УДК 37.016:54(082)
Makhammatova S.
Andijan state medical Institute Uzbekistan, Andijan
Annotation: This article discusses some problems of teaching chemistry at a university.
Key words: chemistry, technology, teaching, university.
At the present stage of development of society, the problem of educating the younger generation through the subject-psychological direction of pedagogical activity was especially acute. Many university teachers do not have enough teaching methods in their subject. The bulk of professional chemistry teachers are trained at pedagogical universities, so there is no urgent need for another university to train a qualified teacher and teacher.
One of the problems in teaching chemistry in a university is that the time allotted to study this discipline is reduced to a minimum. Only one semester is devoted to the study of the method, this is 180 hours. The objective of this course is to teach students the basics of conducting laboratory and practical classes with setting up a research type of work with students, introducing students to both standard programs and copyright methods. The study of this discipline should contribute to the acquisition of the following skills: work with laboratory equipment and teaching aids; mastering theoretical material to prepare for seminars; registration of independent work on topics in the form of abstracts or scientific reports at seminars; the use of knowledge in practice of student training .
A short-time course in teaching chemistry chemistry forms with difficulty ASMI students' methodological thinking and the independence of a chemical experiment. There is no need to talk about the possibility of further fully teaching chemistry at school or in a university. The next problem is that, according to the curriculum, 30 hours are allotted for laboratory classes. In the curriculum, only laboratory classes are planned, a practical knowledge of this discipline is not provided. During the laboratory classes, students need to acquire the skills of demonstrating chemical experiments, master the methodology of teaching topics to the school curriculum in chemistry, the methodology of teaching students how to solve chemical problems, learn how to plan and conduct lessons, and much more. It should be noted that if skills in problem solving and the theoretical foundations of chemistry can be considered in practice and seminars, then the ability to properly conduct student and demonstration experiments, and to solve experimental problems must be formed in laboratory and practical classes. It should be noted that the skills of conducting a chemical experiment (the methods
of teaching chemistry learned in the classroom) also contribute to the development of abilities in the student's scientific work, even if it is not dedicated to pedagogical activity. One more problem should be noted - informatization of higher education as the implementation of a set of measures aimed at improving the level of training of specialists by expanding the use of computer technology and computer technology in educational and research work, in the management of the educational process. In this case, the informatization of the process of teaching chemistry is necessary.
Informatization creates additional opportunities for students to stimulate creative thinking, strengthens the importance of their independent work, simplified control and self-control of independent work. At the same time, the level of individual work of the teacher increases, the ratio between the intellectual and routine components in the academic work changes. is at the university that students begin to seriously engage in scientific work. The organization of research activities of students creates positive results: they form scientific thinking, and not just the accumulation of knowledge. Research activity makes it possible to develop your intellect in independent creative activity, taking into account individual characteristics and inclinations. Thus, research work is an excellent field of activity for students, during which practical, socially significant tasks are solved, as well as personal self-realization and humanity is formed in relation to the outside world. To solve the problem that contributes to the formation of elements of the chemical information culture of the individual in the process of studying the methods of teaching chemistry, a sufficient number of computers, projectors and interactive whiteboards are needed. We consider it important to emphasize the need for mandatory inclusion in the curriculum on teaching chemistry chemistry lectures on the use of computer technology in education. The student should be able to operate various computer programs for teaching at school, as with their help, the educational and cognitive activities of students are activated, their independence is developed through chemistry, computer science, information technology in the communicative activities of teachers and students. In addition, with the help of various computer programs in chemistry, it is possible to organize operational control and self-control of the results of educational, cognitive and creative activities with subsequent correction of learning process.
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