Научная статья на тему 'Comparative study fodder plant in desert condition submontane in semidesert and utilization of amelioration'

Comparative study fodder plant in desert condition submontane in semidesert and utilization of amelioration Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Nazarov Xolmirza Tirkashovich, Yusupova Kamola

The aim of our research was selection and in visitation of eco-biological and economically valuable peculiarities, more perspective prospects of food under their sorts, useful for creation of seed food agricultural lands and haymaking in piedmont semi desert of Uzbekistan. The task of the research contained comparative research of their rise and development, food and seed productivity, and food mass. Practical value of the work was concluded in that for the first time the condition of piedmont semi desert of Uzbekistan. Was given comparative complex mark according to eco-biological peculiarities and economically valuable signs of various prospects and sorts of food dwarf semi shrubs.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Comparative study fodder plant in desert condition submontane in semidesert and utilization of amelioration»

Section 2. Geography

Section 2. Geography

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-3.4-8-9

Nazarov Xolmirza Tirkashovich, Professor, Yusupova Kamola, PhD student, Samarkand State University E-mail: [email protected]

Comparative study fodder plant in desert condition submontane in semidesert and utilization of amelioration

Abstract: The aim of our research was selection and in visitation of eco-biological and economically valuable peculiarities, more perspective prospects of food under their sorts, useful for creation of seed food agricultural lands and haymaking in piedmont semi desert of Uzbekistan. The task of the research contained comparative research of their rise and development, food and seed productivity, and food mass. Practical value of the work was concluded in that for the first time the condition of piedmont semi desert of Uzbekistan. Was given comparative complex mark according to eco-biological peculiarities and economically valuable signs of various prospects and sorts of food dwarf semi shrubs.

Keywords: natural condition, climate, pasture, types of food, sand layer, phonology, physiology, harvesting.

Introduction. Present situation of desert and semideserts pasture of Uzbekistan be characterized progressive degradation productivity and the quality of stern. Discount to present pass from heaven 260 types of stern plant from natural flora and distinguished more 30 available subshrub, differentiate from productivity and high suitability in extreme condition of desert [1]. Special activity in that acquire comparative from eco- biology research of important types of stern in semidesert, permit to cheat selection most avthailable types, quality of the arid stern plant for the amelioration submontane semidesert in Uzbekistan. In that actual mission and devote that work, itself representational total research of many years about comparative analysis and mark for the different types and quality submontane condition in semidesert in Uzbekistan.

Aim and mission of research. The aim of our research report is selection and observation eco-biology and more economical valuable specifics available types of stern in semidesert and its types, suitable for generation drizzle of stern land and haymaking in submontane semidesert in Uzbekistan. In task our research go in comparative study its growth and development, stern and seminal of productivity, mass of stern consist of condition in submontane was given comprehensive mark in Uzbekistan. Feature and economical valuable and differ from valuable of eco-biology of stern in semi-desert, consern of ten types of economical family of chenopodia-ceous and astrovs - chogon, qomforous, izen, keyruk, wormwood of tereskuni in Uzbekistan. Practical value of our work include basis of research of eco- biology and study different types and quality of semideserts dedicated valuable class and types for using in amelioration semideserts in pasture submontane of Uzbekistan.

Nature condition place where we conducting our exploration. Experimental work perform exsperienced field in Nurota. Experienced field located in zone submontane semideserts in southwest pediment centre of column Nurota its high 660-670 m. Climate characterized with snap rippling daily and annual number atmospheric fall-out with uneven prolapse [2]. Maximum number it prolapse in

winter- spring period. Average year fall-out period of average form 206 mm, average years temperature of air is - 13,4 degrees, absolute maximum temperature ofair 43,1 degrees, absolute minimum is minus 29 degrees, average relative dump of air is 55,4 degrees. Wind principally in north side, after midday speed of wind increased.

Pedogenic breed serve fine-grained and deep deposition of skeleton, which characterized high afforest. In place prevail has light sierozem with wormwood and eferoids association. Content humus in there is 1-1,5%, nitrogen 0,05-0,09%. Horizont where is many gathering carbonate (scaling to lime, from 20%) standi in deep to 20-30 from 60-80 sm. Below plaster available horizont. In submontane semidesert Nurata sweep with eferoids types in semi-desert. Base of plant intercession with Carex pachystylis J. Gay, Poa bulbosa L. Artemisia, diffusa Krasch ex Poljak, Alhagi pseudalhagi (Beib) Fisch, Peganum harmala and first year efemer.

Object and method of research. Object of research is 6 types of arid culture- chogon, qamforos, keyruk, izen, tereskina and wormwood. Experimental crop produce in autumn-winter period of year soil beforehand; work up. autumn ploughing in deep 22-25 sm, harrowing in two marking with lack of faith. Accounting field allotment 30m, replication experiment 4 time. In way ofcrop wide line between rows race 60sm. Norm of sowing for izen 3 kilo, keyruk and tereskina -5 k, chogon and poliney - 0,5 k, 100% of economical family. Pheno-logical survey according to take method of Beydeman survival of plant detect by basis of survives number, spring (may) plant and autumn (october) plant, as well asi according to year comparison with number appear sprout vegetation in first year. Plants growth of dynamics by force of monthly by population instrumentation (l00 plants). Crop yield of sterns mass and family detect by method of directive department of sterns culture WIP (1979) and WNII (1978).

Output and theirs discussion. Near sunken sowing seed in deserts stern plants ascend early spring in period melting snow. First ascend (2-3 febmary) komforosma, teresken and polin. after 20 day (in first decade of march) izen, chogon, keyruk. In last

Comparative study fodder plant in desert condition submontane in semidesert and utilization of amelioration

years first (2 decade of february) grow komforos, teresken, polin. secondly (in 1-2 decade of march) - izen, chogon, and keyruk. The phrase "beginning of flowering" pass in following sequence: izen - (1 decade of may), Chogon, qamforosma and glasswort (3 decade of may), teresken and polin (1 decade june). The seed of chenopodicious culture mature in 3 decade of october, in sequence - teresken - izen - keyruk - chogon - qomforosma, asid of (polin) only in 1 november and later. By duration vegeteriansi period of culture following allocate: keyruk (235 days) - teresken (240 days) - izen (243-255 days) - chogon (250 days) - qomforosma (255-265 days) - polin (255-265 days).

Survival cohort. In 6 years of life according to its survival allocate in following sequence: izen (80,1-85,3%), keyruk (75,378,2%), teresken (72-73%), polin (40-60%), chogon (45,3%), qomforos (36,4%). Rootage systern. Study about rootage systern separate in arid stern plants (in different zone) engage a lot of research people Amelin, Blagoveshenskiy, Petrov, Nechayeva, Shalit, Shamsutdinov and Rabbimov [3]. In condition of culture in submontane semidesert Nurota rootage systern arid; stern plants in 5 year of life passage in different deep of chogon - 450 sm, keyruk -325 sm, izen - 325 sm, polin - 250-300 sm, teresken - 250 sm. [4]. Horizontal distribution rootage according to its culture is found limit 150-200 sm in diameter.

Altitude plants. In average in 6 year of studying broadside of high (77-89) has izen, choga and polin. Keyruk already in his life achieve his more high average high 6 years level in this sign. Rest types of plant in his first year lower of average 6years level 24 sm (polini), 21sm (teresken), chogon, izen [5]. Productivity of stern and family. In average 6 years study of crop yield deserts stern of plant form 3,9-23,5 dry mass of stern. More crop field has izen (11,2-23,5), keyruk (18,9-20,3), and chogon (16,4) [6]. The copy

field family's culture in average in 6 years study include 0,7-5,8. The highest crop field has keyruk (5,3-5,8), izen (3,7-3,9).


1. In condition in submontane in semideserts Nurata region of Samarkand Uzbekistan dupe 6 years comparative complex study about 6 types of available deserts plant from chenopodiavious and acid subdumi and the life of subdumi.

2. In duration vegetarian period of culture sequence in following systern: keyruk (235 days), teresken (240 days), izen (243-255days), chogon (250 days), qamforosaj (255-265), polin (255-265 days).

3. In condition of culture in the 5 year of life roofage systern of studying types of pass in deep depth: chogon 450 sm, keyruk 325sm, izen 325sm, polin 250-300sm, teresken 250sm.

4. In high survival of plant in six years of theirs life has izen- 8085,3%, keyruk - 75,3-78,2%, teresken- 72-73%, average of survive polin- 40-60%, chogon - 45,3%, qomforosa - 36,4%.

5. In average in 6 year corp field desert stern form of plant 3,923,5% dry stern mass. More corp field has izen - 11,2-23,5%, keyruk - 18,9-20,3% and chogon 16,4%. Copy field of family for culture in average in 6 years study has izen 0,7-5,8%, and chogon 2,7-2,9%.

6. According to complex economical ayaillable mark more perspective for create higher productivity of pasture agrophytocenosis autumn-winter period in condition submontane semideserts Uz-bekistana has subshrub - chogon and tersken and subshurbus types as izen, keyruk, polini.

In the condition of piedmont pasture in Uzbekistan was held comparative complex research in 6 types of more perspective deserted food plants out of pigweeds family belonging to vital. According to economically variable features more perspective for creation high productive pastoral of agro plant formation, autumn and winter usage in piedmont desert in Uzbekistan.


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2. Zakirov K. Z. (1975). Flora and plants river pool in Zarafshan. Tashkent. - P. 53.

3. Shamsutdinov Z.Sh. Create long standing pasture in arid zone of Central Asia. Publishing house - "Fan". - Tashkent. - P. 175.

4. Nazarov X. T. (1988). Comparative biology, energy and economical mark some stern in subshurb and submontane semideserts in Uzbekistan. Theory and practise about arid stern productivity. - Samarkand. - P. 28.

5. Nazarov X. T. (1989). Study about types, quality and available examples of stern plants ini conditon submontane semideserts of Uzbekistan. Gene pool and selection of arid stern plants. - Tashkent. - P. 40-46.

6. Nazarov X. T. (1992). Comparative mark productivity and stability some stern subshurbsj culture in condition submontane region Nurata. Actual question about arid stern and! asrtakhan sheep breeding productity. - Tashkent. - P. 19-26.

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