CONCENTRATED MICRO ALGA FOR POULTRY FARMING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Животноводство и молочное дело»

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Аннотация научной статьи по животноводству и молочному делу, автор научной работы — Lysenko A.A., Lysenko Y.A., Luneva A.V., Nosenko A.V.

The article focuses on the research results to study antibacterial and antagonistic properties of micro alga concentrate, chlorella, which is a biologically natural product obtainedby method of deep culturing the micro alga Chlorella vulgaris in liquid nutrient medium by further separating cells biomass by centrifuging; microbiocenose of gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens with colibacillosis; and also antagonistic effect of its content on opportunistic microflora in vitro. Antibacterial properties of the micro alga concentrate were examined for microbiocenose of gastrointestinal tract of 20 - days' broilerchickens that were ill withcolibacillosis against its suspension given for seven days. To research antagonistic properties of cholera for colon bacillus in vitro the chemical disintegration of its concentrate and suspension cells was done, then the obtained content was poured into Petri dishes as to opportunistic micro organism. It was established that use of micro alga concentrate enhanced not only growth of lacto and Bifidus bacteria by 2,8 and 2,7 %, but also degradation of pathogenic flora, in particular, titer Escherichia dropped by 11,3 %, Salmonella isolation rate was negative, Enterococcus reduced by 9,4 %. Using Chlorella suspension did not significantly affect on microbiocenose of gastrointestinal tract of poultry. It was registered that live weight of broiler chickens that were given chlorella concentrate was bigger in comparison to the control group by 4,1 %, and their growth increase - by 14,1 %. Studying poultry's vitality showed that in the control group where chickens were given Chlorella concentrate the preservation of broiler chickens was 100,0 % during the experiment time period.

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doc. vet. science Lysenko A. A. cand. biol. science Lysenko Y. A. cand. biol. science Luneva A. V.

student Nosenko A. V.

Russia, Krasnodar city Kuban State Agrarian University after I. T. Trubilin

Abstract. The article focuses on the research results to study antibacterial and antagonistic properties of micro alga concentrate, chlorella, which is a biologically natural product obtained by method of deep culturing the micro alga Chlorella vulgaris in liquid nutrient medium by further separating cells biomass by centrifuging; microbiocenose of gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens with colibacillosis; and also antagonistic effect of its content on opportunistic microflora in vitro. Antibacterial properties of the micro alga concentrate were examined for microbiocenose of gastrointestinal tract of 20 - days' broiler chickens that were ill with colibacillosis against its suspension given for seven days. To research antagonistic properties of cholera for colon bacillus in vitro the chemical disintegration of its concentrate and suspension cells was done, then the obtained content was poured into Petri dishes as to opportunistic micro organism. It was established that use of micro alga concentrate enhanced not only growth of lacto and Bifidus bacteria by 2,8 and 2,7 %, but also degradation of pathogenic flora, in particular, titer Escherichia dropped by 11,3 %, Salmonella isolation rate was negative, Enterococcus reduced by 9,4 %. Using Chlorella suspension did not significantly affect on microbiocenose of gastrointestinal tract of poultry. It was registered that live weight of broiler chickens that were given chlorella concentrate was bigger in comparison to the control group by 4,1 %, and their growth increase - by 14,1 %. Studying poultry's vitality showed that in the control group where chickens were given Chlorella concentrate the preservation of broiler chickens was 100,0 % during the experiment time period.

Keywords. Chlorella, poultry, intestinal microflora, colibacillosis, preservation, growth increase, antagonistic properties.

In conditions of intensive industrial poultry farming when big population of poultry is concentrated on limited area, there is a possibility of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms developing on the farms. Systematic treatment with antibiotics and chemical drugs leads to antibiotic resistance of some pathogenic strains and wide spreading of gastrointestinal diseases that are second after virus diseases and are reasons of chicken death on poultry farms [2].

The experience of Russian and foreign researchers show that to solve this problem it is possible to use live micro algae, among which protophyte alga Chlorella stands out. Chlorella suspension first of all is source of proteins, vitamins, macro- and microelements, and also other biologically active substances, serving as a feed product of high nutrition value [1]. But in the professional literature there is no data as to use of Chlorella concentrate in poultry farming as an antibacterial remedy for treatment and prophylaxis of gastrointestinal diseases.

So, using Chlorella in industrial poultry farming is promising and developing its more effective forms with high antagonistic effect against opportunistic microorganisms is topical.

The work was done with the support of Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical field.

Materials and research methods. Chlorella micro alga concentrate was used in the research which is a biologically natural product obtained by method of deep culturing the micro alga Chlorella vulgaris in liquid nutrient medium by further separating cells biomass by centrifuging.

Antibacterial properties of the micro alga concentrate were examined for microbiocenose of gastrointestinal tract of 20 - days' broiler chickens that were ill with colibacillosis against its suspension given for seven days. For the experiment three groups of 20 chickens were formed by principle of pairs-analogs (table 1).

To research antagonistic properties of Chlorella for colon bacillus in vitro the chemical disintegration of its concentrate and suspension cells was done.

Table 1. Scheme of scientific experiment

Groups Number of heads Conditions of feeding and watering

1st control 20 MD - main diet + water

2nd experimental 20 MD + Chlorella concentrate

3d experimental 20 MD + Chlorella suspension

Universal nutrient medium (dry nutrient agar) was pored into Petri dishes, after it was hardened it was all over seeded with test-microbe (colon bacillus) and put in the thermostat at (34±1) °C for 72 hours. In three days half of the agar film with grown microflora was taken out from the Petri dish with a sterile scalpel. 10,0 ml of Chlorella concentrate extract and suspension was pored into the empty part of the dish. The result was checked in a day by the bacteriostatis zone.

Results discussion. The results of the antibacterial properties of Chlorella concentrate are shown in table 2.

Table 2. Microflora of intestine chyme of poultry with colibacillosis, lg, CFU/g

Microorganisms Group

1st control 2nd experimental 3d experimental

before* after** before* after** before* after**

Bifidus bacteria 7,70 7,59 7,69 7,90 7,73 7,79

Lactobacteria 7,48 7,33 7,49 7,70 7,51 7,58

Escherichia 8,52 8,41 8,49 8,11 8,51 8,45

Salmonella 2,39 2,20 2,31 0,00 2,34 2,00

Enterococcus 4,03 3,94 4,05 3,42 4,01 3,89

* - before use;

** - after 7 days' use

Table 2 shows that use of micro alga concentrate has enhanced not only growth of lacto and Bifidus bacteria by 2,8 and 2,7 %, but also degradation of pathogenic flora, in particular, titer Escherichia dropped by 11,3 %, Salmonella isolation rate was negative, Enterococcus reduced by 9,4 %. It should be noted that in the control group the titer of Bifidus bacteria has dropped by 1,4 %, Lactobacteria - by 2,0 %, Escherichia - by 1,3%, Salmonella - by 7,9 % and Enterococcus - by 2,2 %.

The effect results of Chlorella concentrate and suspension on the zoo-technological properties of poultry are given in table 3.

Table 3. Effect of Chlorella concentrate on zoo-technological properties of poultry

Index Group

1st control 2nd experimental 3d experimental

Preservance, % 70,0 100,0 90,0

Dynamics of live weight, g

Before use (20th day) 452,1 449,3 451,7

After use (27th day) 664,2 691,3 667,7

Growth increase 212,1 242,0 216,0

Feed consumption

Per 1 chicken, g 453,2 481,2 460,6

Per 1kg of growth increase, kg 2,1 1,9 2,0

The data of table 3 prove that the 2d experimental group of chickens which was given Chlorella concentrate live weight was 691,3 g, that was bigger than the control group by 4,1 %. Growth increase of broiler chickens of the 2d experimental group was 242,0gr, that was more in comparison with the control group by 14,1 %. During the experiment preservation of broiler chickens of the group which was fed Chlorella concentrate was 100,0 % and at its maximum level. Calculating feed cost per 1 kg of growth increase it was established that in the experimental groups the indices were 1,9 and 2,0 kg correspondingly, which by 9,5 and 4,7 % lower than in the group where chickens were not given bio-preparation.

The research results of Chlorella antagonistic properties showed that bacteriostatis zone between colon bacillus and Chlorella concentrate was 9,8 mm, whereas between Chlorella extract suspension it was 3,5mm.

Conclusion. Chlorella concentrate is a natural bioproduct with high antibacterial capacity

54 № 8(12), Vol.1, August 2016


against opportunistic microflora in disbacteriosis treatment, which stimulates growth of good microorganisms (Lactobacteria and Bifidus bacteria) increasing live weight, preserving chicken population and also reducing feed cost per 1 kg of live weight growth. Chlorella micro alga concentrate can be an alternative type to feed antibiotics used in poultry farming.


1. Антибактериальная активность микроводоросли / Ю. А. Лысенко, Н. Л. Мачнева, В. В. Борисенко, В. И. Николаенко // Молодой ученый. - 2015. - № 5-1 (85). - С. 17-20.

2. Петенко А. И. Повышение биологического потенциала перепелок-несушек при использовании пробиотических кормовых добавок / А. И. Петенко, Ю. А. Лысенко // Ветеринария Кубани. - 2012. - № 5. - С. 5-7.


Doc.vet.science Lysenko A. A. cand.biol.science Lysenko Y. A. cand. biol. science Luneva A. V. student Ponomareva L. O.

Russia, Krasnodar city Kuban State Agrarian University after I. T. Trubilin

Abstract. The article focuses on the research results of toxicological properties of liquid complex probiotic-fermentative feed supplement on laboratory white mice and broiler chicken. The toxicological evaluation of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bacillus subtilis and Ruminococcus albus strains and also their combined use in feed supplement was done on broiler-chicken and nonlinear laboratory white mice as to acute and chronic toxicity according to the approved documents. While conducting acute toxicity it was established that no mouse was dead from the experimental or control group whatever the dose of the researched microorganisms' composition introduced into laboratory animals was during the whole period of the experiment. No significant deviations from behavior norm were registered, in animals' general condition and appetite; they were agile and active, ate well, preserving all reflexes. To determine half lethal dose of the feed supplement components was not successful. While conducting chronic toxicity it was established that mice and broiler chickens of all experimental groups remained clinically healthy and did not die during the whole period of the experiment. The general state of experimental and control animals and poultry was good, the appetite remained. It was established that at the end of the experiment in the groups which were given supplement the live weight of mice was bigger than in the control group by 12,8-14,2 %. On the whole, according to the toxicological research the designed liquid three strain complex feed supplement is safe to use and can be introduced into poultry farming.

Keywords: Feed supplement, acute toxicity, chronic toxicity, laboratory mice, broiler chicken, blood morphology.

Solution of the main industrial problem - to provide population with food products - is directly connected with development of cattle breeding, in particular poultry farming. This conditions the goal of the state agrarian policy till 2020 which is described as effective import substitution with domestic products in poultry home market. Meat consumption demands will be met due to domestic production. It demands introduction of innovative technologies into poultry feed [2]. However, in conditions of intensive industrial poultry production there is high possibility of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms' development. To prevent development of many pathologies can be achieved by using feed enriched with biologically active probiotic supplement - stabilized cultures of microorganisms and products of their fermentation that are able to optimize intestine microbiocenosis, suppress growth and development of pathogenic and ooportunistic microflora, improve metabolism and protective reaction by boosting cell and humoral immunity [1].

The goal of this work was to research toxicological properties of complex probiotic-fermentative feed supplement to use in poultry farming. The work was done with the support of Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical field.

Materials and research methods. The toxicological evaluation of Lactobacillus acidophilus,

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