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БАРКОВА ЭЛЕОНОРА ВЛАДИЛЕНОВНА - доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры истории и философии Российского экономического университета имени Г.В. Плеханова.
BARKOVA, ELEONORA V. - Doctor of Philosophy, Department of History and Philosophy, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics ([email protected])/
УДК 130.2
Ключевые слова: информационно-коммуникационные технологии, information society, postmodern culture, ecology of communication, globalization
В статье исследованы аспекты культуры современного информационного общества как культуры постмодерна, которые находят свое выражение в социальной, экономической и духовной областях общественной жизни, и влияют на организацию пространства коммуникации. Анализируется влияние коммуникационных процессов на развитие личности, делается вывод о необходимости развития экологии коммуникации.
Keywords: information-communication technologies, information society, postmodern culture, communication ecology, globalization.
In the article researched the aspects of the culture of modern information society as a postmodern culture, which find its expression in the social, economic and spiritual areas of public life, and affect the organization of the communication space. It analyzed the influence of communication processes on the development of personality, it concluded the necessity for the development of the ecology of communication.
Changes in social life caused by the modern stage of its development-the emergence of the information society, cover all its spheres. They contribute to the convergence of various forms of social activity, which determines the natural complexity of socio-economic processes, the need to maintain high rates of technological development. Information networks, influencing the organization of modern social space, have recently become one of the characteristic features of social organization, constituting the information system at the national, international and global levels of communication. The modern information society is a complex system of communication flows, supported and distributed with the help of the latest technologies. This system forms the environment of human social habitats, it acts as a factor of formation, regulation, and development of consciousness of society as a whole and human personality, in particular, and also has a direct impact on social relations and relationships between individuals [1, 2].
The culture of the modern information society contains, as one of the most influential, such elements as the ideology of postmodernity. The purpose of the research is to determine how the issues of national identity are solved in the postmodern culture.
Post-Modernists argue that post-modern society is different to modern society, so that it requires new methods of study and new theoretical frameworks. Essentially, what is different, according to PostModernists, is that those stable institutions which used to bind us together have much less influence now, and with the rise of globalization and New Media technologies, individuals are much more free to construct their culture and identity that they once were. Post-Modernity refers to the view that the institutions and ways of living characteristic of Modernity have been replaced to such a profound extent that our society is fundamentally different to the "modern" society. In contrast post-modernism is a term that refers to new ways of thinking about thought.
The key features of the post-modern society are globalization, the media, rapid social change, a world in fragments, consumer society, individual freedom to choose one's lifestyle, cultural diversity.
Globalization means there are more flows of information and ideas, money, and people moving across national boundaries. A simple definition of globalization is the increasing connectedness among societies across the globe. As a result, between different cultures there are more and more common features, they interpenetrate each other, borrow features of other cultures.
The post-modern era has witnessed a huge expansion in media technology. The rise of digital media, especially the internet, has led to a massive and unprecedented increase in the number of people using the media. There is a huge increase in the diversity of media products both factual and fictional; an increase in the number of people creating their own music, videos, profile sites and uploading them for public consumption, greater interactivity, more flexibility. All these results in much more complex patterns of media usage, provide more picking and mixing.
One consequence of this is that our society has an increased reliance on the media to tell us what is going on in the world. A well-known scientists Neil Postman [3] argues that the media creates something called "hyper reality" where what we see in the media is different yet more real than reality. Baudrillard argues that the media coverage of war for example is different to reality yet is the only reality most of us know.
New networks also emerge through the use of media, most obviously through profile sites such as Facebook. One consequence of this is the breakdown of local communities, as people increasingly network online in the privacy of their own homes, and don't communicate with their next-door neighbors.
In post-modern society, the pace of change is much more rapid than in modern society. The postmodern society lacks any coherent, stable social structure. This can be evidenced in the following areas.
At work today there is the era of the "portfolio worker" who is much more likely to move jobs and change career several times throughout his or her working life [4]. Working life is also characterized by much more uncertainty as businesses are quick to move to other regions or countries if they can find cheaper labor abroad. Also, companies are now increasingly likely to employ workers through recruitment agencies which can fire at short notice, and much work is temporary, part time and characterized by flexible working hours. There are of course good sides and bad sides to all of this, but the upshot is that working life is much less stable than it used to be.
The most visible examples of the fast pace of change lies in the fashion and music industries, which are constantly evolving with new styles and musical forms constantly emerging, and with many artists having to continually reinvent themselves to stay in the spotlight. At the extreme end of this, the pop-idol genre of shows demonstrates how individuals are made stars for a month and then forgotten.
The post-modern society culture represents the breakdown of local communities: the increased flexibility of labor associated with the world of work means people move more often in their lifetimes, meaning that people are much less able to put down sable roots in their local communities.
The consumer society has become an inseparable characteristic of public life. According to postmodernists one fundamental difference between the post-modern society and modern society is that our society is consumer oriented, rather than work oriented. This means that consuming things, and leisure activities are more important today than work. The image of the post-modern society is thus one of shopping malls, rather than a factory.
Post modernists argue that we live in a "pick and mix" society. Individuals today are free to pick their lifestyle and life course, from a wider range of options than ever before, just as if they were picking
and choosing products in a supermarket. Importantly, post modernists argue that individuals are much less shaped by their class, gender and ethnic backgrounds today. Women, for example, are not expected to become housewives and mothers, just because they are women and work is much less gendered than it used to be. Society is no longer divided along class lines, or gender lines, or even ethnic lines. Being born working class, being born a woman, or being born black, does not, according to post-modernists, predetermine one's future, or shape one's consciousness, namely, identity as it did in modernity, and the extent to which it did was often exaggerated by the classical sociologists.
The ever-increasing pace of globalization has led to an increase in cultural diversity and "hybridity", which refers to the mixing of different cultural traditions. If we compare society today to that of one hundred or even fifty years ago, we see a bewildering increase in the diversity of social and cultural forms. Some of the more obvious examples include such as goods, services and fashion and music. The postmodern culture has significantly changed both the life of society and the place, role and life of the individual in it. Personal identity in this culture is replaced by the concept of self-identity, when individuals, a kind of social "tumbleweed", freely choose all their social characteristics and perspectives, and they are fully responsible for the results of their choice and enjoy it.
In these cultural conditions, the space of communication is increasingly determined by the increasing intensity of various information and communication flows and connections. It interacts with diverse types of multi-scale communications, there is a qualitative change in its structure, which is mastered in scientific programs and technologies of modern management, and, due to the significant impact of these processes on the existence and functioning of the information society, in this situation, its sustainable development is unthinkable in the absence of information ecology.
Previously, various areas of social philosophy focused on society, which is either opposed to nature, or interact with it, only using it as a resource. In modern conditions, the holistic information-ecological approach becomes relevant, which is deeper and more versatile, compared to the previous concepts of social philosophy, examines society, treating the latter as a holistic, determined by meaningful information system, which is deeply and comprehensively connected with nature. Ecology of social and communicative environment becomes an important condition for the development of a healthy anthropological system as a complex interaction between individuals and groups of individuals.
The ecological approach, paying special attention to the relationship between man and the ecosystem as a whole, an integral element of which is the information society, based on the principles of system and holism, reveals new aspects of both society and man as a subject. The concept of ecology necessarily includes the study of the environment, its structure, content and impact on people. Accordingly, in the ecology of communication, the environment acts as a complex system of messages that affects the way of thinking, perception and behavior of the individual. This environment prescribes social roles to the individual and determines the conditions of their performance, often implicitly, and in the conditions of business communication, explicitly and even formally.
The impact on the personality of the environment formed by the media of post-modern culture, such as print, radio, film, television, although significant, is not obvious. This is not least due to the widespread opinion in society that in this case there is no communication as such, but there is only an interaction of an instrumental nature, the interaction of the individual with the system of information transmission. Therefore, the task of the ecology of communication is to identify and investigate this hidden impact of the environment organized by the media on the individual.
Литература и источники
1. Баркова Э.В. Трансформации коммуникативных технологий в экофилософской перспективе глобализации // Вестник Орловского государственного университета. Серия: Новые гуманитарные исследования. 2014. № 3 (38). С. 132-136.
2. Костин П.А. Социальная ответственность в коммуникативном пространстве культурной экосистемы современной России // Право и практика. 2017. № 1. С. 222-225.
3. Postman N. (2000) The Humanism of Media Ecology. Keynote Address Delivered at the Inaugural Media Ecology Association Convention Fordham University, New York, New York June 16-17, 2000. Proceedings of the Media Ecology Association, Volume 1, 2000
4. Ивлева М.И., Левченко К.Г. Концепция lifelonglearning в контексте экологии образования // Право и практика. 2017. № 4. С. 210-218.
References and Sources
1. Barkova E.V. Transformacii kommunikativnyh tekhnologij v ekofilosofskoj perspektive globalizacii // Vestnik Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Novye gumanitarnye issledovaniya. 2014. № 3 (38). S. 132-136.
2. Kostin P.A. Social'naya otvetstvennost' v kommunikativnom prostranstve kul'turnoj ekosistemy sovremennoj Rossii // Pravo i praktika. 2017. № 1.
5. 222-225.
3. Postman N. (2000) The Humanism of Media Ecology. Keynote Address Delivered at the Inaugural Media Ecology Association Convention Fordham University, New York, New York June 16-17, 2000. Proceedings of the Media Ecology Association, Volume 1, 2000
4. Ivleva M.I., Levchenko K.G. Koncepciya lifelonglearning v kontekste ekologii obrazovaniya // Pravo i praktika. 2017. № 4. S. 210-218.
ИВЛЕВА МАРИНА ИВАНОВНА - кандидат философских наук, доцент, Российский экономический университет имени Г.В.Плеханова ([email protected])
ЛЕВЧЕНКО КИРИЛЛ ГЕННАДЬЕВИЧ, кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент Финансового университета при
Правительстве Российской Федерации ([email protected]).
IVLEVA, MARINA I - Ph.D., Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
LEVCHENKO, KIRILL G. - Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation