Consistency of motor actions as a factor of comprehensive development of a dance couple at the stage of initial training
UDC 793.38
N.D. Murzin1
1Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Ballroom dancing is a complex coordination sport, one of the main components and characteristics of which is the performance of a dance duet by two partners.
The issue of motor consistency in a dance couple is relevant for research, especially among young dancers, since they have little experience in social interaction and dance practice to find motor compromises and work out their own consistency.
Keywords: ballroom dancing; consistency of motor actions; methods
Introduction. It is determined by the high significance of the search for means and methods aimed at optimizing the improvement of the training process of training in sports dancing, which will allow dancers to achieve better results in the process of joint activities. Ballroom dancing is a highly coordinated sport, one of the main components and characteristic features of which is the duet performance of the dance by two partners. Their effective physical and emotional interaction directly determines how beautiful and interesting the dance will be for the viewer and the judge[7].
The issues of psychological preparation of an individual dancer, self-adjustment, etc. are considered in the scientific literature quite often, in contrast to the ways of coordination of movements between partners. Although in practice, according to many coaches, the greater success of the dance as a whole depends on the consistency of actions. Many teachers note that the consistency of actions in a couple is primarily influenced by interpersonal relationships, the atmosphere in a couple. In addition, an important problem is the issue of leadership and the struggle for it in a dance couple.
The main indicators of positive compatibility of partners are the improvement of results and the stability of the formation of couples in sports dancing. The problem of consistency of motor actions based on psychological compatibility still does not find due attention in theoretical studies of teachers and psychologists.
Partners are involved in sports dancing, and it depends on how their sports activities are designed by the coach. it depends on their technical performance of a particular dance, but since sports activities should be reflexively constructed, this obliges the coach to pay attention to the interaction of partners, their emotional stability, conflict resolution[5].
Until now, the scientific literature has mainly considered the problems of improving the quality of dancers' performances, the possibility of self-regulation of their emotional state, and the formation of motivation for sports. At the same time, as practice shows, a decrease in the level of compatibility in sports activities occurs for a number of reasons, among which the most significant coaches-practitioners consider interpersonal relationships, the emotional state of part-
ners, as well as the problem of leadership in a sports couple[1,2,6].
Nevertheless, the problem of coordination of motor actions based on psychological compatibility still does not find due attention in theoretical studies of teachers and psychologists.
A.A. Kovalenko believes that sports dance, unlike other sports, significantly affects the development of psychophysiological characteristics of athletes (temperament, self-esteem, formation of self-image, physiological difference by gender, etc.). It is this effect that reflects the complexity of "couple dancing", which in turn affects the training and competitive activity of both performers[3].
According to A.G. Strebkova, in the structuring component of a flexible system of training and competitive processes in sports dancing to improve the physical, tactical, psychological and technical level of dance couples, there is a goal of joint activity in sports dancing. Thus, the question of motor consistency in a dance couple is relevant for research in order to find motor compromises and develop consistency independently [7].
Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the following conclusion can be made: The success of joint activities depends on the nature of interpersonal relationships, psychological atmosphere, group cohesion, distribution of role functions, etc. However, the influence of each factor on the effectiveness of joint work is ambiguous, it is due to the specificity of the joint activity performed. There is a link between the effectiveness of joint activities and the compatibility of its participants. The effectiveness of the group is determined not only by the individual indicators of the individual's skill in this type of activity, but also to no lesser extent by the optimal combination of the members of the couple according to their individual psychological parameters. The selection of participants in joint work should provide for the study of individual psychological characteristics that limit the effectiveness in this activity.
Each jointly performed activity has its own compatibility parameters. For some sports specializations (volleyball, tennis, etc.), compatibility criteria have been identified, methods of recruiting groups have been developed taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of partners. Practice shows that when recruiting couples in sports dances, the main attention is paid to physical and motor compatibility, however, the individual psychological char-
acteristics of athletes are not taken into account. This often leads to negative relationships, conflict situations, refusals to work in this composition.
The training system includes: General physical training includes a wide variety of exercises that affect all muscle groups and body systems of the dancer. Purposeful physical training should contribute to the more effective development of individual physical qualities, increase the level of functional capabilities of dancers. The complex of exercises used should constantly create prerequisites for optimal education of physical abilities necessary in sports dancing.
Special physical training of dancers in initial training groups takes quite a lot of time, since its successful implementation in the training process can be the key to both successful competitive activity and athletic longevity of athletes. The selection of SFP exercises was carried out taking into account the principle of unity of general and special training. When working on the coordination of movements in the training process, the following are worked out: - the positions of the legs of athletes - dancers in a dance couple; - the position of the body of partners in a couple; -parallelism of the feet of athletes — dancers when performing the movement in couples; - the positions of the hands of athletes - dancers (training and basic) for the European program, (closed, open) for the Latin American program; note: we consider only the main positions of the hands. - dance bundles based on several figures of sports dance; - dance compositions (golden variations). The "Golden Variation" is a composition based on dance movements that are most often used in sports dancing.
The psychological exercises included: - methods for determining the psychomotor compatibility of partners in a dance duet (V.I. Rumyantseva); - methods for determining the leadership qualities of athletes-dancers. (O. Potemkina). - Performance of a dance variation with preset emotions. - Discussion of competitions after participation in them. - "Mirror". One of the partners showed the action at a slow pace with some part of the body, for example, with his hand. The second partner had to repeat this movement as accurately as possible. Then the partners changed between an active and a passive party. - "Moving a couple by one partner". One partner closes his eyes and the second, taking him by the shoulder or waist, leads him around the hall at different tempos to different music, bypassing various obstacles. As well as various other psychological exercises similar in direction [4].
Test results for dance couples of initial training of 14-15 years.
Program x±CT t-test p
before after
Standard 5,67±0,84 13,77±0,99 16,4 p<0,01
Latin 6,05±0,99 12,77±0,83 18,3 p<0,01
Research results (standard)
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Research results (Standard)
Research results (Latin)
Conclusion. The expert assessment consisted in the evaluation by the judges and specialists of the performing skills of couples according to the main criteria used according to the rules of the Russian Dance Union. Each criterion was evaluated by the arbitrator on a scale from 1 to 3 For each criterion, the average
index was calculated, as well as the average index on the sum of the criteria. There were 5 professional judges who participated in the expert assessment. Couples performed the final 5 dances of the standard and 5 dances of the Latin American program. The results of the expert evaluation showed significant differences in performance skills according to all criteria. The development of coordination of motor actions in a dance pair of initial training significantly increases psychological and motor coordination in a pair, as well as develop other important criteria for a dance couple.
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