Comparative analysis of biochemical monitoring of the functional state of professional athletes and those working at enterprises of a continuous production cycle
UDC 796.01:612
Dr. Med. E.R. Yashina1 Dr. Econ. S.P. Kovalev1
Dr. Med., Professor P.S. Turzin1
PhD, Associate Professor K.E. Lukichev2
1The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy
and Public Administration, Moscow
2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to form the biochemical status of the body of professional athletes (hockey) based on a comparative assessment of indicators with a group of workers employed in production.
Methods and structure of the study. A clinical examination of the team of hockey players was carried out using the generally accepted complex of clinical laboratory diagnostics for athletes (20 biochemical parameters) characterizing the activity of the main functional systems of the body of athletes and a similar study was performed on 30 men of comparable age working with the use of physical labor at a continuous cycle enterprise.
Results and conclusions. The most significant biochemical indicators were identified, the values of which in the examined hockey players and workers had significant differences and deviations from physiological norms. An approximate form of the biochemical "profile" is proposed and the parameters are determined to determine the current state of the athlete. Recommendations have been developed to optimize the biochemical status of the body of athletes and workers, including the use of diets and specialized sports nutrition to prevent overtraining in athletes and overwork in workers using physical labor, and, consequently, reducing the likelihood of injuries and being on the list of injured athletes and the list. temporary disability of workers in production.
Keywords: hockey players, employees of continuous cycle production, biochemical parameters, monitoring, recommendations, injury list, temporary disability list.
Introduction. At the present stage, with many years of sports training, various methods of monitoring the condition of athletes are used, including biochemical indicators [1-3]. This is true for sports of various specializations, including hockey. [4].
The training system of hockey players is characterized by a high level of intensity of their training process and a tight schedule of competitive activity, sometimes at the limit of psychophysical capabilities, which is reflected in the corresponding changes in biochemical parameters. At the same time, monitoring the state of hockey players and studying the dynamics of indicators is carried out mainly by assessing the cardiovascular system regardless of the direction of training [5-11].
The organization of this work is carried out within the framework of biomedical and scientific and methodological support for sports training, which are regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2007 N 329-03 "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation"; Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 23, 2020 N 1144n "On approval of the procedure for organizing the provision of medical care to people involved in physical culture and sports ..." and order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated December 2022. At the same time, medical support in professional hockey clubs is additionally regulated leagues and internal regulatory documents of clubs, and scientific and methodological support is not mandatory and is im-
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I July I № 7 2023
plemented at the discretion of a particular club, taking into account the existing infrastructure, personnel and financial capabilities.
Objective of the study was to form the biochemical status of the body of professional athletes (hockey) based on a comparative assessment of indicators with a group of workers employed in production.
Methods and structure of the study. An extensive set of clinical laboratory diagnostics was used, but for a comparative assessment, the values of the following biochemical parameters characterizing the main organs and systems were taken: hematopoietic system (hemoglobin); liver functions (total bilirubin, ALT); kidney function (urea); endocrine system (testosterone, free testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)), cortisol; lipid metabolism (total cholesterol); protein metabolism (total protein); carbohydrate metabolism (glucose, insulin; enzyme levels - creatine phosphokinase (CPK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST)); mineral metabolism (iron, magnesium, phosphorus); vitamin D levels).
The survey was carried out with the participation of 35 sportsmen-hockey players of a professional hockey club. A similar study was performed on 35 employees of production sites using physical labor of comparable age.
Results of the study and their discussion. The
tables provide a comparative analysis of the main biochemical parameters of hockey players and working men and the interpretation of some of them.
From Table 1 it follows that hemoglobin and testosterone did not have significant differences, while cortisol was twice as high in values in athletes, which characterizes a higher degree of systems that provide adaptation, despite the fact that in both groups they were within the physiological norm . For athletes, the results of analyzes are closer to the upper limit, and for workers, the lower limit, which in sports is interpreted as the depletion of adaptation reserves.
The indicators of hemoglobin, testosterone, TSH, iron, ALT, AST did not have significant differences and were within the physiological norm.
Despite the fact that the hemoglobin content in 97.1% of the athletes remained within the physiological norm at various stages of the training process, there was a significant increase after the flights, which was associated with dehydration and required timely correction. Indices of liver function had changes in 17.1%, which required clarification of compliance with the sports regimen.
The indicators of mineral metabolism in athletes had a significant spread of minimum and maximum values, remaining within the physiological norm: 17.1% of the examined athletes had an excess of iron levels, 31.4% - a decrease, 51.5% - the norm; 8.6% of the examined athletes found an excess of magnesium levels, 37.1% - a decrease, 54.3% - the norm; in 22.9% of the examined athletes, an excess of the level of phosphorus was found, in 42.8% - a decrease, in 34.3% - the norm, while in the "working" the physiological norm had average values.
It is noteworthy that the athletes also had almost twice as much DHT, CPK, vitamin D, as well as significantly higher phosphorus, total cholesterol, blood glucose and lower magnesium and total protein. Apparently, it is these characteristics that make it possible to assess the intensity of metabolic processes and the recovery potential at the current stage.
A change in the indicator of kidney function (increased urea) in 25.7% of the examined athletes unexpectedly turned out to be associated with the use of a common pharmacological drug "hypoxen", which is recommended to accelerate recovery processes at peak loads and intolerance to protein components in specialized sports nutrition.
Interpretation of the endocrine status made it possible to qualify the state of current performance and identify athletes with exhaustion of reserve functions. It draws attention to the fact that lipid metabolism indicators are also an indicator of the amount of physical activity.
I would especially like to dwell on the indicators of protein metabolism, in the assessment of which 82.9% of the examined athletes found a lack of total protein (less than 70 g/l), although according to generally accepted standards it was within the physiological norm (65 g/l) and only 17, 1% is the norm, that is, above 70g/l. Whereas, without exception, all workers had indicators of total protein above 70 g/l. This may indicate that the intensity of protein metabolism is significantly higher in athletes and it can be used to evaluate the amount of physical activity. The dynamics of total protein indicators did not have a significant dependence with an increase in the dosages of sports nutrition, but significantly correlated with the amount of physical activity with a total calorie content of the diet of 6,000 kcal/day.
In the study of carbohydrate metabolism, 85.7% of the examined athletes had a low level of insulin, 37.1% had a single increase, and 11.4% had the norm; in
2.9% of the examined athletes, an excess of the level of C-peptide was found, in 51.4% - a decrease, in 45.7% - the norm, which confirms the sensitivity of this indicator as an indicator for assessing the training process.
In conclusion, I would like to note that all athletes had a balanced level of vitamin D, while 90% of workers had its deficiency.
Thus, it turned out that the range of detected deviations from the normative values of biochemical parameters is very wide. It should also be noted that the deviations of the values of indicators from the normative values were of different severity, mostly insignificant, but sometimes reaching multiple values. Some of them are justifiably used as indicators of physical activity and the basis for adjusting sports nutrition.
For the convenience of biochemical monitoring of the functional state and readiness of hockey athletes, the structure of the biochemical "profile" of an athlete was proposed, consisting of two main parts:
- Identified values of biochemical parameters.
- Identified deviations from the standard values of indicators, standards and individual recommendations.
Tables 1 and 2 present examples of filling in the biochemical "profile" of an athlete.
Such a set of indicators is the base for conducting biochemical monitoring during the current examination of athletes.
Thus, on the basis of the compiled biochemical status, hockey players requiring close attention and additional examination were identified.
A comparative analysis of the biochemical parameters of athletes and production workers who do not regularly engage in physical culture and sports has revealed criteria that can be considered as additional indicators of the intensity of physical activity and overtraining conditions. These include total protein, magnesium, DHT, insulin, cortisol, CPK.
It is noteworthy that 95% of persons from the group of subjects who are not involved in physical culture and sports have a significant decrease in vitamin D below the physiological norm and impaired phosphorus metabolism.
The identified violations became the basis for conducting a similar examination in an expanded group of workers in various areas of the production process (300 people), and vitamin D deficiency and low phosphorus values were confirmed in most of the subjects. The company introduced a "fish day", formed the necessary recommendations for healthy lifestyle programs.
Conclusions. A comprehensive laboratory examination was performed for professional athletes (hockey players), including an assessment of 20 clinical biochemical blood parameters to determine the state of the hematopoietic system, indicators of liver and kidney function, endocrine system, lipid metabolism,
Table 1. Part 1 of the biochemical passport of the athlete N. "Identified values of biochemical parameters" (fragment)
Full name Hemoglobin 35-170 mg/dl Insulin 0.5-25 mIU/ml Cortisol 400-800 nmol/l Testosterone 25-50 nmol/l Free testosterone 12-28 pg/ml DHT 400-1100 pg/ml TSH 0,4-4 miu/ ml Vitamin D 30-100 ng/ml Total protein 70-84 g/l
N. 157 2 677 30 19,5 1075 2,24 19 71
Table 2. Part 2 of the biochemical passport of the athlete N. "Identified deviations from the normative values of indicators, standards and recommendations"
No. Index Value Norm Tendency Regulatory document. Recommendations Consultation
1 Vitamin D 19 30-100 ng/ml less Vitamin D deficiency in adults. Clinical recommendations of the Russian Federation 2013-2017. Russian Association of Endocrinologists (Russia). ICD categories: Vitamin D deficiency (E55), Vitamin D deficiency, unspecified (E55.9), Osteomalacia in adults (M83). Branches of medicine: Endocrinology. Conservative treatment. Endocrinologist
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protein and carbohydrate metabolism, hormone and enzyme levels, mineral metabolism and vitamin insufficiency. This made it possible to draw up a "biochemical" profile for each athlete, select specialized sports nutrition and formulate recommendations for recovery measures.
In general, the results obtained and the developed recommendations will help optimize the process of operational assessment by sports medicine doctors and coaching staff of the functional fitness of hockey players.
The article was prepared as part of the research work of the state task of the RANEPA.
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