CREATIVE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY IN HYBRID REALITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sokolova S.N.

In the information society, in order to more effectively implement innovative scientifically oriented pedagogical methods and educational technologies, it is important to update spiritual and moral values and traditions in the process of forming a creative educational environment of a modern university that exists in a hybrid reality.

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УДК 37.017.4

SOKOLOVA Svetlana N., Doctor of Philos. Sc., Associate Professor International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Received 15 September 2022


In the information society, in order to more effectively implement innovative scientifically oriented pedagogical methods and educational technologies, it is important to update spiritual and moral values and traditions in the process offorming a creative educational environment of a modern university that exists in a hybrid reality.

Keywords: hybrid reality, creative educational environment of a modern university, patriotism. С.Н. СОКОЛОВА, доктор филос. наук, доцент

профессор кафедры социально-гуманитарных наук и устойчивого развития Международный государственный экологический институт им. А.Д. Сахарова при Белорусском государственном университете, г. Минск, Республика Беларусь


В информационном обществе для более эффективной реализации инновационных научно-ориентированных педагогических методик и образовательных технологий важно актуализировать духовно-нравственные ценности и традиции в процессе формирования креативной образовательной среды современного университета, существующего в гибридной реальности.

Ключевые слова: гибридная реальность, креативная образовательная среда современного университета, патриотизм.

1 Статья публикуется в авторской редакции.

Introduction. The global coronacrisis and the intensification of the struggle between the leading countries of the world in the international arena for leadership led to the fact that after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the «Iron Curtain» was replaced by a more powerful «digital curtain», which marked the onset of a new era of hybrid wars, as a result of which, today they are gaining information war, sanctions war, gas war, food crisis, migration crisis, etc. [1, p. 16]. As a result of multi-vector deformations in the existing hybrid reality, panoramic processes occur that objectively determine social relations and influence the formation of a creative educational environment of a modern university [2, p. 326]. And now it is no secret to anyone that geopolitical changes, indicating the multidimensionality of ongoing processes, are dynamically updating the format of social relations, and therefore, in the information society, there is «... an information-psychological war that is unlimited in content and methods» [3, p. 91].

In the information society, universities play an important role, since the quality of education is the basis for the security of the individual, society and the state. It is modern universities that are the main «... resource for the translation of ... new competencies, technological culture ... new worldviews ...», representing a creative space that promotes evolutionary development «... in an era of fundamental changes in education ...» [4, p. 5-6].

The current issues in the presented article are interesting, firstly, because of the global changes taking place in the hybrid reality, as well as the dominance of remote communication, which affects spiritual and moral values and national traditions. In the Belarusian society, which is now in conditions of international deprivation, in order to more effectively use innovative educational technologies, it is necessary to initiate a creative educational environment (information-educational, scientific-oriented, innovative methods), which helps to change the content of university education based on spiritual and moral values in the conditions information war and dynamically updated axiological format of public relations [5, p. 90].

Secondly, being under intense and regular informational violence in the Republic of Belarus, it is important to initiate the formation of a creative educational environment of the university,

which would be aimed at educating not only a specialized specialist, but also a patriot of his country. And, apparently, it is no coincidence that the modern controversy regarding the deficit of patriotism in the Belarusian society is quite wide and, as a rule, is associated with an ideology that «... is considered not only as a system of values, but also as a system of institutions enhanced by new communication technologies ...» [6, p. 16].

Thirdly, in the existing hybrid reality, the universality of state influence on social relations with the help of information and educational technologies and programs is of paramount importance. That is why, as a matter of priority, in the modern Republic of Belarus, the social science and legal resource is updated in order to minimize the potential for conflict in society on the basis of the spiritual and intellectual paradigm. And in this case, it is the creative educational environment of the university, according to the author of the article, that should be focused on educational standards and updating the social science and educational potential of the education system of the Republic of Belarus in order to establish a positive attitude of the individual to work based on historical truth, spiritual and moral values and national traditions.

Main part. The creative educational environment of a modern university is aimed at the implementation of vocational training, the actualization of socially-oriented characteristics of the individual and the education of patriotism, which should be recorded in the integration curricula (courses), in the social science and educational component, providing an appropriate synthesis of humanitarian, engineering and technical and state- legal aspects. However, the basic element of the existing multidimensional competency-based eclecticism in the system of university education, from the point of view of the author of the article, should be minimized and correlated (replacement of values with competencies) by the ratio of the adapted interdisciplinary model and the state ideology based on the spiritual and moral values and traditions of the Bela-rusian people, since « ... in the context of global and regional changes that have recently taken place in the educational space, the problem of hybridization of (mixed, combined) education is of particular relevance» [7, p. 8].

Let me explain that the structural and functional features of a creative educational environment, as a rule, suggest the format of local creative spaces of a modern university (creative spaces), initiating the humanitarian spectrum of scientific and cognitive activities of students for more successful socialization of the individual (departments, library, techno park, business incubators, scientific laboratories, creative workshops, robotic terrariums, experimental sites, scientific schools). Thus, a special emphasis on spiritual and moral values and national traditions in the context of the social and humanitarian orientation of education, subject to the active formation of a creative educational environment of a modern university, is not at all accidental. It is the focus of public education in the Republic of Belarus on the implementation of an adapted interdisciplinary model that initiates not only a professionally oriented component of curricula in the humanities, but also focuses the most positive axiological potential of any individual, characterizing the integrative and humanistic orientation of the educational process and spiritual and moral values. That is why, one of the fundamental aspects that determine the formation of a creative educational environment of the university is the value-humanistic, ideological orientation of the activities of the teaching staff and students.

In this regard, it is important to focus on the economic component of the creative educational environment of the university, which is today «on the front line», as the aggressive rhetoric of the political elites of the Euro-Atlantic alliance, the information and sanctions war, the destruction of industrial chains, the financial and energy blockade by the Western democracies, as a result, create the most destructive economic turbulence. It is the economic component that reveals the importance of the national economy in the regional and world economy, especially in the context of the global corona crisis, and most importantly, it presents the dominance of cooperation over total and aggressive competition, illustrating the constructive significance of the scientific, economic, information technology, socio-technological role of the state in the existing hybrid reality. And in this case, it is university education and science, focused on spiritual and moral values and national traditions that are the basis for the stable development of the modern Republic of Belarus. And the political compo-

nent is also very important more creative than the educational environment, which actualizes political science (political history, political philosophy, political sociology, history of political doctrines, political geography, political psychology), necessary for understanding the trends of social progress, developing integration mechanisms to ensure more effective implementation of national interests in the search for the most rational ways of creative work, active participation of the individual in the life of his country. It is the political component that allows raising the level of political culture in the existing hybrid reality, diagnosing the state of the social movement, identifying the dominant interests of existing groups, parties, and determining trends in the development of social relations with a focus on political values.

The author's view allows, taking into account the ongoing processes in the hybrid reality, to update the adapted social science and educational content, which initiates another meaning-forming component. So, today the cultural and historical component of the creative educational environment of a modern university requires special attention, which is entirely focused on spiritual and moral values and national traditions, being a condition for successful socialization of the individual, ensuring national unity on the basis of preserving the historical memory of the Belarusian people. And it is difficult to disagree with the fact that modern universities «... are gradually turning into complex social organizations that have a complex of explicit and latent social functions and are closely connected with other fundamental structures not only culture, science, but also economics, politics and social innovation» [8, p. 45].

The emphasis on the socio-humanitarian component is quite important, since it is spiritual and moral values that determine the humanistic orientation of the interactions of a person, society and the state. Exploring the formation of a creative educational environment of a modern university (creative spaces) in a hybrid reality, it is necessary to pay special attention to improving the quality of education and the positive and creative orientation of creative projects, and, most importantly, to the introduction and more vigorous articulation of the social science and educational component: ideology, social psychology, law, economics, political science, psychology, religious studies, logic, conflictology,

philosophy. In the process of implementing the interdisciplinary model, it is necessary to form a creative educational environment of the university on the basis of the spiritual and intellectual paradigm, which means that it is necessary to concentrate the efforts of the teaching staff not only on special disciplines (profiling university education), but also on humanitarian disciplines with a positive axiological orientation, which is related to patriotic education in the Republic of Belarus.

Conclusion. So, in summary, it can be noted that the creative educational environment of the university, which is a phenomenon of creative spaces, determines the scientific specifics of the subjects of educational activities, which can be carried out remotely, in the conditions of the corona crisis, therefore, the preservation of historical memory, national traditions based on spiritual and moral values in the process of formation creative educational environment of the university is of paramount importance. And, apparently, today we can agree that when information technologies are actively used, there is an increasing need to initiate a more flexible (adapted) interdisciplinary model that makes it possible to update the state ideology, spiritual and moral values, and national traditions of the Belarusian people. In the Republic of Belarus, the development of the creative educational environment of the university provides for a comprehensive revision of the content of higher education, including systematic retraining of teachers in the state educational institution «Academy of Postgraduate Education», a mandatory expansion of the range of practiced innovative methods «... with the use of modern educational and production equipment, simulators and stimulants, specialized software tools and products...» [9, p. 32].

As a result, it is necessary to focus on the ax-iological format of higher and postgraduate education (political and legal, civil and patriotic) in the formation of a creative educational environment [10, p. 79], where patriotic education can and should acquire a new sound. In the modern Republic of Belarus, state educational institutions are effectively developing, and therefore the formation of a creative educational environment of the university based on spiritual and moral values and national traditions is becoming especially relevant, since our country «... is rightfully proud of its achievements, becoming

one of the world leaders» [11 , p. 19]. And it is no coincidence that during the active phase of hybrid wars, the role of social institutions sharply increases, which «. are actively influenced by... the rapid development of the Internet and the formation of a global social network, non-systemic reform of education, the emergence of private schools and higher educational institutions, a new objective historical methodology for the development of educational literature and radical changes in the curricula of the entire education system» [12, p. 17]. In a hybrid reality, it is the creative educational environment of the university that forms spiritual and moral values and preserves national traditions, is the result of an effective synthesis of modern education, politics, culture and social innovation, representing a sense-forming variant of the real sector of the national economy (intellectual activity, recreation of scientific and production associations, sectoral, intersectoral research institutes, design bureaus, departments, faculties, plant-universities). And we must not forget that in a destructive hybrid reality, when forming a creative educational environment of a modern university, it is important to always remember that «... the priority of developing personal and professional qualities over the desire for hoarding, consumption and idleness is the only way to build a just harmonious society» [13, p. 11].


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Список литературы

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Статья поступила 15 сентября 2022 г.

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