Научная статья на тему 'Comparative study on distribution of bacillariophyta, cyanophyta, Chlorophyta and Euglenophyta along the stream of Kashkadarya river (Uzbekistan)'

Comparative study on distribution of bacillariophyta, cyanophyta, Chlorophyta and Euglenophyta along the stream of Kashkadarya river (Uzbekistan) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Alimjanova Kholiskhon Alimjanovna, Soatov Giyasiddin Turdiyevich

During 2009-2017 years 150 algological samples were collected along the stream of Kashkadarya River, which are preserved in the Collection of algae and soil of Uzbekistan” of the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Science of Uzbekistan. Because of the conducted researches 54 indicator saprobic species of Bacillariophyta were found, 10 Cyanophyta, 9 Chlorophyta, and 1 Euglenophyta. All divisions in total have 75 species and varieties (68 species, 6 variations, 1 form). Comparative study has been conducted on their distribution along the upper, middle and lower river stream in 8 monitoring points. It has been established that the number and variety of indicator saprobic species of all divisions decrease which is connected with the influence of anthropogenic factors. It has been also proved that along the river stream on monitoring stations xeno and oligosaprobic indicators decrease (8, 11, 7, 14, 6, 6, 5, 4), and betaand alfa-mesosaprobic species are more in number (12, 11, 6, 12, 9, 12, 9, 6). These data shows that increased number of betaand alfamesosaprobic indicators in comparisons with xenoand oligosaprobic indicators forecasts gradual increase in the degree of organic pollution and deterioration of water quality along the Stream of Kashkadarya River.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Comparative study on distribution of bacillariophyta, cyanophyta, Chlorophyta and Euglenophyta along the stream of Kashkadarya river (Uzbekistan)»

Alimjanova Kholiskhon Alimjanovna, doctor, of biological sciences, professor, Chief specialist of the institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected] Soatov Giyasiddin Turdiyevich, Specialist of the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Abstract: During 2009-2017 years 150 algological samples were collected along the stream of Kashkadarya River, which are preserved in the Collection of algae and soil of Uzbekistan" of the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Science of Uzbekistan. Because of the conducted researches 54 indicator saprobic species of Bacillariophyta were found, 10 - Cyanophyta, 9 - Chlorophyta, and 1 - Euglenophyta. All divisions in total have 75 species and varieties (68 species, 6 variations, 1 form). Comparative study has been conducted on their distribution along the upper, middle and lower river stream in 8 monitoring points. It has been established that the number and variety of indicator saprobic species of all divisions decrease which is connected with the influence of anthropogenic factors.

It has been also proved that along the river stream on monitoring stations xeno and oligosaprobic indicators decrease (8, 11, 7, 14, 6, 6, 5, 4), and beta- and alfa-mesosaprobic species are more in number (12, 11, 6, 12, 9, 12, 9, 6). These data shows that increased number of beta- and alfa- mesosaprobic indicators in comparisons with xeno- and oligosaprobic indicators forecasts gradual increase in the degree of organic pollution and deterioration of water quality along the Stream of Kashkadarya River.

Keywoods: Kashkadarya river, stream, monitoring points, distribution Bacillariophyta, Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta, Chlorophyta, saprobic indicator algae, xenosaprobic algae, oligosaprobic algae, beta-mesosaprobic algae, alfa-mesosaprobic algae, polysaprobic algae, comparison, forecasting of water pollution along the river stream, preservation of biodiversity.

Urgency of the study. Within the recent years Algae is an integral element of biological diversity

study and preservation of species diversity in general of the ecosystem of the water basins. Studying of algae

were the main tasks of nature protection for many species composition and their distribution along the

countries, what is proved with the Convention on Bio- stream course of Kashkadarya river is the urgent subject,

logical Diversity in Rio de Janeiro (1992) and Johan- as formation and functioning of hydrobiocoenosis of the

nesburg (2002). The same issues were discussed during river depends on algae groups. Moreover, the saprobic

the 155th UN assembly, which took place in 1998 in indicator algae are very important for determination and

Tashkent. estimate of the ecological state of the water basin.

Study of the biological diversity of the continental Quality control and protection of Kashkadarya's wa-

water basins is one of the urgent directions of the up- ter is one of the acute problems for today. For the first

to-date scientific studies. One of the continental water time ever, in order to resolve this problem, the scientists

basins of Uzbekistan is Kashkadarya River [12, 57-466]. studied the distribution of ecological saprobic indicator

species of bacillariophyta, cyanophyta, euglenophyta, chlorophyte of Kashkadarya river in the monitoring points within 2009-1017 and they made the comparative analysis, summarized the results of all algal groups and provided the conclusions.

About exploration maturity of saprobic indicator algae of Kashkadarya river. The literature sources contain the data on the exploration maturity of the saprobic indicator algae of some water basins of Uzbekistan and other republics of Central Asia [13. 47-50; 1. 3-264; 2. 3-126;3. 23-25; 10. 73-75; 14. 72-75]. But, there are no any data about algae, and especially saprobic indicators of Kashkadarya River per the period preceding the period of our study.

Purposes and objectives of the research.

Objective of the study is the comparative study of the species composition of ecological saprobic indicator species of bacillariophyta, cyanophyta, euglenophyta, chlorophyte of Kashkadarya River.

The tasks of the study include:

• Determination of the monitoring points on the river and collection of algological materials;

• Determination of the species composition of ecological saprobic indicator species ofbacillari-ophyta, cyanophyta, euglenophyta, chlorophyte and their comparative analysis;

• Identification of trends of distribution of saprobic indicator algae along the stream of the river.

Briefphysical-geographic characteristics of Kashkadarya River. According to Schultz V. L. [12, 57-466], Kashkadarya river is located in Kashkadarya valley in the aride zone between the westernmost tips of Zaraf-shan and Gissar ranges. According to the hydrographic features, it relates to the basin of Amu Darya river, but currently it does not reaches this river and is analyzed as an individual hydrographic body. The length of the river is 310 km. The watershed area is 8780 km2. The riverhead is in the mountain area, but, when river reaches the wide valley, it adopts from the left the tributaries of Jinnidarya, Aksu, Tankhas, Kyzyldarya, Langar, Katta and Kichik Uradarya (Karasu), Yakkabag, Guzardarya, most of which are full flowing. Along the whole stream course of the river, its water is withdrawn intensively for irrigation. Below the mouth of Guzardarya, there is Karshinsk oasis with branched network of channels. The bed of Kashkadarya River is curly. The banks are abrupt,

in some places are bluffy, with the height 1-3m. Below the oasis, there is a moderate curly riverbed, which has the name Maimanakdarya, and which little by little disappears in Kashkadarya steppe. During the especially high water years, river's waters penetrate to the desert regions to Karaulbazar village and even to the border of Bukhara oasis. After having escaped from the mountain, the river divides into several branches and runs in the deep flood plain, which has the width up to 300-400 m with abrupt banks, the height of which decreases in downstream direction, as a rule (in the mountain area from 3447 to 1797 m, in the submontane area from 700-500 m and in the plain area from 500 to 200 m (Schultz, 1965) [12, 57-466].

Objects, materials and methods of the study.

Objects. The studied objects include ecological saprobic indicator algae of Kashkadarya River.

Study methods: For this study, we used algological and hydrobiological methods (Identifier of the limnetic algae of USSR [4.10-44; 5.3-619; 6.3-56; 6.3-64; 6.3460; 6.3-20; 6.3-55; 6.3-67]. Identifier of the limnetic algae of Ukrainian SSR [7. 3-50] Identifier of proto-coccus algae of Central Asia, 1979; [8. 3-300; 8. 3-85] Identifier of cyanophyta of Central Asia, 1987, 1988; [9. 502-600; 9. 905-1016] Unified methods of water quality control, 1977) [11, 70-170]).

In order to explore distribution of ecological saprobic indicator algae along the Stream of Kashkadarya River, we determined the monitoring points (MP), constant and periodic. The stations were selected in the inhabited localities, which are crossed with Kashkadarya River and its tributaries running from the mountain area, submontane and plain areas of Kashkadarya valley and oasis.

Constant MP: Ist station - the beginning of the head part of Kashkadarya river (Bashir tributary), Hazrati Bashir village; IId - Kitab city, the northern part, (Hair-abad); IIId - Chirakchi city, Raionabad, till the water reservoir Chimkurgan; IVth - Chim village, after the water reservoir Chimkurgan and the district center Kamashi; Vth - Akrabot village; VIth - Karshi village (bridge); VIIth -Kasan city (Karabair village); VIIIth - Mubarak city. Periodic MP: IXth - Aksu river (Kitab city), Xth - Tanhaz river (Miraki village, Shahrisabz city, the Southwestern part), XIth - Guzardarya river (Tursari village and Guzar city), XIIth - Kyzyldarya river (Yakkabag village), XIIIth - Chim channel, XIVth - Anhor channel etc.

Materials. Within the exploration period, we have collected and analyzed more than 150 algological samples, which are stored in the algological collection "Collection of algae-vegetation of water basins and soils of Uzbekistan". We have formed the flora classified files and the classified geographical and ecological lists of algae of Kashkadarya river, which are included to the databases of the algological collection. Below we provide analysis of the collected materials about distribution of saprobic algae for 8 constant monitoring points of Kashkadarya River and their comparative analysis (table 1).

Study results. The study and analysis of availability of the ecological saprobic indicator algae of Kashkadarya river basin revealed 75 species and varieties of saprobic indicators, which relate to 4 algae groups. According to the number of species, the leading among them is Bac-illariophyta, which has 54 species and varieties or 72% from total content of saprobic indicators. It is followed by Cyanophyta (10 species or 13.33%), Chlorophyta (10 species or 13.33%), Euglenophyta (1 species or 1.34%) (table.). Below we provide the consequences of the distribution of the saprobic indicators along the stream of the river by algae groups.

I. The results of the study of Bacillariophyta distribution along the Stream of Kashkadarya River

The study revealed 54 species of the saprobic indicator algae in the bacillariophyta group (Table 1), 7 species of which are the xenosaprobic species: Xeno-saprobe - Melosira arenaria Moore, Fragilaria virescens Ralfs are frequent in the IVth MP in the midstream of the river; Diatoma hiemale (Lyngb.) Heib. Are frequent

Table 1.- Distribution of Bacillariophyta the Stream of Kashkadarya River

in the Ist, IId and IVth MP in the upper and midstream of the river; xeno-beta-mezosaprob Achnanthes lanceolata (Breb.) Grun. Are frequent in the IId MP; Caloneis alpes-tris (Grun.) Cl. Are frequent in the IId and Vth MP; xeno-oligosaprobe Cymbella ventricosa Kuetz. Is rear in the Ist, IId are very few in the IVth MP in the upper and midstream of the river (Tablet).

Oligosaprobes include in total 18 species, among them: the oligosaprobe Cyclotella bodanica Eulenst are rear in the VIth MP in the midstream, C.comensis Grun. Are rear in the VIIth MP in the downstream; C.comta (Ehr.) Kuetz. Are rear in the IVth, VIth MP in the midstream and the VIIIth MP in the downstream of the river (Table 1). Fragilaria bicapitata A. Meyer is rare in the IVth MP in the midstream; Gomphonema intricatum Kuetz.- are frequent in the IVth, G.intricatum var. pumilum Grun. Are rear in the Ith and IIId MP; Rhopalodia gibba (Ehr.) O. Muell. are rear in the IIId MP in the midstream of the river. Oligo-xeno-saprobe - Diatoma anceps (Ehr.) Kuetz. Is very frequent in the IVth MP in the midstream; Oligo-beta-mesosaprobe-Melosira diskiei (Thw.) Kuetz. Is rear in the VIIIth MP in the downstream and M. italica (Ehr.) Kuetz.- is frequent in the IVth MMP in the midstream of the river.

Cymbella affinis Kuetz. Is very few in the IId, IIId and is rear in the IVth MP in the upper and midstream, and Nitzchia dissipata (Kuetz.) Grun. Is frequent in the VIIIth MP in the downstream of the river.

Synedra ulna (Nitzsch.) Ehr. is frequent in the Ist, IIId, Vth MP, b is widely increasing in the IId, IVth MP, and from the VIth to VIIIth MP, their increase becomes weaker, they become less frequent.

ecological saprobic indicator algae along and frequency of their occurrence

The classified list of the algae -saprobic indicators Distribution of saprobic indicator algae along the stream of the river

upper mid down i b

Monitoring points (MPs)

№ Algae group I II III IV V VI VII VIII o tH

Bacillariophyta H. Bashir v. Kitab c. Chirakchi c. Chim v. Akrabot c. Karshi c. Kasan c. Mubarak c. Algae sap

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. Melosira arenaria Moore x h x

2. M. diskiei (Thw.) Kuetz. oßp oß

3. M. italica (Ehr.) Kuetz. oßH oß

4. M. varians Ag. ß oh ß h ß h ßH ß P ß

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

5. Cyclotella bodanica Eulenst. 0 P o

6. C comensis Grun. 0 P o

7. C. comta (Ehr.) Kuetz. 0 P 0P 0 P o

8. C meneghiniana Kuetz. aßP aß

9. Stephanodiscus dubius (Fricke) Hust. ß P ß

10. Tabellaria fenestrata (Lyngb.) Kuetz. oßP oß

11. T. fenestrata var. intermedia Grun. oßH oß

12. Diatoma anceps (Ehr.) Kuetz. ox oh ox

13. D. elongatum (Lyngb.) Ag. ßo P ßo

14. D. hiemale (Lyngb.) Heib. x H x H x H x

15. D. vulgare Bory oß P oß h oßP oß

16. Fragilaria bicapitata A. Meyer o P o

17. F. capucina Desm. oß h oß H oßp oß P oßP oß

18. F. virescens Ralfs x P x

19. Synedra berolinensis Lemm. ß h ß P ß P ß

20. S. pulchella (Ralfs) Kuetz. ßaM ßa

21. S. tabulata (Ag.) Kuetz. a h a

22. S. ulna (Nitzsch) Ehr. o h o m o h o m o h o P o P o P o

23. S. ulna var. biceps (Kuetz.) Schonf. ß P ß

24. Cocconeis pediculus Ehr. ß h ß

25. Achnanthes lanceolata (Breb.) Grun. xß H xß

26. Rhoicosphenia curvata (Kuetz.) Grun. ß h ß P ß

27. Diploneis ovalis var.oblongella (Naeg.) Cl. ß P ß

28. Navicula atomus (Naeg.) Grun. ß P ß h ß

29. Caloneis alpestris (Grun.) Cl. x P x P x

30. C. amphisbaena(Bory) Cl. ßaP ßa

31. Gyrosigma acuminatum (Kuetz.) Rabenh. ß P ßPH ß P ß P ß

32. G. spenceri (W. Sm.) Cl. ß H ß P ß

33. Cymbella affinis Kuetz. oß e oße oß P oß

34. C. helvetica Kuetz. xo p xo h xop xo

35. C. lanceolata (Ehr.) V.H. ß P ß P ß

36. C. naviculiformis Auersw. ß P ß

37. C. prostrata (Berkeley) Cl. ß e ß P ß

38. C. ventricosa Kuetz. xo p xo P xo e xo

39. Gomphonema constrictum Ehr. ß P ß P ß P ß P ß P ß

40. G.intricatum Kuetz. o h o

41. G.intricatum var. pumilum Grun. o P o P o

42. G.lanceolatum var. insigne (Greg.) Cl. a e a

43. G.olivaceum (Lingb.) Kuetz. ß P ß P ß

44. Rhopalodiagibba (Ehr.) O. Muell. o P o

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

45. Bacillaria paradoxa Gmelin ß e ß

46. Nitzchia acicularis W. Sm. a h a h a

47. N.dissipata (Kuetz.) Grun. oßH oß

48. N.linearis W. Sm. oß p oße oß P oß

49. N.longisima (Breb.) Ralfs ß P ß P ß

50. N.longisimaf. parva V. H. ß h ß

51. N.sigmoidea (Ehr.) W. Sm. ß P ß P ß P ß h ß P ß P ß

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52. Cymatopleura solea (Breb.)W.Sm. ßa p ßa

53. Surirella angustata Kuetz. ßa p ß

54. S.robusta var. splendida Ehr. ß P ß

Number of algae in total and their distribution in MPs: 14 14 9 24 11 15 11 9 54

Total number of algae along the stream (upper, mid, down): 22 40 19

Notice: the value of saprobity is indicated in bold here and in other tables.

Saprobity: x - xeno-saprobe, o - oligo-saprobe, ft - beta-mezosaprobe, a - alfa-mezosaprobe; p -polysaprobe. Frequency of algae occurrence: e - very few, p - rare, h -frequent, oh - very frequent, m - in great volume

In Kashkadarya River there are 25 species of beta-mezosaprobes including beta-mezosaprobe - Melosira varians Ag., which is frequent in the Ist MP, frequent in the IId, IIId, IVth MP, rare in the Vth MP in the upper and midstream. Stephanodiscus dubius (Fricke) Hust. is rare in the Vth MP in the midstream. Synedra berolinensis Lemm. is rare in the IVth, rare in the VIth, VIIth MP in mid and lower stream of the river, as well S.ulna var. biceps (Kuetz.) Schonf. is rare in the Ist MP in upper stream. Cocconeis pediculus Ehr. is frequent in the VIth MP, Rhoicosphenia curvata (Kuetz.) Grun.- is frequent in the IVth, rare in the VIIIth MP in the upper and downstream of the river. Gyro-sigma acuminatum (Kuetz.) Rabenh. is rare in the Ist MP in the upper stream and is frequent in the Vth, VIth, VIIth MP in the mid and lower stream of the river. G. spenceri (W. Sm.) Cl. is frequent in the Ist, rare in the IIId MP in the upper and midstream of the river. Cymbella lanceolata (Ehr.) V.H. is rare in the IVth and Vth MP, C.naviculiformis Auersw. is rare in the IVth, C. prostrata (Berkeley) Cl.- is very few in the IVth and rare in the VIIth MP in the mid and downstream of the river. Gomphonema constrictum Ehr. is rare in the I-Vth MP in the upper- and midstream, a G.olivaceum (Lingb.) Kuetz. is rare in the Vth, VIth MP in the midstream of the river. Bacillaria paradoxa Gme-lin is very few in the VIth MP in the midstream of the river. Nitzchia sigmoidea (Ehr.) W. Sm. is spread along the whole stream of the river: rare in the IId, IVth, Vth, VIIth, VIIIth and frequent in the VIth MP.

Beta-mezo-oligosaprobe Diatoma elongatum (Lyngb.) Ag. is rare in the IId MP. Beta-alfa-mezosaprobe Caloneis amphisbaena(Bory) Cl. is rare in the VIth MP in the midstream, Cymatopleura solea (Breb.) W. Sm. and Surirella angustata Kuetz. is rare in the Ist MP in the upper stream of the river.

In Kashkadarya River there are 4 species of alfa-mezosaprobes including Synedra tabulata (Ag.) Kuetz., which is frequent in the IVth MP in the midstream, Gomphonema lanceolatum var. insigne (Greg.) Cl. is very few in the IId MP in the upper stream, Nitzchia acicularis W. Sm. - is frequent in the VIth, VIIth MP in the mid- and downstream of the river. Alfa-beta-mezosaprobe Cyclotella meneghiniana Kuetz. is rare in the VIIIth MP in the lower stream of the river (Table 1).

Polysaprobes were not found along the Stream of Kashkadarya River.

Analysis of distribution of the ecological saprobic indicator bacillariophyta revealed that their amount fluctuates and decreases: in MPs - 14,14, 9,24,11,15,11, 9 and along the stream - 22,40,19 (Table 1). It is resulted with impact of ecological abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors of the environment.

The results prove that the group of saprobic indicator bacillariophyta includes 7 species and 12.97% of Xeno-saprobe; 18 species and 33.33% of oligosaprobe, 25 species and 46.30% of beta-mezosaprobes and 4 species and 7.4% of alfa-mezosaprobes. No polysaprobes were found.

The amount of contaminated water indicators - beta- and alfa-mezosaprobes exceeds the amount of pure water indicators xeno- and- oligosaprobe. Their ratio is 29: 25 species and 53,70: 46,30% (Table 2).

Moreover, the (Table 2) indicates the regularity in distribution of the ecological saprobic indicator bacil-lariophyta:

• Downstream the amount of xeno and oligosapro-bic indicator bacillariophyta reduces and even tends to zero, in comparison to them, the amount of beta- and alfa-mesosaprobic indicator species increases.

In view of this, we can predict quality of water:

• Increase of total species ofbeta- and alfa-mesosap-robic indicator bacillariophyta proves moderate contamination of water downstream of Kashkadarya River.

II. The results of the study of Cyanophyta distribution along the Stream of Kashkadarya River

The study revealed 10 species of the saprobic indicator algae in the cyanophyta group including 1 xeno-saprobic species Oscillatoria nigra Vauch. (x), which is rare in the IId monitoring point (MP) in the upper stream of the river. Four species of saprobic indicator algae among ten are beta-mesosaprobic algae. These four

Ist monitoring point in the tributary Hazrati Bashir, as well Merismopedia elegans A. Br. is rare in the IId MP (Kitab c.) in the upper stream and M. punctata Meyen in the VIth MP (Karshi c.) in the midstream of the river. Merismopedia tenuissima Lemm. is beta-alfa mezosaprobic species, which is rare in the IId MP (Kitab c.) in the upper stream and in the VIIth MP (Kasan c.) in the downstream of the river (Table 2).

Four saprobic indicator algae among ten are alfa-me-sosaprobic indicator algae. Among all alfa-mezosaprobes, Oscillatoria brevis (Kuetz.) Gom. is rare in the Ist MP (Hazrati Bashir v.) in the upper stream and in the Vth MP (Akrabat v.) in the midstream of the river; Oscillatoria princeps Vaucher is rare in the Ist MP (Hazrati Bashir v.); O. tenuis Ag. is frequent in the IId MP (Kitab c.) in the upper stream of the river; Phormidium foveolarum (Mont.) Gom. is rare in the IVth MP (Chim v.) in the midstream of the river.

Such polysaprobes as Oscillatoria chlorina (Kuetz.) Gom. are rare in the Ist MP (Hazarti Bashir v.) in the upper stream of the river.

Oligosaprobic indicator species of cyanophyta tend to zero along the Stream of Kashkadarya River.

fi-mezosaprobes are rare Lyngbya limnetica Lemm. in the

Table 2.- Distribution of ecological saprobic indicator Cyanophyta along the Stream of Kashkadarya River and frequency of their occurrence

No. Classified list of algae - saprobic indicators Distribution of saprobic indicator algae along the stream of the river Algae saprobity, S

upper mid down

Monitoring points (MP)


H. Bashir v. Kitab c. Chirak-chi c. Chim v. t o | * Karshi c. Kasan c. Mubarak c.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

I Cyanophyta

1. Merismopedia elegans A. Br. ß P ß

2. M. punctata Meyen ß P ß

3. M. tenuissima Lemm. ßa p ßa P ßa

4. Oscillatoria brevis (Kuetz.) Gom. a p a P a

5. O. chlorina (Kuetz.) Gom. P P P

6. O. nigra Vauch. x p x

7. O. princeps Vaucher a P a

8. O. tenuis Ag. a h a

9. Phormidium foveolarum (Mont.) Gom. a P a

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

10. Lyngbya limnetica Lemm. ß P ß

Totally in MPs: 4 4 0 1 1 1 1 0 10

Totally along the stream: 8 3 1 10

Analysis of distribution of the ecological saprobic indicator cyanophyta revealed that their amount decreases: in MPs - 4,4,0,1,1,1,1,0 and along the stream - 8,3,1 (Table 2). It is resulted with impact of ecological abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors of the environment.

The results prove that the group of saprobic indicator cyanophyta includes almost none of oligosaprobe; 1 species of Xenosaprobe, polysaprobes; 4 species of beta-mezo-saprobes and alfa-mezosaprobes, which amount almost 80% of total amount of saprobic indicators (Table 2).

Conclusions: Increase of number of beta- and alfa-mesosaprobic indicator cyanophyta species proves moderate contamination along the Stream of Kashkadarya River.

III. The results of the study of Euglenophyta and Chlorophyta distribution along the Stream of Kashkadarya River

The study of saprobic indicators revealed that the group of Euglenophyta include rarely 1 species of beta-mezo-saprobes, (ft) Strombomonas fluviatilis (Lemm.) Defl. in the IIId monitoring points (MP) in the midstream of the river.

We revealed that the group of chlorophyta includes 10 saprobic indicator algae. Seven species among them are beta-mesosaprobic algae. These seven ft-mezosaprobes rarely include Scenedesmus opoliensis Richter in the VIIIth MP in the downstream, S. quadricauda (Turp.) Breb. in the VIth MP in the midstream of the river (Table 6).

We revealed the large-scale growth of Cladophora fracta Kuetz. in the Ist MP in the upper stream, Cl. glom-erata (L.) Kuetz. in the Ist MP in the upper stream and VIIth MP in the downstream of the river. As well we revealed the large-scale growth of ft - mezosaprobes Spi-rogyra majuscula (Kuetz.) Czurda in the IIId MP in the midstream. Cosmarium formosulum Hoff. is rare in the IId MP in the upper stream of the river.

Two saprobic algae species among 10 are oligosapro-bic algae: Mougeotiagenuflexa (Dillw.) Agardh., is frequent in the Ist MP in the upper stream of the river; Spirogyra fluviatilis Hilse is frequent in the Vth MP in the downstream and is spread in large volume in the Ist MP in the upper stream. Intensive growth is noticed in the IId, IIId, IVth, VIth,

VIIth MP along the whole stream of the river.

Table 3.- Distribution of saprobic indicator Euglenophyta and Chlorophyta along the Stream of Kashkadarya River and frequency of their occurrence

No. Algae groups and their species composition Distribution of ecological saprobic indicator algae along the stream Algae saprobity, S

Stream of the river

upper mid down

Monitoring points (MP)


H. Bashir v. Kitab c. Chirakchi c. Chim v. Akrabot v. Karshi c. Kasan c. Mubarak c.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

III Euglenophyta

1 Strombomonas fluviatilis (Lemm.) Defl. ß P ß

Totally in MPs: 1 1

Totally along the stream: 0 1 0 1

I V Chlorohyta

1 Scenedesmus opoliensis Richter ß P ß

2 S. quadricauda (Turp.) Breb. ß P ß

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3 Ulothrix zonata Kuetz. o h o

4 Stigeoclonium tenue Kuetz. a h a P a

5 Cladophora fracta Kuetz. ß M ß

6 Cl. glomerata (L.) Kuetz. ß M ß M ß

7 Mougeotia genuflexa (Dillw.) Agardh. o h o

8 Spirogyra fluviatilis Hilse ohm o m o m o m o h o m o m o

9 S. majuscula (Kuetz.) Czurda ßM ß

10 Cosmarium formosulum Hoff. ß P ß

Totally in MPs: 3 4 3 1 3 2 2 1 10

Totally along the stream: 6 6 3 10

We revealed that alfa-mesosaprobic (a) group includes such indicator algae species as Stigeoclonium tenue Kuetz., which is frequent in the IId MP in the upper stream, rare in the Vth MP in the midstream of Kash-kadarya river.

Analysis of saprobic indicator euglenophyta and chlo-rophyta proves, that the species composition decreases in the monitoring points: 3,4, 3,1, 3,2,2,1 and along the stream: 6,6, 3. It is resulted with contamination of water and improvement of mineralization and other inhibitive chemical agents, which have negative effect on survival of some algae.

Obtained data proves that the values of xenosaprobic indicator algae tend to zero. Less numerous are oligosaprobe, there are 3 types of them. Beta-mezosaprobes are numerous and they include 7 types. Alfa-mezosaprobes

include only one type (Table 7). There is none of poly-saprobes. Availability of beta- and alfa- mesosaprobic indicator chlorophyta proves moderate contamination along the Stream of Kashkadarya River.

Discussion of the study results

According to the above mentioned comparative analysis of saprobiological data, it is obvious that almost equal results, which prove that the species composition of saprobic indicators changes, their amount fluctuates and decreases along the stream of Kashkadarya river (Tables 1, 2, 3; pic. 1, 2, 3), were obtained in all algae groups (Bac-illariophyta, Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta u Euglenophyta). Total number of species in all algae groups demonstrates the same facts, that species composition fluctuates and decreases along the stream of the river by the following way: 21,22,13,26,15,18,14,10 (Table 4; pic 4, 5).

Table 4.- Distribution of ecological saprobic indicator algae in the monitoring points of Kashkadarya River and their amount

Algae groups Saprobity scale and their conventional value Total saprobic indicators and their percentage^ Monitorin g points and amount of saprobic indicators


H. Bashir v. Kitab c. Chirakchi c. E a C Akrabot v. Karshi c. Kasan c. Mubarak c.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bacillari-ophyta Xenosaprobe, x 7 12.97 3 4 - 5 2 - - -

Oligosaprobe, o 18 33.33 3 5 6 8 2 5 4 4

Beta-mezosaprobes, ^ 25 46.30 8 4 3 9 7 9 6 4

Alfa-mezosaprobes, a 4 7.4 - 1 - 1 - 1 1 1

Polysaprobes, p 0 0.0 - - c - - - - -

Totally in MPs: 54 100 14 14 9 23 11 15 11 9

Cyanophyta Xenosaprobe, x 1 10 - 1 - - - - - -

Oligosaprobe, o 0 0 - - - - - - - -

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Beta-mezosaprobes, ^ 4 40 1 2 - - 1 1 1 -

Cyanophyta Alfa-mezosaprobes, a 4 40 2 1 - 1 - - - -

Polysaprobes, p 1 10 1 - - - - - - -

Totally in MPs: 10 100 4 4 - 1 1 1 1 -

Xenosaprobe, x 0 0 - - - - - - - -

Oligosaprobe, o 3 30 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 -

Chlorophyta Beta-mezosaprobes, ^ 6 60 1 2 2 - - 1 1 1

Alfa-mezosaprobes, a 1 10 - 1 - - 1 - - -

Polysaprobes, p 0 0 - - - - - - - -

Totally in MPs: 10 100 3 4 3 1 3 2 2 1

Euglenophyta Beta-mezosaprobes, ^ 1 100 - - 1 - - - - -

Totally in MPs: 1 100 - - 1 - - - - -

Xenosaprobe, x 8 10.67 3 5 - 5 2 - - -

Oligosaprobe, o 21 28.00 5 6 7 9 4 6 5 4

Totally: Beta-mezosaprobes, ^ 36 48.00 10 8 6 10 8 11 8 5

Alfa-mezosaprobes, a 9 12.00 2 3 - 2 1 1 1 1

Polysaprobes, p 1 1.33 1 - - - - - - -

Totally in MPs: 75 100 21 22 13 26 15 18 14 10

Decrease ofthe species composition along the Stream of Kashkadarya River indicates that there are the substantive causes, which impact number of species composition of saprobic indicator algae. It can be the limiting factors -one of ecological factors of water environment.

Using the consolidated results (Table 4), it is possible to calculate a range of species of xeno - and oligosaprobic indicators - indicators of pure water - they include 29 species and 38.67%. Beta- and alfa-mezo-saprobic indicators - indicators of moderately contaminated water - they include 45 species and 60%. Limited amount (1 species and 1.33%) ofpolysaprobes are the indicators of contami-


S H-1-1-1-1-1-1-1


Picture 1. Fluctuation of saprobic Bacillariophyta amount

nated water. These facts prove that general quality ofwater in the river is close to moderately contaminated. Along the stream of the river in the monitoring points (MP), there are few species of xeno - and oligosaprobic indicators - 8, 11, 7, 14, 6, 6, 5, 4, and more beta-, alfa-mezo-saprobic indicators - 12,11, 6,12, 9,12, 9, 6 (Pic. 6). Also, due to these facts we can estimate, that increasing amount of beta- and alfa-mezo-saprobic indicators, in comparison with amount of xeno- and oligosap-robic indicators, predicts step-buy-step increase of water contamination and deterioration of water quality along the Stream of Kashkadarya River.

1 I - S i 75

Picture 2. Fluctuation of saprobic Cyanophyta amount

Picture 3. Fluctuation of saprobic Chlorophyta amount

Picture 4. Fluctuation of total saprobes amount

123456 7 B Picture 5. Changes in total amount of saprobic alae along the stream (MP) of Kashkadarya River

Picture 6. Changes in total amount in comparison of xeno-, oligosaprobic with beta-, alfa-mesosaprobic indicator algae along the stream (MP) of Kashkadarya River


Therefore, due to the study of ecological saprobic indicator algae distribution along the Stream of Kash-kadarya River, we have been able to:

• determine for the first time ever availability of saprobic indicators (there are 75 species and varieties of them);



compare distribution of Bacillariophyta, anophyta, Chlorophyta, Euglenophyta spread along the stream almost equally); make specific their total amount distributed along the stream (their amount decreases in 8 monitoring points: 21, 22, 13, 26, 15, 18, 14, 10;

• identify differences among xeno-, oligosaprobic and beta-, alfa-mezo-saprobic indicators by comparing amount of species distributed along the stream (8,11, 7,14, 6, 6, 5, 4: 12,11, 6,12, 9, 12, 9, 6);

• predict based on dominants beta-, alfa-mezo-sap-robic indicators gradual deterioration of moder-


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ate contamination and quality ofwater along the stream of Kashkadarya river.

• Thereby, it is necessary to develop the measures to preserve biodiversity of ecological saprobic indicator algae of the river.

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