Yusup Khaytbaevich Kushakov
Senior teacher, Tashkent State Transport University
The communicative system-activity method is by far the most effective way of learning English today. According to the author communicative system-activity method is focused on the possibility of communication. The communicative system-activity method is designed primarily to remove the fear of communication. The main areas that have been taken into account in this article include, meaning and significance of communication system-activity method and it's understanding and elements of the communication system.
Keywords: activity, advantage, character, communicative, communication, conversation, development, disadvantage, English, feature, method, skill, system.
With the development of our society, there is a huge impact on the content of teaching foreign languages. The quality and quantity of information needed by students is inevitably growing. "The English language is no longer considered as a separate science, but as a necessary element in a complex and multi-level structure of education. Increasingly, the question arises of the need to form a student's professional mobility" [1]. Currently, there are many methods for studying a foreign language by students in higher educational institutions. Each of the methods has certain features, for example, some are more popular and in demand, while others are less. This article is devoted to communicative system-activity method of learning by students. The essence of the technique is that the teacher pays more attention to the study of the spoken language itself, which is used in everyday life. The developers of the communicative system-activity method of teaching foreign languages agreed that the intermediary language, that is, the language in which teaching is conducted, slows down the learning of a foreign language.
In order to find out the main character of the communicative-activity method I have applied to many works written by scientists in this sphere. Theoretical analysis of
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literary sources on the research topic, analysis of legal and organizational and administrative documents regulating the professional activities of teaching staff, diagnostic methods (observation, conversation, questioning, testing). In general, communicative system-activity methods, despite their diversity, is characterized by the following features: Learning objectives are aimed at the components of communicative competence (linguistic, sociocultural, compensatory), and are not limited to grammatical or even linguistic. "Organization of speech material is focused not on form, but on its function, through which form is also taught" [10]. The characteristic features of communicative-system activity method are: information gap, feedback, selection and authenticity of materials.
What is the result of communicative system-activity method? Its main goal is to teach to communicate freely in the language, to behave adequately in various situations of communication. That is, the main thing in this approach is the interaction during communication and the achievement of a communicative goal. "The study of communicative system-activity method and it's features which are considered one of the best methods in teaching foreign languages at technical universities, made it possible to identify its significant advantages and disadvantages and their methodological support in the learning process" [5]
As I have understood that the main disadvantages of this method are the following: This method creates ideal prerequisites for the emergence of the so-called language barrier, since a person ceases to express himself in the learning process. He begins not to speak himself, but simply to combine words through some rules. "Therefore, much attention of students is paid to the analysis of texts, the writing of expositions and essays" [8]. In addition, everyone should learn the structure and logic of a foreign language, be able to relate it to their native language, understand what their similarities and differences are. This is impossible without a serious study of grammar and without the practice of two-way translation. The advantages of the communicative method: It is the communicative method that best develops the ability to communicate competently and fluently, do not hesitate to speak English and avoid awkward pauses in speech. However, there is an opinion that the communicative method of teaching English is best for those who already have some lexical and grammatical base of the language obtained at school, university or basic courses. 80% of the lesson time, which takes place according to the communicative method, is devoted to conversational practice. The communicative technique simulates the English language
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environment, without having to travel to another country. "The communicative teaching methodology can be supplemented with game elements - role-playing games, skits. Group and pair work helps in the formation of communication skills"[2]. Lexical and grammatical constructions in a ready-made (not abstract) form are easier to learn than memorizing rules from a sheet - this is an important condition for the communicative method. "Discussions and speech games - an important part of the communicative teaching methodology - help to achieve the ability to easily communicate in English in real speech situations"[11].
Communicative-system activity method of teaching of foreign languages is of an activity nature, since speech communication is carried out through speech activity, which, in turn, serves to solve the tasks of productive human activity in conditions of social interaction. "Participants of the communicative-system activity method try to solve real and imaginary tasks of joint activity with the help of a foreign language" [7]. With this approach, positive conditions are created for the active and free development of the individual in activity. In general, these conditions boil down to the following: students get the opportunity to freely express their thoughts and feelings in the process of communication, each participant in communication remains in the focus of attention of others, self-expression of personality becomes more important than demonstrating language knowledge. "Participants in communication feel safe from criticism for mistakes. The use of language material is subject to the task of individual speech design. The language material corresponds to the speaker's speech-thinking capabilities. The relationships are based on lack of appreciation, neocriticism and "empathy" (empathy and understanding of the experiences of others)"[9].The communicative system-activity method in its modern form is a synthesis of proven methods and techniques for creating common foundations for teaching foreign languages. The communicative system-activity method involves the implementation of such a method of learning, in which, on the basis of all interacting components, an orderly, systematized and correlated mastery of a foreign language is realized in the conditions of speech activity simulated in the classroom, which is an integral of the general (extra linguistic) activity. "The communicative-system activity method is focused on language proficiency as a system of practical interaction of a number of competencies, including language, speech, communicative, socio-cultural, compensatory and educational"[7]. Language proficiency as a specialty also includes linguistic, metalinguistic and intercultural competencies. Each competence corresponds to a group of skills,
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although in reality all the formed skills are mainly integrated. According to the learning objectives , the skills are grouped as follows: 1) proficiency in aspects of the language being studied (phonetics, grammar, vocabulary); 2) proficiency in types of speech activity - speaking, listening, reading, writing; 3) ability to implement the basic functions of language (communicative, expressive and cognitive) in teaching; 4) communicative, perceptual and interactive skills of using language in 5) the ability to implement the main functional aspects of communication (communicative, perceptual, interactive); 6) reflexive skills, including skills of self-assessment, self-control and self-correction; 7) educational skills, including research and methodological skills. These groups of skills characterize a complete and comprehensive practical knowledge of a foreign language.
In today's world, everything is changing rapidly. Methods of learning English are also changing. More and more educational centers use video materials, multimedia, role-playing games in their work. It is believed that language learning will be effective only if a person enjoys the process itself, and does not motivate himself only by the fact that language learning is a necessity. The main goal of learning English is not only the formation and development of the communicative culture of people learning the language, but also their training in the practical mastery of the English language. Now language teaching has become more applied, while earlier it was more theoretical. The role of the teacher has also changed. The dictator-teacher is not able to give students the freedom of choice that is necessary in the process of learning English. This teacher was replaced by a teacher-intermediary, a teacher-observer, just a leader. Although the role of the teacher in this case is not the main one, his influence on the audience, which, in turn, becomes more intimate, does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases. It is the teacher who is the organizer of group interaction, encourages students to communicate with each other with maximum effect, interest and benefit. In the classroom, students are no longer limited in the choice of language means and speech behavior. The teacher also has the opportunity to choose any teaching methods and techniques - role-playing games, trainings, exercises. Now, more than ever, an English teacher has the ability to select any teaching aids, as well as the ability to create, combine and modify material based on the needs of students. Therefore, in modern conditions, the role of the teacher is also changing. The main attention in this method is paid directly to the practice of communication and, at the same time, overcoming the language barrier that many students often face.
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"Speak as much as you can!" - such a slogan can be safely assigned to a communicative technique.
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