COVID-19 VACCINATION DRIVE IN INDIA AND KYRGYZSTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Asma Ahad, M.A. Turdumambetova, Bhat Amir, Saifullah Baba

Introduction. Both India and Kyrgyzstan are located in Asian continent. The countries have also experienced a huge loss of lives during COVID-19 pandemic. On 11 March 2020, when the outbreak was characterized as a pandemic putting normal life on hold for most people and overwhelming health care providers and then the year 2021 was mostly focused on vaccine distribution to put an end to the pandemic. The aim of the present article is to learn about COVID-19 vaccination held in India and Kyrgyzstan (2020-22). Materials and methods. Statistical data of COVID-19 vaccination, population of India and Kyrgyzstan, comparative methods. Results. As per the latest United Nations data the total population of Kyrgyzstan as on July 1, 2022 is 6,728,271 and the population in India is 1,406,631,776. [1] The total number of people that got infected by the COVID in Kyrgyzstan were 201000 and out of which 2991 people died. In India 43.1million [2] got the COVID infection out of which there were 524000 deaths. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) India recorded 29427330 Coronavirus recovered persons since the epidemic began [6]. The total number of recovered cases in Kyrgyzstan are 196226. [2] Conclusions. India and Kyrgyzstan are set to defeat COVID-19 fully. The population of India is much more than Kyrgyzstan and making it a great milestone. As on 15 May 2022 India has so far given almost 1.91 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses. In Kyrgyzstan 1.28 million people are fully vaccinated. Both countries are improving on the setbacks and working on public awareness, enough medical staff, enough modern equipment etc.

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Asma Ahad, M.A. Turdumambetova, Bhat Amir, Saifullah Baba International Higher School Of Medicine, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


Introduction. Both India and Kyrgyzstan are located in Asian continent. The countries have also experienced a huge loss of lives during COVID-19 pandemic. On 11 March 2020, when the outbreak was characterized as a pandemic putting normal life on hold for most people and overwhelming health care providers and then the year 2021 was mostly focused on vaccine distribution to put an end to the pandemic.

The aim of the present article is to learn about COVID-19 vaccination held in India and Kyrgyzstan (2020-22).

Materials and methods. Statistical data of COVID-19 vaccination, population of India and Kyrgyzstan, comparative methods.

Results. As per the latest United Nations data the total population of Kyrgyzstan as on July 1,2022 is 6,728,271 and the population in India is 1,406,631,776. [1]

The total number ofpeople that got infected by the COVID in Kyrgyzstan were 201000 and out of which 2991 people died. In India 43.1million [2] got the COVID infection out of which there were 524000 deaths.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) India recorded 29427330 Coronavirus recovered persons since the epidemic began [6]. The total number of recovered cases in Kyrgyzstan are 196226. [2]

Conclusions. India and Kyrgyzstan are set to defeat COVID-19 fully. The population of India is much more than Kyrgyzstan and making it a great milestone. As on 15 May 2022 India has so far given almost 1.91 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses. In Kyrgyzstan 1.28 million people are fully vaccinated. Both countries are improving on the setbacks and working on public awareness, enough medical staff, enough modern equipment etc.

Key words: COVID-19, Morbidity, Mortality, deadly virus, COVID-19 vaccination, lockdown.

Corresponding authors: PhD Turdumambetova Mairamkul Alymbekovna, cell: +996 708 42 82 62, e-mail:

[email protected]



Асма Ахад, М.А. Турдумамбетова, Бхат Амир, Сайфуллах Баба Эл аралык Жогорку Медициналык Мектеби, Бишкек, Кыргызстан Аннотация

KupumYY' Индия менен Кыргызстан Азия континентинде жайгашкан. Эки елке тец COVID-19 пандемиясы учурунда кеп адам емYPYн алган жоготууларды баштан кечиришти. 2020-жылдын 11-мартында бул эпидемия пандемия деп жарыяланышы менен кепчYЛYк адамдардын нормалдуу жашоосу токтоп, эки елкенYн саламаттыкты сактоо тармагына чоц жYк тYшкен жана 2021-жылы пандемияны токтотуу YЧYн вакцинаны табууга арналды.

Бул макаланын максаты - Индияда жана Кыргызстанда COVID-^га каршы эмдеелердY изилдее.

Материалдар жана методдор: Индиянын жана Кыргызстандын калкынын COVID-^га каршы эмдее боюнча статистикалык маалыматтар, салыштырма методдор.

Жыйынтыктар. БУУнун акыркы маалыматы боюнча, 2022-жылдын 1-июлуна карата Кыргызстандын калкынын саны 6,728,271 адамды тYзсе, Индиянын калкынын саны 1,406,631,776 адамды тYзет. [1] Кыргызстанда COVID-19 вирусун жуктургандардын саны 201000 анын ичинен 2991 адам каза болгон. Индияда 43,1 миллион киши [2] COVID-19 менен ооруп, анын 524,000и каза болгон.

БYткYЛ ДYйнелYк Саламаттыкты сактоо Уюмунун (БДСУ) маалыматы боюнча, пандемия башталгандан бери Индияда 29427330 адам COVID-19 менен ооругандардын ичинен айыгып чыкты [6]. Кыргызстанда жалпысынан 196226 адам айыгып чыкты. [2]

Корутундулар. Индия менен Кыргызстан COVID-19 вирусун толук жецYY YЧYн артыкчылыктарды белгилешти. Индиянын калкы Кыргызстандын калкынан алда канча кеп, бул калкты эмдееде ете маанилYY. 2022-жылдын 15-майына карата Индияда COVID-19 вакцинасынын дээрлик 1,91 миллиард дозасы колдонулган. Кыргызстанда 1 миллион 280миц адам толук эмдееден еткен. Эки мамлекет тец элге тYШYндYPYY иштерин жYргYЗYY, медицина кызматкерлерин окутуу, заманбап жабдууларменен камсыздоо ж.б.у.с. иштерди алып барышууда.

Ачкыч свздвр: COVID-19; ооруу; елYм; COVID-19га каршы эмдее; карантин.



Асма Ахад, М.А. Турдумамбетова, Бхат Амир, Сайфуллах Баба Международная высшая школа медицины, Бишкек, Кыргызстан Аннотация

Введение. Индия и Кыргызстан расположены на Азиатском континенте. Обе страны понесли большие потери человеческих жизней во время пандемии COVID-19. 11 марта 2020 года, с объявлением этой вспышки пандемией приостановилась нормальная жизнь большинства людей, здравоохранение обеих стран получило огромную нагрузку, а 2021 год был посвящён поиску вакцины для того, чтобы положить конец пандемии.

Цель данной статьи - изучить вакцинацию против COVID-19 в Индии и Кыргызстане.

Материалы и методы: статистические данные о вакцинации против COVID-19 населения Индии и Кыргызстана, сравнительные методы.

Полученные результаты. Согласно последним данным ООН, на 1 июля 2022 года население Кыргызстана составляет 6,728,271 человек, а население Индии составляет 1,406,631,776 человек. [1] Количество заражённых вирусом COVID-19 в Киргизии составляет 201000 человек, из них 2991 человек умер. В Индии 43.1миллиона человек [2] заразились COVID-19, из них 524000умерло.

Согласно данным Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ), в Индии с момента начала пандемии из числа заражённых COVID-19 выздоровело 29427330 человек [6]. В Кыргызстане всего выздоровело 196226 человек. [2]

Выводы. Индия и Кыргызстан поставили приоритеты на полную победу над COVID-19. Население Индии гораздо больше населения Кыргызстана, что является крайне актуальным при проведении вакцинации населения. На 15 мая 2022 года в Индии было использовано почти 1.91 миллиарда доз вакцин против COVID-19. В Киргизии 1.28 миллиона человек вакцинированы полностью. Обе страны работают над информированностью населения, подготовкой медицинских работников, обеспечением современным оборудованием и т. д.

Ключевые слова: COVID-19; заболеваемость; смертность; вакцинация против COVID-19; карантин

COVID-19 in India: India due to its large population witnessed the largest COVID-19 vaccination drive in the world. COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) put a pause in life. All schools, colleges, universities, shops, offices, parks and theatres were closed to combat this deadly COVID-19 [3, 25, 26].

India registered its first case on January 27, 2020. After that, it spread to such an extent that today there are more than 10 million cases in India, of which more than 150,000 people have died because of it.

There were a series of "lock and unlock" measures taken by the Government of India to combat COVID-19. It includes the closure of schools, major economic activities, colleges, and universities for more than 5 months. Because of the huge population getting infected, there were no medical workers and hospitals to combat the congestion which marked an urgent need for measures and solutions to this COVID-19 infection. There were series of lockdowns and unlocks to combat the spread of COVID-19 infection.[4][5]

Series of lockdowns and unlocks in India:(Fig1)

Vaccination in India: In India 862 million individuals were completely vaccinated which comprises 62.5 % with normal of 511k measurements given at least. One dosage given to 1.42 billion which comprises 72.8% of the total population. Booster dose was given to 20.7 million individuals which comprises 2% of the total population. [7]

The General of Narcotics of India (DGCI) has affirmed COVISHIELD and COVAXIN. These two immunizations have got Emergency use Authorisation. (EUA). These vaccines can be stored at +2 to +8 degrees Celsius. An Emergency Utilize Authorization (EUA) is an administrative instrument that permits immu izations and medications to be utilized to avoid and/or diminish

introduction to life-threatening disease or conditio ns caused b y COVID- 1 9 . Exhaustive assessment of research facility and clinical test information, counting information on quality, security, defensive counter acting agent generation and adequacy, is carried out before EUA is allowed by the Indian administrative specialists. EUA is adj usted with worldwide guidelines. [3]

India has approved nine coronavirus vaccines, five of which have been locally made. Only two have been widely used. The 4 vaccines currently approved were COVISHIELD and COVAXIN Sputnik V and Corbevax - for its drive. Covisheild accounts for over 81% of the doses given so far. [8][3]

Indicator covaxin covishield

Type of vaccine Whole virion inactivated COVID-19 vaccine Recombinant COVID-19 vaccine based on viral vector technology

Manufactured by Bharat Biotech Serum Institute of India

Schedule 4 weeks apart 4 weeks apart

Shelf life 6 months 6 months

Efficacy 78%(against severe disease <60yrs =79% >=60yrs =68% 70.42%

Number of doses in each vial 20 10

Dose 0.5 ml 0.5 ml

Course 2 doses 2 doses

Table 1. The two most commonly used vaccines COVISHIELD AND COVAXIN [9]

Preparation of Vaccine in India:

Vaccinating a huge country with a huge population has always been a difficult task. The Government of India has prepared a dedicated task force to carry out the COVID-19 vaccination whether or not it is suitable for public use. The main problem for India was the availability of cold stores. India has 28,000 cold stores dedicated to vaccines stored at +2 to +8 degrees Celsius. As vaccines are developed. PFIZER requires -70 to -90 degrees Celsius storage, it is not possible to vaccinate rural populations served by rural PHCSs as these PHCSs are not equipped with electricity. To overcome power supply issues, state governments have begun investing in renewable energy sources to provide 24/7 power to the PHCS(Public Health Centres) .PHCs played vital role as manufactured vaccines are transported to regional vaccine depots, from where they are transported to district vaccine depots, which are then transported to community health centres (CHCs) and primary health care centres (PHCs).PHCS play an important role in maintaining the correct temperature of the vaccine until the last stage of its delivery. This likely played a critical role in mass vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic.

I n di a i ni ti al l y ap p ro ve d t he Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine (manufactured under license by Serum Institute of India under the trade name Covishield) and Covaxin (a vaccine developed locally by Bharat Biotech). Serum Institute of India is the world's largest manufacturer of vaccines.[10][3]


COVAXIN, India's indigenous COVID-19 vaccine Bharat Biotech is developed in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) -

National Institute of Virology (NIV). This indigenous, inactivated vaccine is developed and manufactured in Bharat Biotech's BSL-3 (Biosafety Level 3) high containment facility with approval for emergency use. [10]

The vaccine received approval from Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) for Phase I & II Human Clinical Trials and an Adaptive, Seamless Phase I, Followed by Phase II Randomized, Double blind, Multicentre Study to Evaluate the Safety, Re a c t o g e n i c i t y, To l e ra b i l i t y a n d Immunogenicity of the Whole-Virion Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (BBV152). [10][11][13]


COVAXIN® includes the following ingredients: COVAXIN® contains 6|g of whole-virion inactivated SARSCoV-2 antigen (Strain: NIV-2020-770), and other inactive ingredients such as aluminium hydroxide gel (250 |g), TLR 7 /8 agonist (imidazoquinoline) 15 |g, 2-phenoxyethanol 2.5 mg, and phosphate buffer saline up to 0.5 ml. The vaccine (COVAXIN®) thus has been developed by using inactivated/ killed viruses along with the aforementioned chemicals. [11]

COVID-19 in Kyrgyzstan: The first cases of COVID-19 in the Kyrgyz Republic were detected on 18 March 2020.The entire country was placed on an emergency footing on 22 March, with some very strict lockdown episodes in Bishkek, Osh, and some other parts of the country during March- May 2020.Also border restrictions with neighbouring countries and suspended all international and domestic flights was imposed.[12][16]

The Kyrgyz Republic also put series of lockdowns to combat the spread of the COVID-19 infection [15, 16].



25 March 2020,emergency was declared in Bishkek,Osh and Jalal abad.

1.0 UNLOCK •

May 10, 2020 state of emergency was terminated, yet quarantine measures were still in place.


By the end of June , cases increased dramatically 3 times therefore guidelines were issued by ministry of health.

2.0 UNLOCK •

June 1,2020 Kyrgyz govt lifted majority of quarantine restrictions.

Series of Lockdown and Unlocks in Kyrgyzstan (Fig 2)

Vaccination in Kyrgyzstan: In Kyrgyzstan 1.28 million(19.4%) people are fully vaccinated which comprises 19.4%total population. Single dose given to 1.53 million people which comprises 23.2%

of total population. The total number of recovered cases in Kyrgyzstan are 196226


As on 13 May 2022 ,6 Vaccines are approved for use in Kyrgyzstan [18-23].

Table 2. The summary of the vaccines is tabulated in

vaccine Manufactur er compone nt Efficacy status in pregnancy and breastfeeding Dose

1. Comima ty Pfizer/BioNT ech RNA based 16 and above 95% 12-15 =75-100% 5-11= 67.7% safe 10 mcg

2. Sputnik light Gamaleya Non-Replicate d Viral Vector below 60 yrs=75% Used as booster Limited 0.5 ml (Booste r dose)

3. Sputnik v Gamaleya Non-Replicate d Viral Vector 91.6% 80% 6-8 months after 2nd dose safe 0.5 ml

4. Vaxzevr ia Oxford/Astra Zeneca Non-Replicate d Viral Vector 60% limited 0.5 ml

5. Qazvac Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems (RIBSP) inactivat ed 70-96% in Phase 3 clinical trial Safe(not a live virus) 0.5 ml

6. Covilo Sinopharm (Beijing) inactivat ed 78.89% Limited use 0.5 ml

There are no vaccines in clinical trials in Kyrgyzstan


India and Kyrgyzstan are set to defeat COVID-19 fully. The population of India is much more than Kyrgyzstan and making it a great milestone. As on 15 May 2022 India has so far given almost 1.91 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses. In Kyrgyzstan 1.28 million people are fully vaccinated. Both countries are improving on the setbacks and working on public awareness, enough medical staff, enough modern equipment etc. The fight against the virus must be waged on numerous open fronts: aggressive global vaccination c a m p a i g n s , n o n p h a r m a c o l o g i c a l interventions, strengthening emergency and critical care systems, and finding therapies that are effective at every stage of the disease. The road to normality is still very long.


1. https://auca.kg/en/COVID19statistics/

1. Discover global and national statistics about the coronavirus (COVID-19)



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https://www.mohfw.gov.in/COVID_vaccination/vaccin ation/index.html






https://www.bharatbiotech.com/images/covaxin/covaxi n-factsheet.pdf

11. "




13. "


14. "

https://www1.undp.org/content/dam/kyrgyzstan/Public ations/sustainable-development/UNDP-ADB%20SEIA_11%20August%202020%20Eng.p df

15. COVID-19 in theKyrgyzRepublic:



16. COVID-19 in Kyrgyzstan: Navigating a way out








https://www.thelancet. com/j ournals/eclinm/article/PIIS 2589-5370(21)00358-8/fulltext





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24. Comparative characteristics of the frequency and level of anxiety disorders among respondents living in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan during the COVID -19pandemic / O. Zh. Uzakov, S. Yu. Komissarova, A. T. Alymkulov, K. M. Kermaly //Eurasian Medical Journal. - 2021. - No 3. - P. 24-31. - DOI 10.52680/16948254 2021 3 24.

25. Operation Bentall de bono against the background of bilateral polysegmental viral pneumonia (COVID-19) case from practice / S. Ahmed, I. Kh. Bebezov, M. K. Dzhundubaev [et al.] //Eurasian Medical Journal. - 2021. - No 5 . - P. 3-13. - DOI 10.52680/16948254 2021 5 3.

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