Irgashov G. teacher
German language department Chirchik State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The purpose of the work is to study the communicative method in teaching foreign languages. The communicative technique assumes that the unit of communication is the speech act as a means of conveying speech intentions using language. Communication is organized not by topic, but by real social and everyday spheres of communication as the space of human life. Communication has a role-based nature, that is, each student performs a certain communicative role; such communication contributes not only to the development of linguistic competence, but also social skills - the ability to establish contact with the interlocutor.
Key words: communicative method, communicative approach, reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension, methodological techniques, discussion.
The communicative method is one of the most common and modern methods in teaching a foreign language. The communicative method got its name at the suggestion of E.I. Passov, who substantiated the concept of the method in a number of publications. It is based on the ideas of communicative linguistics, the psychological theory of activity and the concept of individuality development in the dialogue of cultures, which determines the ultimate goal of teaching a foreign language - mastering a foreign language culture in the process of intercultural communication. Initially, the method was intended for teaching speaking, but over time the scope of its application expanded to all types of oral and written communication, including practice in translation activities. The peculiarity of the method is manifested in an attempt to bring the process of language learning closer to the process of real communication. This circumstance determines objectivity; the process of communication, which is expressed in the careful selection of speech topics, intentions and communication situations, reflecting the practical interests and needs of students, the communicative behavior of the teacher and students during classes.
The communicative approach allows you to visualize the system of foreign language communication. The methodology of teaching foreign languages considers the communicative act as an informational-speech product of a communicative situation. Teaching a foreign language is teaching speech activity in the target language. One of the necessary conditions that contribute to the
formation of a student's foreign language communicative skills is training based on communicative exercises. The volume and nature of the exercises required depend on a number of factors. One of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicativeness is a contextual-situational approach. Training students and developing their professional communicative competence should take place within the framework of a situational approach.
Language education, regardless of the methodology used, provides for the development of four basic blocks of knowledge: reading, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension. As the name suggests, the communicative technique is focused on the possibility and necessity of communication, i.e. using predominantly oral speech and listening. The ability to speak and listen is both a means and a goal of a communicative technique. The main part of the training exercises is based on the use of oral speech, both when consolidating vocabulary and when mastering grammatical structures.
The practice of using the communicative method made it possible to really evaluate its advantages and benefits:
- students develop interpersonal communication skills, fear of the interlocutor, the audience is removed, thinking, situational reaction, and linguistic intuition are actively formed;
- the individual characteristics of each student are taken into account. During classes, everyone participates in communication to the extent that their vocabulary and grammatical knowledge allows. At the same time, stronger students act as an example and incentive for the upward movement of all participants in the communication process;
- constant innovation in the organization of the learning process and its content is ensured. This allows you to maintain interest in classes, emotional uplift during lessons, and a feeling of satisfaction from the results of work during classes;
- students are able to master grammatical structures without lengthy grammatical analysis. Cumbersome and often unproductive tasks on constructions such as "put the verb in the correct grammatical form" are excluded from practice. Even a correctly completed task of this type does not add practical skill in using the "required grammatical form" in speech;
- the method is applicable to any age groups of students and at any stage of education.
The basic principles of the communicative method are clear, but, as with any other method, they are difficult to apply in their pure form in specific teaching conditions. The system of additional education, unlike the school system, has greater freedom in the formation of curricula and the organization of the educational process. Here there is an opportunity to take full advantage of the communicative technique and direct it towards achieving the specific goal of teaching oral speech.
A distinctive feature of the communicative method is that it presupposes some initial accumulation of language experience by the student, which facilitates further understanding of the grammatical principles of language construction and accelerates the development of reading and pronunciation skills. A child at almost any age easily remembers words, elementary grammatical structures and constructs simple phrases and complete sentences. After acquiring stable skills in simple oral speech, the student begins to understand the grammatical essence of language constructions.
Many experts draw an analogy with how young children learn to speak, who at a certain age begin to actively produce words, phrases, meaningful linguistic structures that they hear in the speech of adults, and repeat them many times after adults. This is the natural situation. During training, an artificial situation is created in which everything is concentrated and somewhat modified. But the understanding remains that, firstly, the student should be, if possible, in the atmosphere of a language environment. Secondly, the mastery of grammatical structures should occur both empirically and on the basis of some logical comprehension, for example, at the level of speech and grammatical models.
The communicative technique involves active speaking and working with oral speech in large volumes. This is an important requirement, and it is quite feasible in the conditions of daily intensive classes, for example, in special language classes in secondary schools or in accelerated foreign language courses.
The issue of using both the native and the target language in the communicative method periodically causes controversy. Some experts believe that during a lesson it is preferable to use exclusively the language being studied. This requirement is natural provided that the teacher's speech will be basically understandable to the students and if the students can adequately respond to the teacher's statements with their own speech statements. Otherwise it doesn't make sense. Moreover, reliance on the native language is the basis of the so-called comparative teaching method. That is, language, in necessary cases, not only remains a means of communication between student and teacher, but also serves as the basis for understanding both the vocabulary and grammatical structure of the language being studied.
Discussion is one of the most effective forms when using the communicative method. As a rule, the teacher chooses an interesting topic for discussion, and each student has the opportunity to share his opinion in a foreign language, analyze the situation or question with other participants in the conversation. However, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of factors: first of all, the topic and content must interest students and also be appropriate in level; Students must know the rules of discussion. In conclusion, it is important to note the fact that one should not focus on errors in speech during a discussion.
Role-playing is a methodological technique that belongs to the group of active methods of teaching practical knowledge of a foreign language. A role-
playing game is a conditional reproduction by its participants of the real practical activities of people and creates the conditions for real communication. The effectiveness of learning here is primarily due to increased motivation and interest in the subject. Role-playing game motivates the generation of speech activity, since students find themselves in a situation where the need to say something, ask, find out, prove, or share something with the interlocutor is actualized.
Several options for using images to motivate the development of
communication skills.
1. Anticipating the content of the text through the description of pictures. The success of understanding the presented text lies in studying the situations depicted in detail and expressing assumptions about what the key topic is and what will happen against this background. Before reading or listening, ask the class to react to the picture. What/Who is shown in the picture? What's happening? What are the emotions and feelings of the characters? What could the text or audio recording be about? Students will work diligently to see to what extent they were right.
2. Teaching vocabulary. When it comes to teaching vocabulary, it's best to use real things. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to bring a pet, car or ghost into the classroom. This is where photographs come in handy. Cards, drawings on the board, relevant objects - anything that will help bring this word to life as best as possible will do. This is done both to teach new words as a primary goal and to pre-learn basic vocabulary before reading or listening to a text.
3. Development of memory. Working in pairs, students have a limited time (eg 30 seconds) to look at the picture. Student 1 asks questions to see how much Student 2 can remember. Repeat with another picture, and this time the students switch roles. Individual work: remember the objects in the picture and name them one by one. Whoever names the most items wins.
4. Guess. In this version of the game, students work in pairs or groups. They choose an image of an object or person of any age, profession and describe it to their partner without using its name. For example, if they have a picture of a clown, they will say, "This is a person who makes people laugh."
5. What's wrong with the picture. Find unusual phenomena, combinations, objects, actions, states.
Pictures add another dimension to any lesson, making it memorable and fun. In other words, pictures are an invaluable addition to a teacher's teaching toolkit. Test some of the proposed tasks and notice how students perked up and are curiously waiting for instructions on how to complete a new task, not from the textbook.
Undoubtedly, significant attention is paid to other types of activity. Examples include projects, presentations independently, in pairs and groups. With the help of these types of activities, a language environment is created in which students should be able to communicate.
In the modern world, there are various classifications of modern teaching methods. The effectiveness of foreign language teaching methods depends on many factors. Today, the communicative method is widely used to achieve high results.
The communicative method has many supporters among teachers and methodologists, theorists and practitioners. It is believed that foreign language teaching abroad is based primarily on communicative methods. In practice, no matter what language teaching methodology is used, elements of the communicative method are inevitably present in it. Otherwise, there is no practical knowledge of the language. But in the communicative methodology, in addition to its effectiveness as a means of teaching, purely pedagogical elements are also important, such as raising children, developing their thinking and creative skills. Finally, the method does not pose any difficulty for teachers. Its elements can be easily applied in the education system or club activities.
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