Научная статья на тему 'Competitiveness as a factor for choice of Ukrainian youthreceive higher education abroad1'

Competitiveness as a factor for choice of Ukrainian youthreceive higher education abroad1 Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zubchyk Oleg Anatoliiovych

The author compared the country’s competitiveness performance and competitiveness of higher education in the Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum (Switzerland) and ranking of global competitiveness Management Institute (Switzerland). For comparison, selected countries whereResearch done withint here search theme of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University “16 BF 041-01. Modernization of philosophy and political science education and science of Ukraine on thebasis of international educational and scientific standards”. Researchalsois a public examination of state policy in the field of higher education at the invitation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (“Education and Science. Medium Term Plan priority actions of the Governmentby 2020”. Project. Ministry of Education, 2017).most foreign students among Ukrainian citizens. Determined, that competitiveness is an essential factor for the choice of the Ukrainian youth of the country for higher education. Instead, the competitiveness of higher education such influence is not.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Competitiveness as a factor for choice of Ukrainian youthreceive higher education abroad1»

UDC: 327

Zubchyk Oleg Anatoliiovych,

PhD of Public Administration, Associate professor, Associate professor of the Dept. of Public Administration of the Faculty of Philosophy, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601, Kyiv, st. Vladimirskaya, 64/13, tel.: (044) 239 31 23, e-mail: [email protected]


Зубчик Олег Анатолшович,

кандидат фшософських наук, доцент, доцент кафедри державного управлтня фтософського факультету, Кигвський нацюнальний унiверситет iM3m Тараса Шевченка, Украта, 01601, м. Knie, вул. Во-лодимирська, 64/13, тел.: (044) 239 31 23, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-6480-409X

Зубчик Олег Анатолшович,

кандидат фшософських наук, доцент, доцент кафедри державного управлтня фтософського факультету, Кшвський нацюнальний утверситет iменi Тараса Шевченка, Украта, 01601, м. Кшв, вул. Володимирська, 64/13, тел.: (044) 239 31 23, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-6480-409X

competitiveness as a factor for choice of ukrainian youth receive higher education abroad1

Abstract. The author compared the country's competitiveness performance and competitiveness of higher education in the Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum (Switzerland) and ranking of global competitiveness Management Institute (Switzerland). For comparison, selected countries where

1 Research done withint here search theme of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University "16 BF 041-01. Modernization of philosophy and political science education and science of Ukraine on thebasis of international educational and scientific standards". Researchalsois a public examination of state policy in the field of higher education at the invitation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine ("Education and Science. Medium Term Plan priority actions of the Governmentby 2020". Project. Ministry of Education, 2017).

most foreign students among Ukrainian citizens. Determined, that competitiveness is an essential factor for the choice of the Ukrainian youth of the country for higher education. Instead, the competitiveness of higher education such influence is not.

Keywords: educational emigration, competitiveness, state education policy, public administration, higher education.


Анотащя. Автор порiвняв показники конкурентоспроможносп кра!ни та вищо! освпи за 1ндексом глобально! конкурентоспроможносп Всесв^ньо-го економiчного форуму (Швейцарiя) та Рейтингом глобально! конкурентоспроможносп 1нституту менеджменту (Швейцарiя) десяти кра!н, в яких серед iноземних студенев найбiльше укра!нських громадян. Визначено, що конкурентоспроможнiсть кра!ни е суттевим фактором вибору укра!нською молоддю кра!ни для здобуття вищо! осв™. Натомiсть, конкурентоспромож-нiсть вищо! освiти кра!н такого впливу не мае.

K^40Bi слова: освпня емiграцiя, конкурентоспроможнiсть, державна освпня полiтика, державне управлiння, вища освпа.


Аннотация. Автор сравнил показатели конкурентоспособности страны и высшего образования по Индексу глобальной конкурентоспособности Всемирного экономического форума (Швейцария) и Рейтинга глобальной конкурентоспособности Института менеджмента (Швейцария) десяти стран, в которых среди иностранных студентов больше всего украинских граждан. Определено, что конкурентоспособность страны является существенным фактором выбора украинской молодежью места для получения высшего об-

2 Дослщження виконане в межах науково-дослщно! теми Ктвського нащонального утвер-ситету iменi Тараса Шевченка "16 БФ 041-01. Модершзащя фшософсько! та полиолопчно! освии та науки Украши на основi мiжнародних освиньо-наукових стандарпв", а також е громадським експертуванням державно! полiтики у сферi вищо1 освiти на запрошення Мiнiстерством освiти i науки Украши ("Освиа i наука. Середньостроковий план прюритет-них дiй Уряду до 2020 року". Проект.МОН, 2017).

3 Исследование выполнено в рамках научно-исследовательской темы Киевского национального университета имени Тараса Шевченко "16 БФ 041-01. Модернизация философского и политологического бразования и науки Украины на основе международных образовательно-научных стандартов", а также общественного экспертирования государственной политики в сфере высшего образования по приглашению Министерства образования и науки Украины ("Образование и наука. Среднесрочный план приоритетных действий Правительства до 2020 года". Проект. МОН, 2017).

разования. В свою очередь, конкурентоспособность высшего образования этих стран такого влияния не имеет.

Ключевые слова: образовательная эмиграция, конкурентоспособность, государственная образовательная политика, государственное управление, высшее образование.

Target setting. Number of citizens of Ukraine who choose a country of higher education another country grows each year. Each such school leaver other than education is also a potential labour immigrant. On the one hand, it simplifies access to higher education in the country, making Ukrainian higher education more mass, reduces pressure on the Ukrainian labour market, holding back from rapid depreciation and cheap labour, on the other hand, it deprives Ukrainian higher education and the economy of many possibilities, including, in particular, competition among applicants in higher education and profession, enriching the economy of intellectual capital and also effects on the country's competitiveness.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The country's competitiveness was investigated and examined by the following scientific groups, including National Institute of Strategic Studies under the President of Ukraine (Scientific Supervisor: Ya. Zhalilo) [14], the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine (Scientific Supervisor: I. Kriuchkova) [16], the Competitiveness Council of Ukraine (Scientific Supervisor: Yu. Polunieieva) [21; 22, p. 23-27], Economic Faculty of Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko (Scientific Supervisor: B. Bazylevych) [9] and the Centre of Market Reforms

(Scientific Supervisor: V. Lanovyi) [17]. A. Smagliuk investigated institutional factors influencing the country's competitiveness (political instability, lack of a developed business environment, incompleteness, lack of system of formation of the corresponding normative and legal base) [24]. Components of the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) of the World Economic Forum (Switzerland) and Global Competitiveness Ranking (GCR) of Management Institute (Switzerland) from the point of view of detection of the analytical possibilities of the public policy research, in particular state policy in the sphere of higher education in Ukraine has not been the subject of a separate research.

The purpose of the article. Based on the analysis and comparison of the indices of competitiveness (national economies) and competitiveness of higher education, we need to identify the relationship of educational choice emigration of citizens of Ukraine and provide suggestions for possible adjustment of state educational policy in Ukraine.

Object of research: Indexes of countries' competitiveness due to the fact of public administration in higher education.

Subject: The relationship between academic emigration of citizens of Ukraine and the countries' competitiveness.

The statement of basic materials.

As you know, the economy determines the material basis of education. It determines the content of higher education in terms of the structure of disciplines and range of specialties and professions. The areas of technical specialties has been promoted and supported by the state in the last century. There were prestigious universities that train specialists with higher education for the needs of state. The state policy in the sphere of higher education was a decisive instrument of formation the 'market' structure of higher education. Today, due to changes in the social and economic situation in Ukraine and the formation of public opinion about the prestige of certain humanitarian and economic professions, these specialties have enjoyed soaring demand.

From the level of higher education directly affects the quality of human resources, and therefore, the state of economy and society [17]. Through the modernization of higher education, many countries (UK, Australia, Finland, Singapore, Japan and China) managed to make a qualitative breakthrough in the economic sphere. In modern terms, this dependence is growing.

In addition, the system of higher education, forming of a citizen, thereby having influence on the political sphere of public life. Higher education creates social and professional structure of society. Educational migration / immigration confirmed that higher education is a means of social mobility and social movements. 'The mission of education is to give everyone a chance to succeed'[23].

Both global analytic institutions the World Economic Forum (Switzerland)

and Institute of Management (Switzerland) defined national competitiveness of Ukraine in reports of 2016, as one that has a low capacity of the country and its institutions to ensure stable economic growth, which would be stable in the medium term.

According to the GCI in 2015 among 140 countries Ukraine took on the 79th place and the 34th aggregate according to the indicator 'Higher education and vocational training.' According to the GCR, Ukraine took on the 60th place according to the aggregate indicator and the 33rd place according to the criterion of 'education' from 61 countries. We made the ratio of the respective data from studies of educational emigration of citizens of Ukraine in 2015, with indicators of the GCI and GCR of the same year (Table 11) for determining whether the low competitiveness of Ukraine (the national economy) is effected in general, whether the relatively high competitiveness education indicators in Ukraine are effected to choice the youth of country getting the higher education and whether this choice depends on the indicators of the country competitiveness or its education system.

Comparison of positions of countries according to their competitiveness, selected by the citizens of Ukraine for educational emigration in 2015, according to the dates of analytical Centre 'CEDOS' (Kiev, Ukraine) [25] indicate that the evaluation of the higher education system is not decisive in the choice of school leaver a country for educational emigration.

In some cases, the general state of the country's competitiveness (national economy) and other factors can be af-

The ratio of education emigration indicators of citizens of Ukraine and individual criteria of competitiveness emigration indexes

(Source: compiled by the author based on [7; 8; 25])



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fected. For example, the choice of Poland is confirmed by the school leavers (53 % of foreign students are Ukrainian), evaluation of the education system according to the indicators of GCI almost corresponds Ukraine for its positions, but Poland also significantly ahead according to the total competitiveness index (Fig.). So, we want to de-

termine whether the low competitiveness of Ukraine (the national economy) is affected in general, whether the relatively high competitiveness education indicators in Ukraine are affected to choice the youth of country getting the higher education and whether this choice depends on the indicators of the country competitiveness or its educa-

tion system. We realized the number inversion of indicators and transferred into comparable values of educational emigration indicators for having the opportunity to conduct comparison and graphically represent results, taking into account that the GCI and GCR are built in the rankings in the opposite sense. That is percentage value according to the following formula:

GCI: Xn= ((140-GC/) / YGCIl 10) x x 100 %,

Where X is the value obtained for


individual countries according to the GCI ranking;

140 is a number of countries in the ranking (all GCI positions);

GCIn is a position occupied by the country according to the GCI ranking; ~LGCI is total amount (sum)

ni, n2... ni0 x '

of countries positions according to the GCI ranking.

We used the following formula for the calculation of values based on the GCR system:

Y = ((61-GCR ) / YGCR ) x

n v v n ' ni, n2— ni07

x 100 %,

Where X is the value obtained for


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individual country according to the GCR ranking;

61 is a number of countries according to the ranking (all GCI positions);

GCIn is a position occupied by the country according to the GCI ranking; ~LGCI is total amount (sum)

n1, n2... n10 ^ '

of countri1es2 po10sitions according to the

GCI ranking.

The obtained findings can be considered fair for all but except Slovakia from the TOP 10 countries for choice of educational emigration by citizens of Ukraine in 2015. Our findings may also

reinforce the assumptions of analysts of the CEDOS Centre however, that, firstly, '2/3 of students studying at foreign universities, will find a way to continue their education, start training or find a job abroad'; secondly, 'their choice is closely connected with the model of investment in human capital (the education is also an investment in human capital as it increases future earnings), and the opportunities for getting education in Ukraine though is, but the return on education is lower than in the destination country. So they go to get education abroad with the intention to remain there permanently' [25].

The priorities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to the draft of Medium Term Plan of Priority Actions of the Government by 2020 were promulgated according to the results of public discussion at the end of 2016. The Government announced the modernization of vocational education and steps to ensure the quality of higher education, evaluating the current social problem. The development of the Higher Education Standards (2017-2018), creating the Methodological Base and Practical Assistance to institutions of higher education for establishment the Internal Quality Assurance System (2017-2019), ensuring academic integrity, optimization of scientific results generalization, creation of the National Scientometrics System for providing enter for study at educational level of the Master of Law using the External Independent Evaluation (EIE) are defined by these steps [19].

Low competitiveness of Ukraine (the national economy) in general, with relatively high competitiveness

Fig. 1. countries' competitiveness as a factor of choice of the country for getting higher education of ukrainian citizens

(Source: compiled by the author based on [7; 8; 25])

of higher education in Ukraine significantly effects on the school leavers' selection for getting the higher education abroad. This option conditionally correlates with the high competitiveness of the country or its education system, in favour of which a decision about the educational emigration will be made on. By itself, the Higher Education Rating System is not the determining factor in school leaver's choice of the country for educational emigration.

Conclusions. The development of public policy in higher education and relevant measures for its implementation should be consistent with regard to the choice of citizens of Ukraine and educational immigrants. This concordance should be carried with priorities of related fields of policy. Firstly,

it is a support of effective educational emigration, protection of immigrants' rights as the citizens of Ukraine and promotion of the development of conditions for their eventual return. Secondly, promotion of sustainable development in Ukraine by the transition to a qualitatively different economic model based on an increase of abroad investment due to the systematic and consistent work with educational immigrants. Thirdly, the development of involvement strategy of intellectual potential of educational immigrants due to the promising sectors of the Ukrainian economy development. Prospects of scientific researches of this problem is a research of policies of foreign countries due to minimize the risks associated with the growth of educational

emigration and the analysis of the published regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine due to a draft of the Medium-term Plan of Priority Actions of the Government until 2020 in the part of education and science development. So, every Ukrainian educational labour immigrant is a potential immigrant.


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