CONSEPT AND ROLE OF THE GAME OF EDUCATION OF THE IDENTITY OF THE STUDENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
a game / a game technique / an employment / the efficiency / an activation / the stages of game / the motivation. / игра / игровая технология / занятие / эффективность / активация / этапы игры / мотивация.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — B.Yakubova

The article talks about the importance of using gametechniques. During the professional activity with the students is recognized that involvethem through the usageof gametechnique is one of the options to achieve the efficiency.

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В статье говорится о значении использования игровых технологий. При работе со студентами признается их активации с использованием игровых технологий являющихся одним из путей достижения эффективности.





Teacher of the Andijan Machine Building Institute


The article talks about the importance of using gametechniques. During the professional activity with the students is recognized that involvethem through the usageof gametechnique is one of the options to achieve the efficiency.

Keywords: a game, a game technique, an employment, the efficiency, an activation, the stages of game, the motivation.


В статье говорится о значении использования игровых технологий. При работе со студентами признается их активации с использованием игровых технологий являющихся одним из путей достижения эффективности.

Ключевые слова: игра, игровая технология, занятие, эффективность, активация, этапы игры, мотивация.


Game a type of activity which is inherent in both children, and adults therefore use of this type of activity in educational process is known long ago however important is use of such aspect of these activities which promotes emergence of involuntary interest in knowledge of fundamentals of any sciences. At the same time there shall be a serious and deep perception of the studied material. A game shan't result in the wrong understanding of this or that problem, students shall like complexity of the studied material and understand that process of the doctrine is not only an interesting game.

Use of different types of games educational problems, business, imitating, role for permission, brings a variety during subject educational process, causes forming of positive motivation of studying of this subject. A game stimulates active participation of students in educational process and involves even the most passive. Practice confirms efficiency of application of game techniques at the final stage (upon completion of studying of a subject, the section, a rate) training.


Educational game the training method of professional activity assuming the solution of industrial practice tasks in a playful way when pupils undertake roles and according to statutory rules in the conditions of the set game situation perform professional functions, imitating professional activity and entering collective relations.

Activities of the doctrine are for the student the leading type of activities within which its development as the individual, the professional and the member of society is performed. Degree of an inclusiveness of the student in activities of the doctrine is determined that how ample opportunities are given it by didactic system for manifestation of own personal activity in respect of a tseleobrazovaniye and a tseleosushchestvleniye. And it, in turn, depends on content and conditions of the organization of teaching and educational process in higher education institution.

Activity of the student will be organized in a specific form of educational cognitive activity and submits to all its laws, having the subject, motives, the purposes realizing them means, conducts, results. However, educational activities are undertaken not for the sake of itself, and eventually for achievement of qualitatively other purpose - for forming of future professional activity. Educational business game is one of the options suitable for the solution of this task.

Educational game keeps the main benefits of "an abstract method" of training (conceptual nature of knowledge, the compressed time scale of mastering a profession, etc.) and at the same time is free from its most massive faults as it resolves contradictions between educational and future professional activity. By means of playful ways of training (the method of the analysis of specific production situations, playings of roles, etc.) can be provided education not only theoretical and practical thinking of the specialist, but also necessary "official" qualities of his personality - capabilities to a management activity, adoption of collective decisions, skills of social interaction, a management and subordination.

The task consists in providing psychology and pedagogical conditions, acceptances and methods of full inclusion of students in the cognitive activity proceeding in a specific form of game educational activities. It is not only about imitating, but also about psychology and pedagogical modeling in training of complete professional activity, about goal achievement of training and education through familiarizing of students with these activities. Difficulty is that the teacher shall act in a game and as the engineer (the specialist by profession) and as the teacher.

Among playful ways of training the greatest recognition and distribution were gained by such forms as the analysis of specific production situations or situational tasks, playing of roles, business games, an incident, the analysis of incoming mail, etc. Their general characteristic sign is that the educational objectives are achieved in the joint activities of participants organized by the teacher as dialogical communication. The last creates opportunities for exchange of the points of view, statements of questions, coordination or delimitation of line items, participations in general debate. Personal partner interaction on communication mediates interaction with the cognizable content of training provided in a simulation model. In other words, active "rapprochement" with a subject of knowledge is caused or, more precisely, is mediated by activity of dialogical communication, discussion, development of the collective decision.

Psychologically very important and the fact that motivation to activity proceeds either from a situation, or from the partner in a game, but not from the teacher who in well made game doesn't interfere with its course it carries out only a role of the arbitrator. The less teacher interferes with process of a game, the it is more in it than signs of self-organization and self-control and the training game value is higher. A game is the tool of the collective analysis of model requiring common efforts of participants and exchange of information in the corresponding language of imitation.

Subject content of a game is imitation in training of specific conditions and dynamics of production, and also the actions and the relations occupied in it people, otherwise, a reconstruction or modeling of two realities - production processes and structure of professional activity of specialists. An educational game serves as "instrument" of development of theoretical and practical thinking of the specialist -capabilities to the analysis of difficult conditions of production, statement and the solution of professional tasks, new to the student. It is reached by the organization of interaction of participants of a game with cognizable content of the professional activity set in a game is constructive in the form of system of problem tasks or specific production situations.

Difference of an educational game from traditional training methods, its training opportunities are that in a game the main regularities of movement of professional activity and professional thinking on material of the educational situations which are dynamically generated and resolved by common efforts of participants are recreated.


Educational game serves, first of all as "instrument" of development of theoretical and practical thinking of the specialist: capabilities to analyze difficult conditions of production, to put and solve professional problems, subjective and new to the student. Game educational activities have nature of the role interaction developed according to ordered, and in certain cases and the rules and regulations accepted during the game. Accomplishment of these rules, subordination to regulations of professional and subject and social actions - necessary conditions of expansion of a full-fledged game, forming in detail and socially competent specialist.

Application of an educational game on the example of imitation of psychological consultation by students of pedagogical faculty.

Educational game is a powerful factor of the organization of cognitive activity of students, serves as a push for disclosure of creative opportunities and capabilities.

As an example, proving usefulness of an educational game for training, I described stages of imitation of psychological consultation by students of pedagogical faculty of the Bukhara state university. Such game in the psychological center helped students to understand better all procedure of activities of consultation in psychological service.

1 stage: The teacher gives a task - to prepare consultative process, the structure of a problem is submitted for general consideration. Students independently look through psychological consultation or psychodiagnostics which are in production. The meeting where the decision on a subject of consultative process how many will be participants is collectively made and what materials will be necessary for a game is held. Are cast at desires and opportunities of students. Day of the first rehearsal is appointed. The leader leading process in practice is usually allocated - it is given a role of the psychologist expert.

stage: Students independently prepare the roles and materials on them (for example: find the protocol similar psychological consultation, watch movies where all stages of consultation are provided. If there is an opportunity - are present at "live" process.) The first rehearsal is held, errors are eliminated and collective help is given (for example - the prepared client's material doesn't approach: obsolete methods and psychotechnicians or just weak defensive tactics), are added new elements to process (for example - accept the new client to meet lacks in a konsudtation or the help). On the end of a rehearsal the repeated (usually finishing) rehearsal is appointed, each student already has a list of mistakes which need to be eliminated. The teacher doesn't participate at this stage.

2 stage: A repeated rehearsal, with use of accessories of a game (methodical materials, kants.tovara, a necessary table, a chair for the client, etc.). Study of details, elimination of the last imperfections. At this stage the teacher besides doesn't interfere with activities of students.

3 stage: A game. The teacher's task - to analyse a game of students during consultative process.

4 stage: Final stage. Consultative process is ended, the psychologist drew the conclusion. This stage is also entered by the teacher. He shall express the opinion on collective work of students. To allocate where mistakes were made or to encourage for well thought over game. Work of all collective, but not certain student is estimated.

Such game very effective imitating consultative process also helps students not just with the theory to understand how it undergoes psychological consultation, and in practice (in reality though game) to participate in it.

Use of different types of games - educational problems, business, imitating, role for permission, brings a variety during subject educational process, causes forming of positive motivation of studying of this subject. A game stimulates active participation of students in educational process and involves even the most passive. Practice confirms efficiency of application of game techniques. I showed it on the basis of game imitation of psychological consultative process by students of pedagogical faculty.


Activity of the student will be organized in a specific form of educational cognitive activity and submits to all its laws, having the subject, motives, the purposes realizing them means, conducts, results. At the same time educational activities are undertaken not for the sake of itself, and eventually for achievement of qualitatively other purpose - for forming of future professional activity.

Emphasizing advantages of an educational game - as educational method, it is necessary to pay attention that similar training can't force out traditional information reporting completely. Success in the solution of a task of the organization of cognitive activity of students consists in an optimum combination of innovative and traditional training methods.


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