Abstract: the article is devoted to the study of the concept creative thinking in the learning process, which based on outlook of students in solving problems. There were represented main components of the concept and their explanation according to theoretical and experimental studies of different researchers. Some researchers connect person's creativity with his results or achievements, while other scientists understand by creative ability to see things in a new and unusual light and to find unique solutions to problems. Keywords: creative thinking, outline, flexibility of thought, research, personality, gifted student.
Ахмеджанова Дилрабохон Асатуллаевна - преподаватель,
кафедра интегрированных языковых навыков, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: статья посвящена исследованию концепции творческого мышления в процессе обучения, в основе которой лежат мировоззрения учащихся при решении задач. Представлены основные компоненты концепта и их объяснение по результатам теоретических и экспериментальных исследований разных исследователей. Некоторые исследователи связывают творчество человека с его результатами или достижениями, в то время как другие ученые понимают под творческой способностью видеть вещи в новом и необычном свете и находить уникальные решения проблем.
Ключевые слова: творческое мышление, очерк, гибкость мышления, исследование, личность, одаренный студент.
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INTRODUCTION: The primary aim of modern education not only transfer the knowledge, skills and abilities from teacher to student productively, but also form the full-fledged development of the student's abilities to outline the educational problem independently, formulating an algorithm for solving it, control the process and evaluate the result, in short, to teach to how to learn. The educational system of the country faces a difficult task to create and develop a mobile self-fulfilling individual who will have a desire to learn throughout his life. Accordingly, the tasks and conditions of the educational process is being corrected, taking into consideration the ideas of the development of the student's personality.
METHODS: In the world of online education, creative thinking will allow you to generate ideas (for online courses, online school development), come up with non-trivial
and effective tasks for webinars. In short, creative thinking will help you stand out from competitors and become recognizable in the market.
Let's see what mechanics and techniques you can use to develop the habit of non-trivial thinking.
-The ability to change becomes a core value. Previos time the ability to remember and keep in mind a large amount of information was appreciated, but today this skill will not help to achieve success. There is no need to keep information in your head when any data can be found in minutes on the network. Much more valuable is flexibility, the ability to change and not "get stuck" on what has been achieved. The ability to learn all life and relearn, to be a part of changes becomes the basis of success
-Short-term memory prevails over long-term memory. The ability to think in the moment is more important than remembering old patterns. Long-term memory suggests algorithms that have worked in the past, and the person tries to apply them to the current situation. But the world is changing at such a speed that proven ways to act and think very quickly cease to be relevant.
-Tweet thinking. A person remembers and understands large texts worse. The advantage is gained by content that is split into fragments - for example, microlearning takes the lead in the general race. Hence the passion of the modern world for serials and sequels -people like to find themselves again and again in an already familiar art world and not waste time on comprehending another reality
-Imagination is being used less and less. People consume less content that requires creative activity (classical music, books). That stuff was exchanged by computer games with a high degree of detail, when the player is no longer required to speculate on how the heroes look - everything was invented for him.
Thus, the modern world requires flexibility, but at the same time it is not interested in the development of people's creative thinking. This task remains for independent work for any person who wants to use their own abilities to the maximum.
Creativity - is the ability of an individual, characterized by a willingness to investigate fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted thinking patterns and are included in the structure of giftedness as an independent factor.
The main components of creativity [1]
1. Fluency of thought
2. Flexibility of thought
3. Originality
4. Curiosity
5. The ability to develop a hypothesis
6. Satisfaction
Despite numerous theoretical and experimental studies, the problem of the development of creativity still requires further study, since in the known concepts there is no unambiguous answer to questions about the nature, factors of the development of creativity, there is no single view of phenomenology, the classification of the qualities of a creative personality. Consequently, a systematic analysis of scientific knowledge about creativity is needed in order to generalize the basic concepts and determine the most significant factors in the development of creativity.
One area of the human mind that has not yet been invaded by computers is creative thinking [1]. Psychologists cannot come to a single definition of the term creativity. However, many of them understand by creative ability to see things in a new and unusual light and to find unique solutions to problems. Creativity is the complete opposite of stereotyped thinking (limited choice when looking for possible solutions and tendencies of approaches to different problems in the same way). It leads away from banal ideas and boring, familiar outlook on things and gives birth to original solutions. Creativity makes the process of thinking fun and helps to find new solutions to usual problems.
Thus, the process of creativity has its own characteristics and is specific to different fields of activity and knowledge. In general, research data carried out by psychologists dealing with the problem of creativity indicate the dependence of the process of creativity on other cognitive processes (thinking, memory, imagination), as well as the level and individual specifics of their development, and the area of creative activity.
Analyzing and summarizing foreign research on the problem of creative thinking, the following conclusion can be drawn. First of all, creative thinking is viewed as productive thinking, creating something fundamentally new, going beyond the existing system of knowledge. The main properties of creative thinking that determine its content and structure are: fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration.
Some researchers, when assessing a person's creativity, are based on his results or achievements [2]. They consider such socially valuable results as inventions, the creation of works of art or the composition of musical works as signs of creativity. While there is some connection between achievement and creativity, Barron and Harrington have found it to be very weak.
The most important condition for creative thinking is the willingness to take into account alternative approaches and points of view [3]. The development of creativity implies a constant search for examples of success, as well as communication with interesting and different people. Even if some of them cause discomfort, try to understand their thoughts. This will allow you to learn a lot from those who have already achieved some success.
Thus, the provision of a person with relative independence, freedom, expressed respect for the person and the absence of excessive exactingness are the conditions for finding him in the family that favor the development of creativity.
A number of authors have identified other factors that contribute to the development of creativity:
• a wide circle of communication, including with creative adults;
• an adult environment serving the role of model;
• democratic style of relationships between parents and children;
• allowing the child to express himself emotionally;
• active, busy position of adults;
• early introduction of the child to independent work;
• introduction to creativity through attandance in various hobby groups;
• introduction to the knowledge of happyness through personal experience, travel;
• a positive attitude towards the child's research activities.
According to many studies, the personality of the "ideal student" is opposite in its characteristics to the creative personality [4]. A generalized portrait of a student with whom the teachers would like to work is as follows: inquisitive, intelligent, thoughtful, sociable, sincere, kind, organized, disciplined, inventive. It is easy to see that all of the above results are united by one feature - insufficient orientation or underestimation of the teacher "the most common characteristic of all outstanding people" - a craving for creativity [3]. Teachers give a clear preference for the intellectual characteristics of the individual, focusing more on his knowledge and assimilation than on creative abilities. A high percentage of choices are also noted in relation to those qualities that characterize the "problem-free" student, but they say nothing about his creative inclinations and cognitive needs.
In the qualities that describe the portrait of the "desired" student, only one thing -"inventive" - characterizes the actual creative possibilities. Characteristics such as "unusual", "independent", "unpredictable" were not included in the number of "popular". It is interesting to note that the features that characterize him as a creative person and a person who can see and appreciate the non-standard thinking of a student were also not included in the number of the most important qualities that a teacher working with gifted students should have [3] Such misunderstanding and underestimation of the most important link in
the development of a gifted student does not allow us to hope for the success of the training program, no matter how well it is adapted to the needs and capabilities of gifted students.
CONCLUSION: Taking everything above into cimsideration, unfortunately, attempts to stimulate the development of the creative potential of students began not so long ago, and it is not yet clear which methods are the best. But research indicates that parents and educators should be more active in encouraging creative pursuits that transcend traditional academic disciplines. Providing such support (and, if possible, training with specialists) can help develop the creative potential of our future innovators.
To develop creative thinking means to form and improve such mental operations as: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, concretization, classification, planning, abstraction, and have such characteristics of thinking as criticality, depth, flexibility, breadth, fluency, sensitivity, variability. , originality of thinking, metaphoricality, imagination, satisfaction.
Creative abilities can be used not only to create new interesting ideas in order to improve life, but also for self-improvement and personal development in general. Creative activity requires a lot of work, persistence and curiosity.
The educational system should form such new qualities of a graduate as initiative, innovation, creativity, mobility, flexibility, dynamism and constructiveness. A future professional should have a lifelong aspiration for self-education, master new technologies and understand the possibilities of their use, be able to make independent decisions, adapt in the social and future professional sphere, solve problems and work in a team. The upbringing of such a socially and professionally active personality requires teachers of modern higher education to use completely new methods, techniques and forms of work. It is necessary to apply active teaching methods and technologies that develop the cognitive, communicative and personal activity of current students: interactive seminars, discussions, computer simulations, business and role-playing games, case studies, psychological and other trainings, group discussions, the results of the work of student research groups, university and interuniversity teleconferences.
References / Список литературы
1. KuzminaN.V. Teaching professionalism. M., 1993.
2. Markova A.K. Psychology of professionalism. M., 1996.
3. Ospanova B.A. Technology of forming the creativity of the future specialist in the conditions of university education. Turkestan, 2006.
4. Povarenkov Yu.P. The psychological content of a person's professional development. M.: Publishing house, 2002.