преподавателя физического воспитания остается только взять все лучшее в теории и воплощать на практике на занятиях физического воспитания.
Список литературы
1. Нурматов Ф.А. Легкая атлетика в системе физического воспитания / Ф.А. Нурматов, Е.В. Козлова // Молодой ученый, 2017. № 2 (136). С. 659-661.
Abstract: teaching foreign language requires not only receiving knowledge about target language use but also interacting with the language. One is supposed to practice, to experience the language use in order to be able to use it not only between the corners of classroom, but also outside the classroom. It sometimes can be problematic for majority of students due to the various reasons including lack of the interaction while learning, tasks focusing on checking only knowledge about language aspects rather than language skills, imbalanced target on receptive and productive skills, and personality factors. As a result, they are likely to fail in using language for communicative purpose. This is one of the reasons why, in the teaching process, it is essential to focus on interaction between students, real life, appealing materials which enable to bring outside world into classroom. Keywords: interact, authentic materials, receptive skills, productive skills, input, output, Communicative Language Teaching, productivity, differentiated instruction, individualization.
UDС 81-139
Changing the method of teaching from Grammar translation to the Communicative language teaching in many countries firstly required to create the curriculum requirements and then resources to apply the techniques into classroom. As we know teaching in CLT method, we have to focus on the development of learner's language skill so that learner will be able to use the language not only in the classroom but also in different real life situations. The techniques applied into classroom, therefore should follow the authenticity principle and urge learners to communicate. A very successful CLT classes are those which provide language learners to integrate the skills: listening-speaking, reading-writing.
If communicative language is taught, its learning success is supposed to be assessed not based on grammar and pronunciation, but based on the learner s ability to perform, to interact with the language [1]. That is to say, if we are supposed to teach the CLT method we have to assess our students' evaluation based on their communicative competence. Sometimes designing materials, creating activities meeting the needs of learners can be challenging. This sort of problems can be solved by differentiating the instruction for the activity or modifying it.
Now we will attempt to analyze and modify the activities that are applicable to CLT method:
Activity: Drawing interpretation (original version)
Aim: fluency practice, reading comprehension, reading interpretation, class cohesion.
Level: all levels
Time: fluid.
1. After you have finished reading a poem, story, essay, book, or article, ask students to do a quick drawing of what they consider to be the central or most important idea of the reading.
2. In small groups each student holds up his/her picture while the other students interpret the picture.
3. The student who drew the picture tells others what he/she had in mind and what he/she might have learned from them.
4. The whole group talks about the meaning of the reading and how it might have changed for them as they looked and talked about the pictures.
- Some students may protest that they don't know how to draw. For them, demonstrate with some stick figures, or lines and circles to show them that you don't expect artistry.
- This activity works best if you set a time limit of no more than three minutes for the drawing [2].
Modified version: Can you read my mind?
Aim: fluency practice, listening comprehension, reading interpretation, critical thinking. Level: all levels.
Time: 25 minutes (5minutes for drawing or writing) Preparation:
Choose three videos including short poems on different themes (suggested video links from www.youtube.com for intermediate level: https://youtu.be/eRLJscAlk1M https://youtu.be/h1fdd-KF5Bc https://youtu.be?43wFhXaXxvo ) Each video should last no more than 2 minutes.
- Divide your group into 2 sub groups: Group A and Group B.
- Ask all students to watch the video and choose the best video they like.
- Each student in group A draw a picture associated with the video; students in group B write a short reflection including 50 words to express their feelings about the video they chose.
- After finishing the work, ask students to exchange their work with students from the other group.
- In turn, group A student will read the reflection and should find out which video this reflection refers to; group B student sees the pictures and find the source and describe the picture.
- At the end students will give their own feedback to their own work.
The activity was modified from the activity called "Drawing interpretation" provided by Natalie Hess. The original version of activity was based on developing reading comprehension and fluency practice for individual learning: After finishing reading a story, poem, or essay students have to draw pictures illustrating their comprehension of a text. They all hold their pictures, describe it and explain their understanding. After listening to each other's interpretation and watching the pictures students together discuss the reading and what they have learned.
However, in modified version a huge emphasis was made on receptive and productive skills including the integration of all skills. Furthermore, it facilitates learners to enhance their critical thinking which is considered to develop students' communicative skills, overlook, and personality. In this activity, students work in 2 groups. Both groups watch 3 prepared videos enabling learners to listen to 3 poems read by authors with different contents. Each member of the group A chooses one poem he/she likes best and draws a picture associating with his/her feelings and impressions on poem. Members of group B also choose the poem, but they all are supposed to write short reflections consisting of 50-60 words on the poem they like. After finishing writing reflections and drawing pictures
students raise their hands and exchange their work with their mates from other group. It isn't necessary to wait all members to finish and then to exchange their work: if a student from group A has finished drawing he can raise his hand and exchange it with work of student from group B who has also finished writing a reflection. After reading reflection and observing the pictures, students of both groups have to find which poem they refer to and explain their opinions. At the end of activity students return work to the owners and they themselves give feedback to their pictures and reflections.
As it was said above EFL teachers often come across with the students who have difficulty in productive skills despite the fact that they can easily comprehend input. While listening to one way listening task students receive information by evaluating and reconstructing as they listen and produce a product that is close in meaning to the original one. Having analyzed the work prepared by their group mates, students are supposed to produce spoken discourse. One of the criteria of CLT method is the development of the fluency. Teachers should choose fluency-based tasks referring to several criteria, so some of them were taken into consideration while modifying this activity:
• Productivity - they listen to the poems and express their feelings by writing reflections and drawing pictures.
• Interactivity- by using their reading skills and observing the pictures they produce discourse and then discuss it in groups.
• Challenge - enabling students to feel a sense of achievement while deciding the source of the work (poem) [3].
The next thing that was emphasized, while modifying activity, is personalization and individualization which are accounted for differentiated instructions. One of the main factors while applying activities to classes is to consider the students' needs, their style and level so that all learners regardless these factors can participate during the lesson.
Individualization is best choice to meet learners' needs rather than preparing different time consuming activities with different complexity[4]. This activity is created on basis of personalization which enables learners to associate the poem with their own experience and individualization which allows students to finish and exchange the product without waiting the whole group. This is mainly because the learners have different rate of performance and level of competence.
As it was said above, any task should have challenging criteria so after accomplishing the task and experiencing achievement students have to be assessed. This activity requires formative assessment according to which learner's performance and achievements are evaluated.
To conclude, applying CLT method and focusing on development students' language skills, one of the most important things is to use the right technique which can help to achieve a goal. By choosing a right tool, considering each learners need we can also create the equity and equality in the classrooms. Using the materials that are authentic can help learners to connect the learning process into real life, which serves to ease the process of learning and receive beneficial wash-back.
1. Cook G., 2003. Applied linguistics, Oxford university press, p36
2. Hess N., Teaching large multilevel classes, 2001. U.K., Cambridge university press.
3. Thornbury S., 2005. How to teach speaking. Harlow, UK: Pearson Longman.
4. Ur P. Session 4: Teaching mixed ability classes. [Electronic Resource]. URL:
https://www.youtube.com/07.10.2018/ (date of access: 17.11.2020).