Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
Shokhsanam Mukhtorbek qizi Bekmuratova
Lecturer, Tashkent State University of Economics
This article analyzes the cultural characteristics of proverbs in English and Uzbek on the theme of the Motherland (patriotism). Through paremiological examples, translations of proverbs about homeland between two non-fraternal nations were analyzed by finding proverbs in these two languages, which are relatively active in the language movement, and connecting them.
Key words: cultural features, semantics, phrase, lexicon, proverbs, patriotism.
The national-cultural semantics of any national language preserves the nature of the place where it lives, its economic situation, its art, literature, oral creativity, science and history, traditions and customs, and performs the task of delivering them to future generations. This national-cultural semantics, which exists in every layer of the language: lexicon, grammar and phonetics, is clearly manifested in words, phrases and parames, which are units of language in action. In the analysis of linguistic and cultural features of proverbs on the theme of Motherland (patriotism) in English and Uzbek languages, each language has its own words and phraseology. A proverb is also a wise word consisting of artistic and figurative reflections that summarize the socio-historical, life and household experience of the people.
Proverbs are the jewels of folk oral creativity that show the wisdom of the people, the spirit of the nation, its culture. Proverb as an independent folklore genre has a number of unique features, which sharply distinguish it from other aphoristic genres, proverb always means a clear, complete thought. This opinion is expressed as a firm, concise conclusion. Conceptual clarity is formed on the basis of a whole composition consisting of two logical centers, which allows to express it concisely. That is why the proverb does not contain any redundant words, images or descriptions. Because the concise idea in the proverb itself acquires a great aesthetic essence.
Material and methods It is characteristic for a proverb to express a certain idea in a logical consistency and in a strict polarity.
In addition, proverbs have common features that apply to other genres of folklore. One of such features is the very slow creation and disappearance of proverbs,
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
the extreme stability of the language. This feature is explained by the direct connection to the formal aspect of the content of the proverb. It is well known that not every thought can be a parable, and not every parable can be a proverb. Therefore, there are certain conditions for an instructive thought to become a proverb.
Regarding the process of emergence of Uzbek folk proverbs, the following opinion is expressed: "In the heart of the people, the conclusions about life are ripened and ripened. A person who has seen a lot, is intelligent and eloquent, brings it to the surface in a few words. This is how a proverb appears, he explains. In fact, proverbs that first appear in oral speech are widely used in our oral speech. They help to make our speech concise and fluent, deep and meaningful."
Professor B. Sarimsakov, while talking about the broad content of proverbs, in his work "Basics and Criteria of Art" explains the example of a proverb and says: "Take the proverb "Let wheat be your bread, wheat be your word." It has almost the same meaning as the English proverb "When I eat your bread, I sing your song". A summary of people's centuries-old experience of sweet words, humanity, kindness, and hospitality is embodied in a single proverb. If one wants to create epic, lyrical and dramatic works expressing the idea expressed in this proverb, dozens of novels, hundreds of stories, hundreds of poems or epics, and dramas can be written using it. Even then, the theme and idea are not clearly, concisely and vividly expressed as in the proverb. This opinion is the clearest conclusion expressed for the concise form, broad content. The power of a proverb is that it educates a person, teaches a lesson about life's ups and downs, black and white. There is no concept of looking behind the curtain, hiding the fault of the wrongdoer, flattery, or showmanship. They make a person energetic and strong-willed, teach to look at life with the right eyes. These wise thoughts of the people are also distinguished by the fact that they are given in clear and concise sentences.
The proverbs that we are considering belong to the prose and lyrical type. Works belonging to the lyrical type, despite their small size, have all the characteristics and signs of an artistic, figurative reflection of life. Live experiences are expressed through concrete individual experiences in works belonging to the lyrical type. In this way, an artistic generalization is created in the lyrical work. That is, the experience and feelings are typified in the lyrics. While the events experienced by the heroes are described in detail in the closed works, the lyrical lyrics express the momentary feelings and thoughts that occur in the human heart. That's why not every stanza or stanza that is weighted and rhymed is a lyric. Based on the above-mentioned points, the construction of meaning and content of proverbs should be concise and carefully thought out. In this, it is similar to rubai, khita, and tuyuk from four poetic genres in our classical literature. Because in them, the form and content are used harmoniously. The above rules are fully
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
followed in the creation of proverbs in prose form. All of these can be evaluated as genre characteristics of the proverb genre.
Result and discussion
In this source, where English and Uzbek proverbs are given, the linguistic and cultural features of the proverbs on the topic of patriotism are colorful and diverse, and in the process of studying them, we divided them into the following semantic units: house, animals, objects, people and abstraction. The first semantic group consists of proverbs related to the word house. We will look at the analysis of some of them. "An Englishman's house is the castle". The literal translation of this proverb is as follows: an Englishman's home is his castle. This proverb corresponds to the following proverb in Uzbek language: "The happiness of my home, my feet are the emptiness of my hands." Or, it is used in the sense of Uzbek proverbs such as "O'z uying-o'lan to'shagin".
According to the mentality of the English people, although their house is not luxurious, it feels like a palace to a person, that is, they feel free. He does what he wants. In the Uzbek people, home is the superiority of one's home over other places, and the fact that a person can relax there whenever he wants, these two peoples' characteristics are of special importance.
Our second semantic group is related to the names of animals and birds, in English proverbs mostly birds are given, and we see that they are reflected in the Uzbek language with the names of various animals. We will analyze the following proverb: "Every bird likes its own nest"[1]. The literal translation of this proverb is as follows: Every bird calls its own nest. The Uzbek equivalent is as follows: "The spider also calls my house."
Proverbs are distinguished from other genres of folklore. For example, epics, fairy tales, legends and narratives, anecdotes reflect reality in the form of stories, while proverbs express people's conclusions and judgments about this reality.
The value of words is clearly expressed in proverbs. Because it is impossible to replace the words in proverbs with another, to add any words. They appear in the form of the national language. This genre exists in the oral works of all peoples of the world, and it is considered common according to the size, shape, and purpose of its creation. The results of the article analysis led to the following conclusions:
- In folk proverbs, no matter what topic, what area of life is discussed, the chosen problem is comprehensively covered. All this can be a proof of how wise and intelligent creative children the nation has had over the centuries. The proverbs reflect the philosophical observation of the people, their views on the universe, life and society, and their attitude towards them.
- The power of a proverb - it educates a person, teaches a lesson about life's ups and downs, black and white. There is no concept of looking behind the curtain, hiding the
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
fault of the wrongdoer, flattery, or showmanship. They make a person energetic and willful, teach to look at life with the right eyes. These wise thoughts of the people are also distinguished by the fact that they are given in clear and concise sentences. - The close connection of proverbs with people's life determines their national identity and, at the same time, their universal character. These two aspects are expressed in the theme of ancient Turkish folk proverbs, reality reflection, artistic and pictorial means, and finally, in the language.
Proverb is a genre of folklore; It is a short and concise, figurative, grammatical and logical full meaning, wise, profound teaching. It has a specific, stable rhythmic form that is widely used in speech, and it was created on the basis of people's centuries-old life experiences. Life observations of our ancestors in proverbs. attitude to society, history embodied. Over the centuries, it has been refined among the people, and has become a concise and simple poetic form.
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