1Ibragimkyzy Shynar 2Ismuratova Zhanar Ibragimovna
1PhD doctor candidate of the Eurasian National University after L. N. Gumilev. Social Pedagogy and
Self-Cognition Faculty. Pedagogy and Psychology Major 2Master of the Pedagogical Science.Head of the Extramural Department after K. Dutbaiev in Atyrau
Abstract. Pedagogical creation and innovation have been topical for the last hundred years. Even at the beginning of ХХ century the engineer P. K. Engelmeier tried to systemize pedagogical process as creation. At the same time there appeared some research of creation and thinking. Sociocultural situation in the society stimulates educational needs directed to actualize abilities to personality's self-development and development of their creative potential.
Modern society requires such specialists of education who are able not only to see problems but also solve them productively. In this situation it is of first necessity to form such a pedagogue personality the leading professional feature of whose is creation.
Keywords: creativity, structure of pedagogical creative work.
The main part: The creativity issue has become so topical that some researchers consider it «the century issue». Creativity is defined as social-historical phenomenon appearing and developing in the process subject's and object's interaction based on public practice; in the simplest case as unconscious spontaneous process of producing new images; as not only creating non-existing material and spiritual values but new in its way, method and goal of reproducing already existing values; as common human phenomenon, an integral part of collective subject considered in all philosophically significant diversity of human definition, including even biological and social dialectics to some degree [1].
Well-known pedagogues of the past (A.F. Diesterweg, J.A. Comenius, K.D. Ushinsky and etc.), Soviet educational figures (P.P. Blonsky, F.N. Gonobolin, V.A. Kan-Kalik, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlynsky, etc.), and also modern researchers (V.I. Zagviazinsky, A.I. Kochetov, N.V. Kuzmina, M.M. Potashnik, V.A. Slastenin, A.I. Scherbakov, etc.) have considered pedagogical creativity, how to enhance teacher's professionalism and productivity [2;3;4;5;6;]
Kazakhstan scientists of didactics: A.E. Abylkasymova, R.S. Omarova, Sh.Taubaieva, B.A. Turgynbaeva, A.A. Beisenbaeva, I.N. Nugymanov, K.O. Shaikhesliamova, S. Smailov and many others have reserached creative orientation of a personality, their curiosity, develeopment of creative potential, new methods of education and innovative processes, akmeology of students' career growth [7;8;9;10;].
The topicality of this issue is due to crisis of the traditional system of education and necessity to renovate it abiding by the concept of personality-centered education. That is why this issue is still essential in pedagogical practice.
Creativity is an activity generating something new which did not exist before on the basis of experience reorganization and new combinability of knowledge, skills and products formation. Creativity has different levels. For one level it is characteristic to use already got knowledge and to extend sphere of its application; at the other level a completely new approach is created which changes the usual opinion of the object or knowledge field. One should bear in mind that creativity as a specific type of human activity along with its «novelty» is also characterized by «progressiveness». S.S. Goldentriht says that «nature of creative activity is creation, appearance of new progressive thing enhancing human and society development. Creativity essence cannot be combined with any activity which is hostile to people».
In modern system of education transition to creative self-realization of every participant of educational process is very important. Traditional ways cannot be applied to solve this problem. Determining perspectives of further pedagogical system development requires a creative approach.
Pedagogical creativity is an essential condition for students' creativity development without which it is not possible to solve the tasks set in the strategic initiative «Our new school». Trurning the system of education from reproducing into open and creative, including subjects of education into a continual process to construct their own education is the most vital task which demands new approaches to comprehend essence of modern education.
N.V. Kuzmina considers this notion focusing on significance of creative aspects of pedagogue's work. She thinks that pedagogical creativity is productive when in the center of which there are ways to prepare
students to their life and further activity, ways to teach self-education, self-organization and self-control. This definition is close to that given by Y.K. Babanskiy as a category of pedagogic al activity optimization.
R.S. Nemov researches notion of pedagogue's activity efficiency as an integral function of several constituents: efficiency (resultivity) of activity and personal satisfaction of the process. In A.P. Sytnikov's research the category of efficiency is very close to suitability. Sometimes the category of pedagogue's work is treated by researchers as a synonym of efficiency (E.V. Andreienko, L.V. Ishkova, etc.), and also to define the inner moment of activity (Y.A. Gagin, N.K. Grevbenkina, S.A. Zamiatina,etc.).
Notions of successfulness and pedagogical activity efficiency reveal different aspects of pedagogue's productivity. Success manifestations reflect externally conditioned dependence of pedagogue's resultivity on structural elements of the pedagogical system (environmental factors of shaping professionalism in the pedagogical community). Pedagogue's work efficiency reveals internally determined dependence of activity results upon functional manifestations of professionalism (concepts of professional, pedagogical position, internally determined responsibility, etc.).
Pedagogical creativity is efficient solving educational-up-bringing tasks by the pedagogue and enriching educational-up-bringing theory and practice.
P.I. Pidkasisty thinks that pedagogical creativity consists of the following elements: motivation (reason), professional-personal peculiarities and professional competence of the pedagogue.
P.I. Pidkasisty considers he motivational component of creativity in to ways:
- from the point of view of professional motivation in the structure of general motive;
- from the point of view of pedagogue's needs to change, pedagogical novelty which defines creativity from the content approach [12].
Creative activity of a pedagogue according to V.V. Kraievsky, V.P. Borisenkov and others is realized in to main forms: using already known means combined with new forms of pedagogical situations arising during the educational process and developing new approaches to the situations which the teacher has already come across before.
In N.M. Shakirova's opinion by the pedagogue's readiness to organize creative activity one should understand formation of the corresponding personality's qualities and abilities; need of creative interaction with students; existence of perceptive-reflective and constructive-managerial abilities, experience to organize educational-up-bringing process as creative activity [13].
B.I. Imanbekova divides pedagogues into two groups by their creativity level. To the first group she refers pedagogue who have mastered usual methods and can find solutions in easy situations (collective creativity), to the second group she refers people who are able to create new systems of techniques and methods in difficult situations (creators of educational techniques), and also pedagogues who have made educational technologies.
Desire of a future specialist to improve their knowledge by research provides a successful solution of their problems in pedagogical, social, professional growth in other words forms and develops their professional creativity.
M.M. Potashnik is of the opinion that pedagogue's creativity is reflected in the following:
1. in non-standard approaches to solve the problem;
2. in ability to make and effectively use new forms, methods, means an techniques;
3. in efficient application of already received experience in new conditions;
4. in improving, rationalizing, modernizing already known according to new tasks;
5. in successful improvisation based on specific knowledge and well-developed intuition;
6. in ability to see different variants to solve one and the same problem;
7. in ability to transform methodological recommendations, theoretical positions into definite pedagogical actions [14].
A.V. Morozov and D.V. Chernilevsky single out 4 levels of pedagogical creativity:
1st level: individuality and independence of the teacher;
2nd level: heuristic;
3d level: to make a reasonable choice;
4th level: to establish contact with audience.
Creativity arises when there is possibility to solve the problem with well-known methods. However, it is a well aware action. Research activity is, the result of which is making a new creative decision, is a complicated psychological process consisting of several levels.
Many scientists in their research come to one and the same conclusion that there are several stages of pedagogue's creativity:
1) emergence of pedagogical initiative directed to solve a pedagogical task;
2) development of the initiative;
3) implementation of the pedagogical intuitive into practice;
4) analysis and assessment of creative results (V.A. Kan-Kalik, N.D. Nikandrov);
5) vision of a scientific discovery;
6) pedagogical inventions;
7) improvements (V.I. Zagviazinsky).
At these stages such quality as interest, intellect, ability to obtain necessary material fast, observation, ability to overcome thinking inertia, innovation, enthusiasm, persistence, freedom and self-confidence provide resultivity of creative activity.
The field where pedagogical creativity is manifested is determined by its structural activity and embraces every side of it: constructive, organizational, communicative and gnostic. But to realize creativity in pedagogical activity there should be some conditions: «temporal compression of creativity when there is little time between tasks and ways to solve them; conjugation of pedagogue's creativity with that of students and other pedagoguesdelay of the result and necessity to predict it; atmosphere of public action; necessity to correlate standard pedagogical techniques with atypical situations».
The object of pedagogical creativity and its final result is a student. As the pedagogical activity is characterized by its double reference (pedagogue's qualities become students' qualities at some stage), it is very difficult to differentiate objective and subjective side of creativity in pedagogical activity. Objectivity of creativity is evaluated by final results of pedagogical activity (how deep the students' knowledge is, their interests and value orientation, degree of readiness to self-education and self-improvement). Subjectivity of creativity is based on the process.
Pedagogical creativity levels are considered taking into account how well abilities to analyze work and quality indications are formed:
The first level is information-reproducing: the pedagogue can reproduce other people's experience, solve simple tasks on the way to achieve result, analyzes efficiency of the decisions made in definite situations. This level is characteristic for a pedagogue without a category.
The second level is adaptive-prognostic: the pedagogue can transform known to them information, select ways, techniques, methods of interaction with students with account of their personal qualities. This level of the pedagogue's activity is of the second category.
The third level is rationalizing: the pedagogue shows rationalization ability (high experience efficiency, ability to solve difficult, non-standard pedagogical tasks and find optimal solutions). There are elements of individuality and uniqueness in their work. At this level the pedagogue of the first category realizes their activity.
The forth level is scientific-research: the pedagogue can define conceptual basis of their own search, develop their own system of activity based on the results research. The pedagogue of the highest category works at this level.
The fifth level is creative-prognostic: the pedagogue is able to set up super-tasks and justify their solutions; to introduce significant changes in the system of education, to transform it and having obtained the diagnostic mechanism to pass from illogic to logic of set stereotypes. It is the level of the extra-class pedagogue [160].
Depending on these levels, degree of complexity of the tasks solved by the pedagogue, received as the result of creative pedagogical solutions is not equal we will have a close look at five levels of creativity:
1st level is increasing efficiency of the pedagogue's didactic system due to the introduction into it new instruments (techniques, methods, forms). The result of the 1st level supposes borrowing developed instruments from professional literature and introducing them into their own didactic system.
2nd level is increasing efficiency of the didactic system by introducing into it known instruments in order to apply them in a new situation.
3d level is fundamental changing of parts (a part) of the pedagogue's didactic system that is creation a new methodological technique, form or method. Such principles to enlarge didactic units (content volume) have been developed by P.M. Erdniev, lead methodology due to combination of relative studying material - by S.N. Lysenkova and reference signals (not summary) - by V.F. Shatalov.
4th level is making a new didactic system. It can be made of known instruments; its novelty is in higher systemic effect in comparison with already existing ones due to appearance of bounds between instruments, a new structure of a didactic unit.
5th level is forming a completely new didactic approach. It is a new approach in didactics nowadays - pedagogics of students' creativity or co-creativity.
Pedagogical creativity is independent creativity of both a pedagogue so as a student. Thus, creativity pedagogics is a mutual process where the pedagogue builds creative tasks (finds them not in textbooks but in books) and solves them together with students.
A creative personality of a future professional has the corresponding personal qualities:
1) Cognitive qualities is world studies, desire to comprehend phenomena essence, stability of cognitive interest, and etc.
Cognitive ability plays an important role in the process of acquiring knowledge of environment by future specialists:
- physiological abilities: to see, hear, touch, feel the studied object with smell and taste; well-developed efficiency, charisma;
- intellectual qualities: curiosity, erudite quality, thoughtfolness, witty mind, logic, «intellectual coefficient», reasoning, validity, augmenting, analytic, synthesis, ability to find analogy, use different forms of proofs, passion;
- knowledge of cultural norms and traditions reflected in their own activity, ability to argument their own knowledge and received results, ability to self-determination in choice situations;
- ability to define their own comprehension or incomprehension of any issue, ability to understand and evaluate any other point of view, take part in a meaningful dialogue or argumentation;
- a structural-systemic vision of studied fields in their space and time hierarchy, search of objects bounds, their reasons and problems connected with them, different scientific approach;
- a personal understanding of essence of every studied subject; basic knowledge, abilities and skills; orienting in fundamental problems of studied science brunches;
- an ability to compare cultural-historical analogies with educational products and classmates' results, single out their similarities and differences, to re-define and re-do their own educational results;
- an ability to implement obtained knowledge into spiritual, material and activity forms.
2) creative qualities - active thinking, creative inspiration, imagination, ability to predict, deep thinking, ability to see and feel contradictions, stability of creative interest, and etc.
Creativity of future professionals allows achieving creative results in education:
- emotionally-shaped qualities: enthusiasm, emotional burst of energy in creative situations, imagery, associativity, observation, fantasy, dreaminess, romanticism, feeling of novelty and unusual things, sensitiveness to contradictions, disposition to creative reservations;
- initiativeness, inventiveness, wittiness, readiness to invent, singularity, uncommonness, irregularity, originality;
- an ability to conduct a dialogue with the studied object, to choose cognition methods appropriate to the object, an ability to define the structure and content, to find functions and ties of the object with relative objects, to predict changes of the object, its dynamics growth and development, to create new methods of cognition depending on the object characteristics;
- prediction, construction of versions, regularities, formulas, theories, skills in illogic heuristic procedures: intuition, insight, meditation;
- personal results of education which are different from educational standards by their depth, topicality, opinion contradicting to generally accepted one, independence, disposition to risk;
- experience in realization of their own most creative abilities in the form of writing and defensing creative works, participation in contests, olympiads, and etc.
3) methodological qualities (managerial) are understanding the goal and content of the task, optimal organization of the activity to achieve the goal, persistence in the results, reflective thinking, communicative qualities, and etc.
Methodological (arranging activities) qualities revealed at arranging educational activity of the future specialist in two ways by scientific-research comprehension and creativity:
- awareness of their own individual peculiarities, character features, optimal tempo and studying forms on every subject and education field brunch by the future specialist;
- comprehension of the goal of education, commitment, development of the program to achieve goal, persistence in results;
- skills of self-improvement: to plan scientific research directed to form creative abilities, to develop programs, to correct methods and stages of activities, to implement plans, self-analysis, self-assessment, to master techniques of reflection; to analyze activity stages, to classify techniques, to determine contradictions, to predict, to check achieved results how they meet goals;
- establishing interconnection with environment, other subjects of education, making decisions, sociability and will power;
- an ability to arrange creativity of other people, «brain storm», comparing ideas, discussions, debates and etc.
V.I. Zagviazinsky has defined the following types of characteristics of scientific research of the future professional's personality:
— motivational one is a research creative activity revealed in discovering something new, determining and solving the problem;
— operational one is mental techniques and operations used in scientific research of the personality;
— organizational one is, first of all, an ability to independent arrangement their own scientific research activity;
— communicative one is an ability of the future professional to use coordinated methods in scientific research.
The creativity level realized in higher school, research of bred personality's qualities is based on the personal-motivational approach. In particular, special attention is drawn to the motivation type of scientific research activity of a future specialist. The stronger and more stable the professional motivation, the higher professional results.
Alongside, the notion «creative independence» is considered in the professional literature.
The notion of independence in creative activity psychologists and pedagogues is described as
— arises from personality aspiration to receive something new, to plan and predict it, their purposefulness (T.G. Brazhe, Y.N. Kuliutkin, A.S. Mustoiapova, etc.);
— an ability to predict, to create ideal models (B.A. Turgynbaieva, I.S. Smanov, etc.);
— arises from personality's wholeness of principles oriented to creativity (K. Ieralin, G.E. Nurmukhnova, A.M. Matiushkin, etc.);
— realized by practical posssiblities, points to integrity of skills (Sh. Taubaieva, M.G. Iaroshevsky, A.V. Morozov, etc.);
— improves personality's self-evaluation by creativity realization (T.V. Vinogradova, T. Sabyrov, G.A. Fedotova, etc.);
— continuing need of creative activity, predicting and arranging, seeing results improve the personality's self-satisfaction and interst (A.E. Abilkasymova, R.S. Omarova, etc.);
— breeds activity, diligence, experience and other qualities to a person as a life-style factor (M.A. Kudaikulov, B.A. Ospanova, etc.).
G.A. Takisheva gives the following definition: «Creative freedom is individual-personal qualities of a personality which characterize their cognitive activity, innovative activity, creativity and independence shown in their intention to new results».
Conclusions: one of the most important tasks in society development and in training qualified specialists is development and formation of pedagogical creativity that is why it is vital to comprehend its significance, place, peculiarities, ways and preconditions for development. This science brunch prepares future professionals to be independent hardworking personalities, to be innovators of high intellectual activity. It also helps recognize pedagogical creativity as a process of psychological, intellectual and personal abilities realization of a pedagogue. The results of pedagogical creativity are new ideas and opinions which facilitate the society.
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Denisova I.
Kazakhstan, Almaty,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kazakh National pedagogical university named after Abai
Abstract. Speech and behavioural negativism, verbal communication issues, lack of emotionality - all these are possible reasons of social misadaptation of children with special education needs ( SEN). New subject called "Correctional Eurhythmies" was implemented in Republic of Kazakhstan learning plan template for special schools. It mostly consists of movement activities combined with verbal activity and music. Rhythmical exercises facilitate articulation, cognitive, motional and sensory abilities development and correction among children. It is the way primary defect is pulled through. But Correctional Eurhythmics also pursues another goal, which is development of will and emotional aspect of children.
This article is about lesson organization in schools for children with SEN. We hope that the material will be helpful for special groups teachers of this subject.
Keywords: music, eurythmics art, emotional component, children with SEN
One of eurythmical education goals is aesthetical development: providing knowledge of art, contribution to the development of a good taste. All of this can be done with help of music and emotions. Teacher's emotions encourage achievement of these goals. Teacher has to become creation leader. Teacher himself should crave creativity, be eager to move forward. And moving forward is only possible if the teacher is astonished by surrounding world and develops himself. Children are priceless gifts, sources of emotions and feelings. SEN children are no different from others in this way.
Eurythmics classes are devoted to the direct communication with art. But it's conducted only once a week. And knowledge and impressions should be memorable and be both useful and pleasant. How is it possible? It can be done only in one case: if originative teacher makes creative studio out of his cabinet. Unfortunately, according to our observations, creative tasks form less than 10% of study time. In majority of cases eurythmics classes are approached as a "craft". Creative classes are an antithesis to a routine one. Thereby a problem of "inner" and "outer" occurs. Eurythmics classes can be organized in two ways. The first variant is viewing lesson as an opportunity to create children's listening and motor experience. Second option is viewing and maintaining lesson as unique and unrepeatable adventure into the world of beauty and creativity. The "outer-inner" problem is actually the relation between the art of teaching eurythmics and perception of eurythmics as an art itself. Modern teaching experience in SEN school shows us that teacher can become real artisan only if he is constantly linking things that were singed, danced or played with his own experience and his inner world.
When planning the lesson, teacher should be inspired by himself, should use himself as a "material". Any kind of art/teaching task, idea of a lesson has to be organic for the teacher. The task should be deeply inside the teacher and linked to his own "I". No doubt that just psychological, correctional, cognitive, professional preparations are not enough for eurythmics lesson. The last essential preparation component is emotion. The right 'tone' is also extremely important. According to correctional eurythmics curriculum, SEN - children develop their emotional perception and empathy through the musical-rhythmical content [1]. Emotional feedback is one of basic communication skills that are acquired at school. Through listening of musical segments and whole compositions that is followed by discussion of tempo, rhythm, dynamics, mood SEN children are linked to the world of thinking and feeling, world of human interaction. Any kind of education influences several areas of child's psychology:
- Cognitive
- Mental
- Behavioural