VOLUME 2 I ISSUE 2 I 2021 ISSN: 2181-1601
N. B. Otojonova
Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region
This paper explains the use of the cluster method in mathematics lessons with specific examples.
Keywords: pedagogical technology, cluster method, mathematics, quadratic equation.
In recent years, a number of innovations have been introduced in the field of education. One of such innovations is the organization of lessons on the basis of new pedagogical technologies [1-6], in particular, the use of the cluster method. Let us now consider the true meaning of the word cluster. A cluster is a group of several homogeneous elements with specific properties into a single independent object according to their common properties. Therefore, it can be called in Uzbek "Connection of Concepts". In mathematical language, a cluster is a way of linking mathematical concepts together. Therefore, the cluster system can also be used directly in the learning process.
The cluster method consists of a visual, schematic representation of the learning material, which helps to get an idea of the concepts being studied, to understand them and to clearly describe their components and interrelationships. In this way, this method also helps to develop memory and self-assessment of the student's own knowledge.
There are 4 stages of the cluster method, which are used in the lesson on the basis of the following algorithm:
Step 1 - Write the key word (concept) or idea of the lesson topic on the board or white sheet.
Step 2 - Students write down everything they know and remember about the word (concept). The result is a word or phrase that goes from the center to the other, describing different concepts, ideas, and facts related to the subject. Everything the students say is written on the board (paper) without being dropped.
Step 3 - What is written on the board (paper) is brought into one system. Based on the teaching material explained by the teacher, what is written is analyzed and an attempt is made to bring it into a system. Scattered sentences are merged, and misspelled ones are deleted.
Step 4 - The written concepts are connected with the root word (concept) depending on the interdependence. They will be first-rate related records. In turn, there may also be secondary records associated with these records. They are connected not with the root word, but with the concept with which it is written, and so on. The result is a hierarchical scheme that defines the interdependence of perceptual concepts and facts. This diagram provides a schematic description of the content of the topic and helps to better understand it.
Example 1. Topic: Quadratic equations, 7-th grade. After completing all the topics on quadratic equations, students are given the following assignment.
Homework. Create a cluster whose root word is "Quadratic Equation". At the end of the session you can create a cluster of the following appearance.
Example 2. Topic: Coordinates of a vector, 9-th grade. Upon completion of the topic, students will be given the following assignment.
Homework. Create a cluster with the core word "vector coordinates".
At the end of the lesson you can create a cluster of the following words: point, coordinates of a point, abscissa, ordinate, coordinate system, vector, equal vectors, vectors of opposite directions, vectors of the same direction, abscissa axis, ordinate axis, end of vector, end of vector and etc.
When summarizing a lesson more than the cluster method, it is advisable to use it to recall the past once again.
It is also possible to use the cluster method in parallel with the process of reading a study material. This helps to better understand the material being read and to better understand the connections between the concepts in it, and ultimately to make the learning material more fully mastered by the reader, better remembered. The cluster method can also be used in control classes. In this chapter, it is suggested to create a cluster for 5 minutes on the basic core concept being evaluated.
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