Abstract: the perception and interpretation of the real surrounding us is different among the representatives of different nations of the world. It manifests itself very clearly in phraseological units of the language as idioms accumulate the knowledge of the people and reflect culture, history, wisdom, beliefs, customs and traditions of the certain ethnic group. Comparative syntactic and grammatical analysis of phraseological units represented in the article can reveal some aspects of the national mindset, linguistic and cultural peculiarities of these nationalities.
Keywords: phraseological linguistic means, national mindset, language consciousness, linguistic and cultural community, cultural identity.
The language systems offer an inherently different representation of the surrounding reality: "We know that every language divides the world in its own manner, that is, it has its own particular way of conceptualizing it. At the heart of each particular language there is a special model, or the picture of the world, and the speaker organizes the content of what (s)he says in accordance with this model" [11, P. 3]. Language is part of the culture of the nation speaking it - it preserves the culture and transmits it to other generations. Language is the mirror of the surrounding world "... it [the language] reflects the reality and creates its own picture of the world, specific and unique to each language and, consequently, for the people, ethnic group, speech community, using the given language as a means of communication" [10, P. 38].
Phraseological means of the language are one of the categories national mentality is manifested in. Idioms, with the imagery they contain, symbols and stereotypes of the people's consciousness cover the bigger part of the human experience and carry the linguocultural code of the nation. They reflect centuries-old history, religious beliefs, wisdom of the people, its moral values which comprise the main components of the national culture.
V.N. Teliya believes that phraseological units "... are associated with cultural and national standards, stereotypes, myths and so on and when being used in speech they reflect the mindset characteristic for a certain linguocultural community" [9, P. 64]. S.G.Ter-Minasova attributes huge role to phraseological units in the process of language and culture formation: "The idiomatic layer of the language, i.e. in the layer which, by definition, is specific for each particular nation, stores the values, public morals, attitude to the world, to people and other nations. Idioms, proverbs and sayings illustrate the way of life as well as geographical location of a nation, the history and traditions of the community united by one culture" [10, P. 80].
V.A. Maslova claims that idioms play an important role in the identification of national and cultural features. They are the soul of every national language; they express the spirit of the language and the distinctness of the people. Phraseological units do not simply describe the world around us - they are called to interpret it, to evaluate, to express our subjective attitude to it [4, P. 82]. Idioms are involved in the formation of the world outlook for an individual and for a community. The semantic structure of phraseological units primarily depends on extra-linguistic factors and phraseological units most fully and clearly reflect different areas of life and the living conditions of a certain people, their collective consciousness, centuries-old experience of the people, preserved in the form of verbal
utterances. The same phenomenon of the reality surrounding people can get both absolutely identical and completely different interpretation of the phraseological system in a particular language "... idioms seem to impose a particular vision of the world and the situation on the speaker" [4, P. 82]. For example, the idioms written in Russian and English is described in the same way, they are complete semantic, structural and grammatical equivalents: брать быка за рога - to take the bull by the horns. It is known that the bull is a stubborn and dangerous animal, if you want it to obey, you have to be brave and decisive. The image of the bull in these phraseological units is associated with an urgent matter, the task that has to be carried out without delay. These are such idioms as: когда рак свистнет (literally: when the crawfish whistles) - when pigs fly (literally: all thirty-six days of the month) are combined by the meaning "is not known when, in the indefinite future, never," but the choice of images is different. These examples show that national and cultural identity of the phraseological fund manifests itself in the comparison of two or more languages.
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ЯЗЫКА Султанов Б.Р.
Султанов Бехзод Рахманкулович - преподаватель, кафедра английского языка и литературы, факультет филологии, Гулистанский государственный университет, г. Гулистан, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: статья посвящена анализу фразеологических единиц в английском языке. Даны классификации. Рассмотрены аналогичные фразеологизмы в других европейских языках, показаны сходства и различия.
Ключевые слова: фразеология, идиома, общекультурный, интернациональный, национальный, заимствование.
УДК 81
Фразеология - одна из самых образных и «консервативных» языковых подсистем. В отличие от лексики она менее подвержена языковым изменениям, сохраняет устаревшие слова, архаические формы. Значительная часть устойчивых сочетаний связана с различными реалиями народного быта, фактами истории, народными верованиями, обычаями, обрядами. Фразеологизмы - это ценный фактографический источник носителей языка.
Фразеология - «капризная и неуловимая» вещь. Так говорит датский языковед О. Есперсен. Факт наличия в языке помимо слов целых словесных комплексов, которые иногда тождественны слову, являются лингвистическими феноменами, которые