Научная статья на тему 'Current State and prospects of innovative cooperation among the countries members of the EEU'

Current State and prospects of innovative cooperation among the countries members of the EEU Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kuzmina Tatyana Ivanovna

The author presents a comparative analysis of the existing potentials of innovative development of the EEU participating countries. The results of the analysis made it possible to identify the existing divergence of the created innovation stocks from country to country, as well as to show the gaps in the functioning of the national innovation systems (NIS) of the countries participating in the integration association, show different level of development of NIS. The main internal and external problems of integration of national innovation systems of states are identified and possible ways to address them are suggested. The tools for enhancing innovative integration in the EEU, developed by the Eurasian Economic Commission, are considered. To identify the effectiveness of the instruments proposed by the EEC, the positions of the EEU member countries in the world innovation process were examined based on global innovation index (GII). Prospective directions of development of the innovation policy of the EEU members are proposed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Current State and prospects of innovative cooperation among the countries members of the EEU»

экономические науки

Кузьмина Татьяна Ивановна СОВРЕМЕННОЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ ...

УДК 330.146


© 2017

Кузьмина Татьяна Ивановна, доктор экономических наук, профессор кафедры мировой экономики Российский экономический университет им. Плеханова (117997, Россия, Москва, Стремянный пер., 36, e-mail: [email protected])

Аннотация. Автором представлен сравнительный анализ существующих потенциалов инновационного развития стран-членов ЕАЭС. Результаты анализа позволили выявить существующую страновую неравномерность в созданных инновационных заделах, а также показать недостатки в функционировании национальных инновационных систем (НИС) стран интеграционного объединения, показать различный уровень развития НИС. Выявлены основные внутренние и внешние проблемы интеграции национальных инновационных систем государств, предложены возможные пути их решения. Рассмотрены инструменты повышения инновационной интеграции в ЕАЭС, разработанные Евразийской экономической комиссии. Для выявления эффективности предложенных ЕЭК инструментов, исследованы места стран-членов ЕАЭС в мировой инновационном процессе на основе индекса глобального инновационного развития (GII) . Предложены перспективные направления развития инновационной политики стран-членов ЕАЭС.

Ключевые слова: инновационный потенциал, инновационное развитие, национальные инновационные системы, рейтинг глобального инновационного развития, инновационная политика.


© 2017

Kuzmina Tatyana Ivanovna, doctor of economics, professor, department of world economy Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (117997, Russia, Moscow, Stremyanny lane 36, e-mail: [email protected])

Abstract. The author presents a comparative analysis of the existing potentials of innovative development of the EEU participating countries. The results of the analysis made it possible to identify the existing divergence of the created innovation stocks from country to country, as well as to show the gaps in the functioning of the national innovation systems (NIS) of the countries participating in the integration association, show different level of development of NIS. The main internal and external problems of integration of national innovation systems of states are identified and possible ways to address them are suggested. The tools for enhancing innovative integration in the EEU, developed by the Eurasian Economic Commission, are considered. To identify the effectiveness of the instruments proposed by the EEC, the positions of the EEU member countries in the world innovation process were examined based on global innovation index (GII). Prospective directions of development of the innovation policy of the EEU members are proposed.

Keywords: innovative potential, innovative development, national innovation systems, global innovative ranking, innovation policy.

Current world economic system determines that the level of the country's socio-economic development depends directly on its ability to generate innovations and to transfer them into new unique technologies that form long-term competitive advantages in the global market. Therefore, innovation-based development is also a priority for enhancing the competitiveness of national economies in the globalized world economy. Regional associations serve not only to "dynamize the development of the united countries, but also to reduce the difficulties of socio-economic development of their members due to the enlargement of the regional scale of production" [1].

Each of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union has a certain potential for innovative economic development and an established national innovation system (NIS), [2] analysis of its performance is presented in Table 1.

The data presented in indicates that Russia is the first country in terms of the domestic financing of research and development (R&D), followed by the Republic of Belarus and Armenia. In Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, the level of funding for scientific development is approximately the same. A large share of the R&D cost structure is dedicated to investing in scientific development. Such distribution of funds is typical for all EEU countries, except for Kazakhstan, where the biggest share of R&D costs are dedicated to financing applied research.

The existing structure of internal costs for research and development by sectors of the economy of the EEU does not correspond to global trends. The world trend is concentration of the major expenditure on research in the business sector and the higher education sector. In the EEU, the cost structure is shifted to the entrepreneurial and public sectors. The amount of R&D expenditures in the higher education sector is very small (the only exception is Kazakhstan). The parameter characterizing the level of integration both outside and within the integration association is the share of

publications in co-authorship with foreign scientists.

Table 1 - Indicators of innovative activity of the countries-members of the Eurasian Economic Union [2]

EEU participating countries

Parameters, 2014 S 1 S ■g 1 g w 1 S ta l

11. Internal expenditure on R&D, million USD 40683,5 1125,4 691 54,8

|2. Internal expenditure on R&D, %to GDP 1,19 0,67 0,17 0,24 0,16

3. Internal expenditure on R&D structure depending on the branch of science, %: State Business Higher education Non-profit organizations 30.5 59.6 9,S 23,8 65,3 10,8 29,7 29,4 30,7 10,2 88,6 11,4 62 23,3 14,6

4. Expenditure on R&D depending on type ofresearch, % Fundament aire search Applied research Development 16.4 19.5 64,1 14,2 26,1 59,7 29,5 54,1 16,4 27,4 8Д 64,4 19,6 9,6 70,9

5. The share of publications in co-authorship with foreign scientists in the total numberofcountrvpublicationsin journals indexed in Scopus, % 27,28 59,59 37,8 59,26 73,81

6. The share o f publications in co-authorship with Russian scientists in journals indexedin Scopus, % " 30,24 11,61 29,65 Н.Д

7. The number of staff engagedin research and development, per 10,000 employed in the economy 122 6S 20 41 14

S. The share of innovative goods, works, services in the total volume of shipped goods, works performed, services, % 8,7 17,8 - 2,4 -

9.The share oforganizahonsthatcaniedouttechnological innovations in the total number of organizations 8,8 21,7 4,8 - S,4

10. The share of exports in the total volume of shipped innovative goods, performed works, services 28,2 60,1 30,8

The existing structure of internal costs for research and development by sectors of the economy of the EEU does not correspond to global trends. The world trend is concentration of the major expenditure on research in the business sector and the higher education sector. In the EEU, the cost structure is shifted to the entrepreneurial and public sectors. The amount of R&D expenditures in the higher education sector is very small (the only exception is Kazakhstan). The parameter characterizing the level of integration both outside and within the integration association is the share of publications in co-authorship with foreign scientists.

According to this index, Kyrgyzstan leads, followed by the Republic of Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and the


Азимут научных исследований: экономика и управление. 2017. Т. 6. № 4(21)

Kuzmina Tatyana Ivanovna economic


Russian Federation. Within the EEU, the highest degree of scientific cooperation with the Russian Federation enjoys the Republic of Belarus, Armenia and Kazakhstan. As to the staffing of the national innovation system, the list is headed by the Russian Federation, followed by the Republic of Belarus and Armenia. It should be noted that the Republic of Belarus is the leader in terms of the main indicators of innovative development (see Chart 1, indicators 8, 9, 10), outpacing approximately 2 times all the EEU members.

The performed analysis made it possible to identify the problems of integrating of the national innovation systems of the EEU member countries, which can be conventionally combined into two groups:

1) internal problems of the countries: insufficient coordination between the main components of the NIS - the research and development sector, the business sector and the higher education sector. As a consequence - weakly developed system for the commercialization of scientific and technological developments, with a low level of market performance of the scientific research,

2) external problems of the countries: a weak cooperation among the NISs of the EEU members - the absence of a single supranational document that would determine the strategy of innovative development of the EEU.

The problems of the first group can be solved by improving the relations among the main components of NISs of the countries and creating an environment conducive to the development of innovative entrepreneurship and venture business.

To improve the effectiveness of the interaction of the EEU members in the scientific and technical activities of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), a number of tools have been developed.

First of all, the Eurasian technology transfer network, integrated to the international structure that allows searching for technology developers and enterprises interested in them1.

Secondly, the Eurasian network of industrial cooperation and subcooperation is an information system for the search and implementation of industrial orders.

Thirdly, tools for participation in UNIDO projects and programs aimed at sharing UNIDO experience and standards with the industry of the EEU countries.

It is envisaged to create interstate programs and projects to coordinate scientific and financial efforts in the innovation sphere as a tool to expand the international cooperation of the members of the integration association.

The Eurasian innovative industrial clusters - the formation of consortiums between producers of innovative products that can support the sale and export of products - can become a significant direction of the innovative development of the EEU countries.

In order to expand the innovative cooperation of the EEC, it is envisaged to create special economic zones, technology parks, business incubators that allow interaction between the objects of the innovative and industrial structure of the EEU members.

Thus, within the Eurasian Economic Committee, programs for stimulating the processes of forming a new technological base are being gradually developed on the basis of coordination of the scientific and technical activities of the EEU members, overcoming in parallel the following: at present - the factors of influence, and then - the consequences of the global economic crisis.

Nevertheless, at the moment there is a significant lag in the innovative development of the EEU countries from developed countries, which clearly demonstrates the positions of states in the Global Innovation Index (GII)

1 According to the head of the Kazakhstan government Bakytzhan Sagintayev, 12 Eurasian platforms have already been formed, on which more than 130,000 joint operational projects are being discussed in such areas as space, medicine, information and communication technologies, ecology, the future of natural resources, and agriculture. Internet resource. URL: https://digital.report/v-ramkah-eaes-obsuzhdaetsya-bolee-130-tyis-proektov-po-12-napravleniyam-v-tom-chisle-ikt/


rating (Table 2).

GII is calculated on the basis of analysis of 71 indicators (subindeces), which characterize in detail all factors of innovative development of countries. The study is based on the assumption that the efficiency and competitiveness of the economy is linked, both with the presence of innovative potential and conditions for its application. Therefore, all indicators are grouped into 2 groups: "Innovation Input", "Innovation Output".

Thus, GII reflects the correlation between the result and expenses, which allows assessing with reasonable accuracy the efficiency of the efforts of this or that country in the sphere of innovation development.

Table 2 - The dynamics of the positions of the EEU members in the rating of the Global Competitiveness Index (GII)

Country GII-2017 GII-2016 GII-2015

Armenia 59 60 61

Belarus 88 79 53

Kazakhstan 78 75 82

Kyrgyzstan 95 103 109

Russia 45 43 48

EEU 73 72 70

Is compiled using materials: http://www.wipo.int/ pressroom/ru/articles/2017/article_0006.html

The data of Table 2 shows that in 2017 the following countries increased their positions in the ranking: Armenia (from 60 to 59) and Kyrgyzstan (103 by 95). The rest of the countries worsened their positions: Russia (from 43 to 45), Kazakhstan (75 to 78) and Belarus (79 to 88th place). In general, position of the EEU, falls from 72 to 73 places.

The strengths of the EEU countries are recognized: the quality of human capital, business development, knowledge and infrastructure development [4]. On the other hand, Imperfect institutions, low indicators of domestic market development and weak commercialization of the results of intellectual activity impede the development of innovative activity in the member states of the EEU.

Therefore, despite the presence of such competitive advantages of the EEU countries, as a relatively low level of public debt and budget deficit, a significant volume of the domestic market, a relatively high innovative potential and high-quality higher education, "existing problems in other areas predetermine not leading positions of the EEU countries in world economic ratings "[5].


1. Zubenko V.V., Zubenko V.A. Ekonomika Rossii: ugrozy i perspektivy. /Problemy mirovoy ekonomiki i mezh-dunarodnykh otnosheniy na sovremennom etape Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. - Moskva, - 2013. - p. 21

2. Ivanitskaya A.Ye. Nazvanova K.V. Formirovaniye integrirovannoy innovatsionnoy sistemy Yevraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza: problemy i perspektivy. URL: https://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=41185 (reference date: 09.11.2017).

3. Kuz'mina T.I., Mandrik N.V. Natsional'naya in-novatsionnaya sistema: sovremennoye sostoyaniye, problemy i perspektivy razvitiya./ Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii v uchebnom protsesse i proizvodstve. Mat. nauch.-prak. konf. GUU, 2017. - p.24-27.

4. Doklad WIPO «Global'nyy innovatsionnyy in-deks» 2017. URL: http://www.wipo.int/pressroom/ru/ar-ticles/2017/article_0006.html

5. Gavrilyuk A.V. Tendentsii i perspektivy integratsion-nykh protsessov v stranakh Yevropeyskogo ekonomichesk-ogo soyuza (YEAES). URL: http://eurasiaforum.ru/sites/ default/files/docs/sbornik_ugrozy_i_vyzovy_evraziyskoy_ integracii.pdf

Статья поступила в редакцию 02.11.2017

Статья принята к публикации 24.12.2017

Azimuth of Scientific Research: Economics and Administration. 2017. Т. 6. № 4(21)

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