COLORONIM OF THE BLACK TONE IN INTERIOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN RUSSIAN AND GERMAN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nasibullina F. F., Rakhimova D. F.

The article deals with the Russian and German achromatic color naming of the black tone in interior advertising texts. The division of color values into achromatic and chromatic colors is briefly revealed with reference to the works of leading world scientists. The description of the black colorative, quotes and definitions from the works of Russian and German researchers who have studied deeply the topic of color meanings are given, definitions in both languages are compared, the examples from interior magazines of Russia and Germany are studied. The issues of psycholinguistics are separately touched upon, especially the perception of the coloronim black among the consumers of home goods. The conclusions emphasize the low use of black tone in two languages, as well as the reasons for the irrelevance of this colorative.

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Колороним черного тона в рекламах интерьера в русском и немецком языках

Насибуллина Файруза Фаиловна,

к. филол.н., доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки и межкультурная коммуникация» Казанской государственной консерватории имени Н.Г. Жиганова E-mail: [email protected]

Рахимова Диана Фердинандовна,

к. филол.н., доцент кафедры «Иностранных языков, русского, русского как иностранного» Казанского национального исследовательского технического университета им. А.Н. Туполева

E-mail: [email protected]

В статье рассматривается немецкое и русское ахроматическое цветонаименование чёрного тона в рекламных текстах интерьера. Кратко раскрывается история деления цветообозна-чений на ахроматические и хроматические цвета со ссылкой на работы ведущих мировых ученых. Дается описание чёрного колоратива, приводятся цитаты и определения из трудов российских и немецких исследователей, которые глубоко изучали тему цветоообозначений, сравниваются дефиниции в обоих языках, изучаются примеры из журналов интерьеров России и Германии. Отдельно затрагиваются вопросы психолингвистики, особенно выделено восприятие колоронима черный у потребителей товаров жилища. Подробно указаны несколько дефиниций слова реклама в немецком и русском языках. В выводах подчеркнута малоупотребительность черного тона в двух языках, а также указаны причины неактуальности данного колоратива.

Ключевые слова: цвета, реклама, пейоративное значение слова, колороним, лексика.

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The colorative vocabulary is one of the most demanded topics in the language of advertising. Advertising (from Lat. "reclamare" - to shout out) existed from the cradle of mankind, only by the middle of the XIX century, having conquered the communicative platforms of the media, it turned into a mass phenomenon.

As A. Deyan underlines that advertising is a paid, unidirectional and non-personal appeal carried out through the media and other types of communication, campaigning in favor of any product, brand, company (any business, candidate, government) " [3]. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 13.03.2006 N38-FZ (ed. of 05.12.2022) interprets advertising as information that is disseminated in various forms and means addressed not to a specific circle of people and aimed at attracting attention to advertised object, arousing or maintaining interest on it and its distribution on the market [11].

Contemporary advertising is the result of the scientific, technical and digital progress of society, aimed at implementation of serious functions. The call to purchase a product is carried out by means of the linguistic means in advertising, for example, an incentive. In the advertising text, a description of things is given, the necessary information is reported, and a mood is created that affects the attention and often the memory of the buyer, using color naming as a tool.

The article by German scientists "Influenzung in der Werbung durch das Geschlecht der Stimme" (The influence of advertising through the voice) states the following: "Advertising serves the targeted and conscious influence of man for mostly commercial purposes. The advertiser addresses needs partly through emotional, partly informative advertising messages for the purpose of motivating action", that is "Advertising serves a targeted and conscious impact on a person for commercial purposes..." [www. advertising - bird-media.de/werbung.html].

In all the given definitions advertising is determined as a means of notifying about the availability of goods. Advertising itself is anthropocentric, because it is directly related to a person, to society and its needs.

Currently, advertising has become an integral part of the life of modern Russian society. We encounter it everywhere. Modern advertising is a multidimensional phenomenon. Advertising, the language of advertising is a very sensitive organism which means that it immediately grasps the slightest change in society: the emergence of innovations, events, and changes in any sphere of life are inevitably reflected in advertising texts.

The purpose of this article is to consider the achromatic color designation of black tone in the system of

texts in Russian and German languages that advertise dwelling.

Color is a mysterious phenomenon. It accompanies us everywhere. According to P.V. Yanshin, in the Russian language the word "color" has a double meaning: 1) the aggregate of all visible shades and 2) a specific shade. The problem of color psychosemantics splits into two closely interrelated theoretical aspects: the question of the role of color perception for a person (pragmatics) and the study of the structure of specific color values (semantics) [11, 13].

As Russell pointed out, "the names of colors were used thousands of years before the discovery of the wave theory of light, and the fact that the wavelength decreases as you move along the color scale from red to purple was an ingenious discovery" [13].

The earliest uses of colors were manifested in ritual practice, in abstract notions, in symbolism, and eventually colors have moved into fine art, where expressive, impressive and symbolic properties are used.

Color namings have historically been divided into 2 groups: basic (absolute) and shade. Red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue, purple - absolute or chromatic. The chromatic ones are characterized by a color shade of varying degrees of brightness and saturation, and black, white, and all shades of gray are achromatic (from Greek words xpo^a (color, paint) and a - negation of "without" ("colorless", "colorless"). They differ only in lightness and lack a color tone.

The coloronyms "white" and "black" began to be used in the Russian language in the IX century and have survived a long history, gradually expanding their compatibility and becoming abstract coloratives for the names of colors [1].

The symbol of purity, clarity, innocence, reliability, kindness, purity, youth, harmony, is white, and in the Christian tradition - divine light, spirituality. However, it is not as unambiguous as it seems at first glance. The color designation white can also be perceived in the meaning of emptiness, silence, silence, fear, coolness.

Black color in almost all world cultures, for example, in Western culture, symbolizes death, sadness, grief, evil, mourning, and in the East it is a symbol of goodness, nobility and experience.

In the advertisements of dwelling in recent years, this colorative is often used with the adjective "elegant", "prestigious", "mysterious". According to psychology, the black color in the interior depresses the nervous system, causes aggression, leads to bad thoughts and negative emotions. Black is suitable to focus attention on any particular element. It is better to combine it with beige, golden or yellow.

S.I. Ozhegov interprets "black" as "the color of soot and coal" [8]. In the Dictionary of Synonyms, the definition is also given through a comparison: "like coal, soot, beetle, night, pitch (about hair)" [9].

K.S. Gorbachevich gives the following ranges of black tones: black, coal, salt, tar, anthracite, crow, slate, agate [2].

The lexemes black, black-haired, agate, pitch, coal, black are given in the Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language edited by A.P. Evgenieva [9].

The black tone microfield does not differ in variety and multiplicity in the given material of interior advertising. Interior advertisements include: black, anthracite, red-black, red-gray-black. The pejorative meaning of this tone causes the rare use of this lexeme. Here are some examples of advertising with a black tone from the magazine "My Comfortable Home" and "Interior design": "Black color is a symbol of luxury, however, like noble fine porcelain", "Black color is often found in nature, so it harmoniously complements and enhances muted neutral shades" [4], "A refined and laconic black kitchen looks especially expressive in minimalistic spaces. In addition to an expressive visual image, black facades help to visually stretch the room, which becomes relevant for a small apartment area" [18], the "Lisa" magazine says: "In order not to distract from the contemplation of the stunning view outside the window, this dining room is designed in the most laconic way - black tones" [5].

It is worth noting that by combining black with bright, iridescent, light tones, advertisers avoid negative coloring and negative shade of this color designation in interior advertisements, for example: "Grey and black have been in the top at the latest furniture exhibitions. Hence this idea can be applied" "Cream-white doors, ceramic sink, black floor, cup hanger" [6], "... A black ceramic border attracts attention thanks to a pink grout, the shade of which echoes the base of a round dining table made by order" [18], "The color palette is based on a win-win combination of colors -gray, black and red" [18].

In German, black is not popular in advertising texts. The black coloring - schwarz is interpreted as "ohne jede Heiligkeit, ganz dunkel, wie die Farbe der Nacht" [11], that is, "very dark, the color of the night"; "ohne Farbe, Licht vollkommen absorbierend, nicht reflektierend; sehr dunkel" [15] ("the darkest, not reflecting all other colors").

If we take a look into German-language site the following black tone associations are stood out: 1) power, power and discipline, 2) elegance and simplicity, 3) evil, 4) sadness, farewell and loss. The positive and negative qualities associated with black color are also highlighted:

1) positive: protection, strength, power, security, restraint, elegance, mystery, seduction, beginning and end;

2) negative: detachment, pessimism, closeness, seriousness, control, sadness, negativity [20].

Despite the fact that the Duden dictionary gives a rather diverse range of shades of the studied tone (Schwarz/black, schwarzlich/blackish, tiefschwarz/ thick black, pechschwarz/pitch black, holzschwarz/ woody black, rabenschwarz/drying-black (black as a raven's wing), kohlrabenschwarz/pitch black, pe-chrabenschwarz/pitch black, kohlpechrabenschwarz/ pitch black, nachtschwarz /black as night, elfenbein-schwarz/elephant black, blauschwarz/bluish-black, grauschwarz/gray-black, schwarz wie Edenholz, wie die Nacht/black as night) [13], we have identified only two shades: Schwarz/black, anthrazit/anthracite. For example, "Wallnusdekor, schwarzes Leder und glan-




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zende Metallakzente sehen schick aus, aber nicht zu cool aus" ("Walnut decor, black leather and shiny metal accents look chic, but not too cool"), "Sie mögen Kontraste? Dann sind Sie hier richtig: Vor allem der schwarze Tisch und der Boden setzen spannungsvolle Akzente. Konsequent auch die geradelinge Formen der Möbel" ("Do you like contrasts? Then you've come to the right place: the black table and especially the floor gives exciting emphasis. Straight lines of furniture are also suitable") [7]. "Schwarz: Farbton mit Charakter. Schwarz kommt mit seiner eleganten und kraftvollen Ausstrahlung gut an, ob als Einzelstück ode rim Ensemble" ("Black: a color with character. Black is well perceived due to its elegant and powerful charisma, whether it is a single piece of jewelry or an ensemble") [19].

The fact of the combination of black tone with light shades was also reflected in the advertising texts of the German interior. It is most probably done to give a positive assessment of the pejorative quality of the black tone, as advertising does not imply the gloom and negativity. For example: "Ein elegantes Ambiet-en in Schwarz und Weiß mit liebevoll arrangierten accessoires" ("An elegant atmosphere in black and white tones alongside with lovingly arranged accessories"), "Schlicht und funktional: die Küche besticht durch die dezente Farbwahl in weiß, grau und antrazit" ("Simple and functional: the kitchen impresses with its exquisite choice of colors: white, gray and anthracite") [8]. Retrolook fürs Bad: Möbelserie "Rivoli" strahlt pure Eleganz aus. Doppelwaschtisch in Anthrazitlack mit Glasplatte, dazu Griffe aus glänzendem Chrom" (Bathroom in retro style: the Rivoli furniture series exudes pure elegance. Anthracite lacquered double sink with glass top and shiny chrome handles) [19].

Thus, after studying achromatic color designations in Russian and German interior advertising texts, it can be noted that they are not popular and are not as diverse as chromatic coloratives. In our opinion, the reason, first of all, is the negative associations in the consciousness of the population of both countries. However, it is worth noting that the widespread use of the black coloronym in advertisements for clothing and cars, because the black tone is considered to be the symbol of elegance and rigor, especially with respect to the male consumer.


1. Bakhilina N.B. History of color terms in Russian / N.B. Bakhilin. - M.: Nauka, 1975. - 288.

2. Gorbachevich K.S. Dictionary of comparisons and comparative turns in the Russian language / K.S. Gorbachevich. - M.: AST Astrel Ermak, 2004. - 285 p.

3. Deyan A. Advertising / A. Deyan. - M.: Progress Universe, 1993. - 176 p.

о 4. Interior Design Magazine, 2022.

£ 5. Magazine "Lisa" No. 7/2009.

g 6. Magazine "My cozy home" No. 12/2008, No.

£ 1/2010.

== 7. Wohn! Design!» No. 8/2009.

8. Magazine "Wohnen kreativ" No. 9/2008.

9. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language / under. ed. N. Yu. Shvedova. - 20th ed., stereotype. - M.: Russian language, 1988. - 750 p.

10. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language in two volumes. Vol. 2: O-Ya / OR RAN; Ed. A.P. Evgenieva - M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC: ACT Publishing House LLC, 2003-856.

11. Federal Law No. 38-FZ of March 13, 2006

(as amended on December 5, 2022) "On Advertis-

■ )) ing".

12. Yanshin P.V. Psychosemantics of color. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006. - 368 p.

13. Duden. Das Bedeutungswörterbuch / Band 10 / Manheim; Vienna; Zurich; New York, 2008. -1307 S.

14. Russell B. Human knowledge: Its scope and limits / B. Russel. - New York: Simon and Schuster, 1948.

15. Sprach-Brockhaus: dt. Bildwärterbuch von A-Z. 9, neu bearb.u. erw. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: Brockhaus, 1984. - 836 S.

16. Wahrig. Deutsches Wörterbuch. Gutersloh. München: Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag GMBH, 1986.1493 S.

17. www. werbung - b irdmedia.de/werbung.html [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: URL: (Accessed 01/18/2023).

18. www.interior.ru /place/8927-aterarchitects-kievskaya-kvartira-s-sinimi-shtorami.html [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: URL: (Accessed 06.02.2023).

19. https://zuhausewohnen.de/wohnen/deko-ac-cessoires/galerie/farbton-schwarz [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: URL: (Accessed 06.02.2023).


Nasibullina F.F., Rakhimova D.F.

Kazan state conservatory named after N.G. Zhiganov, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev

The article deals with the Russian and German achromatic color naming of the black tone in interior advertising texts. The division of color values into achromatic and chromatic colors is briefly revealed with reference to the works of leading world scientists. The description of the black colorative, quotes and definitions from the works of Russian and German researchers who have studied deeply the topic of color meanings are given, definitions in both languages are compared, the examples from interior magazines of Russia and Germany are studied. The issues of psycholinguistics are separately touched upon, especially the perception of the coloronim black among the consumers of home goods. The conclusions emphasize the low use of black tone in two languages, as well as the reasons for the irrelevance of this colorative.

Keywords: colors; advertising; pejorative meaning of the word; coloronim, lexis.


1. Bakhilina N.B. History of color terms in Russian / N.B. Bakhilin. - M.: Nauka, 1975. - 288.

2. Gorbachevich K.S. Dictionary of comparisons and comparative turns in the Russian language / K.S. Gorbachevich. - M.: AST Astrel Ermak, 2004. - 285 p.

3. Deyan A. Advertising / A. Deyan. - M.: Progress Universe, 1993. - 176 p.

4. Interior Design Magazine, 2022.

5. Magazine «Lisa» No. 7/2009.

6. Magazine "My cozy home" No. 12/2008, No. 1/2010.

7. Wohn! Design!» No. 8/2009.

8. Magazine «Wohnen kreativ» No. 9/2008.

9. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language / under. ed. N. Yu. Shvedova. - 20th ed., stereotype. - M.: Russian language, 1988. - 750 p.

10. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language in two volumes. Vol. 2: O-Ya / OR RAN; Ed. A.P. Evgenieva - M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC: ACT Publishing House LLC, 2003-856.

11. Federal Law No. 38-FZ of March 13, 2006 (as amended on December 5, 2022) "On Advertising".

12. Yanshin P.V. Psychosemantics of color. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006. - 368 p.

13. Duden. Das Bedeutungswörterbuch / Band 10 / Manheim; Vienna; Zurich; New York, 2008. - 1307 S.

14. Russell B. Human knowledge: Its scope and limits / B. Russel. -New York: Simon and Schuster, 1948.

15. Sprach-Brockhaus: dt. Bildwärterbuch von A-Z. 9, neu bearb.u. erw. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: Brockhaus, 1984. - 836 S.

16. Wahrig. Deutsches Wörterbuch. Gutersloh. München: Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag GMBH, 1986. 1493 S.

17. www. werbung - birdmedia.de/werbung.html [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: URL: (Accessed 01/18/2023).

18. www.interior.ru /place/8927-aterarchitects-kievskaya-kvartira-s-sinimi-shtorami.html [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: URL: (Accessed 06.02.2023).

19. https://zuhausewohnen.de/wohnen/deko-accessoires/galerie/ farbton-schwarz [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: URL: (Accessed 06.02.2023).

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