Научная статья на тему 'Congenital malformation as a cause of child disability'

Congenital malformation as a cause of child disability Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Avezova Guloyim, Sajtmuratov Mirzohit

Acquiring data demonstrates a real socio-medical significance of pathology caused by congenital anomalies (birth defects), chromosomal diseases, and their role in prenatal pathology and childhood disability.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Congenital malformation as a cause of child disability»

Conclusions. Thus it is necessary to raise the level of medical culture in the family, which will help improve the health of growing generation and the birth of a healthy generation. Since the birth of the child's family must pay particular attention to his health. Only healthy children as adults will be able to ensure the birth of healthy offspring and healthy children born only from healthy parents.


1. On conducting medical examinations of the persons entering into a marriage. Order of the Cabinet of Ministers. Number 365 of 23 August 2003. Р. 13.

2. Mamatkulov B. M. Public health and health management. T.: Ilm-Ziyo, 2014. 575 р.

3. Mamatkulov B. Medical and social aspects of formation, protection and improvement of children's health first 7 years of life: Dis. ... Dr. med. Sciences. - Tashkent, 1997. - 334 p.

Congenital malformation as a cause of child disability Avezova G.1, Sajtmuratov M.2 (Republic of Uzbekistan) Врожденные пороки развития как причина детской инвалидности Авезова Г. С.1, Сайтмуратов М. А.2 (Республика Узбекистан)

1Авезова Гулоим Саттаровна / Avezova Guloyim - кандидат медицинских наук, старший преподаватель; 2Сайтмуратов Мирзохит Абдумуратович / Sajtmuratov Mirzohit - студент магистратуры, Школа общественного здравоохранения, Ташкентская медицинская академия, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Abstract: acquiring data demonstrates a real socio-medical significance of pathology caused by congenital anomalies (birth defects), chromosomal diseases, and their role in prenatal pathology and childhood disability.

Аннотация: полученные данные демонстрируют реальную социально-медицинскую значимость патологии, обусловленной врождёнными аномалиями (пороки развития), хромосомными болезнями и их роль в перинатальной патологии и детской инвалидности. Для предотвращения и снижения уровня болезней, врождённых аномалий необходимо усилить профилактику этих болезней, в двух направлениях -генотипическом и фенотипическом.

Keywords: family congenital anomalies, children. Ключевые слова: семья, врожденные аномалии, дети.

Currently, in the structure of the child disability and mortality of infants increasingly important purchase birth malformations (CDF), which occur in 4.0-6.0 % infants, and their contribution to the structure of the infant Mortality rate is more than 20.0 %. Many of the children with abnormalities of dying in the first months and years of life, and most of the survivors need ongoing health and social care [1, с. 6-10, 2, с. 32, 3, с. 259]. The aim of the study.

Defining the role of the birth malformations in the structure of child disability in Surkhandarya region.

Materials and methods.

Learning the structure of childhood disability carried out in the dynamics of a continuous method with using ICD-10. Data from the state statistical agencies have been entered into a special «accounting journal, dynamics, and changes in the level and cause of disability».

The study of the main causes of childhood disability was carried out by a continuous method in family health centers located on the territory of Surkhandarya region. Selection of areas with different levels of child Disability is dictated by the need to identify factors defining these differences and reserves to reduce child disability.

Results and discussion.

Congenital anomalies, being the most important cause of disability of the child population, and its prevalence indicator amounted to 21.2 per 10 thousand of children population. It should be noted that if the cause of child disability in 78.5 % are 5 classes of diseases, but at the same time, nearly 60 % of the causes of childhood disability are falling by only 2 class of diseases: diseases of the nervous system and congenital anomalies (birth defects) Despite significant advances. in the study of the genetic basis of the emergence and spread of congenital anomalies (birth defects) in the population, they remain one of the most important public health problems CDF consistently rank third among causes of infant mortality in the past 10 years.

First, the lower the frequency of somatic diseases in the structure of causes of prenatal and neonatal morbidity and mortality significantly increased the proportion of congenital anomalies [2].

Secondly, in the children's disabilities make significant contributions congenital and hereditary diseases. Congenital anomalies (malformations, chromosomal abnormalities) in the structure of the causes of childhood disability ranked second (21.0 %). The level of prevalence of congenital pathology in Tashkent amounted to 21.2 %. Significant differences among people of different sex: for boys, the figure was 24.1 in girls - 23,9 %. The structure and level of nosological forms of congenital anomalies, causing the child's disability, etc are represented follow.

Leading the first place is occupied by congenital dislocation of the hip (5.3), followed by cleft lip and palate (cleft lip), cleft palate (3.1), Doun syndrome and chromosomal diseases (3.0), congenital anomalies of the eye and ear ( 2.5), microcephaly (2.2), congenital heart disease (2,3).

All of these forms of the disease are mainly installed between the ages of 0 and 4 years, with the exception of congenital anomalies of the eye and ear are generally detected at the age of 5-6 and 7-14 years. It should be noted that if the congenital hip dislocation, microcephaly, split lips and palate (cleft lip), cleft palate often been the cause of disability in girls, the congenital anomalies of the ear and the eye, congenital heart anomalies, Doun syndrome and chromosomal diseases - among boys.

Therefore, the health authorities should carry out a set of preventive measures which aimed at early detection and prevention of congenital anomalies, through the introduction of monitoring programs, screening during pregnancy and delivery, health of fetus .

However, it should be noted that the vast majority somatoneurological disorders that lead to disability and death of newborn children, can be removed without the use of complex and costly care.

Active detection and rehabilitation of children with intellectual disabilities should be carried out in the maternity hospitals through the implementation of compulsory treatment and rehabilitation of all newborns at risk forces neuropsychiatric profile in the neonatal period and early childhood, as a older ages rehabilitation measures are no longer effective.


1. Acquiring data demonstrates a real socio-medical significance of pathology caused by congenital anomalies (birth defects), chromosomal diseases, and their role in prenatal pathology and childhood disability.

2. To prevent and reduce disease levels, congenital anomalies is necessary to strengthen the prevention of these diseases, in two directions - genotypic and phenotypic. There must be included: a) early warning and elimination of consanguineous marriages, increasing intergenetic intervals (up to 3 years); b) the restriction of births in cases of high-risk the heredity and congenital pathology; c) the elimination of genetically the affected fetus in


early pregnancy when possible prenatal diagnosis of fetal abnormality. This approach aims to regulate itself the couple reproductive function by limiting or complete rejection of procreation; d) increasing the medical knowledge of parents, the introduction of healthy living habits, improvement of the human environment.


1. Asadov D. A., Sharipova M. K. The significance of economic loss from disability since childhood and ways of optimization of medical measures to reduce them // Pediatrics (Uzb.). - 2003 - Spec. Vol. - Р. 6-10.

2. Sharipova M. K. The role of medical genetic services in the prevention of congenital and hereditary diseases in Uzbekistan: Author. Dis. ... Dr. med. Sciences. - Tashkent, 2004. -32 p.

3. Homeland N. E., Hovsepyan N. E. Chromosomal abnormalities in children with multiple malformations // Medical Genetics. 2005. - T. 4, number 6. - Р. 259.

Diagnosis of anemia in pancreonecrosis 1 2 Onishchuk S.\ Zhuchenko N.2,

Zhuchenko L.3 (Russian Federation)

Диагностика анемии при панкреонекрозе

Онищук С. А.1, Жученко Н. В.2,

Жученко Л. В. (Российская Федерация)

1Онищук Сергей Алексеевич / Onishchuk Sergey - кандидат физико-математических наук,


2Жученко Никита Витальевич / Zhuchenko Nikita - студент, физико-технический факультет, кафедра теоретической физики и компьютерных технологий; 3Жученко Людмила Викторовна / Zhuchenko Ljudmila - студент, лечебный факультет, Кубанский государственный медицинский университет, г. Краснодар

Аннотация: исследуется динамика содержания форменных частиц крови больного панкреонекрозом, который находится на стационарном лечении. Выясняются возможные причины появления анемии при данной патологии.

Abstract: the dynamics of the content of the formed particles of blood of the patient with pancreatic necrosis, which is located on hospitalization. Investigates the possible causes of anemia in this pathology.

Ключевые слова: анемия, общий анализ крови, гемоглобин, панкреонекроз, поджелудочная железа, воспалительный процесс.

Keywords: the anemia, the overall analysis of the blood, the hemoglobin, the pancreatonecrosis, the pancreas, the inflammatory process.

Наиболее часто встречающаяся в практике врача любой специальности патология системы крови называется анемия [1]. Характеризуется снижением количества гемоглобина и эритроцитов в крови ниже границ нормы. При лёгких формах симптомами могут быть слабость, быстрая утомляемость, общее недомогание, при тяжелых - возможно развитие сердечной недостаточности. Анемию следует считать одним из проявлений различных патологических состояний, поэтому

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