UDK 656.13.
Adilov Okbuta JizPI. [email protected]
Mirzaev Dilshod JizDPU. [email protected]
Musurmonov Ulugbek [email protected].
Annotation. This article provides the development of methodological recommendations and the application of their results in production in order to improve road transport.
Аннотация. Ушбу маколада автомобил транспортини такомиллаштириш максадида услубий тавсиялар ишлаб чикиш ва уларнинг натижаларини ишлаб чикаришда куллаш кузда тутилган.
Аннотация. В данной статье предусмотрена разработка методических рекомендаций и применение их результатов в производстве с целью совершенствования автомобильного транспорта.
Key words: car, ecology, environmental safety, indicators, quantity.
Калит сузлар: автомобил, экология, экологик хавфсизлик, курсаткичлар, микдор
Ключевые слова: автомобиль, экология, экологическая безопасность, показатели, количество.
Tests of cars aimed at determining the resource indicators of their aggregates, systems and the car as a whole are divided into several groups. The first group consists of tests related to the creation and refinement of a new design of elements, the car system as a whole, as well as the modernization of production cars or its elements. The second group should include control tests, the purpose of which is to verify the compliance of serial products with the requirements of technical specifications. The third group consists of research tests covering all areas of experimental study of the properties of elements and systems, as well as factors affecting the reliability of cars or its individual units, systems and parts. The fourth group of tests can be attributed to the normal operation of cars by the consumer, which is essentially an important source of information about the reliability of the elements as a whole.
For clarity, Figure 2.3 shows one of the possible variants of the classification of tests aimed at determining reliability indicators, i.e. resource tests. Operational tests include such tests of the car (elements), which are carried out directly during its operation (GOST 16504-81). Such tests can have three types:
- experienced, carried out by qualified personnel, with regular monitoring by specialists;
- controlled, carried out by systematic monitoring of the technical condition of each element or system of the car by specially trained personnel for this purpose;
- ordinary, conducted by the consumer with possible deviations from the rules for the use and maintenance of the car or its elements.
Tests can be normal and short. Each group of life tests has its own set of classification features. Tests carried out on bench and landfill conditions are most often accelerated and when
they are carried out, the necessary information about the reliability of the elements is obtained in a shorter time than during normal tests.
To estimate the rate of accelerated tests, the acceleration coefficient is usually used according to the operating time
If Le
K u .n (1)
K = e
and by time (2)
Le, Li - operating time, respectively, during operation and testing;
Te, Ti - calendar duration of operation, respectively, during operation and testing.
The results obtained by accelerated tests are conditional and do not always reveal the essence of the process under study, it allows you to get only an approximate estimate of the essence of the process under study. However, the value of accelerated tests is inexorable, since such tests in a short time allow you to choose the right strategy, for example, in improving the reliability of car components.
An objective assessment of the pace and nature of changes in the technical condition of elements and systems is possible only during operational tests, and primarily in the operational reliability of cars. Systematic study of this indicator creates prospects and opportunities for systematic improvement of the quality of cars by eliminating various defects found during operational tests, structural and technological miscalculations when creating cars.
With the help of studies to assess the operational reliability of car components , the following main results can be obtained:
- determination of numerical values of operational reliability indicators;
- classification of failures of elements and systems of cars;
- identification of typical typical failures of elements and identification of possible causes of their occurrence;
- determination of parts critical from the point of view of reliability, i.e. limiting reliability;
- determination of parameters and types of patterns of resource allocation of elements;
- identification of the relationship of operational reliability with the technical and economic performance of the car.
Therefore, operational testing, despite the duration of the conduct, is the only possible measure that allows you to obtain objective information about the process of natural quality change not only of elements and systems, but also of the car as a whole, to evaluate the efficiency of using the car.
Based on the analysis of data on the operational reliability of cars, it was obtained [2, 3] that each model has a limited number of parts under certain operating conditions with a fixed operating time, which fail more often than others. The amount of expenses for such parts determines the main material and labor costs for maintaining the car in technically sound condition. Their presence determines the degree of reliability of the engine or the car as a whole.
Determining the reliability indicators of the elements and systems of the car with the help of operational tests is a long and time-consuming process that requires significant material costs. At the same time, the most reliable information about the reliability indicators of cars can be achieved only in tests conducted under operational conditions and subsequently develop radical measures to improve the quality of elements and systems of the car.
Fig 1. Classification and objects of tests to determine the reliability indicators of elements
and systems of cars
The difficulty of assessing and determining reliability indicators increases significantly when creating and operating new designs of elements and systems of the car, for which there is no quantitative information about reliability. This is exactly the position occupied by GMUz cars and in relation to the conditions of their operation in the regions of Uzbekistan and Central Asia, there is no quantitative assessment of their reliability indicators. And this creates certain difficulties in the organization of car maintenance and repair, planning and supply of spare parts, etc., which ultimately leads to a significant decrease in reliability.
Thus, on the basis of the above provisions and based on the characteristic features of the operating conditions, taking into account the road and climatic differences, the territory of Uzbekistan and the zone for which the reliability indicators of "GMUz" cars were calculated and adopted, we adopted a method for determining the operational reliability of the injection engine power system on a laboratory bench installation and in the form of observations in ordinary conditions operation.
Theoretical prerequisites have been developed for an analytical assessment of the reliability of the injection power system of gasoline engines, provided they are operated in hot and dusty areas of the territory of Uzbekistan. The obtained regularities for assessing the reliability of the injection engine power supply system have been confirmed by experimental studies in the operating conditions of "GMUz" cars in the territories of Uzbekistan.
1. The choice of the test method for determining the reliability indicators of the elements of the gasoline engine power system is justified. For an objective assessment of the reliability indicators of the power system elements, methods were selected on a laboratory bench installation and in the form of observations in ordinary operation.
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