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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kramarenko Olga Leonidovna, Bogdanova Oksana Yurievna

The study aims at determining cultural lexicography issues in modern dictionary science. The article considers a new approach to the creation of dictionaries, which is focused on the increasingly relevant relationship between language and culture. This approach assumes taking into account a set of parameters that are relevant for describing culturally marked lexical units in bilingual educational dictionaries. The research scientific novelty lies in revealing the effective ways to improve existing educational dictionaries, which will increase the language competence of readers and expand the educational value of lexicographic reference books. The attained results have identified the basic problems of culturally loaded lexical units and the characteristics of modern linguistic and cultural reference books.

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фгрО(ТЮТО Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики Philology. Theory & Practice

2021. Том 14. Выпуск 4. С. 1223-1228 | 2021. Volume 14. Issue 4. P. 1223-1228

ISSN 1997-2911 (print) Материалы журнала доступны на сайте (articles and issues available at): philology-journal.ru


Культурологическое направление современной учебной лексикографии (на материале двуязычных учебных словарей английского языка)

Крамаренко О. Л., Богданова О. Ю.

Аннотация. Цель исследования - определить основные проблемы культурологической лексикографии в современной словарной науке. В статье рассматривается новый подход к созданию словарей, который ориентирован на все более актуальную взаимосвязь между языком и культурой. Данный подход предполагает учёт совокупности параметров, релевантных для описания культурно-маркированных лексических единиц в двуязычных учебных словарях. Научная новизна работы заключается в выявлении эффективных путей совершенствования существующих учебных словарей с целью повышения языковой компетенции читателей, а также образовательной ценности лексикографических справочников. В результате исследования были выделены основные проблемы отражения в лингвистическом словаре лексических единиц, несущих культурную нагрузку, и характеристики современных лингвострановедческих справочников.


Culturological Direction of Modern Educational Lexicography (Based on English Bilingual Educational Dictionaries)

Kramarenko O. L., Bogdanova O. Y.

Abstract. The study aims at determining cultural lexicography issues in modern dictionary science. The article considers a new approach to the creation of dictionaries, which is focused on the increasingly relevant relationship between language and culture. This approach assumes taking into account a set of parameters that are relevant for describing culturally marked lexical units in bilingual educational dictionaries. The research scientific novelty lies in revealing the effective ways to improve existing educational dictionaries, which will increase the language competence of readers and expand the educational value of lexicographic reference books. The attained results have identified the basic problems of culturally loaded lexical units and the characteristics of modern linguistic and cultural reference books.


Nowadays, the dictionary is becoming a source of complex information about the world in general and language and word in particular [17]. The problem of common language and sociocultural codes among the communication process participants is becoming the leading one in intercultural communication. Due to existing problems, the dictionary has not reached the level of a universal means of reflecting language and culture yet, but according to the opinion of different researchers, it has significant reserves in this direction. The relevance of the presented article is determined by the tendency towards convergence of linguistic and encyclopedic dictionaries, which is most clearly reflected in the genre of the linguistic and cultural dictionary.

According to the main objective of the article, the authors have set up the following tasks:

- to consider the formation of a culturological direction in lexicography;

- to reveal the basic problems of culturally loaded lexical units reflection in the linguistic dictionary;

- to single out the characteristics of modern linguistic and cultural reference books.

The practical value of the work is due to the possibility of using the research results in higher educational institutions courses in lexicology, lexicography, cultural studies, theory and practice of intercultural communication, as well as in the compilation of educational dictionaries of various types. For this reason, the authors of this article consider it important and necessary to present the research materials in English based on the translation of some theoretical statements taken from the thesis by O. L. Petrushova [12] including some additions.

To solve the set tasks, the article uses the following research methods: the method of comparative analysis, the method of linguistic description, the method of lexicographic analysis by L. P. Stupin [16] and O. M. Karpova [8],

Научная статья (original research article) | https://doi.org/10.30853/phil210190

© 2021 Авторы. ООО Издательство «Грамота» (© 2021 The Authors. GRAMOTA Publishers). Открытый доступ предоставляется на условиях лицензии CC BY 4.0 (open access article under the CC BY 4.0 license): https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

theoretical provisions of dictionaries parametric analysis by Yu. N. Karaulov [7]. The study material is the cul-turological aspects of educational lexicography. The theoretical background of this work is the modern theory of intercultural communication, linguistic and cultural theory of the word, theoretical provisions of lexicographic representation and type by Yu. D. Apresyan [1], as well as a number of ideas for the lexicographic representation of culturally marked lexical units by M. S. Kolesnikova [10] and O. M. Karpova [8].

Formation of a culturological direction in lexicography

The beginning of the culturological direction in the English-language educational lexicography was laid by the compilers of the first glossaries, since the genre assumed the selection of elements from various types of culturally significant texts, although their authors did not attempt to assess the culturological component of the English language [8, c. 95]. The culturological direction remained the leading one throughout the history of vocabulary science.

In the XVI-XVIII centuries, due to the increased interest in the history of the British national culture, new types of dictionaries appeared, in particular "A Dictionary of the English Language" by S. Johnson [18]. This reference book included quotations from the works of English writers such as J. Chaucer, W. Shakespeare, J. Milton and others, which was explained by the theory of literary authority put forward by the author, according to which quotations from the works of famous authors served as an illustration of the words' meanings. O. M. Karpova notes that the importance of this dictionary for the development of English lexicography is especially great, since England of that period did not have its own Academy of Sciences, unlike, for example, France or Italy, in which dictionaries of national languages were created within the framework of this scientific institute [9].

Since the beginning of the XIX century, etymological, historical dictionaries, as well as reference books of Old English and Anglo-Saxon poetry, have been published in Great Britain, the very fact of their appearance testifying to the public interest in the history of the English language and culture of Great Britain [11].

The formation of a culturological direction in lexicography began with the development of cultural studies as a sphere of language pedagogy, the area of which is the semantic aspects of subjective and objective culture, sociocultural portraits of countries, norms of behavior, cultural identity and mentality of the studied peoples. The purpose of the cul-turological direction in lexicography is to describe these areas of knowledge in dictionary form for the purpose of teaching foreign languages [9].

Currently, the problems of cultural studies in lexicography are still relevant because there is a tendency of researchers to lexicographic presentation of accumulated linguistic and cultural knowledge and consolidation of results in the form of directories intended to be assistants in studying the culture of the target language country [8, c. 27]. Today a new approach to the creation of dictionaries is being formed, which is focused on the increasingly relevant relationship between language and culture.

The dictionary in this case acts as one of the country-specific information record systems. O. M. Karpova concludes that in the framework of modern lexicography, dictionaries that combine the characteristics of different types of reference editions have already been developed and published, since modern lexicography is focused on a new generation of users demanding information about the world in all its diversity. At the same time, many dictionaries, acquiring an educational orientation, turn into textbooks on linguistic and regional studies to some extent [Ibidem, c. 28]. A similar thought is expressed by L. A. Devel in relation to bilingual lexicographic works: a modern bilingual dictionary is the main textbook of a foreign language and a cultural encyclopedia in the broadest sense of the word [5].

The regional cultural component of the word, which makes it a reality and the focus of peoples' knowledge about the surrounding reality, can be changed in different periods of history under the influence of such extralinguistic factors as legal and social attitudes, customs and others. At the same time, the internal form of the word also changes, an essential part of which is the regional cultural component as a reflection of extralinguistic factors in the language and thinking. At the same time, the development of both material and spiritual culture is reflected in the language and the word [2, c. 6; 3, c. 20-21; 11, c. 183].

According to O. M. Karpova, the question of cultural information corpus saturation is relevant for many dictionary types, which is associated with reflection in lexicographic form of opposition, on the one hand, of more or less formal models consistently designed exclusively for acquisition of knowledge, and, on the other hand, of social concepts, always complex, mostly intuitive and based on the system of socio-cultural values. Cultural data may be in the form of additions to interpretation of capital units in dictionaries for special purposes: phraseological, etymological, onomastic reference books, dictionaries of quotes, idioms, new words and others. When compiling dictionaries for general purposes, the cultural component is inseparable from the principles of inventorying the vocabulary of common-literary language, which includes socially and culturally significant elements. The consolidated traditions of describing the specific realities of culture led to the emergence of the linguistic and culture dictionary genre [8].

M. S. Kolesnikova defines the main task of the actual culture study direction as the description of culturological polyphony in a special lexicographic form in order to overcome possible sociocultural barriers, since through the cultural component of the vocabulary of a certain language, the intercultural space of society is modeled in a special way, which, in turn, affects the development of a multicultural personality [10]. Such works, which are conceptually oriented towards the description of the cultural semantics of linguistic units for the purpose of understanding the relationship between language and culture, active possession of this information and solving educational and didactic problems are considered as culture studies dictionaries. The emergence of the culture studies dictionaries marks a transition

from the philological description of a word to its complex philological and cultural description with the involvement of elements of ethnolinguistic knowledge. Thus, a culture study guide seeks to describe the connotations supplemented by a commentary from a different national culture representative's point of view that takes into account the originality of cultural specificity. Thanks to the emergence of intercultural communication theory, this genre received the opportunity not only to represent culturally oriented material, but also to refer to the display of such categories of intercultural interaction, the main parameters of which lie in the field of behavior and actions of communication participants [11].

Problems of culturally loaded lexical units reflection in the linguistic dictionary

The issue of the relationship and interaction of lexicography and culture is multifaceted and is currently becoming one of the most urgent. Considering the issues of reflection in the linguistic dictionary of lexical units that carry a cultural load, four groups of problems can be identified:

1. The problem of cultural components to be included in the dictionary. A modern dictionary should help the reader to understand the culture and value orientations of this or that society at the level necessary and sufficient for mutual understanding within intercultural communication. O. M. Karpova highlights the following minimum of facts to be included in the dictionary: non-equivalent vocabulary, the main connotative meanings of lexical units, associative and stylistic features of headwords, the most important socio-cultural characteristics of the word [9].

2. Parameters for describing culturally marked lexical units. Clear parameters for describing culturally marked units have not been determined yet, and there is a need to create a system of special labels that are developed and registered in the list of additional semantic and functional characteristics of the word (stylistic labels, markers of compatibility, etymological information), as well as a need to include verbal illustrations reflecting the function-ning of the unit in speech in the dictionary entry.

3. The problem of interlanguage correspondences (selection of correct equivalents). Despite the fact that a number of methods for conveying the meaning of culturally marked units (translation, approximate equivalent, interpretation, etc.) have been developed in lexicography, there is still no universal approach in this area.

4. The problem of proper names. The issue of cultural marking of proper names arises most acutely during translation or in the course of intercultural communication, since the described lexical units are not subject to direct translation and can be attributed to non-equivalent forms. Thus, the content of a proper name can be revealed only through an extralinguistic interpretation. Particular difficulty in this group of vocabulary is the sphere of intertextual proper names [6; 8, c. 33; 13, c. 168].

Thus, the relevance of the culturological direction problems in lexicography is due to the fact that in modern conditions, the dictionary becomes an assistant in the development of the target language country culture, thus contributing to the solution of the leading intercultural communication problem, the problem of the similarity of the communicants' linguistic and sociocultural codes. In modern cultural lexicography, there are four groups of problems associated with the reflection of culturally marked lexical units in the linguistic dictionary: the problem of cultural components to be included in the dictionary; parameters for describing culturally marked lexical units; the problem of choosing the correct equivalents; the problem of proper names. All of them are due to the fact that research in this direction is only at the initial stage.

Characteristics of modern linguistic and cultural reference books

Having analyzed various approaches to describing dictionaries containing culturally significant information, it is possible to identify the following characteristics of modern linguistic and cultural reference books [10, c. 168]:

1. The dictionary addressing - for foreigners or native speakers.

2. Lexicographic form, which determines the type of presentation of the material and the relationship with related material, the nature of the topic, the participation of languages.

3. The degree of meanings development.

4. The complex of semantic and functional parameters accompanying the linguistic and cultural parameter.

5. The degree of the material philological development.

6. Thematic description.

7. Participation of languages.

8. Comparison of official and everyday dictionaries, business and entertainment dictionaries.

9. The presence or absence of visual illustrations.

10. Inclusion / non-inclusion of anthroponyms.

11. The type of vocabulary depending on two kinds of words: a) nationally specific (unique from the point of view of the dictionary user) and b) lexical pseudo-parallels.

12. Addressing the dictionary either to the past or to the present.

Certainly the questions of the cultural lexicography are some of the most talked about in vocabulary science and that is why many researchers address to the problem of culturally marked units [4; 10; 15]. At the same time, this problem, due to its complexity and diversity, still remains poorly studied, generating new research, on the one hand, and encouraging researchers to reevaluate the gained experience, on the other hand.

The parameters that meet the requirements for the genre of educational dictionaries in general include: targeting; user orientation; sources of a lexicographic work; applications; phonetic parameter; stress; spelling parameter; part of speech; number; the degree of comparison of adjectives and adverbs; transitivity; impersonality; verb control; conjugation of the verb in the present tense; detachable / non-detachable attachments; past tense; participle; definition; syntag-matic parameter; phraseological parameter; exemplary-illustrative parameter; stylistic parameter; synonyms; antonyms; homonyms; lexical compatibility; entrance to the dictionary; normative parameter [12].

By their nature, linguistic and cultural reference books simultaneously belong to the type of both philological and encyclopedic dictionaries, which makes its own adjustments to the orientation towards the parameters typical of traditional educational dictionaries. In addition to the above parameters, it seems appropriate to point out the following ones as relevant for the description of culturally marked lexical units in the framework of the linguistic and cultural dictionary:

• linguistic and cultural parameter;

• the obj ect of semantization and the way of vocabulary semantization;

• relations of synchronicity and diachrony;

• thematic introduction; proportion and concentrism of the material;

• pragmatic parameter;

• picture parameter; linguo-historical parameter;

• etymological parameter;

• thematic group.

These sets of parameters can be used as a tool for analyzing the cultural value of already existing educational dictionaries and will make it possible to draw a conclusion about the compliance of the studied reference books with modern requirements.

To identify the features and to estimate the quality of culturally marked vocabulary reflection, the authors of the article have analyzed the bilingual linguistic and cultural alphabetical dictionary by Adrian Rum "Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь = Dictionary of Great Britain" (2002) [14].

The lexicographic type "culturally marked lexical units" is represented in the "Dictionary of Great Britain" by means of the following parameters: spelling, phonetics, stressing and definition [12]. The first three parameters are identically presented in the dictionary entries of all lexical units:

harvest festival [ ha:vist festival] праздник урожая (традиционный; отмечается в конце сентября или начале октября; церкви украшают снопами, караваями хлеба, плодами и т.п.);

windcheater [ windfi.tg] ветронепроницаемая куртка; плотный свитер (от wind - ветер + cheater - обманщик). The definition parameter has the following expression methods in the analyzed reference book: selection of a generic concept and presentation of individualizing characteristics; calquing accompanied by an explanation; transcription accompanied by an explanation; selection of an approximate equivalent:

blue-bonnet ['blu:'bonit] 1) синяя шапка (круглая шерстяная шотландская шапочка типа берета; головной убор шотландского крестьянина или солдата); 2) разг. «синяя шапка» (шотландский крестьянин; шотландец);

claymore ['kleimo:] 1) ист. клеймор (сабля шотландских горцев); 2) ист. клеймор (кельтский обоюдоострый меч); 3) разг. клеймор (шашка офицеров Хайлендских полков; см. тж. Highlands) (от гэльск. большой меч).

The stylistic parameter is implemented in the analyzed dictionary in situations when the described culturally marked lexical unit refers to a certain layer. A formal sign of the integration of this parameter into a dictionary entry is a system of special restrictive labels. The introduction of outdated lexical units and historicisms to the dictionary entry demonstrates the implementation of the synchronicity / diachrony dichotomy in the concept of the studied reference book: commercial radio [kg m3:fgl reidigu] уст. коммерческое радио (то же, что local radio).

An etymological parameter is expressed in the dictionary entries of some lexical units. However, the use of this parameter is inconsistent, and the reasons that prompted the authors to introduce etymological information in some cases and to reject it in others are not always obvious. This circumstance can be called contrary to the principle of uniform presentation of material in the dictionary entries of all lexical units included in the vocabulary "Dictionary of Great Britain" [14].

"Dictionary of Great Britain" does not reflect such important language learning parameters like lexical collocation and instance-illustrative one. This fact can be called a disadvantage of the analyzed vocabulary, since the lack of verbal illustrations does not allow the user to get acquainted with the traditional verbal environment in which this lexical unit acts, and also does not provide an opportunity to form an idea of the communicative situations in which it can be used. The analyzed dictionary did not implement such parameters as thematic introduction, proportion and concentrism of the material and the thematic group. This circumstance is due to the peculiarity of the implementation of the entry parameter in the dictionary: in "Dictionary of Great Britain" it is alphabetic, and this method of introducing lexical units does not make it possible to present lexical units by thematic groups and therefore provide information about a particular sphere of culture. Thus, "Dictionary of Great Britain" can be recommended to the wide audience of Russian speakers when reading various types of geographically significant texts at different stages of learning English.


Having considered different culturological aspects of educational lexicography, we come to the following findings: 1) the relevance of the problems of the culturological direction in lexicography is due to the fact that in modern conditions, the dictionary becomes an assistant in the target language culture study, thus contributing to the solution

of the leading problem of intercultural communication - the problem of common language and sociocultural codes of communication participants. Dictionary compilers must be oriented towards the description of the cultural semantics of linguistic units for the purpose of understanding the relationship between language and culture, active possession of this information and solving educational and didactic problems;

2) in modern cultural lexicography, there are four groups of problems associated with the reflection of culturally marked lexical units in a linguistic dictionary: the problem of cultural components to be included in the dictionary; parameters for describing culturally marked lexical units; the problem of choosing the correct equivalents; the problem of proper names. All of them are due to the fact that research in this direction is only at the initial stage;

3) among the main characteristics of modern linguistic and cultural reference books the following ones are set off: the dictionary addressing; lexicographic form; the complex of semantic and functional parameters; thematic description; the presence or absence of visual illustrations; inclusion / non-inclusion of anthroponyms and others. For the description of culturally marked lexical units in the framework of the linguistic and cultural dictionary, along with the parameters corresponding to the requirements for the genre of educational dictionaries as a whole, the following parameters should be distinguished as relevant: linguistic and cultural parameter; pragmatic parameter; picture parameter; linguo-historical parameter; etymological parameter and others.

Thus, in the mid-70s - early 80s of the XX century, a new direction emerged within the framework of Russian educational lexicography - linguistic and cultural lexicography, the need for the emergence of which was due to the needs of teaching Russian to foreigners. Lexicographers have proposed a number of principles for the most complete description in the dictionary of all properties of non-equivalent and background vocabulary, which have been relevant. Despite the undoubted achievements of linguistic and regional studies, in the late 80s - early 90s of the last century it was criticized, the essence of which was mainly reduced to the excessive ideology of the information given in the dictionaries. In the same period, two new directions were formed, focused on the description of language and culture - ethnopsy-cholinguistics and cultural linguistics; however, the principles developed by these branches of knowledge have not found such wide application in educational lexicography as the principles of linguistic and cultural studies.

The problems and the main directions of cultural lexicography identified in this article allow us to conclude that in modern conditions, the problem of lexicography of culture in the educational dictionary is still relevant. At the same time, the merits of lexicographic works noted in the work indicate significant reserves of cultural lexicography in this direction. Further research perspectives in this scientific field are presented in culturally marked units studies.


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Информация об авторах | Author information


Крамаренко Ольга Леонидовна1, к. филол. н. Богданова Оксана Юрьевна2, к. филол. н.

1 2 Ярославское высшее военное училище противовоздушной обороны


Kramarenko Olga Leonidovna1, PhD

Bogdanova Oksana Yurievna2, PhD

1 2 Yaroslavl Higher Military Institute of the Air Defense

1 [email protected], 2 [email protected]

Информация о статье | About this article

Дата поступления рукописи (received): 14.02.2021; опубликовано (published): 30.04.2021.

Ключевые слова (keywords): учебный словарь; культурологическая лексикография; межкультурная коммуникация; лексическая единица с культурной нагрузкой; экстралингвистический фактор; educational dictionary; cultural lexicography; intercultural communication; culturally loaded lexical unit; extralinguistic factor.

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