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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ragozina Alena Vladimirovna, Obdalova Olga Andreevna

The main linguistic characteristics of the languages are analyzed, on which ethno-oriented methods of teaching a foreign language should be based since mastering a foreign language occurs in close interaction of several language systems in the minds of learners. A comparative analysis of the main linguistic categories of three languages - Russian (the target language), English (the first foreign language), and Indonesian (the mother tongue) of students is carried out. An example of a ‘language triad’ is given for its application in teaching a second foreign language. The results of a teaching experiment are presented, conclusions are formulated that the use of comparative analysis in ethno-oriented learning helps to significantly reduce the time when explaining new material, and also serves as a tool for correcting the consequences of negative linguistic interference when teaching a second foreign language.

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2. Обдалова О.А. Дискурс как единица коммуникативного и речемыслительного процесса в коммуникации представителей разных лингвокультур. / Обдалова О.А., Минакова Л.Ю., Соболева А.В. / Язык и культура. - 2017. - № 37. -C. 205-228. DOI: 10.17223/19996195/37/14

3. Obdalova O.A. Study of the Perception of Situation-Bound Utterances as Culture-Specific Pragmatic Units by Russian Learners of English / I. Kecskes, Olga A. Obdalova, Lyudmila Yu. Minakova, Aleksandra V. Soboleva // System. - 2018. - Vol. 76, August. - P. 219-232. DOI 10.1016/j.system.2018.06.002.

4. Пугачёв, И.А. Этноориентированная методика в поликультурном преподавании русского языка как иностранного: монография / И.А. Пугачёв. - М.: РУДН, 2011. - 284 с.

5. Рагозина А.В. Этноориентированная методика обучения иностранному языку обучающихся из стран Юго-Восточной Азии на начальном этапе: магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 45.04.02 - Лингвистика / Рагозина, Алена Владимировна - Томск: [б.и.], 2019. - С. 18. [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://vital.lib.tsu.ru/vital/access/manager/Repository/vital:9477 (дата обращения 05.08.21.)

6. Ragozina A.V., Obdalova Olga A. Plurilingual Teaching of a Second Foreign Language for Students from Southeast Asia Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta - Tomsk State University Journal (Tomsk, Russian Federation). - 2021. - № 465. - Р. 164-171. DOI: 10.17223/15617793/465/22

7. Рагозина А.В., Обдалова О.А. Сравнительный анализ способов словообразования в русском, английском, индонезийском и вьетнамском языках в целях определения общей языковой базы // Языки и культуры: функционально-коммуникативный и лингвопрагматический аспекты: cборник статей по материалам II международной научно-практической конференции, 12-13 мая 2021 г. Н. Новгород: Издательство Нижегородского университета, 2021. - С. 202-207.

8. Россотрудничество (ведущее российское агентство, главная миссия которого усиление гуманитарного влияния России в мире) [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://rwp.agency/ (дата обращения 18.10.21.)

9. Сакорннои Катика. Национально-ориентированная модель обучения тайских учащихся русскому языку (базовый уровень): диссертация ... кандидата Педагогических наук: 13.00.02 / Сакорннои Катика [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://docplayer.com/46998790-Nacionalno-orientirovannaya-model-obucheniya-tayskih-uchashchihsya-russkomu-yazyku-bazovyy-uroven.html (дата обращения 02.11.21.)

10. Studyinrussia (официальный сайт о высшем образовании в России для иностранных студентов) [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://studyinrussia.ru/actual/articles/rekordnoe-kolichestvo-inostrannykh-studentov-vybrali-rossiyu-v-2020-godu/ (дата обращения 07.11.21.)


UDC 37.0

postgraduate student Ragozina Alena Vladimirovna

National Research State University (Tomsk);

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor at the department of english for the faculties of natural sciences, physics and mathematics Obdalova Olga Andreevna

National Research State University (Tomsk, Russia)



Annotation. The main linguistic characteristics of the languages are analyzed, on which ethno-oriented methods of teaching a foreign language should be based since mastering a foreign language occurs in close interaction of several language systems in the minds of learners. A comparative analysis of the main linguistic categories of three languages - Russian (the target language), English (the first foreign language), and Indonesian (the mother tongue) of students is carried out. An example of a 'language triad' is given for its application in teaching a second foreign language. The results of a teaching experiment are presented, conclusions are formulated that the use of comparative analysis in ethno-oriented learning helps to significantly reduce the time when explaining new material, and also serves as a tool for correcting the consequences of negative linguistic interference when teaching a second foreign language.

Keywords: a comparative analysis of languages, ethno-oriented teaching, and learning, second foreign language, Russian as a foreign language, linguistic transfer.

Аннотация. Анализируются основные языковые характеристики языков, на которые должна опираться этноориентированная методика обучения иностранному языку, поскольку овладение иностранным языком происходит в тесном взаимодействии нескольких языковых систем в сознании обучающихся. Проведён сравнительный анализ основных языковых категорий трёх языков - русского (языка обучения), английского (первого иностранного) и индонезийского (родного языка студентов). Приведен пример «языковой триады» для применения её в обучении второму иностранному языку. Приведены результаты обучающего эксперимента, сформулированы выводы о том, что использование сравнительного анализа в этноориентированном обучении помогает существенно сократить время при объяснении нового материла, а также служит инструментом корректировки последствий отрицательной языковой интерференции при обучении второму иностранному языку.

Ключевые слова: сравнительный анализ языков, этноориентированное обучение, второй иностранный язык, русский как иностранный, языковой перенос.

Introduction. The phenomenon in which students unconsciously and incorrectly transfer certain language phenomena from one language to another and this transfer becomes the cause of errors, is called negative interference. However, such a transfer can be conscious and correct [3]. In turn, he can help not only to simplify the understanding of certain phenomena in the language (if they coincide most fully) but also prevent the influence of interference [8, 9] (with a false similarity of such phenomena). Conscious correct transfer phenomena from a native and/or previously studied foreign language (usually English) to a new language being learned takes place according to some principles that are directly related to the comparative teaching method.

In case when the teaching of phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary is not based on ethno-oriented teaching materials, it becomes difficult to solve the problem of the interference of the native language. And as a result, foreign learners cannot hear and comprehend what is delivered to them in the target language, but rather what they are used to hearing in their native language or in a first foreign language [5, 4].

Our research aims at proving that revealing the similarities and differences in the grammatical, phonetic, and syntactic structure of languages between the target language, on the one hand, and the native and first foreign language (FL1), on the other, might

facilitate the process of mastering a foreign language [7], remove the influence of interference and save time when submitting linguistic facts in a highly intensified learning environment.

For the most effective consideration of linguistic facts in the teaching of the Russian language [10], we first describe and then highlight the main similarities and differences between English, Indonesian and Russian.

It is worth noting for a start that in Indonesia there are about 600 living languages and dialects, however, the official state language, the language of interethnic communication since 1945 is the Indonesian language (Bahasa Indonesia). It is the language of education, culture, media, state, army, and science. The total number of people who speak Indonesian to one degree or another is about 200 million. The Bahasa Indonesia language was formed from the literary Malay language, which now forms the basis of the Indonesian language [4]. Despite the fact that the Indonesian language is young, in terms of its rich lexical composition, it can compete with the most developed languages in the world, and in terms of the number of synonyms it has no equal.

Almost every word in the Indonesian language has three or four or even more synonyms borrowed from other languages [1]. In the process of development, the Malay language, and then the Indonesian language, was actively replenished with vocabulary from Dutch, Sanskrit, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, English, and other languages, as well as from related languages of the Indonesian branch - Javanese, Minangkabau, Jakarta dialect and others [1, 2]. A sufficiently large number of borrowings from the English language, especially in the era of its globalization, makes it possible for the teacher to use at the beginning of learning the words -internationalism (rus.: 'урок', 'занятие' - 'raacc'\'class', ind.: 'kelas -'class'; rus.: 'юмор'- ind.: 'humor', eng.: 'humor'). Among other languages of Southeast Asia, Indonesian is less difficult, mainly due to the phonological structure of the language, and also very flexible [2].

Comparative characteristics of the Indonesian language with English (as a first foreign language) and Russian (as a target language) will reveal some of its systemic features for their further application in ethno-oriented teaching.

The wording and purpose of the article tasks. We will consider the most common characteristics of the language being studied and the native language of students, and also indicate how these phenomena look in the language-intermediary. For this, we will analyze and highlight some significant features of the phonological system and the type of writing; belonging of languages to one or the other a different morphological structure, methods of word-formation, grammatical structure (parts of speech, their main grammatical categories). The limiting phonological unit for describing a plan of expression in a language is a phoneme, which is defined as a set of attributes of a class and serves to distinguish between meaning linguistic signs.

On the basis of comparative analysis, we have developed a linguistic tool which we called 'the language triad', which we propose to use in the classroom in a second foreign language.

The methodological basis of the study is based on the provisions related to the comparative approach in linguistics (I.A. Sternin, N.F. Alieva, V.V. Vorobiev, V.G. Gak, U.K. Yusupov). The study of linguistic units is based on the analysis of works devoted to the description of the grammar of the Vietnamese, Indonesian, Russian and English languages, considered in the works by N.F. Alieva, I.S. Bystrov, Nguyena Tai Kan, V.D. Arakina.

In this work, we use one of the methods of comparative analysis - comparative interpretation, when at first the facts and phenomena in each of the compared languages are studied, and then the comparison is done.

Presentation of the basic material of an article. The phonemic composition of the modern Indonesian language consists of 6 separate vowels, 23 consonant phonemes (two of them are borrowed from Arabic and two from European languages f, z), and 4 diphthongs. And despite the fact that this language also has a lot of consonants, the same number of consonants and vowels is heard in speech due to their regular alternation in words [14]. In English, we have 20 vowels and 24 consonant phonemes. 20 vowel sounds are conveyed by 6 vowel letters. 24 consonant sounds are conveyed by 20 consonant letters. The phonetic composition of the Russian language consists of 36 consonants and only 6 vowels, which indicates that the most important feature of the Russian phonetic system is consonantism [3]. The main feature of Russian consonantism is the opposition of consonants in two oppositions: 1) hardness/softness and 2) voicelessness/voicedness. Obviously, there are a large number of such oppositions in theory - these are noise/sonority, tension/non-tension, etc.

We will focus only on the important, in our case, the first two oppositions. In the 50s., A.A. Reformatsky in his work 'Language, structure and phonology' substantiated basic concepts related to phonology. If in the Russian language hard consonants are replaced by soft ones, then we get different words: 'кон-конь', 'мол-моль', 'кров-кровь', the opposition in hardness/softness is meaningful. For English, Indonesian languages, the difference in softness - hardness usually does not matter. There is no such feature in the system of these languages. Indeed, the opposition of consonants in terms of hardness/softness for many languages is not a typological feature [13]. In Russian, noisy consonants are contrasted with voiced ones in strong positions - before vowels, before sonants. In oral speech, this is absolutely distinguishable, hence the errors in writing 'what we hear, we write'. Only over time, students begin to transfer the correct letters of the sound they hear to the letter. And most likely, students memorize the spelling of a word, then restore this phonetic process in their mind. Therefore, in an introductory phonetic course aimed at students from Asia, as well as in typical materials on the Russian language [15], a lot of attention is paid to the oppositions - softness/hardness, voicelessness/voicedness.

If we talk about some of the most difficult phonemes to pronounce, then for Indonesian students such phonemes are hissing [ж], [ш]. Also, the difficulty is often a weak distinction between whistling and hissing [с] / [ш], as well as [ц], [ч], [щ]. V. Vyazovskaya reveals the problem of setting the sonorous consonants [р] and [л] in Indonesians who speak English [4]. It should be noted that the Indonesian language lacks such an important change in the vowel sound in different positions for the Russian and English phonetic systems (the phenomenon of reduction or the open/closed syllable). For example, in rus. [e] in the в 'ветер' [vetir], [о] in 'молоко' [malako] in eng. [o] in 'harmony' ['ha:msni], [u] in 'medium' ['mi:dism], etc.

Thus, it is possible to single out certain phonological characteristics of the Indonesian, English, and Russian languages presented in Table 1. These characteristics can be used in the future both for constructing a methodological commentary and for a general acquaintance of a teacher with the phonetic system of the student's native language for taking into account when presenting phonological phenomena in the lesson [11, 12].

Comparative characteristics of the phonological features of the language triad

Phonological features Russian English Indonesian

Softness/ hardness significant, distinguishable in oral speech absent absent

Voicelessness/ voicedness significant, distinguishable in oral speech significant, meaningful feature poorly distinguishable in oral speech

Vowel reduction or change in vowel pronunciation clearly audible in oral speech meaningful distinction, audible in oral speech absent

Alphabet Cyrillic Latin Latin

Let us analyze the features of word formation, since word formation methods show the structure of a word in each language, and their analysis contributes to a more complete understanding of the internal logic of the language.

A.A. Reformatsky considered morphology as the 'backbone' on which grammar rests, calling it 'the center of linguistic space ... The nature and type of language are determined primarily by its morphology' [13].

Features of word formation in a language directly depend on the morphological type of the language and rarely does a language represent a particular morphological type in its pure form. In Russian, a language of the synthetic type, and in analytical English, we find a large number of common features, since the main grammatical means of expression is affixation. By its morphological type, the Indonesian language belongs to a weakly isolating language and exhibits a sufficient number of features of the agglutinative type, since uses various types of affixes to form words and convey grammatical meaning.

A significant number of similar ways of word-formation are found in these three languages [12]. Each of the languages forms new words using the main methods - prefix, suffix, compounding. The main similarities and differences are due to the type of language itself.

To the greatest extent, we find a similar word formation in the English and Indonesian languages, since they are characterized by agglutination:

rus.: журналистика ind.: wartawati eng.: journalist

In the naming system of English and Indonesian languages, there are no categories of gender, case, which affects wordformation. In the Russian language belonging to the inflectional type, the necessary addition of inflections can be found, for example, the ending 'a', in the other three languages with the same method of word formation, the inflection is absent:

rus.: книжка, мальчишки, безработица ind.: pelarian, mengajarkan eng.: workers, unemployment

With similar methods of word formation in these languages, the lexical and grammatical meanings of morphemes may differ. So, for example, the meaning of plurality can manifest itself in different ways in all four languages: in Russian with the help of endings and special forms of plural. hours (including when changing by case); in Indonesian, often by reduplication, as well as using affixes or other forms (* however, reduplication does not always mean plural: hati-hati 'to be careful'; in English, using endings and special forms):

rus.: вещи, братья, денег, матерей ind.: buka-buka, anak-anak, sesuatu eng.: things, money

Conversely, a similar education in English and Russian of some parts of speech (adverb, adjective) using the same means (adding suffixes or compounding) in Indonesian or Vietnamese manifests itself in different ways: rus.: цветной, тепло

ind.: warna-warni 'colourful', selama 'temperarly', terbahak-bahak 'loudly' eng.: colourful, sunny, lately

Some lexical meanings (collectiveness, negative meaning) are conveyed using affixes in English and Russian, and Indonesian they are conveyed by phrases:

rus.: не(до)понимание, продан

ind.: salahpaham = salah 'wrong' + paham 'to understand', dijual 'was sold' eng.: misunderstanding

A significant number of similar ways of word-formation are found in this 'The language triad'. Each of the languages forms new words using the main methods - prefix, suffix, compounding. The main similarities and differences are due to the type of language itself.

Summarizing the data of the comparative analysis, we present the features of word formation in table 2.

Comparative characteristics of the features of word-formation of the triad languages

Language ^^Word- formation Russian English Indonesian

Prefix не-, без-, при-: объехать, rnpигород mis-, un-, in-, dis-, re-: dishonest, unlikely ke-, ber-, pe -: penjahit, diambil; lukis 'painting' -pelukis 'artist'

Suffix -тель, -ова-, -изн-, -чик: учитель, книжник, бежал, весело -ment, -ness, -ly: politeness, information, beautiful -an, -wan, -wati h gp.: karangan, bangunan; warta 'news' -wartawati 'journalist'

Circumfix без- + -иц, при- + -н, пере-+ ива, на- + -ник: безработица, безграничный ke- + an, pe- + -an, per- + -an: keaiginan, lari 'run' -pelarian 'escape'

Compound юго-запад, хлебозавод seafood, handcraft, haircut orang-orang 'people', murid-murid 'students'

Reduplication чуть-чуть, еле-еле flipflop, zigzag sayur-mayur 'vegetables', hati-hati 'be carefull'

Ablaut (Inner flexion) бросать -бросить run - ran - run, man - men —

To determine the language base, which will be further developed and used for teaching Russian as a second foreign language to students from Indonesia (or Russian students who study the Indonesian language) we make a general comparative scheme of 'The language triad' [10]. This 'triad' shows the origin of what linguistic phenomena need to be paid attention to when teaching a new foreign language.

collateral category ; verb transitivity category basic methods of word formation the category of the perfect and imperfect form of a verb

negative formation (-) + (-)--prefixed verbs of movement free word order

case category of nouns

declension category of nouns by gender

inflectional type of language predominantly suffix word formation vowel reduction

voice\voiceless cons, opposition tense category of a verb

Figure 1. 'The triad of languages': differences and similarities in the systems of the Russian, English, and Indonesian


The experimental teaching has demonstrated that it is advisable to use the following scheme in the ethno-oriented method of teaching Russian [11] both when introducing new material and for corrective work with students. Having familiarized with such a scheme, a teacher who starts working with the Indonesian group (also with students from the Malay group of languages) will have the necessary understanding of the students' native language [3], which is the key principle of ethno-oriented methodology.

The data of such an analysis can later be used in compiling a common language base in teaching Russian as a second foreign language to students from Indonesia, as well as in emphasizing differences and false similarities in avoiding negative linguistic interference.

Conclusion. The authors have carried out the linguistic comparative analysis of language phenomena in the developed 'triad of languages' for teaching purposes. Comparative characteristics of the Indonesian language with English (as FL1) and Russian (FL2 or a target language) have revealed some of the systemic features which proved helpful in ethno-oriented teaching.

The features of the three language systems identified by us should be aimed at conscious and correct transfer of linguistic phenomena where possible. Teaching based on linguistic similarities and differences can help not only to simplify the understanding

of some phenomena in a number of languages but also to prevent a negative influence of language interference. We envisage a great practical significance of the study in the potential use of the developed methodology for teaching a foreign language to students from Southeast Asia in the sociocultural context of Russian universities, Indonesia, as well as in other regions of the Malay group of languages.


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7. Obdalova O.A. Study of the Perception of Situation-Bound Utterances as Culture-Specific Pragmatic Units by Russian Learners of English / I. Kecskes, Olga A. Obdalova, Lyudmila Yu. Minakova, Aleksandra V. Soboleva // System. - 2018. - Vol. 76, August. - P. 219-232. DOI 10.1016/j.system.2018.06.002.

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УДК 371

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кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Рамазанова Эльмира Асановна

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Республики Крым «Крымский инженерно-педагогический университет имени Февзи Якубова» (г. Симферополь)


Аннотация. Статья посвящена актуальной на сегодняшний день проблеме развития проектных умений педагогов дошкольной образовательной организации, обоснование необходимости его применения в дошкольной организации как первой ступени образования. В статье рассмотрен метод проектов как одно из эффективных средств воспитания всесторонне развитой, самостоятельной, инициативной личности. Описана деятельность педагога ДОО в реализации данной технологии, охарактеризована педагогическая ценность использования проектной деятельности в работе с детьми дошкольного возраста.

Ключевые слова: проект, развитие, проектная деятельность, педагог, дошкольник, развитие проектных умений, проектная культура.

Annotation. The article is devoted to the current problem of the development of project skills of teachers of a preschool educational organization, the justification of the need for its application in a preschool organization as the first stage of education. The article considers the project method as one of the effective means of educating a comprehensively developed, independent, initiative personality. The article describes the activity of a teacher of preschool educational institutions in the implementation of this technology, characterizes the pedagogical value of using project activities in working with preschool children.

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