A. P. Sukhodimtseva
This article is about the importance of the implementation of principles of the continuous education system's development, defining the social phenomenon of sustainable development at the level of general education.
Key words: sustainable development principles, continuous professional education, levels of general education.
Before disclosing the essence of principles, we should present the definition of term "sustainable development", which we use as a basis at the level of general education. Sustainable development of the continuous education system at the general education level is understood as a process of implementation of interrelated vocational educational programs, ensuring the continuous improvement of professional competence throughout one's life by educational organizations, as well as permanent improvement (and expansion) of preschool education, elementary general education, basic general education and secondary general education teachers with the purpose of creating conditions for the development of educatees' creativity and their achievement of the educational results required by Federal State Educational Standards.
The Russian state program "Development of Education for 2013-2020" that is connected with continuous education is also devoted to the ideas of sustainable development. One of the tasks set in the program is to create "a flexible, socially accountable system of continuous vocational education that develops human potential, and meets the current and prospective needs of social and economic development of the Russian Federation" [1]. The system is understood, firstly, as a system of educational processes/educational programs aimed at ensuring the formation and further development of human personality in compliance with its needs and socio-economic requirements [3, p.345], and secondly, as
organizational structures/organizations existing at various levels of education. Therefore, the programs of educational organizations and their interaction must be so arranged as to enable a person to realize his or her right to education throughout his or her life (continuous education). An important factor from the point of view of the Federal State Educational Standards (new generation) influencing the quality of education, distribution of up-to-date technologies and methods of teaching, is the status of human resources at all levels (preschool education, elementary general education, basic general education, secondary general education). Therefore, to enable the general education teaching staff to ensure the educational result required by the Federal State Educational Standards, it is necessary to ensure a continuous process of professional development of preschool education, elementary general education, basic general education, and secondary general education teachers.
Network, integrative, cluster, process design, activity-oriented, person-oriented and competency-oriented approaches were used as starting positions for developing the principles of the continuous education system,. Let us name the principles and disclose their essence.
The principle of integrative growth and network interaction presumes the building of vertical and horizontal integration of organizational structures (organizations) of the continuous vocational education system at the general education level, and the system of educational processes (educational programs) directed at ensuring continuity of the process of preschool education, elementary general education, basic general education, and secondary general education teachers' professional development in accordance with the needs and socioeconomic requirements. The principle of integrative growth presumes the following: (a) integration of ideas; (b) the presence of a single goal, meeting common interests, and conducive to the realization of the needs of everyone involved in the activity; (c) the same space and time framework of the participants, enabling them to exchange actions and information; (d) simultaneity of efforts, coordination stimulating the participants' sense of responsibility to other groups and their goals; (e) distribution of the process of activity among the participants driven by the nature of the goal, the means and conditions for its achievement, and the participants' competency level. Integration permits the minimizing of expenses, and usage of both internal and independently engaged external resources with maximum efficiency.
The effect of integration can be enhanced by implementation of the principle of cluster interaction. It is possible to obtain a new quality of results on account of the subjects' development in the process of working over the problem on the basis of a stable partnership, enhancing the specific advantages of the individual participants or the cluster as a whole.
The implementation of the principle of project content and project organization of activity within the general education system permits one to organize preemptive educational processes in the system of continuous education, to create conditions for teachers' mastering the methods of transforming reality, solving problematic situation, and developing and applying efficient methods and techniques of continuous education.
On one hand, the proposed principles orient one towards the possibility of creating a strategy of sustainable development of the continuous education system, and on the other hand, they take into account the needs of a personality-oriented approach in continuous education that presupposes (according to T.Yu. Lomakina) [2, p.112]: (a) creation of conditions for the development of all the subjects of the educational process; (b) development of valid stimuli (incentives of social and professional development of the subjects of the educational process, and their professionally important qualities in an emotionally comfortable and socially protected situation; (c) introduction of up-to-date pedagogical and psychological methods of personal development into the education process with regard for variability of education set to enhance the potential of professional selfdetermination and development; (d) organization of educational space, presupposing diversification of educational programs and educational institutions.
The principles developed by us were put into practice within the framework of the network project "Festival of Pedagogical Creativity "A Gifted Teacher for a Gifted Child"" [4]. As to a teacher's personality, the project makes it possible to learn permanently, without relatively long breaks within graduate or postgraduate training, or to engage in self-education aimed, inter alia, at the development of project competency. As for the educational process, continuity is assured through a teacher's involvement in the educational process itself, and assurance of continuity of educational activity upon transition from one of its type to another.
The cooperation between the UNESCO/UNEVOC National Center in the Russian Federation, the Institute of Education Strategy and Theory of the Russian Academy of Education, the Moscow City Pedagogical University, was integrated within the framework of the project. The problem of developing children's talents is a thematic field that unites the essence of their activity within the framework of continuous education. The project itself acts as a certain local system of realization of the principles of development of the continuous education system.
1. Государственная программа Российской Федерации «Развитие образования» на 2013-2020 годы (утв. распоряжением Правительства РФ от 15 мая 2013 г. № 792-р).
2. Ломакина Т. Ю. Современный принцип развития непрерывного образования / Т.Ю. Ломакина. - М. : Наука, 2006. - 221 с.
3. Профессиональная педагогика: учеб. / под. ред. С. Я. Батышева, А. М. Новикова. -изд. 3-е, перераб. - М.: Ассоциация «Профессиональное образование», 2010. - 456 с.
4 Сборник материалов 5-го Международного фестиваля педагогического творчества «Одаренному ребенку - одаренный педагог» Сопровождение развития одаренности детей и молодежи: идеи, опыт, профессионализм / сост. А.П. Суходимцева, М. М. Гордон; [науч. ред. д. психол. н., проф. Е. С. Романова]. - М.: МАОРИ, 2014. - 2б0 с.
Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translastions Bureas