Научная статья на тему 'Clinical use of Aglepristone for treatment of open-cervix pyometra in cats'

Clinical use of Aglepristone for treatment of open-cervix pyometra in cats Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Zhelavskyi M.M., Shunin I.M.

The results of the clinical application of the integrated therapy of cats having an open-cervix of the pyometra are presented in this work. It has been proved that pathology affects mostly the animals in the age from 3 to 8 years. In the clinical study, it was found that in the open-cervix of the pyometra cats had also depression, anorexia, polydipsia, polyuria, increase in the abdomen, withdrawal of the purulent exudate from the vagina. In micropreparations taken from the vaginal mucosa, an increase in the number of neutrophilic granulocytes was observed, most of them with signs of apoptosis. Significant changes in functional reactivity of phagocytic cells were found. Using microbiological researches the polymicrobial association of pathogenic microorganisms have been identified in the exudate. Hematologic studies have shown decrease of hemoglobin content and signs of neutrophilic leukocytosis. In ultrasonography, patients with pyometra showed an increase in the body and horns of the uterus, which were stretched with accumulated fluid, thickening of the organ's wall, and a clear picture of the cystic endometrial hyperplasia of the endometrium was visualized. The research has tested a treatment regimen with the use of Aglepristone (Alizin® Virbac, France) in combination with Mastometrin and antibiotic therapy (Amoscillin 15%, INVESA, Spain). During the treatment the fever, vomiting and polydipsia have disappeared, the appetite hat restored. Laboratory studies have established a dynamic reduction in the number of leukocytes and fading reactive neutrophilia. The ultrasound has noted decreased diameter of the uterus. Major hematological and immunological parameters of homeostasis were normalized. The obtained clinical studies indicate that the complex scheme of therapy of cats for the open-cervix of the pyometra contributes to the restoration of the functional state of the uterus, the extinction of the pathological process and the normalization of the functions of all organs and systems.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Clinical use of Aglepristone for treatment of open-cervix pyometra in cats»

HayKOBHH BicHHK .HbBiBCbKoro Ha^OHaibHoro ymBepcurery BeTepHHapHoi' MegnuUHH Ta 6i0TexH0iroriH iMeHi C.3. f^H^Koro Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies

doi: 10.15421/nvlvet7802

ISSN 2518-7554 print ISSN 2518-1327 online


UDC 636.7:611.77+636.8:611.77

Clinical use of Aglepristone for treatment of open-cervix pyometra in cats

M.M. Zhelavskyi, I.M. Shunin [email protected]

State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podillya, Shevchenko Str., 13, Kamyanets-Podilskiy, 32300, Ukraine

The results of the clinical application of the integrated therapy of cats having an open-cervix of the pyometra are presented in this work. It has been proved that pathology affects mostly the animals in the age from 3 to 8 years. In the clinical study, it was found that in the open-cervix of the pyometra cats had also depression, anorexia, polydipsia, polyuria, increase in the abdomen, withdrawal of the purulent exudate from the vagina.

In micropreparations taken from the vaginal mucosa, an increase in the number of neutrophilic granulocytes was observed, most of them with signs of apoptosis. Significant changes in functional reactivity of phagocytic cells were found. Using microbiological researches the polymicrobial association of pathogenic microorganisms have been identified in the exudate. Hematologic studies have shown decrease of hemoglobin content and signs of neutrophilic leukocytosis. In ultrasonography, patients with pyometra showed an increase in the body and horns of the uterus, which were stretched with accumulated fluid, thickening of the organ's wall, and a clear picture of the cystic endometrial hyperplasia of the endometrium was visualized.

The research has tested a treatment regimen with the use of Aglepristone (Alizin® Virbac, France) in combination with Mas-tometrin and antibiotic therapy (Amoscillin 15%, INVESA, Spain). During the treatment the fever, vomiting and polydipsia have disappeared, the appetite hat restored. Laboratory studies have established a dynamic reduction in the number of leukocytes and fading reactive neutrophilia. The ultrasound has noted decreased diameter of the uterus. Major hematological and immunological parameters of homeostasis were normalized.

The obtained clinical studies indicate that the complex scheme of therapy of cats for the open-cervix of the pyometra contributes to the restoration of the functional state of the uterus, the extinction of the pathological process and the normalization of the functions of all organs and systems.

Key words: cats, reproductive system, pyometra, diagnosis, therapy, Aglepristone (Alizin®, Virbac), clinical approbation of the treatment scheme.

Клтчне застосування аглепрктону в cxeMi лжування кчшок

• •• 1 • за ввдкртш форми шометри

М.М. Желавський, 1.М. Шунш [email protected]

Подшъсъкий держаний аграрно-технiчний утверситет, вул. Шевченка, 13, м. Кам 'янцъ-Подтъсъкий, 32300, Украгна

Уроботг наведет резулътати клШчного застосування комплексног тератг кгшок за вгдкритог форми тометри. Вста-новлено, що патолог1я переважно уражуе тварин вгд 3-х до 8-ми роюв. При клШчному дослгдженнг було встановлено, що вгдкрита форми тометри у кгшок проявляетъся загалъним пригтченням, втратою апетиту, спрагою, частим сечовидыен-ням, збыъшенням черева, видыенням з тхви слизово-гншного ексудату.

В мжропрепаратах, вгдгбраних з слизовог тхви виявляли зростання кглъкостг нейтрофыъних гранулоцитгв, быъшгстъ з яких були з ознаками апоптозу. Вгдзначали також змти функцгоналъног реактивностг фагоцитарних клтин. Мжробюлогi-


Zhelavskyi, M.M., Shunin, I.M. (2017). Clinical use of Aglepristone for treatment of open-cervix pyometra in cats. Scientific Messenger LNUVMB, 19(78), 9-12.

чними до^дженнями в екс-ydami хворих тварин iдентифiковано noniMÎKpo6Hy асощащю патогенних мiкроорганiзмiв. Ге-матологiчними до^дженнями встановлено зменшення вмкту гемоглобту, ознаки нейтрофыьного лейкоцитозу. При уль-трасонаграфiчномy до^дженю пацieнтiв, хворих на тометру вiдзначали збыьшення рогiв матки, ят були розтягнен накопиченою рiдиною, потовщення сттки органа, чтка картина залозисто-юстозно1 гтерплазп ендометрю.

До^дженнями апробовано схему л^вання i3 застосуванням препарату аглепрктону (Alizin® Virbac, France) у комбi-нацп з мастометртом та антибiотикотерапieю (амоксоцилт 15%, INVESA, Spain).

В динамщ л^вання у тварин зникала лихоманка, блювота i полiдипсiя, вiдновлювався апетит. Встановлювали динамi-чне зменшення ^brn^i лейкоцитiв та зменшення реактивного лейкоцитозу. При УЗД вiдзначали зменшення розмiрiв матки. Вiдновлювались основш гематологiчнi та iмyнологiчнi показники гомеостазу.

Одержан ключн до^дження вказують на те, що застосована комплексна схема терапп тшок за вiдкритоï форми тометри сприяе вiдновленню функцюнального стану матки, згасання патологiчного процесу та нормалiзацiï функцш вЫх оргатв i систем.

Ключовi слова: тшки, репродуктивна система, тометра, дiагностика, схема л^вання, аглепрктон (Alizin®, Virbac), клтчна апробаця схеми терапй.

Клиническое применение аглепристона в схеме лечения кошек с открытой формой пиометры

Н.Н. Желавский, И.Н. Шунин [email protected]

Подольский подержанный аграрно-технический университет, ул. Шевченка, 13, г. Каменец-Подольский, 32300, Украина

В работе приведены результаты клинического применения комплексной терапии кошек с открытой формы пиометры. Определено, что патология преимущественно проявляется у животных от 3-х до 8-ми лет. При клиническом исследовании было установлено, что открытая форма пиометры у кошек проявляется общим угнетением, потерей аппетита, жаждой, учащенным мочеотделением, увеличением живота, выделением из влагалища слизистого, гнойного экссудата. В микропрепаратах, отобранных из слизистой влагалища, диагностировали увеличение количества нейтрофилов, большинство из которых были с признаками апоптоза. Отмечали также изменения в параметрах функциональной реактивности фагоцитарных клеток. Микробиологическими исследованиями в экссудате больных животных идентифицировано полимикробную ассоциацию патогенных микроорганизмов. Гематологическими исследованиями установлено уменьшение содержания гемоглобина, признаки нейтрофильного лейкоцитоза. При ультрасонаграфическом исследовании пациентов с пиометрой отмечали увеличение объема рогов матки и четкую картину железисто-кистозной гиперплазии эндометрия.

Клиническими исследованиями апробировано схему лечения с применением препарата аглепристона (Alizin® Virbac, France) в комбинации с мастометрином и проведенной антибиотикотерапии (амоксоциллин 15%, INVESA, Spain). В динамике лечения у животных исчезала лихорадка, рвота и полидипсия, нормализировался аппетит. Лабораторными исследованиями определяли динамическое уменьшение количества лейкоцитов и угасания реактивной нейтрофилии. При УЗИ отмечали уменьшение размеров матки. Восстанавливались также основные гематологические и иммунологические показатели гомеостаза.

Полученные клинические исследования доказывают, что использованная комплексная схема терапии кошек с открытой формой пиометры способствует восстановлению функционального состояния матки, угасанию патологического процесса и нормализации функций всех органов и систем.

Ключевые слова: кошки, репродуктивная система, пиометра, диагностика, схема лечения, аглепристон (Alizin®, Virbac), клиническая апробация схемы терапии.


Pyometra is one of the most common reproductive pathologies of cats characterized by cystic endometrial hyperplasia, which occurs on the background of hormonal shifts and the development of the septic process. Cats of all breeds and age groups are susceptible to the disease. The statistics convincingly show that pathology occurs due to hormonal imbalances in the body of animals and is the result of uncontrolled and inappropriate use of progestogen preparations (Verstegen et al., 2008; Pratschke, 2015).

The clinical systematics of the pyometra is variable, and is mainly manifested by depression, anorexia, increased polydipsia, polyuria, abdominal enlargement, pain response and vaginal discharge (open-cervix pyometra). Nowadays, the main method of treating animals with closed pyometra is to carry out a surgical

operation (ovariogysterectomy) (Davidson and Black, 2015; Shah et al., 2016). Despite this, in foreign literary sources, cases of successful use of conservative treatment methods are increasingly being reported. Thus, one of the effective therapeutic regimens for bitch and cats for open pyometra is the use of natural (or synthetic) prostaglandin F2a, the mechanism of action of which is based on interaction with plasma mimic receptors of myometrium, the enhancement of contractile function of the uterus, and the withdrawal of accumulated exudate. Luteolysis also occurs under the action of the drug, which in its turn reduces the concentration of progesterone in the body, inhibiting the development of the pathological process in the uterus (Silva et al., 2010; Hagman et al., 2011).

Currently, the arsenal of practitioners is replenished with drugs of the new pharmacological group, such as Aglepristone, that is the progesterone receptor inhibitor in the uterus. In modern overseas sources, information is

available on the clinical use of Aglepristone for the treatment of animals with an open-cervix of pyometra; however, the complexity of the treatment of small pets having pyometra is presented only fragmentally (Kuplulu et al., 2011; Hagman et al., 2011; Ros et al., 2015). Therefore, the purpose of our work was to approbate a comprehensive scheme of cats therapy having an open-cervix of the pyometra with the use of Aglepristone (Alizin® Virbac, France).

Material and methods

Clinical and experimental studies were performed on clinically healthy cats (control group, n = 14) and on sick animals (experimental group, n = 14) having an open-cervix of the pyometra. Animal groups were formed in accordance with the principles of group-based analogies, taking into account the breed, age and body weight, and the stage of development of the pyometra. All studies were conducted in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Protection of Animals from Cruel Treatment» (No. 3447-IV of February 21, 2006) and the current requirements of the European Commission for treating vertebrate animals and protecting them from polydipsia, hunger, malnutrition, discomfort, fear, pain and illnesses. Diagnosis of the pyometra was based on anamnesis, clinical signs, serial laboratory (cytologic, microbiologic, hematologic, immunological (Zhelavskij et al., 2017) and ultrasonographic studies (Mindray Z6 Vet).

The treatment was based on the principle of complexity. Patients received injections of Aglepristone (Alizin® Virbac, France) at a dose of 10 mg/kg SC body weight, once a day (scheme 1, 2, 7, 14 days of treatment) in combination with the preparation of Mastometrin (Alexan LLC, Russia) at a dose of 0.5 ml/kg body weight, 2 times a day and an antibiotic Ammokocillin 15% (INVESA, Spain) at a dose of 15 mg / kg body weight at 48 hours intervals. Therapeutic efficacy was evaluated according to the clinical criteria of the physic status of animals, the results of laboratory and ultrasonographic studies.

Results and discussion

According to the statistics of veterinary reporting, it is found that in the Kamyanets-Podilsky and Khmelnytskyi the pyometra is mostly found in cats at the age from 3 to 8 years. In the treatment history of 8 animals, the use of progestogen preparations was established. Signs of the disease manifested in the metestrus. In a detailed clinical study, it was found that in the open-cervix of the pyometra in cats, the disease appeared with depression, anorasia, polydipsia, purified urine, increased abdominal pain, discharge from the vagina yellowish or greenish with a specific smell of mucous-purulent exudate. In animals, pathology was also manifested by vomiting and the development of subfebrile fever. In two patients, concomitant illness complicated by glomerulonephritis.

In micropreparations selected from the vaginal mucosa, an increase in the number of neutrophilic granulocytes was observed, most of them with signs of apoptosis. Changes in functional reactivity of phagocytic

cells were noted (Zhelavskij and Shunin, 2017; Zhelavskyi and Shunin, 2017). Among the cellular elements, a significant number of coccus and sticky forms of microorganisms were detected. Microbiological studies in the exudate have identified the polymicrobial association (mainly in isolates dominated by pathogenic strains of E. coli, Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., etc.). An antibioticogram was determined in a specialized laboratory and the antibiotic susceptibility of isolated microflora to amococillin was established. Hematologic studies have shown decrease of hemoglobin content, signs of neutrophilic leukocytosis.

In an ultrasonographic study of patients with a pyometra, an increase in the body and horns of the uterus, which was extended by accumulated fluid (anechoic visualization), thickening of the organ wall (mainly due to the endometrium) was found and a clear pattern of cystic endometrial hyperplasia of the was visualized.

In the dynamics of treatment in animals of the experimental group, for 2-3 days, intensive excretion of the exudate was noted. Fever, vomiting and polydipsia have disappeared, appetite hasrestored. Laboratory studies have established a dynamic decrease in the number of leukocytes and fading reactive neutrophilia. Ultrasound study has noted a decrease in the size of the uterus. After 12-14 days of treatment the exudative reaction ceased completely, the general condition and appetite were normalized, main hematological and immunological parameters of homeostasis were restored.


The cat's pyometra is a polyoid etiology of reproductive organs that occurs in animals of different age groups (from 3 to 8) and occurs as a result of a hormonal imbalance characterized by cystoid hyperplasia of the endometrium and the development of the inflammatory process involving the polymicrobial strains. For the treatment of cats in the open-cervix of the pyometra, it is recommended to combine the therapy with the use of Aglepristone (Alizin® Virbac, France) at a dose of 10 mg/kg body weight SC, once a day (scheme 1, 2, 7, 14 days of treatment), in combination with Mastometrin (Alexan LLC, Russia) at a dose of 0.5 ml/kg body weight, 2 times a day, and an antibiotic Amosocillin 15% (INVESA, Spain) at a dose of 15 mg/kg body weight at 48 hours intervals. The proposed scheme contributes to the restoration of the functional state of the uterus, the extinction of the pathological process and the normalization of the functions of all organs and systems.


Verstegen, J., Dhaliwal, G., Verstegen-Onclin, K. (2008). Mucometra, cystic endometrial hyperplasia, and pyometra in the bitch: advances in treatment and assessment of future reproductive success. Theriogenology, 70(3), 364-374. Pratschke, K. (2015). Pyometra. Complications in Small

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Shah, M.A., Pande, N., Shah, I.A., Chhibber, S., Agrawal, R. (2016). Pre and Post-operative Haemato-Biochemical Changes in Pyometric Bitches. Journal of Animal Research, 6(5), 911.

Silva, E., Leitao, S., Henriques, S., Kowalewski, M.P., Hoffmann, B., Ferreira-Dias, G., Mateus, L. (2010). Gene transcription of TLR2, TLR4, LPS ligands and prostaglandin synthesis enzymes are up-regulated in canine uteri with cystic endometrial hyperplasia-pyometra complex. Journal of reproductive immunology, 84(1), 66-74.

Hagman, R., Lagerstedt, A. S., Hedhammar, A., Egenvall, A. (2011). A breed-matched case-control study of potential risk-factors for canine pyometra. Theriogenology, 75(7), 1251-1257.

Kuplulu, S., Vural, M. R., Demirel, A., Polat, M., Akcay, A. (2009). The comparative evaluation of serum biochemical, haematological, bacteriological and clinical findings of dead and recovered bitches with pyometra in the postoperative process. Acta veterinaria, 59(2-3), 193-204.

Ros, L. (2015). A retrospective study of bitches with pyometra and mucometra medically treated with aglepristone.

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Zhelavskij, N.N., Shunin, I.N. (2017). Sostojanie jekstracelljuljarnogo protivomikrobnogo potenciala fagocitov polovyh organov u koshek Sbornik nauchnyh trudov Vitebskoj gosudarstvennoj akademii veterinarnoj mediciny. Vitebsk. UO: VGAVM, 65-69 (in Russian).

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Zhelavskyi, M.M., Shunin, I.M. (2017). The role of antimicrobial protection of phagocytes in the innate immunity of the reproductive organs of cats. Abstract book XVI International Semitic and Practical Conference of Professor, Researchers, Postgraduate Students, Students «Actual Questions in Veterinary Medicine». Kyiv. NULESU, 118-119.

Received 22.08.2017 Received in revised form 11.09.2017 Accepted 18.09.2017

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