Национальная ассоциация ученых (НАУ) # 77, 2022
UDC: 004.896:621.865
Aliyeva Yegana Novruz
Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Az1010, Baku, Azadlik ave. 20 Mirzayev Qoshqar Ramiz 2nd year master's student Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Az1010, Baku, Azadlik ave. 20 DOI: 10.31618/nas.2413-5291.2022.1.77.578
Today's industrial robots work in a wide range of industries, from semiconductors and automobiles to plastics processing and metal forging.
Pretty much any repetitive operation is a great job for a robot, particularly if it's dangerous or difficult for people. The application of robots in manufacturing industries is particularly valuable. Robots have been used for high-volume operations, but as the technology advances and the cost of industrial robots decline, more options and opportunities are opening for medium- and small-sized operations. At the same time, these robots are helping manufacturers address many of the key challenges they face, including tight labor pools, global market competitiveness and safety.
Сегодня промышленные роботы работают в самых разных отраслях, от полупроводников и автомобилей до обработки пластмасс и металлической ковки.
Практически любая повторяющаяся операция - отличная работа для робота, особенно если она опасна или трудна для людей. Особенно ценное значение имеет применение роботов в обрабатывающей промышленности. Роботы использовались для крупномасштабных операций, но по мере развития технологий и снижения стоимости промышленных роботов, для средних и малых предприятий открываются более широкие возможности и возможности. В то же время эти роботы помогают производителям решать многие из ключевых проблем, с которыми они сталкиваются, включая стесненные трудовые резервы, конкурентоспособность глобального рынка и безопасность.
Key words: Industrial robot, manipulator, Denavit-Hartenberg, Kuka R700, kinematics, six-axis robot.
Ключевые слова: Промышленный робот, манипулятор, Денавит-Хартенберг, Кука R700, кинематика, шестиосевой робот.
An industrial robot is a manipulative robot designed to perform motor and control functions in the production process, i.e. an automatic device consisting of a manipulator and a reprogrammable control device (control panel or operator console), which forms control actions that set the required movements of the manipulator's executive organs.
Industrial robots are also called robot manipulators. A manipulator is an open mechanical system (chain) consisting of solids that are sequentially connected to each other by means of hinges and form kinematic pairs of the fifth class. Each of the components of the manipulator is called a link. Such a chain has two ends, one of which 9 is called the base, and the other is the grip. Links and joints are numbered from the base (it is assigned a zero number) to the grapple[1] .
The main manufacturers of industrial manipulation robots are KUKA, Mitsubishi, Fanuc, ABB. It should be noted that most modern manufactured manipulators have six or more degrees of freedom, in particular because it provides more convenient and accurate positioning and orientation of the working body in space.
Industrial robots are widely used to perform such functions in the production process as assembly and
assembly, welding, painting, loading and unloading. They are used for space and underwater research, for working with harmful substances and radioactive materials [2].
When developing robot control systems, questions often arise about how the grip of the manipulator will move if its links move in accordance with some law, what the speeds of the links should be in order to ensure a given speed of the grip, and some others. All these issues are related to the transformation of the coordinates of the robot manipulator. Coordinate transformation is one of the main problems that arise in the kinematic analysis of the manipulator [3].
Robot control panels has a menu in which there are two main points - working with control programs, and manual control of the robot. Working with programs includes creating a new program (creating a file), editing the control program, saving changes, deleting programs, and selecting the program as the control program for this robot. Editing the program involves inserting commands before or after the selected line, changing commands and deleting, as well as working with variables of 2 types (Joint and XYZ), which includes creating new variables, changing and deleting existing variables. It should be noted that each
Ha^OH&ibHaa ассоцнацнн yneHbix (HAy) # 77, 2022
control panel implements its own system, and the above operations are different for each robot model.
Accordingly, qualified specialists are required to work with robots. But educational institutions now cannot provide the industry with such specialists, because they do not have the necessary educational and practical equipment. The cost of training robots is very high, besides, robots of several brands are usually used in production, and then the educational institution needs to buy not one, but several training robots. As a result, the training is too expensive. Therefore, relatively cheap and universal learning tools are required. Thus, the development of an educational software package for controlling industrial robots is an
urgent task that will help to visually and effectively train students and workers on computer simulators. The purpose of this work is to develop a software package for teaching students and workers how to control industrial robots. This software package includes models of six-axis industrial robots Mitsubishi RV-2SQ, Kuka R700 and Abb IRB120, and control panels for them.
The Denavit-Hartenberg coordinate system for the Mitsubishi RV-2SQ six-axis robot manipulator is shown in Figure 1, for the Kuka R700 robot - in Figure 2, and for the Abb IRB120 six-axis robot manipulator -in Figure 3
Fig. 1. Coordinate system of the Mitsubishi RV-2SQ six-axis robot
Fig. 2. Coordinate system of the Kuka R700 six-axis robot
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Fig. 3. Coordinate system of the Abb IRB120 six-axis robot
The parameters of the presented system for the technical characteristics of this model [4-5], are shown Mitsubishi RV-2SQ robot, taking into account the in Table 1.
Table 1.
] 120 (300) 0
2 0 230
3 0 50
4 270 0
5 0 0
6 70 0
The parameters of the presented system for the Kuka R700 robot, taking into account the technical characteristics of this model, are shown in Table 2.
Table 2.
1 200(400) 25
2 0 315
3 0 35
4 365 0
5 0 0
6 SO 0
The parameters of the presented system for the characteristics of this model [6-7], are indicated in Abb IRB 120 robot, taking into account the technical Table 3.
Table 3.
1 103 (290) 0
2 0 270
3 0 110(70)
4 302 0
5 0 0
6 104(72) 0
Programs for the Mitsubishi RV-2SQ robot are written in Melfa-Basic IV, for the Kuka R700 robot - in the Kuka Robot Language (KRL), for the Abb IRB120 robot - in RAPID. For the development of robot control panels, the following basic commands are highlighted,
which are implemented in the described software package. For Mitsubishi RV-2SQ robot (Melfa-Basic IV language):
- Mov J1
- Mvs P1
HauHOH&ibHaa accounauna yneHbix (HAy) # 77, 2022
- Mvr P1,P2,P3
- HOpen / HClose
- Ovrd 100
For the Kuka R700 robot (KRL language):
- PTP P1 VEL = 100 % BASE[0] T00L[0]
- LIN P1 VEL = 100 % BASE[0] T00L[0]
- LIN P1,P2 VEL = 100 % BASE[0] T00L[0]
For the Abb IRB120 (RAPID language): -MoveJ P1 Z0 V100 T00L[0] -MoveL P1 Z0 V100 T00L[0] -MoveC P1 P2 Z0 V100 T00L[0] -TRIGGI0 gunon TRUE/FALSE The commands are described below:
- Mov P1 (Mitsubishi)
PTP P1VEL = 100 % BASE[0] T00L[0] (Kuka) MoveJ P1 Z0 V100 T00L[0] (Abb) Movement to point P1 along the axes of work (Joint) at a speed of 100% of the maximum value. Any 31 names starting with the letter "P" (a point written in Cartesian coordinates) can be specified as a point. For the Mitsubishi robot, it is possible to specify a point in Joint coordinates, then the name of the point begins with the letter "J". The speed parameter specifies a number from 0 to 100 - the speed as a percentage of the maximum value. The parameter Z (Ab) means offset, i.e. how many mm from the end point the robot will finish moving.
-Mvs P1 (Mitsubishi)
LIN P1 VEL = 100 % BASE[0] T00L[0] (Kuka) Move L P1 Z0 V100 T00L[0] (Abb) Movement to point P1 with linear interpolation at a speed of 100% of the maximum value. Any name starting with the letter "P" (also with "J" for Mitsubishi) can be specified as a dot. The speed parameter specifies a number from 0 to 100 - the speed as a percentage of the maximum value. The parameter Z (Ab) means offset, i.e. how many mm from the end point the robot will finish moving.
-Mvr P1,P2,P3 (Mitsubishi) LIN P1,P2 VEL = 100 % BASE[0] T00L[0] (Kuka)
Move C P1 P2 Z0 V100 T00L[0] (Abb) For the Mitsubishi robot, movement along the arc between the points: starting P1, intermediate P2 and
final P3 in the specified sequence. For Kuka and Abb robots - movement along the arc between the points: the starting point (the end point of the execution of the previous command), intermediate P1 and final P2 in the specified sequence. Any name starting with the letter "P" can be specified as a point. The speed parameter specifies a number from 0 to 100 - the speed as a percentage of the maximum value. The parameter Z (Ab) means offset, i.e. how many mm from the end point the robot will finish moving.
-H0pen / HClose (Mitsubishi)
Turn on/off the tool (squeeze/unclench the grip). For the Mitsubishi robot, there are two separate commands without parameters. The command for the Kuka robot has two parameters: the exit number and the status.
-0vrd 100 (Mitsubishi)
For the Mitsubishi robot, the speed of movement is set by a separate command. The speed parameter specifies a number from 0 to 100 - the speed as a percentage of the maximum value.
1. Zenkevich, S.L. Robot Control. Basic Control of Manipulative Robots: Textbook for Universities / C.L. Zenkevich, A.S. Yushchenko. - M.: Izd-vo MGTU im. N.E. Baumana, 2000. - 400 p.
2. Fu, K. Robotics: Per. c. / K. Fu, R. Gonzalez, K. Lee. - M. Mir, 1989. - 624 p.
3. Lychagin, U.V. MELFA-BASIC IV programming of industrial robots of Mitsubishi Electric: practical guide / U.V. Lychagin - SPb.: Balt. Gosh. Techn. jun. 2013. - 41 p.
4. Kuka System Software 8.3: 0perating and programming instructions for end users - Germany: 2016. - 197 p.
5. Mitsubishi industrial Robot CR750/CRn-700 series: Instruction manual - Japan: 2013. - 231 p.
6. Abb industrial Robot IRC5 with FlexPedant: 0perating manual - Sweden: 2017. - 298 p.
7. Abb industrial Robot IRC5 with FlexPedant: Operator's manual - Sweden: 2005. - 318 p.