A.R. Lutfullin, Student
Supervisor: R.R. Khazieva, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Ufa University of Science and Technology (Russia, Ufa)
Abstract. In this article, the author examines the issues of countering such a phenomenon as cybercrime, which is becoming more relevant, depending on the development of information resources in the world and in our state, in particular. According to the document approved by the President of the Russian Federation in 2008, all public services were supposed to be converted to electronic form in 2015. The purpose of the work is to analyze Russian legislation, analytical studies of the dynamics of cybercrime development and prospects for improving the counteraction to cybercrime in the Russian Federation at the present stage.
Keywords: cybercrime, information society, cybercrime, IT technologies, information resources, information security.
Information has always been one of the most important resources that affect every area of life in society. Communication, which is reproduced using the Internet and cellular communications, is by far the fastest and most convenient communication among all people in the world. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that in addition to all the advantages that the development of information resources provides, this fact contributes to a considerable number of disadvantages, as a consequence of the development of information technologies. Today, one of the main problems of modern man, as a user of the global network, is the preservation of information security. Every day, intruders interfere with personal data, and accordingly, a very specific problem with the storage of personal data is organized.
Today, the number of people who store their personal data in electronic storage systems is growing rapidly [1]. And if earlier this type of resources was used mainly for storing official information, now most ordinary users use these services to store their personal files. It is obvious that the process of digital technology growth is aimed at improving human labor results, but at the same time, favorable conditions are being created here for the commission of crimes in the field of information technology and resources. Separately, it is worth noting how different resources law
enforcement agencies have, unlike cybercrim-inals. Violators of order in this area, in comparison with law enforcement officers, gain skills in using all modern resources much faster, while using the newest devices to commit regular cybercrimes
The issue of cybercrime is currently one of the most urgent not only in modern Russia, but also has a greater international significance [2]. Thus, 4.5 billion people worldwide are Internet users, and about 5 billion people are users of mobile telecommunications networks, which is more than half of the world's total population.
According to the Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation of 2016, crime in the field of information resources has the greatest response in the field of finance. The World Economic Forum also highlighted information security as one of the main economic problems. If we turn to the analytical data for the period from January to September 2020, which were presented by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation V.A. Kolokoltsev, we will be able to find that the number of crimes that were committed with the help of IT technologies has increased by 77%, and the proportion of which is slightly less than a quarter of all registered crimes in general [3]. These data suggested an idea according to which it can be concluded that it is necessary to act. There is a need to intro-
duce new methods of struggle. Based on these data, as a solution to the problem, in December 2020, V.A. Kolokoltsev stated that it was decided to create a cyber police. This innovation will take a lot of time. It is necessary to change the qualifications of many employees, which also requires a budget. Experts say that to ensure the security of information storage, spending will increase by 8 times.
The very essence of such a phenomenon as cybercrime is explained by the presence of specific problems that arise during the investigation of crimes of this type [4]. Here are a few of them:
1. A high level of latency of criminal attacks on the information security of users of digital services.
2. The absence, as such, of a geographical framework during the commission of cyber-attacks and cybercrimes.
3. The impossibility of interference by state forces. The problem of investigating such cybercrimes.
The first problem arises, as a rule, in the case when the victim does not voluntarily inform law enforcement agencies of the fact of the commission of a crime. This problem occurs for various reasons. The damage caused to the victim may be insignificant. Or there is a situation when an attempt was made, but the desired result did not work out, respectively, the crime was not over. Due to the fact that there are no so-called monitoring centers for detecting cyber-attacks, we cannot assess the current situation at a particular moment, and statistical data that allow us to track crimes in this area have not an accurate, but a probable status. But anyway, based on the results of the analysis of the criminogenic situation, the level of latent crimes in this area reaches 8597% [10].
To solve this problem, in many ways, will allow, oddly enough, the great interest of citizens in the detection of crimes of this nature. Indeed, today this type of crime and criminals, respectively, causes intolerance among the population, not interest [5]. Data on an encroachment of this nature should be transferred to law enforcement agencies or employees of a banking organization, but in most cases, they remain unnoticed by the latter. This fact is very deplorable, because on
the basis of this information, law enforcement agencies form information databases that will be used in the investigation of further cybercrimes as evidence bases.
The second problem will be the large coverage of the territories where crimes of this nature are committed. As already mentioned, there is no definite framework here, because crimes are committed at levels from local to international. As a confirmation of this point of view, there is the possibility of encroachment on personal data from several places at the same time. At the same time, the fact how far the crime scenes are from each other does not affect the result of the assault.
In 2020, Symantec presented a report with information that 556 million users of the digital network were victims of attacks by cyber criminals. Based on the above, by mathematical calculations, it can be concluded that on average in 2020, 18 cybercrimes were committed every second. Experts assessed the total damage caused as a result of these crimes. The damage amounted to $110 billion. It was also revealed that residents of the Russian Federation are most often attacked.
The topic of preventing cyber-attacks and maintaining information security is important for most countries of the world, and the generation of successful measures to implement these issues is one of the main issues in the field of international cooperation. Since 2018, an annual event has been held in Moscow [7]. It is called the International Cybersecurity Congress (ICC) and is held at the World Trade Center. Speakers from a large number of countries, including representatives of government agencies and international organizations, speak at this congress; leading experts in the field of information security and economic digital space. In 2019, Dmitry Medvedev announced the tasks aimed at countering this type of threat:
- strengthening the legislative framework and developing measures to combat cyber-attacks;
- setting standards for the protection of digital industries;
- stimulating the creation of domestic software;
- development of common global security standards, as cybercrime has no borders.
The fact that representatives of the World Economic Forum, as well as representatives of Interpol and Europol are taking part in the congress tells us that these issues are being considered at the international level. It is worth paying attention to the fact that there are positive aspects in working on solving this problem. At the initiative of the United Nations, it was possible to create a working group on international information security, which already includes about 100 countries [8]. But unfortunately, due to the conditions of the coronavirus and the epidemic that appeared in 2020, this forum was not held. Anyway, the relevance of this issue is only growing every year, and in connection with this fact, it becomes possible to hold such events in the webinar format [6]. Moreover, enhanced protection will already be used here and stricter security measures will be applied, in the form of double verification and the use of biometric data of speakers.
Also, I would like to draw attention to the fact that the problem in the field of training law enforcement officers is also relevant. The essence of the problem is revealed in the simple lack of specialized knowledge among employees in the field of computer technology [9]. But the point here is not only to provide personnel and technical materials. There are also questions about the regulatory framework.
I would like to put forward a number of proposals aimed at solving the issues voiced earlier:
1) To organize training of specialists with skills and knowledge in the field of IT technologies in educational institutions. Also provide an opportunity for current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to improve their professional skills in this area.
2) Increase the level of tracking and monitoring of computer security crimes, as well as assign a compromise indicator to potential criminals.
3) To increase the technical components for the units that are created to investigate crimes in the cyber environment, which in due time will make it possible to respond to potential crimes and find their source.
4) To issue methodological recommendations and relevant literature, which will be compiled through the analysis of judicial and investigative practice. These sources will make it possible to solve crimes in this area faster and more efficiently.
5) Involve the media in order to increase the level of literacy in the field of information security. And also to inform about the relevance of the threat of cybercrime and ways to protect against these crimes.
6) Inviting existing highly qualified specialists in this field to share their experience, which will help to explore the field of cybercrime and solve crimes.
Summing up all the above, we can conclude that cybercrime is one of the main problems of the modern world. Therefore, the maximum number of modern states are interested in improving the effectiveness of the fight against cybercriminals. To achieve this, it is important to formulate international norms and rules for countering criminals in the field of information security, as well as to define the general terminology of crimes in this area. It is also necessary to increase the level of participation of other states in law-making, with regard to information security and countering criminals in this area.
It is also important to increase the level of training in the field of specialization and criminology in order to improve the efficiency of government agencies with regard to the investigation and disclosure of cybercrimes. It is also worth reviewing and, if possible, improving the technical capabilities of those departments that specialize in this type of disclosure. Taking these measures will help in the future to monitor cybercrimes in a timely manner, prevent them and disclose them.
In addition, at the national level, in order to organize the effective work of law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to qualitatively increase the level of specialized, including forensic, training. It is necessary to improve the technical capabilities of departments specializing in the investigation of cybercrimes in a timely manner, which in the future will significantly affect the formation of conditions conducive to reducing the number of cybercrimes and their prevention.
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6. Khazieva, R.R. The problem of merging justice and law in the social and legal views of B.N. Cardozo / R.R. Khazieva, R.V. Sattarova // Eurasian Legal Journal. - 2023. - № 11(186). -P. 550-551. - DOI 10.46320/2073-4506-2023-11-186-550-551.
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8. Sergeeva Yu. All Internet statistics for 2020 - figures and trends in the world and in Russia. - [Electronic resource]. - URL: (accessed 20.02.2021).
9. The matter is in the cipher: spending on information security in Russia will increase eight times. - [Electronic resource]. - URL: (date of application 11.02.2021).
10. Threatening statistics on the growth of cybercrime in the world. - [Electronic resource]. -URL: (accessed 26.02.2021).
А.Р. Лутфуллин, студент
Научный руководитель: Р.Р. Хазиева, канд. филол. наук, доцент Уфимский университет науки и технологий (Россия, г. Уфа)
Аннотация. В данной статье автор рассматривает вопросы противодействия такому явлению, как киберпреступность, которая становится актуальной в большей степени, в зависимости от развития информационных ресурсов в мире и в нашем государстве, в частности. Согласно документу, утвержденному Президентом Российской Федерации в 2008 г., все государственные услуги должны были перевести в электронный вид еще в 2015 г. Целью работы является анализ российского законодательства, аналитические исследования динамики развития киберпреступности и перспектив совершенствования противодействия киберпреступности в Российской Федерации на современном этапе.
Ключевые слова: киберпреступление, информационное общество, киберпреступность, IT-технологии, информационные ресурсы, информационная безопасность.