УДК: 355:719.4
Досметова З.Ш., к.архит.н.
доцент кафедра «Дизайн» Ражапова Г.М., магистр кафедра «Дизайн» ТГТУ им.И.Каримова Узбекистан, г. Ташкент СОЗДАНИЕ ДИЗАЙНА МЯГКОЙ МЕБЕЛИ
Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются типы мебели, подходящие для интерьера комнаты, правильный выбор мебельных материалов и цветов.
Ключевые слова: тренд, диверсификация, модернизация, экономика, дизайн, промышленность, интерьер, кожа, дерево, ротанга, бамбук, экотуризм, модуль.
Dosmetova Z.Sh.
Candidate of architectural science, associate professor of the department "Design ", TSTU named after I.Karimov, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Rajapova G.M.
Master of the Department "Design " TSTU named after I.Karimov
Annotation: The article discusses the types of furniture, suitable for the interior of the room, the correct choice offurniture materials and colors.
Keywords: trend, diversification, modernization, economy, design, industry, interior, leather, wood, rattan, bamboo, ecotourism, module.
Today, along with all developed countries, Uzbekistan pays great attention to the development of all industries. Dear President Mirziyoyev, It is a vivid example of this statement by President of the Republic of Uzbekistan HE Mr. Mirziyoev "We will continue the course of" Uzbek model "of development, increase the economic power of our country, ensure its competitiveness on the world stage, modernize and diversify the economy" [1, 20-b.].
Furniture industry is one of the most promising and dynamically developing sectors of our economy and its strengthening is an important component of the industry development strategy of Uzbekistan. The potential of the furniture industry, including the industrial sector of the economy, is rising every year. As a result of the use of modern technologies in the enterprises, the range of products meets international standards. In this regard, the role of Uzbek-Lithuanian joint venture "Eman", which deals with supply of furniture, as well as raw materials for its production, is considerable.Construction works in Uzbekistan, in turn, require the acceleration of production of furniture and home appliances and inventory, the further increase in the number of furniture companies and the efficient use of local timber resources.
Industrial design is developing in all areas of production. Including furniture industry is an example. Taking into account the functional function of the item, it is ensured that the item is beautiful, compact, convenient and affordable.
Despite the disadvantage of the designer, the designer is open to the opportunity to save space. One of the great features of the furniture industry is its universality. When selecting a particular model, the buyer should be based on several criteria: intensity of couch usage; furniture location, overall style of the room; color, size, etc. If a sofa is designed for a home, theater, hotel, it should be as comfortable as possible, large and deep. Furniture designers try to follow this trend when creating new projects.
Yummy models are suitable for large rooms. Such couchs can be seen at any corner of the room when placed in the center of large rooms. The rectangular sofa is universal, which meets all the requirements of the interior of the room. For smaller rooms, it also serves to increase the convenience of buying and storing.
Today knitted furniture is being worn from leather. Therefore, special attention should be paid to leather furniture. Until recently, it has only been accepted as office furniture. Now the home-made leather furniture is widely used and widely used. Charms look great in the interior and at the same time practical furniture, it should keep their popularity at any time.
Modular sofas provide an atmosphere of interiors, an amazing insight. Therefore, you should focus on comfortable and fashion trends in choosing furniture. Every new season should be of great importance for new colors, modern styles, world of popular design, unique décor. Modern interior interiors need not only be natural materials but also natural surroundings.Ideal, "ecologic" ecotourism is the most demanded part of all modern styles. Natural colors, glass, stone and natural fabrics, high quality wooden furniture fit into the modern interior with a combination of nature.
Soft furniture is usually used in natural colors: soil, wood, mint, green, light green, sky colors. Organic design in ecological design requires a lot of light, so avoid bright colors and contamination of colors. The soft colors of soft furniture specialists are called white, brown, gold and black. By applying fashion and creative trends, you can design and equip your home design in the latest trends.According to the range of modern furniture can be divided into several types. Functional furnishings include furniture for 4 types: furniture for storage; furniture for sitting and lying; furniture and other types of furnishings intended for food and nutrition.
Furniture used for storing cabinets, cupboards, wall cabinets, multi-purpose closet, cushions, shingles, secretarial equipment (door-to-door or sliding-in closet), cabinet (with dishware and towels) bookshelves and other shelves for storage.Furnishings for sitting and lounging include chairs and soft furniture, such as meals, writing, decorating tables.Furnishings can also be classified into several types. According to the kind of material, furniture is divided into wood, bamboo, rattan (for cafes and restaurants), soft, plastic and metal.Wooden furniture is the most common and its main features are pure and clear. The tissues have a small heat transfer and some degree of flexibility.
Apart from the basic characteristics of wooden furniture, bamboo furniture is also exquisitely clean, cool and comfortable. It is often used in warmer climates in the south. The Rattan furniture is colorful, beautiful and pleasant, bright and is decorated with unique local forms and designs that meet the ergonomic requirements. Soft furniture mainly refers to a cushioned bed, sofa and chairs. Its mission is to make contact between the human body and the furniture, reduce the pressure on the human body as a unit of the body, and reduce the pain caused by the excessive concentration of stress. When you sit on soft furniture and relax, the person is calm and the physical structure of the body is adapted to the furniture.
Plastic furniture is a product of modern industry. The advantages of simple
technology (once stapled and shaped), light, bright colors, novelty, finesse and low prices. Metal chakmon furniture consists of skeletons and wood, glass, plastic or marble. This is a simple, lightweight, flexible and modern sign [2]. In short, modern furniture should be made of modern, exquisite, comfortable, environmentally-friendly materials. The selection of them is based on various criteria.
1. Mirziyoev Sh.M. We will build our great future together with our brave and noble people. - T: 2017.
2. Maqsudov YM Carpets are the technology of finishing furniture products. - T .: 1993.
3. http://www.mebeldok.com.
UDC 711:004
Filimonov I.A., 1st year master degree student Department of Economics and Management in Construction Moscow State (National Research) University of Civil Engineering
Russia, Moscow Arkhipov A.V., associate professor, PhD Department of Foreign Languages and International Communication Moscow State (National Research) University of Civil Engineering
Russia, Moscow
Annotation: The article deals with the topic of constructing new urban area. The purpose of the article is to analyze advantages and disadvantages of this process. It describes the actions of different countries in the field of a smart city concept and includes information of Russian experience in constructing new urban area.
Key words: smart city, new gadgets, urban area, smart systems, urban digitalization, modern services, life environment.
In the 21st century we start to use complex method in order to create something new. It allows specialists to avoid possible mistakes. In our days the speed and the efficiency are significant indicators of work performance. Most of experts think that creation of smart city is rather difficult process. In fact, the essential activity in this field has to combine transport, engineering, ecological, housing and other system implementation.
New technologies give possibility to create smart city. There is a specific chain: smart things - gadgets, intelligent houses, smart cities. The notion of intelligent house originated from other gadgets: cell phones, wireless headphones, computers, notebooks, remote controls, sensors of movement and temperature, energy-saving bulbs, communication satellites and other things. Later, the notion of "Smart City" appeared. At the present time, a large quantity of processes is becoming easier (for example, sending letters, making charges for municipal services, publication of books, driving the car, social mobility, etc.). What is the