Научная статья на тему 'cooperation of authorities with international organizations as an important aspect of social and economic development of Ukraine'

cooperation of authorities with international organizations as an important aspect of social and economic development of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
international organization / international / UN / international relations / international cooperation / public authorities / співробітництво органів влади з міжнародними організаціями / міжнародні організації / міжнародні відносини / міжнародне співробітництво / органи державної влади

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Bielska Tetiana Valentynivna, Khomaiko Kseniia Oleksandrivna

The article deals with conceptual approaches to the issue of cooperation of state authorities with international organizations; it is noted that Ukraine takes an active position on the international arena and directs its efforts to active cooperation with international organizations. The cooperation of authorities with foreign partners is portrayed as an ongoing process of communication, dialogue, comparison and mutual adaptation of unmatched and even conflicting interests and values. The authors emphasize attention to the fact that international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations are increasingly attracting representatives of government bodies and the public from different regions of Ukraine to implement joint projects. International organizations influence the state policy during projects’ implementation. Special attention is paid to the fact that the issue of cooperation between the Ukrainian authorities and international organizations is paid special attention and a separate group of legislative and regulatory documents is devoted, in particular: the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine “On the Principles of Internal and Foreign Policy”, “On International Treaties of Ukraine”, “On Transfrontier Co-operation”, “On the Principles of State Regional Policy” and others. A number of international legal acts, in particular: the European Charter of Local Self-Government, as well as certain documents of the European Union, regulating the procedure of cooperation between the EU and its neighbors, are also relevant in this direction. That is, Ukraine has a thorough regulatory framework for international cooperation. It has been proved that the intensification of the international dialogue caused a lot of questions regarding the process of management and coordination of authorities of international cooperation. Among the factors that determine the establishment of external relations at the regional level are complex internal processes of democratic transformation that influence the directions and subjects of the construction of international relations. The approaches proposed in this article to the issue of cooperation between the authorities and international organizations are based on the analysis of the accumulated international experience, namely the resolution of systemic conflicts in the sphere of regulation of international cooperation of the regions.

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У статті розглядаються концептуальні підходи до питання співробітництва органів влади з міжнародними організаціями; відзначаєть ся, що Україна займає активну позицію на міжнародній арені та спрямовує свої зусилля на активну співпрацю з міжнародними організаціями. Співпраця органів влади з іноземними партнерами зображається як безперервний процес комунікацій, діалогу, зіставлення та взаємного пристосування незбіжних і навіть конфліктних інтересів та цінностей. Авторами акцентується увага на тому, що міжнародні міжурядові та неурядові організації все більш активно залучають представників органів влади та громадськості з різних регіонів України до реалізації спільних проектів. Реалізуючи проекти, міжнародні організації впливають на державну політику. Акцентовано особливу увагу на тому, що питанням співробітництва органів влади України з міжнародними організаціями приділяється особлива увага та присвячена окрема група законодавчих та нормативно-правових документів, зокрема: Конституція України, Закони України “Про засади внутрішньої і зовнішньої політики”, “Про міжнародні договори України”, “Про транскордонне співробітництво”, “Про засади державної регіональної політики” та ін. Цього напряму стосується й низка міжнародних нормативноправових актів, зокрема: Європейська хартія місцевого самоврядування, а також окремі документи Європейського Союзу, що регулюють процедуру взаємодії ЄС з його сусідами. Тобто Україна має ґрунтовну нормативну базу з питань міжнародного співробітництва. Доведено, що активізація міжнародного діалогу викликала багато питань щодо процесу управління та координації органами влади міжнародного співробітництва. Cеред факторів, що визначають встановлення зовнішніх зв’язків на регіональному рівні, є складні внутрішні процеси демократичної трансформації, які впливають на напрями та суб’єкти побудови міжнародних відносин. Запропоновані в даній статті підходи до питання співробітництва органів влади з міжнародними організаціями спираються на аналіз накопиченого міжнародного досвіду, а саме вирішення системних конфліктів у сфері регулювання міжнародного співробітництва регіонів.

Текст научной работы на тему «cooperation of authorities with international organizations as an important aspect of social and economic development of Ukraine»

UDC: 35.077

Bielska Tetiana Valentynivna,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Administration, Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy named after O. M. Beketov, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshala Bazhanova, 17, tel.: (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700

Бельська Тетяна Валентитвна,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, доцент кафедри менеджменту i адм1-тстрування, Хартвський нащональний утверситет мюького господарства шет О. М. Бекетова, 61002, Хартв, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700

Бельская Татьяна Валентиновна,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры менеджмента и администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства имени А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700

Khomaiko Kseniia Oleksandrivna,

postgraduate student of the Department of Management and Administration, Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy named after O. M. Beketov, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshala Bazhanova, 17, tel.: (098) 222 68 27, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-3203-6185 Хомайко Kceuisi Ojieiccanâpiena, астрант кафедри менеджменту i ад-мтктрування, Хартвський нащональний утверситет мкького господарства тет О. М. Бекетова, 61002, Хартв, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (098) 222 68 2 7, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-3203-6185

Хомайко Ксения Александровна,

аспирант кафедры менеджмента и администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства имени А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (098) 222 68 27, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-3203-6185 DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i12.80 68 -


WiTH ínternatíonal organízatíons


Abstract. The article deals with conceptual approaches to the issue of cooperation of state authorities with international organizations; it is noted that Ukraine takes an active position on the international arena and directs its efforts to active cooperation with international organizations. The cooperation of authorities with foreign partners is portrayed as an ongoing process of communication, dialogue, comparison and mutual adaptation of unmatched and even conflicting interests and values. The authors emphasize attention to the fact that international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations are increasingly attracting representatives of government bodies and the public from different regions of Ukraine to implement joint projects. International organizations influence the state policy during projects' implementation.

Special attention is paid to the fact that the issue of cooperation between the Ukrainian authorities and international organizations is paid special attention and a separate group of legislative and regulatory documents is devoted, in particular: the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine "On the Principles of Internal and Foreign Policy", "On International Treaties of Ukraine", "On Transfrontier Co-operation", "On the Principles of State Regional Policy" and others. A number of international legal acts, in particular: the European Charter of Local Self-Government, as well as certain documents of the European Union, regulating the procedure of cooperation between the EU and its neighbors, are also relevant in this direction. That is, Ukraine has a thorough regulatory framework for international cooperation.

It has been proved that the intensification of the international dialogue caused a lot of questions regarding the process of management and coordination of authorities of international cooperation. Among the factors that determine the establishment of external relations at the regional level are complex internal processes of democratic transformation that influence the directions and subjects of the construction of international relations. The approaches proposed in this article to the issue of cooperation between the authorities and international organizations are based on the analysis of the accumulated international experience, namely the resolution of systemic conflicts in the sphere of regulation of international cooperation of the regions.

Keywords: international organization; international; UN; international relations; international cooperation; public authorities.



Анотащя. У статт розглядаються концептуальш пщходи до питання сшвробггництва оргашв влади з мiжнародними оргашзащями; вщзначаеть-

ся, що Украша займае активну позищю на мiжнароднiй аренi та спрямовуе сво1 зусилля на активну сшвпрацю з мiжнародними органiзацiями. Сшвпра-ця оргашв влади з iноземними партнерами зображаеться як безперервний процес комушкацш, дiалогу, зiставлення та взаемного пристосування не-збiжних i навiть конфлштних iнтересiв та цiнностей. Авторами акцентуеться увага на тому, що мiжнароднi мiжурядовi та неурядовi оргашзаци все бшьш активно залучають представникiв оргашв влади та громадськосп з рiзних регiонiв Украши до реалiзащl сшльних проектiв. Реалiзуючи проекти, мiж-народш оргашзаци впливають на державну пол^ику.

Акцентовано особливу увагу на тому, що питанням сшвробгтництва оргашв влади Украши з мiжнародними оргашзащями придiляеться особлива увага та присвячена окрема група законодавчих та нормативно-правових до-кументiв, зокрема: Конститущя Украши, Закони Украши "Про засади вну-тршньо1 i зовшшньо1 политики", "Про мiжнароднi договори Украши", "Про транскордонне сшвробгтництво", "Про засади державно! репонально! пол^ тики" та ш. Цього напряму стосуеться й низка мiжнародних нормативно-правових актiв, зокрема: Свропейська хартiя мiсцевого самоврядування, а також окремi документи Свропейського Союзу, що регулюють процедуру взаемоди СС з його сусiдами. Тобто Украша мае Грунтовну нормативну базу з питань мiжнародного спiвробiтництва.

Доведено, що активiзацiя мiжнародного дiалогу викликала багато питань щодо процесу управлiння та координацп органами влади мiжнародного сшвроб^ництва. Серед факторiв, що визначають встановлення зовшшшх зв'язкiв на регiональному рiвнi, е складнi внутрiшнi процеси демократично'^' трансформаций якi впливають на напрями та суб'екти побудови мiжнарод-них вщносин. Запропонованi в данiй статт пiдходи до питання сшвробгтни-цтва оргашв влади з мiжнародними оргашзащями спираються на аналiз на-копиченого мiжнародного досвiду, а саме виршення системних конфлiктiв у сферi регулювання мiжнародного спiвробiтництва регiонiв.

Ключовi слова: сшвроб^ництво органiв влади з мiжнародними оргашза-цiями, мiжнароднi оргашзаци, мiжнароднi вiдносини, мiжнародне сшвробгт-ництво, органи державно1 влади.


Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются концептуальные подходы к вопросу сотрудничества органов власти с международными организациями; отмечается, что Украина занимает активную позицию на международной арене и направляет свои усилия на активное сотрудничество с международными организациями. Сотрудничество органов власти с иностранными партнерами изображается как непрерывный процесс коммуникаций, диалога, сопоставления и взаимного приспособления несовпадающих и даже конфликтных интересов и ценностей. Авторами акцентируется внимание

на том, что международные межправительственные и неправительственные организации все более активно привлекают представителей органов власти и общественности из разных регионов Украины для реализации совместных проектов. Реализуя проекты, международные организации влияют на государственную политику.

Акцентировано особое внимание на том, что вопросам сотрудничества органов власти Украины с международными организациями уделяется особое внимание и посвящена отдельная группа законодательных и нормативно-правовых документов, в частности: Конституция Украины, Законы Украины "Об основах внутренней и внешней политики", "О международных договорах Украины", "О трансграничном сотрудничестве", "Об основах государственной региональной политики" и др. Этого направления касается и ряд международных нормативно-правовых актов, в частности: Европейская хартия местного самоуправления, а также отдельные документы Европейского Союза, регулирующих процедуру взаимодействия ЕС с его соседями. То есть Украина имеет основательную нормативную базу по вопросам международного сотрудничества.

Доказано, что активизация международного диалога вызвала много вопросов относительно процесса управления и координации органами власти международного сотрудничества. Среди факторов, определяющих установление внешних связей на региональном уровне, являются сложные внутренние процессы демократической трансформации, которые влияют на направления и субъекты построения международных отношений. Предложенные в данной статье подходы к вопросу сотрудничества органов власти с международными организациями опираются на анализ накопленного международного опыта, а именно решения системных конфликтов в сфере регулирования международного сотрудничества регионов.

Ключевые слова: сотрудничество органов власти с международными организациями, международные организации, международные отношения, международное сотрудничество, органы государственной власти.

Target setting. The processes of globalization and interstate integration lead to certain changes in world politics that prompt to the strengthening of the role of international organizations in international relations, the strengthening of international cooperation, development of economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation with foreign partners.

Regional ministries and departments of various profiles establish inter-

national contacts that cover a number of issues that are constantly increasing from the exchange of experience and coordination of actions in the field of regional development, environmental protection, and social policy to the implementation of joint projects in the field of economics, education or sports. The authorities in Ukraine, when entering into international treaties, commit themselves to participate in the alliance and give organizations the opportunity

to interfere in the interests of our country, as enshrined in domestic law.

The intensification of the international dialogue has raised many questions about the process of governance and coordination of international cooperation authorities. Among the factors that determine the establishment of external relations at the regional level are complex internal processes of democratic transformation that influence the directions and subjects of the construction of international relations. The approaches proposed in this article to the issue of cooperation between authorities and international organizations are based on an analysis of the accumulated international experience, namely the resolution of systemic conflicts in the sphere of regulation of international cooperation of the regions.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The study of theoretical and practical aspects concerning the cooperation of the authorities with international organizations and the development of foreign policy is devoted to many works of famous domestic scientists such as: Yu. Averyanov, R. Agranoff, O. Amosov, N. Sidorenko.

Some aspects of Ukraine's cooperation with international organizations in the customs field were studied by such domestic and foreign scholars as I. Be-rezhnyuk, G. Borisov, O. Vottshenikov, S. Galko, A. Dukhnevich, M. Kalensky.

The research of international cooperation of law enforcement bodies is the subject of scientific analysis in the works of leading lawyers, namely: O. Bandurka, Yu. Bytiak, O. Muzy-chuk, D. Gorbach, O. Kryvenka, D. Sa-vochkina, O. Konoplyanyk and others. However, the problems associated with

international cooperation between government and international organizations require further in-depth study and systematization.

The purpose of the article is to conduct comprehensive research conceptual approaches to the issue of cooperation between the authorities with international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as the formation of prospects for development and ways of improving of international cooperation.

The statement of basic materials. At the present stage of globalization, Ukraine's cooperation with international organizations is one of the priority directions of the development of the foreign-policy development strategy for each of the countries of the world.

The history of modern international relations begins its counting in the period of the Late Middle Ages, the birth and prosperity of national states and the split of the Christian world, Great geographical discoveries. Relations between the states began to develop in the absence of the authority of secular authorities at the supra-state level, so the promotion of national interests took place in conditions of interstate anarchy, which resulted in wars and conflicts between the participants in international relations.

Understanding international politics took place within the framework of the philosophy of the thinkers of the New Age (modern era), in particular: Machiavelli, Guacarchardi, Botero, Grotius, Richelieu, Hobbes and others [1]. However, in their philosophical writings, the authors consider international relations as an aspect of the world. Subsequently Hegel, Saint-

Simon, and Kant, whose works are outlined in two philosophical tendencies: historicism and the doctrine of "open history", theoretically comprehend international relations. From the middle of the twentieth century international relations are distinguished from philosophy. For the settlement of relations between countries of the world there is the concept of "international cooperation".

The definition of "international cooperation" reflects such a process of interaction between two or more states, which excludes the use of armed violence and dominate the search for the realization of common interests [2, p. 68]. Contrary to everyday understanding, cooperation is not the absence of conflict, but the "deprivation" of its extreme, crisis forms. J. P. Derry-ennik noted that "the two participants are in a state of cooperation, when each of them can be satisfied only if the other is satisfied, that is, when each of them can achieve its goal only when it can to achieve another [3, p. 110]". The cooperation involves bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, which results in the conclusion of various types of agreements that provide for joint regulation of certain issues.

International cooperation is based on the understanding of the modern world as a single space, structured with diverse and increasingly interconnected networks of social interactions, as the process of gradual formation of a global civil society. It interprets the changes that take place today in the world, as a process of creating a new reality, which is characterized by total interdependence and fundamental change in all basic parameters of international relations.

In the twentieth century intergovernmental cooperation becomes multilateral. At the same time, multilateralism is a manifestation of the diversity of subjects of cooperation: states, transnational firms, banks, financial groups, communes, ethnic groups, professional associations with various incentive interests and opportunities [4]. Conceptual approaches to the issue of cooperation between authorities and international organizations are a system of views on the understanding of phenomena and processes, a single, decisive idea on key points in the organization of cooperation between authorities and international organizations.

The "British school" in international relations is associated with the names of M. Banks (Banks, 1984), X. Bull (Bull, 1977), J. Burton (Burton, 1972), M. White (Wight, 1966) and represents an intergovernmental cooperation as a result of the Westpha-lian Peace and the establishment of inter-state institutions and international norms in it that resulted from the efforts of states to regulate international activities.

O. Bogaturov distinguishes three main approaches to the interpretation of the international system, in terms of applied analysis:

• Realistic — it is the emphasis on the relationship of potentials among the main actors of the international community;

• Social-constructive — it is the interest in rules of conduct between the subjects of the international community;

• Institutional — it is a nod to the regulatory tools based on international institutions as a mecha-

nism of intergovernmental cooperation capable of reconciling and restraining the influence on the behaviour of individual countries in favour of a broad circle in general [5]. As for the realistic approach, which G. Marenthau, R. Aron and K. Waltts began to study, the main idea was to understand the order of the horizontal time slice of international relations, which all the time was determined by the ratio of potentials between large countries. In contrast, L. Miller introduced the principle of international regulation, first introduced by Wilson in 1918. This principle embodied in the policy of the League of Nations, then the UN [6].

Representatives of the sociological approach emphasize that in a new reality, an analysis of international cooperation would be inappropriate if it was not to be conducted on a wider scale of global transnational ties and interactions. Therefore, "new international relations" are beginning to emerge today, requiring increased attention to the role of social norms and institutions, group values and identities, cultures and traditions, which do not deny but motivate the interests of the parties involved.

International cooperation is aimed at the establishment and development of Ukraine as an independent democratic state, the inclusion of the national economy in the world economic system, and the worldwide image of Ukraine as a reliable and predictable partner [6].

In essential conditions, the main areas of international cooperation are:

• compliance with the decisions of the Okinawan Charter of the Global

Information Society (2000), the Geneva (2003) and Tunis (2005) World Summits on the Information Society, the European Strategy for Cooperation (2008), the framework of European programs;

• participation in the development of international rules of law and mechanisms governing the relationship in the use of global information infrastructure, including the management of the Internet;

• participation in international information exchange;

• participation in the formation of the system of international information security, improvement of interaction of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and foreign states in the field of prevention, detection, termination and elimination of the consequences of the use of ICT for terrorist and other criminal purposes;

• participation of Ukraine in international research projects in the priority directions of science, technology and technology development;

• participation in the development of international standards in the field of information and telecommunication technologies, harmonization of the national system of standards and certification in this area with the international system;

• participation in European Information Society Development Programs and the Open Government Partnership Initiative [7].

Special attention should be paid to the fact that the issue of cooperation between the Ukrainian authorities and international organizations is given special attention and a separate group of legislative and regulatory documents

is devoted, in particular: the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine "On the Principles of Internal and Foreign Policy", "On International Agreements Ukraine", "On Transboundary Cooperation", "On the Principles of State Regional Policy" and others. A number of international legal acts, in particular: the European Charter of Local Self-Government, as well as certain documents of the European Union, regulating the procedure of cooperation between the EU and its neighbours, are also relevant in this direction. Thus, Ukraine has a solid normative based on international cooperation.

Ukraine has already established close relations with a number of international organizations. In particular, its repeated election to the UN Security Council testifies to the high authority of our state in the UN, one of the co-founders of which Ukraine was in 1945.

Our country receives significant technical, advisory and financial assistance from UN specialized agencies, its funds and programs, in particular in the areas of democratic governance, poverty reduction, the achievement of the goals of sustainable development, support of public administration, the fight against HIV/AIDS and other serious diseases and environmental protection. In June 2001, Ukraine became the main initiator of the convening of the first special session of the UN General Assembly on the issue of HIV/AIDS. Currently, our country is actively using the UN's capabilities to fight HIV/ AIDS, in particular, involving the design and technical assistance of UN bodies. Thus, for these purposes during 2012-2017 the Global Fund to Fight

AIDS / AIDS allocated approximately 305 million US dollars to Ukraine [8].

In 2017, the duration of the Government of Ukraine and UN Partnership Framework for 2012-2016 (over 133 million US dollars) and the programs of cooperation of Ukraine with the UN Children Fund (UNICEF) for 2012-2016 (budget — over 22 million US dollars) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for 20122016 (budget — 6,5 million US dollars). In the context of overcoming the humanitarian consequences of the Russian aggression against our state, active cooperation between Ukraine and the organizations of the United Nations system (UNHCR, OCHA, UNDP, WFP, IOM, WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, etc.) in the humanitarian sphere in the Donbass continues. During 2016 and 2017, UN organizations implemented the annual UN Humanitarian Response Plan in Ukraine, which mobilized 97,5 million US dollars in humanitarian assistance to the wounded people in the east of Ukraine in 2016. USA. In 2017, the budget amounted to 214 million US dollars [8]. In the framework of the implementation of the UN Humanitarian Response Plan, only 2,6 million people received assistance during the last year.

In Ukraine, through the UN Volunteers Program (UNV), the volunteer movement has become a form of civic and youth cooperation in Ukraine and has become an integral part of UN work in the country. Within the framework of two projects implemented jointly with UNDP in 2008-2011 and 2012-2016, UNV has helped to increase the capacity of 52 youth centers and volunteer organizations in Ukraine [9]. UNV, in

conjunction with Ukrainian non-governmental organizations, helped mobilize hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to participate in volunteering activities. The United Nations Office in Ukraine provides for the implementation of United Nations Development Program projects in Ukraine (UNDP), actively cooperates with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports, and other Ukrainian agencies. In addition to UNDP, the Office coordinates activities of the World Health Organization (WHO), the IAEA, the ILO, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Drugs and Crime, UNESCO and UNICEF.

The International Labor Organization (ILO), during its 25 years of existence in Ukraine, promotes work through the development of a social dialogue to support economic transformation, investment, entrepreneurship, skills development, job creation and sustainable livelihoods, occupational safety and health, protection of rights at work and strengthening of social protection.

It should be noted the high activity of Ukraine in international cooperation in the field of health care. For example, the UNFPA has been supporting Ukraine for 20 years to develop a family planning system that has reduced maternal mortality and abortion by more than 2 times. Recently, the UN Population Fund focuses on issues of gender equality and gender-based violence. As of October 2017, the Foundation pro-

vided assistance to more than 20,000 survivors of violence [9]. Medicines and medical equipment provided by the United Nations Population Fund help to secure the birth of children and promote the health of women.

Since its inception in Kyiv in 1997, UNICEF has been promoting the rights of children in Ukraine. Since 2014, over 270,000 children and families with children have received psychological support; more than 1.8 million people have access to safe drinking water in areas affected by the military conflict. Access to the education of children living near the collision line was supported by the restoration of 70 schools [9]. UNICEF has provided children and their families with the necessary knowledge about the safe handling of mines and unexploded objects in the area of hostilities.

With the accession of our country to WTO membership in May 2008, Ukraine participates in meetings of the WTO General Council. Membership in the WTO has opened the door for Ukraine to negotiate a free trade with the EU and the European Free Trade Association, and has strengthened our country's position in the implementation of the existing bilateral free trade agreements.

Ukraine's activities in the OSCE ensure the equal participation of our state in discussing and solving urgent problems of international security and cooperation. Among the main areas of Ukraine's cooperation with the OSCE is the intensification of its participation in the settlement of "frozen" conflicts.

Today, the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) is the oldest European regional policy organization.

Immediately after its formation in 1971, the AEBR established close contacts with the Council of Europe, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), as well as with numerous border regions [10]. The AEBR is a voluntary non-governmental association, its members pay entry and membership fees. Along with this, AESR receives subsidies from the European Commission and national governments [11]. Currently, more than 180 European border regions (Euroregions) of Europe are among the members of the AESR, including the Euroregions with the participation of the oblasts of Ukraine: Odesa Oblast is a member of the AESR as one of the regions within the Euroregion "Lower Danube", Sumy oblast is the founder of the Euroregion "Yaroslavna". The Kharkiv region is a member of the Slobozhanschina Euroregion [12]. From the above, one can conclude that Ukraine as a whole is an active player in the international arena.

Today, an important step towards the formation of international cooperation in Ukraine is the implementation of the decentralization reform, which will promote the role of local self-government bodies. Local governments become international cooperation actors and actively interact with partner municipalities, international non-governmental organizations, participate in joint projects. This helps to analyse and improve the ways of their own development.

Conclusions. Cooperation of the Ukrainian authorities with international organizations is an important aspect of the strategic development of our country. Strategic directions of ex-

ternal activity determine additional opportunities for cooperation of authorities with international organizations, and also ensure participation in their activities. Cooperation with the international organizations described above is only a few examples of successful international relations, approaches, forms and principles of their activities.

It is a good thing that cooperation between local authorities and international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations can contribute to the implementation of modern world-wide experience of governance. The implementation of various projects with the support of international organizations is aimed at activating the regions of Ukraine and targets the united territorial communities for responsible participation in the municipal activities.

The cooperation of the Ukrainian authorities with international organizations in today's conditions is formed as a priority communication direction, a dialogue of mutual adaptation of conflicting interests and values in the conditions of globalization.


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