Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology,
Bukhara State Medical Institute
The qualitative milk composition of female rats with chronic heliotrin hepatitis in lactation dynamics was studied. We investigated the amount of protein, carbohydrates, enzymatic activity and ICC in their milk during breastfeeding. A decrease in protein and carbohydrate content was identified starting the 1st day of lactation; di-peptide hydrolase, y-amylase and maltase activity, number of ICC (monocytes, macrophages, small lymphocytes) decreased immediately after birth, most pronounced on the 14th day of lactation. ICC are not determined in the milk of females with toxic hepatitis on the 21st day of breastfeeding.
Keywords: hepatitis, milk, lactation, immunocompetent cells, proteins, carbohydrates, enzymes.
INTRODUCTION Breast milk is an ideal food product, which is necessary for a newborn growth and development during breastfeeding, in addition, the mammary glands are the only organ binding bodies of mother and baby after birth. The transfer of adoptive immunity, as well as many biologically active substances through mother's milk, is crucial for the development of the immune, digestive and many other systems of the newborn's body [5.7]. However, in the case of maternal pathology there is a violation of these relationships. Particularly, violation of digestion was found as one of the most common symptoms in newborns from mothers with hepatic pathology [2.6]. However, the issues of hepatic pathology influence on lactation processes have so far remained poorly understood in available literature. In this regard, the aim of our study was to study the morphological and functional features of the lactation process in toxic hepatitis.
MATERIALS AND RESEARCH METHODS The work was carried out on 4-month-old female white outbred rats weighing 120-130 g (110) on a normal laboratory diet. We used chronic heliotrinal intoxication as a model of hepatitis according to the generally accepted technique. Selected females were divided into 2 groups: control and experimental. The experimental group of rats (60) was injected subcutaneously with heliotrin at a dose of 0.05 mg/gram of animal weight weekly for 6 weeks. Control animals (50) were injected with sterile saline. 10 days after the last injection, the males were planted in both groups. For study purposes, milk samples on 1, 3, 7, 14 and 21 days of lactation were used of both control and experimental animals. Milk was obtained by manual milking under mild ether anesthesia after preliminary oxytocin injection at a dose of 1 E per rat 10-15 minutes before milking. In order to determine the total amount of protein, carbohydrates and dipeptide hydrolase enzyme activity in milk samples glucose oxidase method was used for maltase according to Dalkwist (EC and for y-amylase according to Aurichio and Rubino [EC] [4.7]. Enzymatic activities were calculated per 1 ml of milk in all cases and expressed in micromoles/min of glucose formed. Smears were prepared and stained according to May-Grunwald for cytometric studies of ICC milk cells.
Calculation of ICC was carried out in 20 fields of vision from each preparation (approx. 15 x vol. 90) 5
preparations from each animal were examined. The obtained data were processed by the method of variation statistics according to the Fisher-Student. Values satisfying P<0.05 were considered reliable.
RESULT AND DISCUSSION As a result of our research, we established that chronic heliotrinal intoxication of female rats before pregnancy contributes to a significant change in the qualitative composition of milk in the dynamics of lactation. In particular, a 1.1-fold decrease in the total amount of protein was noted starting from 3rd day after giving birth: the amount of protein in the control group of animals was 9.9±0.19% compared to 8.5±0.19% in the experimental. This trend continued and progressed till the end of lactation period, when indicator reached 1.3 times on 21st day of lactation (up to 7.0±0.21% in the experimental group, 8.9±0.16% in control one). A similar pattern was observed in milk carbohydrates dynamics. However, it should be noted that milk of females with toxic hepatitis contained more pronounced decrease in the amount of carbohydrates than protein. Although on the first day of lactation the amount of detected carbohydrates was 1.1 times lower in the experimental group compared to the control (2.1±0.10% relative to 2.5±0.12%), this indicator increases to 2.2 by the end of lactation (up to 1.2±0.042% relative to 2.6±0.13%). Along with changes in protein and carbohydrate quantitative composition there was also established a change in the enzymatic spectrum of milk. Contrasting to protein and carbohydrate-synthesizing functions, dipeptide hydrolase, maltase and y-amylase decrease is noted immediately. Dipeptide hydrolase content on the 1st day of lactation for the control group is 0.40±0.012 and for the experimental is 0.35±0.011; on day 21st of lactation measures were 0.60±0.035 in the control group relative to 0.35±0.018 in jjmol min / gram protein in the experimental group. Maltase index on the 1st day after birth was 0.59 ± 0.020 of the control group and the experimental group with 0.51±0.021; progressing on the 21st day of lactation: 0.44±0.019 in the experimental group relative to the control group with of 0.66±0.014. Concerning y-amylase decrease it reached 0.10±0.001 in the experimental group with a control of 0.12±0.002 immediately after delivery, while on the 21st day of lactation, it decreases to 0.06±0.0003 of the experimental relative to the control with 0.13±0.001.
It should be noted that the progression of a decline in maltase and dipeptide hydrolase enzymatic activities was more pronounced in the dynamics of lactation.
Cytometric studies of milk ICC showed that the main types of ICC delivered to rat breast milk are mon-ocytes and macrophages, as well as small lymphocytes (the total number of milk ICLC in 20 fields of view is 216.3±15.0, monocytes 109.1±6, 0; macrophages 46.3±2.6; small lymphocytes 28.8±1.2). In chronic he-liotrin intoxication total number of ICCL reduce from the first days of lactation (total number of ICO 139.0±11.4; monocytes 72.6±2.56, macrophages 32.1±1.81; small lymphocytes 18.5±1.68). The most significant drop of cells' number occurs on the 14th day of lactation (where the total number of cells in the milk of the control group of animals reaches 45.1±2.78 with the experimental 21.6±1.94; the number of monocytes in the control group was 11.3±0,33 and 7.9+0.39 in the experimental; macrophages 9.8±0.68 relative to experimental animals 2.9±0.39; small lymphocytes 7.3±0.68 with experimental 3.5±0.27; and medium lymphocytes from 14.1±1.01 in the control, reduced to 5.6±0.35 in the experimental group). It should also be noted that ICC is not found in the milk of females with toxic hepatitis by the end of the lactation period, in a contrary to the control group of animals.
Analyzing the results, we found it necessary to indicate that protein components are required as "the main plastic material" for the infant full development from the very first days after birth and equally important and easily digestible carbohydrates of mother's milk [3]. In addition, a certain dynamics of hormones' level in milk is also revealed, associated with participation in the newborns metabolic adaptation process to their prenatal existence and causing the restructuring of protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the postnatal period. Colostrum and milk enzymes, which are delivered by breastfeeding to the newborn's body, also have a beneficial effect on the adaptation processes, affecting the protein and carbohydrate metabolism in the intestine [5]. It was established that there is a steady decrease in body weight gain and a lag in the structural and functional development of the small intestine in the offspring of rats with chronic hepatitis. [1.2.4]. Perhaps one of the reasons contributing to these changes in lac-totrophic nutrition period is protein and carbohydrate amount decline and decrease in the enzymatic milk activity affecting the composition of the intestinal chyme, which consequently affects microflora, absorption and immune relationships, deriving reduction of cellular components. Apparently, it is one of the factors characterizing a decrease in the immunomodulating function of milk. On the one hand a decrease in the number of macrophages, monocytes and lymphocytes, contributes to impaired transmission of adoptive immunity, but on
the other hand (as indicated in our previous studies) [8] the intake of lysosomes, lipid droplets in these cells, the trophic effect and immunobiological properties of breast milk are significantly reduced allowing the baby to adapt and survive in the "world of microbes" he enters immediately after birth [3.7].
Thus, the result of our study is that chronic toxic hepatitis leads to a significant decrease in the qualitative composition of milk during lactation. There are a reduce in the amount of proteins and carbohydrates of milk starting 3rd day of lactation, a drop in dipeptide hydrolase, maltase and y-amylase activity of milk immediately after childbirth, which progress to the end of the period of breastfeeding. Researches of ICC in milk found a tendency of decrease in their total amount from the first days of lactation, followed by total absence of ICC in the milk of hepatitis females on the 21st day of lactation.
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