MSC 20C32, 20C30, 22D25
Partly central states on the infinite symmetric
© A. V. Dudko, N. I. Nessonov, A. M. Vershik
Phis.-Techn. Inst. Low Temp., Kharkiv, Ukraina;
S.-Petersburg State Univ., S.-Petersburg, Russia
Let 6 ^ be the group of all finite bijections N ^ N Denote bv 6^ the set of all unitary irreducible admissible representations of 6^ = 6^ x 6^. We study the factor representations of 6^ that are the restrictions of the representations from 63^ to 6^ x e, where e is the unit element of 6^. It turn out that these representations are of type I , IIi or II^. The full description for the classes of the quasiequivalent representations is given.
Keywords: infinite symmetric group, factor representations, quasiequivalentness, unitary irreducible admissible representations
1. Characters and traces
Let N be the set of the natural numbers. By definition, a bijeetion s : N ^ N is called finite if the set of i E N such that s(i) = i is finite. Define a group 6^ as the group of all finite bijections N ^ N. For n E N U {0} we have two subgroups: 6n consisting of s such that s(i) = i for all i > n and 6n,^ consisting of s such that s(k) = k for all k ^ n. In particular, 60 is the identity subgroup and 60,^ coincides with 6^,
Definition 2 A function 0 on the group G is called a finite character, if it has the following properties:
(a) 0 is central, that is, 0 (g1g2) = 0 (g2g1), g1,g2 E G;
(b) 0 is positive definite, that is, for all g1,g2,... ,gn the matrix (0 (g^g-1)) is nonnegative;
(c) 0 is normalized, that is, 0 (e) = 1, where e is the unit element of G.
of G corresponding to 0 (according to the GNS (Gelfand-Naimark-Segal) construction) is a factor representation.
A fundamental result of representation theory for Єis a complete description of finite indecomposable characters. To state it we need some notation,
(а, в)
positive numbers а = {а1 ^ а2 ^ ...} and в = {в1 ^ в2 ^ ...} such that
<^k + вk ^ 1.
Denote by А the set of all such pairs (а, в)■
Let us write a permutation s є as a product of disjoint cycles:
S = C1 c2 . . . ct
with lengths l1,l2 ..., lt respectively greater than 1, To any (а, в) є А we assign a function хав on Є^>:
хав (s) = Ц I 3 (аАk - (-вk)lk)
m=1 \ k
In 1964 E, Thoma proved the next important statement
Theorem 3 The functions хав> where (а, в) ranges over А, are exactly the finite indecomposable characters of the group Єте.
The full description of the properly semifinite (non finite) traces on C* (&&,) was obtained by A, M, Vershik and S, V, Kerov [2]. The next proposition contains the corresponding result.
Proposition 4 Let \ be a partition of n є N and 7Л the corresponding irreducible representation of &n. Let (а, в) be Thoma parameters, denote by пав the GNS-representation of &n,^ corresponding to the finite character хав- F°r g є Єп and h є &n,™ pu t Tл а в (gh) = ^(g) ® Пав (h) • Let both sgqugїісєз а and в be finite and
3 <^k + 3 вk = 1, kk
then we have the following two properties:
(i) the representation ПЛав of induced by the representation ^ав of the subgroup &n ■ &n ^ is a ІІте-factor representation of
(ii) the faithful semi-finite trace т on factor ПЛав (&<х)" defines, by the formula т (ПЛав (A)) = тЛав(A), where A є C* (&^)\ semifinite trace тЛав on C* (&x).
The converse of this statement is true. Namely, for any semifinite trace x on C* (&^) there exist n є N a partition X of n and Thoma parameters (а, в) with
x = тЛ а в
§ 2. Admissible representations of the group ©TO x ©TO
The theory of finite characters on ©O is a special case of a general theory of admissible representations of the group ©O x ©O developed bv G, I, Olshanski and A, Yu, Okounkov,
Let us consider a countable group G and its subgroup K. Denote by SP the set of positive definite functions p on G with p (e) = 1 that are K-biinvariant, This means that p (k\gk2) = p (g) for all g G G and k\,k2 G K, If is a GNS-representation corresponding to p G S^^d is a unit cyclic vector such that p(g) = (nv(g)£v, £p), then nv(k)£v = for all k G K. The set SP is convex.
The following properties are equivalent
p SP
(b) the representation is irreducible.
Let n be a unitary representation of G acting on a Hilbert space H Denote by HK
the subspace of vectors fixed for K, If dim HK = 1, the irreducible representation n
as p(g) = (n(g)£,£), where n is a spherical representation, £ G HK. Hence spherical
Proposition 5 There exists a natural one-to-one correspondence between the set of spherical functions of the pair (©O x ©O, diag ©O) and the set of finite characters on ©o-
G, I, Olshanski [3] initiated the study of a more general class of representations for the group ©O x ©O, To state it we need some notation.
Definition 6 Let n be a unitary representation of G acting on a Hilbert space H
If U H©nTC is dense in H then n is called tame [1],
Definition 7 A unitary representation n of ©O x ©O is called admissible if its restriction to diag ©O is tame.
Obviously, a spherical representation of a pair (©O x ©O, diag ©O) is admissible,
©O x ©O
gave a construction of examples admissible representations and a conjectural full classification. A, Yu, Okounkov proved Olshanski’s conjecture. We notice that a
©O x e
or e x ©O gives new examples of factor representations for ©O which are dilferent from discussed in Theorem 3 and Proposition 4,
3. The results
Let n be a factor representation of ©O. We say that n is associated with an admissible irreducible representation n(2) of ©O x ©O if n arises as the restriction of n(2) to the subgroup ©O x e of the group ©O x ©O, Denote by FA the class of all such representations n of ©O,
Let B (H) be the algebra of all bounded operators in a Hilbert space H For a subset S of B (H), its commutant S1 consists of operators T G B (H) such that AT = TA for all A G S, Denote S" = (S')'.
Definition 8 Unitary representations n1 and n2 of a group G are called quasiequivalent, if there exists isomorphism a : n1 (G)" ^ n2 (G)" such that a (n1 (g)) = n2 (g) gGG
P(G) G
p(e) = 1 p G P(G)
GNS-representation is a factor representation. Let PF(G) be the set of all
indecomposable functions from P(G). Let M* stand for the space of all a-weakly continuous functionals on a W*-algebra M. The next important statement is well known.
Proposition 9 Let n be a factor representation of a group G and let u" be a state from n(G)*. Denote u(g) = u"(n(g)). Then u G PF(G) and n is quasiequivalent to the GNS-representation of G.
For a C^^^^bra M denote by Aut M the group of its automorphisms.
Definition 10 Let H be a subgroup of Aut M, A state p on M is called H-central if p(h(m)) = p(m) for all h G H and m G M.
For a unitary u G M define Adu G Aut M by (Adu)(m) = um«*, m G M.
Let n ^e a factor-representation of ©O Define the central depth cd(n) of n as the minimal number n G N U {0} for that there exists an Ad n (©nO)-central state
p G n (©o)*-
Remark 1. If cd(n) = 0 then ^ ^ ^^^^^^ratation of the type IIi,
Proposition 11 If factor representations n1 and n2 of ©O are quasiequivalent, then cd (n1) = cd (n2).
The next statement follows immediately from Definition 7,
Proposition 12 Let n(2) be an admissible irreducible representation of ©O x ©O, and let n1 and n2 be its restrictions to ©O x e and e x ©O respectively. Then n1 and n2 are factor representations with a finite central depth.
We state here the next important result.
Theorem 13 Let n be a factor-representation of ©O with n = cd(n) < ro, and let u G n (©O)'l be an Ad n (©nO)-central -state. For m G n (©O)'' put
Let E denote the support of u and Eg = Ad n (g) (E). Then
i) for each pair (g, h) G ©O x ©O, we have Eg = Eh or Eg^Eh;
ii) {g G ©o : Eg = E} = {g G ©o : g(i) ^ i for all i ^ n} = ©n ■ ©no/
Theorem 14 The representation nXa^ of ©O, defined in the same manner as in Proposition 4, is a factor representation.
§ 4. Quasiequivalence in the case aj + Y1
fa <1
Here we have the next surprising result.
Theorem 15 If (aj + faj) < 1, then for any partition X the representation
n\a/3 is quasiequivalent to Thoma’s representation nap. In particular, the w*-algebra nXap (©o)” is a IIi-factor.
Let Y be the set of all Young diagrams. Denote bv A1 the subset of Thoma’s parameters (a, fa) such that J2aj + faj = 1-
Theorem 16 If (X, (a, fa)) and (^, (j, 5)) belonging to Y x A1 do not coincide, then the representations n\ap and n^Ys are not quasiequivalent.
Corollary 17 The central depth of the factor representation n\a/3 is equal to |X|.
iii) the algebra En (©O)'' E is a finite factor.
5. The case J^aj + faj = 1
§ 6. Restriction of the normal semifinite traces to C* (©ro)
We suppose that J2ai + fai = 1 and |X| ^ 1. Then, bv Theorems 14 and 16,
i i
w*-algebra nXap (©O)'' is a semifinite factor of type IO or IIO, We notice that nXap has the type IO if and only if the total amount of numbers in the collection a U fa is equal to one. In this case the representation nXap is tame [1], Further we assume that nXap has tvpe IIO,
factor of type IIO. Let Tr be a normal semifinite trace on F,
Since for any {X a fa} the factors nXap (©O)'' are isomorphic to F, we can assume nXali (©o)'' = F.
Theorem 18 Suppose that '^2ai + fai = 1 |X| ^ 1 and the set a U fa contains
more than one elements. Then the following conditions are equivalent: i) there exists a self-adjoint projection p G C* (©O) such that
0 < Tr (nxa/3(a)) < ro;
1, A, Lieberman, The structure of certain unitary representations of infinite symmetric group, Trans, Amer, Math, Soe,, 1972, vol. 164, 189-198,
2, A, M, Vershik and S, V, Kerov, Asymptotic theory of characters of the symmetric groups, Funct, Anal, and its Appl,, 1981, vol. 15, No. 4, 15-27.
(G, K)
infinite symmetric group S(ro), Algebra i Analiz, 1989, vol. 1, No. 4, 178-209. Engl, transl.: Leningrad Math. J,, 1990, vol. 1, No. 4, 983-1014.