CREATION OF THE DIGITAL TWINS СRIMEAN INDUSTRY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Cheremysynova D.V., Tishchenko A.V.

The article shows the promising use of digital twins in the world and in the Russian Federation. The possibilities and advantages of using digital twins in the traditional industries of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol are summarized. The implementation of the new Digital Digital design and modeling paradigm Smart Digital Twin in the direction of the transition of the Crimean industry to V and VI technological structures necessitates the preparation of a new generation of engineering personnel for Crimean enterprises.

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D.V. Cheremysynova, Senior Lecturer A.V. Tishchenko, Student Sevastopol State University (Russia, Sevastopol)

DOI: 10.24411/2411-0450-2020-11156

Abstract. The article shows the promising use of digital twins in the world and in the Russian Federation. The possibilities and advantages of using digital twins in the traditional industries of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol are summarized. The implementation of the new Digital Digital design and modeling paradigm Smart Digital Twin in the direction of the transition of the Crimean industry to V and VI technological structures necessitates the preparation of a new generation of engineering personnel for Crimean enterprises.

Keywords: digitalization, digital twins, digital products, shipbuilding, ship repair.

The current stage in the development of the information society is characterized by special attention to the digital economy, based on the production and use of digital technologies. The distinctive features of the current economic development include not only the large-scale use of new digital technologies (such as artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, additive technologies, the Internet of things), but also the involvement in the economic turnover of the accumulated arrays of digital data on subjects and processes of economic activity. At the same time, the development of individual traditional sectors of the economy is uneven, the boundaries between related areas are being erased, fundamentally new areas of activity, business models, principles of organizing business processes arise.

In these conditions, it is important that each country and each region take targeted measures to develop the digital economy and take advantage of the economic benefits that digital transformation provides. The digital industry is a new, but already demonstrating rapid development and high potential direction, which is still relatively small in comparison with traditional technologies.

The explosive increase in the amount of data requires new ways to manage it, not only at the company or organization level, but across the entire spectrum of economic, social and cultural interactions, since the "data environment" covers the public and private sectors, as well as society as a whole.

The industry of digital twins (Digital Twin) appeared abroad 30 years ago and involves the use of new approaches, materials, methods and processes that help to design and produce competitive and popular products on the world market (for example, devices, assemblies, machines, structures, etc.). Almost all modern digital technologies and subtechnologies are integrated in the digital twin industry.

As one of the main directions of the implementation of the innovative potential of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, the development of digital technologies is indicated. The creation of the digital twin industry can become a driver technology that can provide technological breakthroughs in the main industrial clusters of the Crimea -shipbuilding and ship repair, instrument making, which will facilitate the transition of the industrial sector to a new level of technological and sustainable development, accelerate the stages of development of high-tech products, and also accelerate its introduction to the market, to promote the growth of its knowledge-intensive level, to significantly reduce the costs of creating and operating products, IT enforce requirements for high-quality characteristics. The reasons listed above make the task of studying the prospects for creating a digital twin industry in Crimea particularly relevant.

The problem of creating a digital twinning industry has been given the last close attention in both foreign and Russian studies.

Among foreign studies, the work [1] should be distinguished, in which the authors explore the prospects of digital services, namely digital twins. The problems of using digital twins in logistics are highlighted in the work [2].

In the study [3], the author emphasizes that the concept of digital twins is developing more and more, since it can offer transparency in real time. However, the proliferation of digital duplicates is hindered by the lack of semantic compatibility between architectures, standards, and ontologies. Progress in this area depends on the convergence of information technology, operating technology and protocol-independent telecommunications.

The study of the introduction of digital twin technology in the Republic of Crimea was reflected in the works of N.A. Simchenko [4]. The use of digital technologies in shipbuilding is studied in the scientific work of Gorina E.A [5]. Despite the growing interest in the prospects for the deployment of the digital economy and the introduction of digital technologies in the industry, and the digital twin industry, in particular, there are very few studies exploring the digital transformation of the Crimean industry, which made this study relevant.

The purpose of the study is to study the potential of creating a digital twin industry in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

Methodology. The main research methods in the work were the method of analysis, synthesis, generalization.

Results. The concept of a digital (twin) twin, sometimes called the "shadow" of a device, has existed since the 70s of the 20th century, but with the further development of artificial intelligence and other "cross-cutting" digital technologies, this concept is becoming increasingly popular.

A digital twin is a virtual model that simulates a physical process, product, service or system. Although this phrase can conjure up images of a three-dimensional computer model that looks like its real counterpart, the digital twin can also be more abstract, focused on what the product does and how it works, rather than on its appearance.

By creating a digital demonstration of a real asset, it is much simpler for designers and engineers to check the effectiveness and identify problems long before the end result is realized. This avoids downtime and improves planning capabilities.

A digital twin can contain a huge amount of information: a digital model of the product, manuals and data on product maintenance, information on the behavior of the product under various conditions, and a bill of materials. This may also include the connection of the product with the objects connected to it, software responsible for managing the product, monitoring the operating status, etc. The digital twin is of particular value when it most accurately displays the real state and performance of its physical twin.

Digital twins, in essence, combine information obtained from various digital, paper and real sources, creating a kind of "archive", which, in turn, using various sensors and information systems can receive data every second of time from a real product.

The digital copy, as befits artificial intelligence, is constantly self-learning and self-improving. To this end, the "digital twin" uses knowledge from people, other similar machines, from larger systems and the environment of which it is a part.

According to the main indicators of the region's development, the Republic of Crimea is showing positive dynamics, holding average positions in the Southern Federal District. Opportunities for working and investing in production, implementing a number of federal targeted programs to remove infrastructure restrictions, and providing state support to industrial enterprises and businesses allow us to develop a regional economy. A number of indicators of social and economic results, such as cash income and population, industrial production, investment in fixed assets, have a constant growth trend.

The industrial complex of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol has key competencies and unique manufacturing assets in shipbuilding and the production of inorganic chemistry products. The shipbuilding industry is concentrated in Kerch, Feodosia, Sevastopol.

In the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, the serious industrial and scientific potential of the shipbuilding and ship repair industry has not yet been lost. However, statistics on the share of the Russian Federation on the world market are disappointing: Russia accounts for no more than 0.5% of the global shipbuilding market. Thus, Russian shipbuilding cannot set trends in the development of the maritime industry market, but move in line with the global ones set by the leaders of this industry. Many of them successfully use the latest digital technologies in creating ships: these are 3D-printing of parts and 3D-scanners, 3-D modeling, digital breadboard models and digital doubles, almost complete digitalization of not only the design stages. But also production and assembly processes, sea trials.

Digital twins are actively used in industry, they are divided into several types:

- twin units (which are built for a specific production unit);

- product twins (associated with the release of the product, their main task is to reduce the cost of maintenance);

- twin processes (their purpose may be, for example, to increase the service life);

- system twins (optimization of the entire system as a whole).

The growing popularity of digital counterparts is due to the following features:

- the number and volume of virtual tests are practically unlimited, because they do not require such huge costs if they were carried out in real mode;

- reduction of risks of emergency situations, as experiments can be carried out virtually;

- all information will be collected in one place;

- the ability to exchange data, etc.

According to Gartner, a high-tech research

and consulting agency, hundreds of millions of "digital twins" will replace human labor in the near future. Some companies already apply this. It is not necessary to have an employee on staff who is involved in the diagnosis of production problems. In real time, with the help of "digital doubles" you can get all the necessary data and be prepared in advance for equipment repair.

Digital counterparts in shipbuilding and ship repair can be used by several organizations at the same time (for example, a manufacturer of ships, a service and insurance company, a company that operates a ship). Several digital counterparts can also be combined into one system.

According to analysts, today the digital transformation is directed more towards increasing the efficiency of existing business processes. On the one hand, with the further development of technology, digital twins will become more detailed, working to get the most out of the investment in equipment and its maintenance. On the other hand, in the long run, experts predict not only the development in the direction of existing processes, but also the appearance of completely new, breakthrough technologies in this area.

Large enterprises are actively implementing digital design projects in the following areas:

- development of design documentation on electronic media in 3D-models, on the basis of which the equipment is developed;

- development and production of modules for automatic lines for the manufacture of power tool anchors, which allow all operations to be performed without human intervention (winding, welding, impregnation, balancing, groove insulation, etc.);

- introduction of computer-controlled equipment at the enterprise;

- SV-32J and Picomax machining centers, which completely exclude human work in the danger zone;

- the use of information technology through the introduction of software and hardware systems for process control systems.

The main problems of the industrial development of the Republic of Crimea are: the prevalence of technologies of the third and fourth technological modes in the economy of the Republic of Crimea, as a result of which industrial production is characterized by a low level of labor productivity and has a large number of shortcomings. The development of technology on the Crimean peninsula largely depends on the pace of development of digital technological competencies by enterprises. According to the Minister of Industrial Policy

of the Republic of Crimea A.G. Vasyuty. Crimea has not lost its technological competencies. There are research centers on the peninsula that need to be actively involved in the digitalization process. Therefore, at the moment, a peculiar industrial and scientific cluster may well develop, the result of which will be the further development of industry and the region as a whole.

Conclusions. Prospects for the development of digital design of industrial production in Crimea are directly related to the development and implementation of new digital technologies in the activities of enterprises in order to equip the production complex with a modern computer-aided design system. The implementation of the new Digital Digital

design and modeling paradigm Smart Digital Twin in the direction of the transition of the Crimean industry to V and VI technological structures necessitates the preparation of a new generation of engineering personnel for Crimean enterprises. Moreover, to ensure the competitiveness of digital control systems, significant investments are required in creating a new digital production base for the implementation of the scientific and technological tasks of digitalization of the region's industry.

Summarizing all the above, digital twins will be in great demand on the Crimean peninsula, which will help to generally improve the living standards of residents and make their life more convenient and modern.


1. Parris Collin J., Laflen Brandon J., Grabb Mark L., Kallitan Danielle M. (2016). The Future for Industrial Servecies: The Digital Twin, In: Infosys Insights. URL: https://www.infosys.com/insights/iot/future-industrial-digital.html [Accessed 2 March 2019].

2. HaBe Hendrik, Li Bin, WeiBenberg Norbert, Cirullies Jan, Otto Boris. (2019). Digital twin for real-time data processing in logistics, In: Kersten, Wolfgang Blecker, Thorsten Ringle, Christian M. (Ed.): Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation in Supply Chain Management: Innovative Approaches for Supply Chains. Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), Vol. 27, ISBN 978-3-7502-4947-9, EPUBLI GmbH, Berlin, pp. 4-28.

3. Datta S.P.A., 2016. Emergence of Digital Twins. MIT Auto-ID Labs, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

4. Simchenko N.A., Tsohla S.Yu. (2019). Digital twins in the economic development of the industry digitalization of Crimea, In: Geopolitics and ecogeodynamics of regions. Vol. 5 (15). Pp. 56-67.

5. Gorin E. (2017). Digital technology in the national shipbuilding. Bulletin of Science and Practice, (11), 236-242.


Д.В. Черемисинова, старший преподаватель А.В. Тищенко, студент

Севастопольский государственный университет (Россия, г. Севастополь)

Аннотация. В статье показано перспективное использование цифровых двойников в мире и в РФ. Обобщены возможности и преимущества использования цифровых двойников в традиционных отраслях Республики Крым и Севастополь. Реализация новой парадигмы цифрового проектирования и моделирования Smart Digital Twin в направлении перехода промышленности Крыма на V и VI технологические уклады обусловливает необходимость подготовки нового поколения инженерных кадров для предприятий Крыма.

Ключевые слова: цифровизация, цифровые двойники, цифровые продукты, судостроение, судоремонт.

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