Section 8. Labor Economics
Gontiuk Viktoriia Anatolievna, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine postgraduate student, the Faculty of Economics E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The paper deals with problems of human resource management in the civil service of Ukraine. This study schematically shows the human resources management in the civil service with emphasis using the competency-based approach. The research indicates the main features of competency-based approach to human resource management in the civil service. A competency-based approach to human resource management in the civil service applies in the selection, adaptation, evaluation, management of staff reserve, motivation, training and development of civil servants.
Keywords: competency-based approach, human resources management, civil service, civil servants.
At present, the human resource management of Author proposes to schematically show the human the civil service in Ukraine governed by normative and legal framework. The normative and legal framework ofhuman resource management in the civil service of Ukraine is largely declarative. It is worth noting that in regulatory and legal documents the human resource management of civil service in terms of a competency-based approach is considered fragmentarily, without disclosing the subject of research.
The main disadvantages of human resource management in the civil service of Ukraine are the uncertainty use of competency-based approach in solving such problems as competitive selection for positions, professional adaptation, evaluation the results of professional activity of employees, motivation, improvement of the system of remuneration, reorganization of staff services, forecasting the need for training, retraining, career and professional growth.
The human resource management of civil service cannot be separated from management of the public institutions as a whole and the influence of the state.
resources management of civil service with emphasis using the competency-based approach (figure).
The main goals and objectives of civil service are performing the tasks of the state and the implementation of its functions. The activities of public institutions aimed at providing certain services to the public.
The management of public institutions is designed to achieve the goals and objectives to facilitate the implementation of the tasks of the institution as a whole. It should be noted that the public institutions management system is significantly influenced by state policy.
The human resource management of civil service is directly related and regulated by the state personnel policy. A significant drawback of the legal framework of state personnel policy is the lack of theoretical and practical recommendations and methodological approaches to human resources management of civil service. In our opinion, the use of a competent approach will become a system-based basis, which will contribute to the formation of new processes in the human
resource management of civil service. A competency- potential and applied in the selection, adaptation, based approach to human resource management in evaluation, management of staff reserve, motivation, the civil service aimed at the development of human training and development of civil servants.
Figure. The human resource management in the civil service It is proposed to indicate the main features of reorientation in management from the solution of
competency-based approach to human resource management in the civil service:
- Change the objectives of human resources management of civil service. In scientific papers [1, 2] competency-based approach encourages the
operational problems to strategic problems, which leading to organizational changes;
- Change the focus from psycho-physiological characteristics, skills and abilities of civil servants to the objective elements of his profession;
- Increase the flexibility of policies and procedures in the human resource management of civil service;
- A selection based on a competency approach by clarifying the compliance of the civil servants competences with the requirements of the position. According to Spencer L. and Spencer S. the successful conduct of selection depends on accurate assessment of individual competencies models, competence for the job and the method of conformity assessment worker competencies and positions [4, p. 243];
- Use the competencies as a tool for prediction of performance of official duties and achievement;
- Develop evaluation criteria of competences witch appropriate to the requirements of the positions to attract civil servants with necessary potential to perform certain activities;
- Form the necessary competencies of the staff reserve by conducting a procedure for selecting candidates based on key competencies. Develop the level of competence of staff reserve based on the evaluation results;
- Implement measures to disclosure the competencies of new employees, providing rapid adaptation and preventing labor dissatisfaction;
- Ensure a motivational system for the development of competencies of civil servants;
- Develop of a comprehensive training system; ensure its effective implementation as an important component of the development of the competent level of civil servants.
The selection based on competency approach should provide the optimal competencies of staff adapted to changes in the internal and external environment. Also, the selection based on competency approach should include the systematic implementation of consistent measures: staffing level analysis on the compliance with the competencies of civil servants; determine staffing requirements based on competency profiles; the staffformation based on the competencies.
The adaptation of new employees is necessary for the disclosure of their potential through the identi-
fying and using competencies, the analysis of their goals and needs, introduction into the workplace, prevent conflict situations and job dissatisfaction. The adaptation based on competency approach must be consistent with the staff situation and the environment of the public institution.
The author proposes an algorithm for human resource evaluation based on competency approach: set goals and objectives of the evaluation; prepare a list of core competencies according to the position; define a criterion for evaluation of competencies; determine the method and evaluation indicators; define commission and plan of evaluation and conduct the evaluation; collect information and obtain evaluation results; develop recommendations to reduce the differences between existing and desired competencies of civil servants.
Some researchers [3, 5] believe that the formation of staff reserve is carried out only on the basis of assigning those employees whose level of competence exceeds the necessary for a particular position. The author proposes to supplement this statement by extending the scope of application of competency-based approach to staff reserve formation. The staff reserve formation based on competency approach includes the following steps: develop the key competencies for staff reserve positions; conduct a procedure for selecting candidates for a staff reserve in accordance with the requirements of the competent level of the future reservist; train and improve the level of competence of reservists based on the evaluation results.
The training and development as a component of competency approach in the human resource management of civil service is based on training, retraining, job promotion and career planning of civil servants aimed at raising the level of their competencies.
The main purpose of development of civil servants potential lies in acquiring new competencies, increasing and deepening existing competencies, accumulation the professional experience and individual grows. The main purpose of development of
human resource in the civil service lies in achievement the necessary level of human resource competence, increasing the labor productivity, increasing the flexibility and adaptability of human resources, achievement the efficiency and capacity of human resources, developing the management capacity. Due to the competency-based approach for the human resource training and development makes a real impact on development of civil servants potential and human resource in the civil service as a whole.
The main areas ofhuman resource development in the civil service based on competency approach should provide the systematic training. The systematic training includes the following steps: analysis oftraining needs; develop the goals and training plans; implement the training plans; evaluate the training outcomes.
The career planning is carried out through appointment and job promotion by comparing the competence level of a particular employee to his position, accounting the requirements for fulfilling future duties, functions and tasks in the new workplace.
The human resource development in the civil service based on competency approach should promote the self-development by the orientation of organizational culture on initiative, professional development and training of civil servants.
The motivation as a component of competency approach in the human resource management of civil service is based on a system of motivational measures for the development of the competences of civil servants. The understanding what drives and motivates civil servants improves productivity, makes it possible to determine in which direction and how to develop
competencies. It is insufficient the introduction a system of remuneration and material incentives based on the results of work. Using the incentive measures for the development of civil servants competencies will facilitate the development of human resource in civil service. The systems ofmaterial and non-material motivational measures includes the following steps: material incentives depending on the level of competence of civil servants; implement the policies of training and competence development; implement the professional and career growth by the evaluation results of the competence level of civil servants; career planning aimed at developing competencies and career advancements; establish the relationship between the growth of the status of a civil servant and the development of his competence; provide positive social and psychological climate in the team; ensure proper working conditions and job satisfaction.
A competency-based approach to human resource management in the civil service will serve as an effective tool of providing competent personnel for implementation of state interests, improving the efficiency of public institutions and the development of the economy as a whole.
The development of a strategy for managing the human resource of the civil service is aimed at disclosing existing and potential employees' capabilities, forming and developing competences through strategic, logical and consequential measures. The application of this practice to human resource management in the civil service will facilitate the implementation and development of civil servants potential and the labor collective as a whole.
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