
5. Preparation of other normative documents based on the experience of European universities.
It is important to study the experience of countries that have a high position in international rankings, participating in international research, PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS and TALIS programs to assess the quality of education in Uzbekistan, where education is being radically renewed.
It is important to study the experience of countries that have a high position in international rankings, participating in international research, PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS and TALIS programs to assess the quality of education in Uzbekistan, where education is being radically renewed. The Russian Federation has its own experience in this area. It was established to create a national assessment system based on the experience of Russia and to improve the skills of specialists in the scientific and methodological basis of the system of quality assessment of education at the national and regional levels. It was used to study the international experience in assessing the quality of education, to conduct regional monitoring research and its results in improving the quality of education [1-30].
Since 2018, the Education Inspectorate has been working closely with Russian experts under the READ project, which organizes seminars and trainings with representatives of the public education system under an agreement signed with the
Institute for Strategy for the Development of Education in Russia. The main purpose of today's webinar is to study the experience of Russia in creating a national assessment system, the specifics of assessing the quality of education at the national and regional levels, the tools for independent assessment of the results achieved in educational institutions.
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