COTTON PROCESSING INDUSTRY IN UZBEKISTAN AND ITS PROBLEMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
human / industry / ecology / national economy / water / soil / atmosphere. / человек / промышленность / экология / народное хозяйство / вода / почва / атмосфера.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Kasimov, Dilmurodjon Azamjonovich

The article provides information on the construction of industrial enterprises processing cotton in Uzbekistan in 1940-1980 and their role in the national economy, their impact on the economy. On the basis of historical data, the negative factors caused by the construction of industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan in the former Soviet Union, their connection with the cotton industry, the implementation of various decisions and laws in the cotton industry, mistakes and shortcomings were analyzed.

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В статье приведены сведения о строительстве промышленных предприятий по переработке хлопка в Узбекистане в 1940-1980-х годах и их роли в народном хозяйстве, их влиянии на экономику. На основе исторических данных проанализированы негативные факторы, вызванные строительством промышленных предприятий Узбекистана на постсоветском пространстве, их связь с хлопковой отраслью, выполнение различных решений и законов в хлопковой отрасли, ошибки и недостатки.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7



Kasimov Dilmurodjon Azamjonovich

Namangan State University 1-course master's degree History (by country and region)

The article provides information on the construction of industrial enterprises processing cotton in Uzbekistan in 1940-1980 and their role in the national economy, their impact on the economy. On the basis of historical data, the negative factors caused by the construction of industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan in the former Soviet Union, their connection with the cotton industry, the implementation of various decisions and laws in the cotton industry, mistakes and shortcomings were analyzed.

Keywords: human, industry, ecology, national economy, water, soil, atmosphere.

В статье приведены сведения о строительстве промышленных предприятий по переработке хлопка в Узбекистане в 1940-1980-х годах и их роли в народном хозяйстве, их влиянии на экономику. На основе исторических данных проанализированы негативные факторы, вызванные строительством промышленных предприятий Узбекистана на постсоветском пространстве, их связь с хлопковой отраслью, выполнение различных решений и законов в хлопковой отрасли, ошибки и недостатки.

Ключевые слова: человек, промышленность, экология, народное хозяйство, вода, почва, атмосфера.


Cotton, the white gold of Uzbekistan, has long been a national treasure of the Uzbek people. That is why our ancestors have long been a source of agriculture in the cultivation of cotton. During the years of independence, many reforms have been carried out in the field of cotton growing, processing and spinning. In particular, the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 22.06.2020. The Resolution No. 398 "On measures to organize the activities of cooperatives for the cultivation and processing of raw cotton" is a clear proof of this. According to the resolution, the implementation of a single scientific and technological policy, improvement of technology and fiber production will be the



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

most important task in the cotton processing industry: the introduction of scientific and technical achievements, including the introduction of foreign best practices, equipment upgrades and mastering the latest world-class technologies. intended to put.


Historically, many industrial enterprises have been built to grow cotton and turn it into a gross product. Cotton has introduced the Uzbek people to the world as white gold. The sense of ownership of cotton products has always been a constant goal of neighboring countries. In particular, Tsarist Russia's cotton reforms led to the loss of many Uzbeks and their enslavement. Over the years, the system of growing cotton has been multiplied on the basis of mandatory plans. But the focus on the cotton processing industry has not been developed.

Numerous scientific studies have been conducted by historians on the processing of cotton. For example, many studies have been conducted in Uzbekistan on the development of the cotton industry and its role in the national economy. In particular, Sh. Askarov, A. Khazratkulov, N. Oblomurodov, G. Khallieva, B. Pasilov and others [1] can be cited as examples.

According to N. Oblamurodov's research, "Many industrial enterprises in Uzbekistan were built for cotton growing and processing, and their material and technical bases were not updated, as a result, some problems began to arise, such as cotton processing" [2]. In Uzbekistan, a complex of industrial enterprises has been developed, namely, cotton growing, cotton processing, the use of technical machines in the cultivation of cotton, the preparation of mineral fertilizers.


In many regions of Uzbekistan, cotton fields have been established and horticultural areas have been reduced. Over the years, as a result, Uzbekistan has experienced food shortages related to cotton production.

The cotton gin dominates the industry. Industry, products are intended for industrial consumption. The products of the industry are exported to more than 30 countries of the world. The first cotton gin factory was built in Tashkent in 1881, and in 1900 there were 83 factories in the UzSSR. In the pre-revolutionary period on the territory of modern Uzbekistan there were 250 (1917) small semi-handicraft enterprises for cleaning raw cotton. during the years of Soviet power, the production of cotton fiber increased almost 10 times in the republic (1979) and amounted to

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

1,565.2 thousand tons. The industry is characterized by increasing production volumes from year to year, which indicates the developing specialization of the republic. This industry provides an interconnected system of factories, procure, points, essential cleaning shops and transport facilities [3]. There are 100 factories in the industry, 455 will procure items. The largest cotton ginning plants are in Leninsk, Gijduvan, Bukhara, Zirabulak, Namangan. Jume (with a capacity of 100 thousand tons or more of raw cotton per year). In addition to cotton fiber, enterprises also produce lint, a raw material for light, medical, chemical and other factories. industries. All plants have workshops for the preparation of sowing seeds. Taking into account the growing collections of raw cotton, production is increasing. power has grown. Only during the years of the 9th five-year plan (1971-75) 200 million rubles were invested in it, 15 new ones were put into operation, a large number of existing cotton ginning plants were modernized and reconstructed. In 1976, a reorganization was carried out in the management of the industry, and regional industrial associations for the procurement and primary processing of cotton were created to replace the regional cotton procurement centers.

Textile industry. Uzbekistan has a long history. Even in the 17-18 centuries. fabrics were made here (satin, snipe, benorasi others), raw cotton was exported to many countries of Europe and Asia. After Oct. The revolution of Uzbekistan created large textile factories. In 1930, the Fergana cotton factory (now the Ferghana Textile Combine) was put into operation, and in 1936 the Tashkent Textile Combine began to operate. As early as 1940, the republic's textile enterprises produced 80 million m of cotton fabrics.

Sekotkatz production developed on the basis of industry. In 1932 the Samarkand silk-weaving factory was established. In 1942, on the basis of the silk-winding factory, the Margilan Shek Office was formed.

In the 9th and 10th five-year plans, a number of enterprises were reconstructed in the industry, technological facilities were modernized. equipment. in 1978 the republic produced 600,000 m of woolen fabrics and 27,814,000 m of nonwovens. m. The largest enterprises in the industry are the Tashkent and Ferghana textile mills, the Namangan suit silk fabric factory, the Kokand spinning and weaving factory, the Atlas production association (Margilan); in 1973, the 1st stage of the Bukhara cotton mill and the 2nd stage of the Bukhara cotton mill went into operation.

The development of the cotton industry in Uzbekistan has led to the construction of fast-growing cotton processing enterprises, problems with their construction and technical failures, including environmental pollution, environmental problems [4].

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Industrial enterprises associated with the processing of cotton began to be built in densely populated areas of central cities. As a result, the population's water and soil began to suffer from industrial waste. The fact that cotton processing enterprises have not been technically repaired for years has led to problems such as poor quality of semi-finished cotton products and their unsold warehouses.

But the processed cotton backwaters polluted the entire atmosphere of the regions, saws, garbage and sewage[5]. The lack of skilled personnel in the cotton processing industry has also led to a further deterioration of the technical condition of industrial enterprises and a decline in product quality.


The policy pursued to develop cotton growing and further flour production sometimes did not justify itself. The use of many chemicals and technical failures in the cotton industry have led to social and economic problems in Uzbekistan. The material and technical condition of cotton processing enterprises was not taken into account.

Although the cotton processing industry produced a lot of raw materials, these products were sent to the center to the industrial enterprises and textile factories of the former Soviet Union, and the processing of products of processing enterprises in Uzbekistan performed the most powerful tasks.


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Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

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