Научная статья на тему 'Complex public health institutions as a complex urban development system'

Complex public health institutions as a complex urban development system Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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Ключевые слова
складна система / містобудівна система / містобудування / мережа закладів охорони здоров'я / теорія архітектури. / complex system / urban development system / urban planning / network of health care institutions / architecture theory

Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Bulakh Irina Valerievna

The study and analysis of the multiple diversity of health facilities that are intended to perform public health services in urban and rural planning requires a systematic approach to seeking further rethinking and improving its development. Attempts for scientific substantiation of the architectural and urban planning system of the organization of health care are conquered by the processes of reforming the sphere of provision of medical services that are ongoing in Ukraine. The architectural and urban planning system of health care in the investigated is proposed to be considered as a hierarchical, consistent structure of medical care covering the networks of institutions of primary, secondary and tertiary level of medical care. These constituent elements are characterized by systemic features of the organization, including: integrity, autonomy and self-sufficiency, structural and graduality, accessibility and complexity, integration, emergence, confirming the hypothesis regarding the construction of an architectural and urban health care system as a complex subsystem within the general urban planning modern settlement systems of settlements.

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Дослідження та аналіз чисельного різноманіття закладів охорони здоров'я, які призначені виконувати функції з забезпечення медичним обслуговуванням населення у міських та сільських розплануваннях, вимагає системного підходу до пошуку подальшого переосмислення та вдосконалення свого розвитку. Спроби наукового обґрунтування архітектурно-містобудівної системи організації охорони здоров'я підкорені розпочатим процесам реформування галузі надання медичних послуг, які тривають в Україні. Архітектурно-містобудівну систему охорони здоров'я у досліджені пропонується розглядати як ієрархічну послідовну структуру медичного обслуговування, яка охоплює мережі закладів первинного, вторинного та третинного рівня медичного забезпечення. Цим складовим елементам притаманні системні ознаки організації, серед яких: цілісність, автономність та самодостатність, структурність та поступовість, доступність та комплексність, інтегрованість, емерджентність, що підтверджує гіпотезу щодо побудови архітектурно-містобудівної системи охорони здоров'я, як складної підсистеми в межах загальної містобудівної системи сучасних розпланувань населених пунктів.

Текст научной работы на тему «Complex public health institutions as a complex urban development system»


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УДК 725.51

Bulakh Irina Valerievna

PhD of Architecture, Associate Professor Department of Design of the Architectural Environment,

Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture ORCID: 0000-0002-3264-2505; ResearcherID:V-4802-2018; Spin-код: 9274-0113; h-index 5


Булах 1рина Валеривна

к. арх., доцент кафедри Дизайну архтектурного середовища Кшвського нацюнального yHiверситету будiвництва i архiтектури ORCID: 0000-0002-3264-2505; ResearcherID:V-4802-2018; Spin-код: 9274-0113; h-index 5



The study and analysis of the multiple diversity of health facilities that are intended to perform public health services in urban and rural planning requires a systematic approach to seeking further rethinking and improving its development. Attempts for scientific substantiation of the architectural and urban planning system of the organization of health care are conquered by the processes of reforming the sphere ofprovision of medical services that are ongoing in Ukraine. The architectural and urban planning system of health care in the investigated is proposed to be considered as a hierarchical, consistent structure of medical care covering the networks of institutions ofprimary, secondary and tertiary level of medical care. These constituent elements are characterized by systemic features of the organization, including: integrity, autonomy and self-sufficiency, structural and gradual-ity, accessibility and complexity, integration, emergence, confirming the hypothesis regarding the construction of an architectural and urban health care system as a complex subsystem within the general urban planning modern settlement systems of settlements.


До^дження та аналiз чисельного рiзноманiття закладiв охорони здоров'я, як призначенi викону-вати функцП з забезпечення медичним обслуговуванням населення у мкьких та стьських розплануваннях, вимагае системного пiдходy до пошуку подальшого переосмислення та вдосконалення свого розвитку. Спроби наукового обтрунтування архiтектyрно-мiстобyдiвноï системи оргашзаци охорони здоров'я пiд-корен розпочатим процесам реформування галyзi надання медичних послуг, як тривають в Украïнi. Ар-хiтектyрно-мiстобyдiвнy систему охорони здоров'я у дослiдженi пропонуеться розглядати як iерархiчнy по^довну структуру медичного обслуговування, яка охоплюе мережi закладiв первинного, вторинного та третинного рiвня медичного забезпечення. Цим складовим елементам притамант системнi ознаки органiзацiï, серед яких: цжстсть, автономшсть та самодостаттсть, структуртсть та постyповiсть, достyпнiсть та комплекснкть, ттегрованкть, емерджентнiсть, що пiдтверджyе гтотезу щодо побу-дови архiтектyрно-мiстобyдiвноï системи охорони здоров'я, як складно'1 пiдсистеми в межах загально'1 мiстобyдiвноï системи сучасних розпланувань населених пyнктiв.

Ключовi слова: складна система, мiстобyдiвна система, мктобудування, мережа закладiв охорони здоров'я, теорiя архтектури.

Key words: complex system, urban development system, urban planning, network of health care institutions, architecture theory.

If we compare the structural and functional organization of city-planning systems, one can single out simple and complex subsystems of the system [1-3]. Simple systems in turn differ in a relatively small number of components of the horizontal and vertical structural elements of the system. The measurement of the number of functional connections, as well as information combinations between structural components, is defined as insignificant [4-14]. Similar city-planning systems are characterized by a rather simple organization, the same purpose and purpose of functioning, a certain autonomy and low dynamics of development. It should be noted that such a system is considered simple, in the case when it even receives a significant number of constituent structural units, but the interaction

between them is quite uniform and has a simplified and formal description, as an example of a simple system is a medical children's hospital [15-25].

The determining characteristic of a complex urban-planning system is a significant number of structural elements. An example of a complex system can be a network of children's therapeutic complexes. The study suggests the identification of the basic properties and characteristics of the system of children's therapeutic complexes [28-29]:

- Integrity, as a hierarchical multilevel association of constituent elements, acting as one system in relation to the environment; the system of children's medical

/ architecture


complexes includes health care institutions for emergency and emergency care (or their departments in the structure of universal emergency and emergency care institutions), primary, secondary (specialized), tertiary (highly specialized) medical care, establishments of regenerative and sanatorium-health profile located in urban settlements and rural areas, which relate to different forms of ownership and management spheres. The listed institutions should serve as integral elements of the general system of health care institutions in Ukraine. It should be noted that since the system is dynamic, under the influence of socio-economic, demographic, and others. factors and changes possible flexible organization in the future of new components of the system, such as corrective or diagnostic and preventive medical institutions with a certain dominant profile of children, district or city centres that can provide the necessary appropriate medical care, etc.;

- Autonomy and self-sufficiency, which contribute to the definition of the external and internal boundaries of the city-planning system of children's therapeutic complexes, located in the urban environment of settlements, with multi-profile hospitals and higher educational institutions, local authorities act as external objects in relation to a certain system, while remaining an integral part of the child health care system of Ukraine;

- Structuring and graduality, which provides a system of signs of the organization of constituent elements and parts, forms and organizes the spatial-functional relationships of system elements, ensuring continuity and consistency of provision of medical care;

- Accessibility and complexity involves joint or autonomous functioning, creation of children's therapeutic complexes from the medical institutions of different types of provision of medical care, as well as therapeutic regenerative associations with rehabilitation, palliative and sanatorium-and-health institutions; in state programs of health care reform of Ukraine it is noted that cooperation of out-patient, prophylactic, medical and rehabilitation children's medical establishments with a well-grounded redistribution of loads is one of the possible and effective ways of developing medical services institutions; all this points to further directions of improvement of the network of institutions of child health, constructed with signs of complexity and efficiency, offering various types of medical associations: a private office, a medical centre, an outpatient medical complex, a medical association, a medical cluster, a territorial hospital district (district, city, regional, regional);

- Integration (in urban and natural environment) is connected with the condition of harmonious inclusion and interaction of the integrity of the system of children's therapeutic complexes in other surrounding systems; the nature of the interaction distinguish open and closed systems; the network of children's hospitals simultaneously has signs as closed (the autonomy of providing a complex of medical care) and an open system, which is expressed in interaction with the living environment, the need for the inclusion of nature as an auxiliary component of the formation of the healing environment (landscape design, reservoirs, parks, etc.), as

well as other levels of medical care, including in multi-disciplinary medical institutions (without the definition of age attributes);

- Emergence, intended to reorganize the existing network of children's hospitals by abrupt qualitative improvement, which becomes possible by combining several components of the system with different properties. As a result of this synthesis, the entire system integrity acquires the potential for a new powerful improvement. The emergent properties of the studied system of children's therapeutic complexes include the formation of new territorial hospital districts, which combine children's health care facilities of different levels of care with the allocation of basic medical facilities, in which there is the possibility of concentrating modern equipment and other medical resources.


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architecture/ <<щцш(ш1ш=^шша1>#1и2ш,2(ш


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УДК 691.2

Ерофеев А.В.

Михайлов В.А.

Земцов Е. С.


Erofeev A. V.

Mikhailov V.A.

Zemtsov E.S.

Tambov State Technical University



Натуральный камень в строительстве зданий и сооружений используется с древнейших времен до настоящего времени. Однако на разных исторических этапах интенсивность его использования, функциональное назначение было различным. В работе представлен исторический обзор изменения функционального назначения натурального камня от конструктивного (использовался в древности в качестве несущих конструкций) до декоративного (используется в настоящее время в качестве отделочного материала).

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