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Аннотация научной статьи по биотехнологиям в медицине, автор научной работы — Hendrawati N., Wibowo A.A., Rulianah S., Sa’diyah K.

Compostable foodservice packaging is arguably the biggest trend in the industry right now because it is an alternative that ecologically-correct. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of soy protein and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) addition on mechanical properties, biodegradability, water absorption ability and morphological structure of biodegradable foam made from cassava starch. The addition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) as blowing agent and pure protein isolate with different variables have an effect on biodegradable foam quality. The amount of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) addition was varied from 0; 2.8; 5.6; 8.3; 11.1% w/w, while the pure soy protein isolate was varied from 0, 15, 20, 25, 30% w/w. The best result of biodegradable foam was obtained at 30.0% of protein and 11.1% of CaCO3 addition which produce 24.09% absorption ability, 28.67% degradability, and 9.2 MPa tensile strength. At higher levels of protein and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) addition, the product of biodegradable foam be more water absorbent, easily degraded, has lower tensile strength, and has an irregular wall cell structure

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ISSN 2522-1841 (Online) AZERBAIJAN CHEMICAL JOURNAL № 4 2022 ISSN 0005-2531 (Print)

UDC 66.017/66.018.8


N.Hendrawati, A.A.Wibowo, S.Rulianah, K.Sa'diyah

Department of Chemical Engineering, Polytechnic Negeri Malang, 64415, Malang, Indonesia

[email protected]

Received 13.06.2022 Accepted 05.07.2022

Compostable foodservice packaging is arguably the biggest trend in the industry right now because it is an alternative that ecologically-correct. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of soy protein and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) addition on mechanical properties, biodegradability, water absorption ability and morphological structure of biodegradable foam made from cassava starch. The addition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) as blowing agent and pure protein isolate with different variables have an effect on biodegradable foam quality. The amount of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) addition was varied from 0; 2.8; 5.6; 8.3; 11.1% w/w, while the pure soy protein isolate was varied from 0, 15, 20, 25, 30% w/w. The best result of biodegradable foam was obtained at 30.0% of protein and 11.1% of CaCO3 addition which produce 24.09% absorption ability, 28.67% degradability, and 9.2 MPa tensile strength. At higher levels of protein and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) addition, the product of biodegradable foam be more water absorbent, easily degraded, has lower tensile strength, and has an irregular wall cell structure.

Keywords: baking process, biodegradability, soy protein, water absorption.

doi.org/10.32 73 7/0005-2531-2022-4-21-26


Plastic-based packaging is still produced up to this date. Polystyrene foam is often applied as a disposable plastic package due to its high strength, low density, and low cost [1, 2]. Packaging from petroleum-based products takes a long time to degrade [3]. This causes consumers often interested in environmentally friendly packaging [4-6]. One option for the replacement of petroleum-based and synthetic polymer materials is natural polymers such as starch, fiber and chitosan [7]. The potential materials to be utilized as biopolymer raw materials are agricultural products or wastes such as starch and cellulose for its renewable properties, available abundantly and inexpensive [8]. Currently, studies on foams made of starch have shown that these materials have drawbacks such weak mechanical strength and high hydrophilicity [9, 10]. According to Stevens et al. [11] and Tan et al. [12] starch has been used to produce foam due to low production costs, low density, low toxicity, and easily degrade. The natural resource starch is easily biodegradable and widely accessible. However it takes a lot of water or

plasticizers to make a film made of starch [13]. Cassava starch is used as raw material considering that the products produced from starch are generally fragile, rigid and hydrophilic, additives must be added to obtain the desired characteristics of the packaging products [14]. Other supporting materials are glycerol AS plasticiz-ers which can improve the elasticity of the foam itself. Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) which acts as a filler on biodegradable foam produced rigid, strong, and has low solubility film [15, 16]. Addition of filler such as CaCO3 also required overcoming the deficiency of film properties such as the strength of the film. According to Glenn et al. [1] CaCO3 also acts as a blowing agent where blowing agent is a compound that forms pores and expands, the result show that CaCO3 is very influential on the characteristics of biodegradable foam. CaCO3 added to the dough as a blowing agent makes the characteristics of the foam altered and the produced biodegradable foam become harder [17]. In the production of biodegradable foam, several kind of protein source can be used as raw material, namely soybeans, egg whites and, peanuts.

Generally, the resulting biodegradable is hard brown and has an uneven surface on the SEM test results [18]. In this study, combined CaCO3 with soy proteins along with cassava starch will be used to investigate the improvement of the biodegradable foam characteristic. The resulting biodegradable foam is then tested with four types of tests, namely water absorption test, bi-odegradability test, tensile test, and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) test.

Experimental section

Materials used were include Casava starch (local), soy protein isolate (local), carra-geenan (local), chitosan were bought from the local grocery store in a food-grade label. Magnesium stearate (Macron), glycerol (Merck), acetate acid (Merck), citrate acid (MultiChem), polyvinyl alcohol (Merck), sodium bicarbonate (Pudak Scientific, 99%), ethyl alcohol and tween 80 were purchased in technical grade. The method used in this research is the baking process method, where all raw materials and additives are mixed and then poured into the mold and baked or heated. The composition of the dough to be varied to investigate the effect of CaCO3 and Soy Protein addition. The variables modified in this study were the addition level of CaCO3, as well as the amount of protein used.

Biodegradable foam preparation

First of all, cassava starch was dried in an oven at 800C for 24 hours then stored in the desiccator [19]. Dried Cassava starch was weighed as much as 36 grams. Proteins were also weighed as much as a predetermined variable of 0, 15, 20, 25, 30 (% w/w cassava starch). Water 40 ml are mixed with prepared protein. Chi-tosan (4 grams) was dissolved with 98% acetic acid (10 ml) and 40 ml of water, chitosan dissolution was carried out by heating the mixture for 5 minutes until gelation occur. The soluble chitosan was introduced into the expanded dough, followed by the addition of other additives such as Magnesium stearate (5.6% w/w), carrageenan (2.083% w/w), glycerol (16.7% w/w). CaCO3 which would be mixed with the previous dough was added with 36.5% HCl.

Cassava Starch was added after all ingredients were mixed. Fast stirring was done along the process, and the dough were poured into the mold. The dough was heated in the oven at 110°C for 60 minutes to remove the water content. The obtained foam then cooled down at room temperature for 4 days. Water absorption test, biodegradability test, tensile test, and SEM test were then be conducted.

Water absorption test

Water absorption test on biodegradable foam product refers to the standard ABNT NBR NM ISO 535. The foam was cut to 2.5 x 5 cm and weighed as the initial foam weight. Then the foam was immersed in water for 60 seconds. Tissue was used to remove any residual water attached to the foam. The foam was weighed again to obtain final weight of the foam. The initial and final foam weight differences are recorded as the amount of water absorbed by the biodegradable foam following equation 1 [20].

PB (%) = 100% (1).

Where PB (%) - % of water absorbed by the biodegradable foam, W0 - initial weight (gram), W1 -final weight (gram).

Biodegradability Test

Biodegradable foam produced from cassava starch was tested for degradability by burying it in the soil for 14 days. Preliminary weighing was done to determine the weight of foam before being buried in the soil. After being buried in the soil, it was often weighed to find out the degraded biodegradable foam following equation 2 [20].

Where WL (%) - Weight loss, Wo - initial weight (gram), Wi - final weight (gram)

Tensile Strength Test

The tensile strength test refers to the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI) No. T404. In the application,

foam was cut to size. Then the foam was clipped to the modified tensile test apparatus and pulled off. Then the load was recorded when it was stretched (gram). The amount of maximum load capable of being retained by foam to its breaking point is then calculated by equation 3.

Fmax = m x a


Where Fmax - maximum stress (N), m - stretch load (kg), a - gravitation acceleration (m/s2)

Then the amount of tensile strength can be determined by equation 4:


Where o - tensile strength (MPa), Fmaks - maximum stress (N), A - surface area film stressed (mm2).

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

The electron microscope is used as an object detector on a very small scale. Surface analysis was performed using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to determine the resulting biodegradable foam morphology. The type of SEM microscope used for sample testing is Phenom Type G2 Pro.

Results and discussions

Water Absorption Test

Water absorption test was done to determine the resistance of the material to water. Due to its impact on the dimensional stability and mechanical qualities of materials, water absorption behavior has a significant impact on the shelf life of packaging [6]. Water absorption test was done by calculating the difference in weight before and after foam dipped in water. In Figure 1 it can be seen that the addition of CaCO3 increases the water absorption. The reason is the mixed CaCO3 with starch forming small particles in which the particles enter the starchiness of the starch and form cavity so the water easily absorbed.

30 Г


Г 15





Jk 0%

j»'/' —*— protein

..........щу'/Ш i5%.

■ / / —•— protein

Ж " Л' 20%

Ж '' —и— protein

25% — ♦— protein




0 2 4 6 J СаСОЗ (% w/w)

Fig. 1. The correlation of CaCO3 and protein addition toward water absorption.

Conversely, the addition of protein will reduce the value of water absorption of the foam, it is because the protein is hydrophobic, and thus reducing the ability of water to be absorbed [15, 21].

Biodegradability Test

This biodegradability test was done to see how much weight loss in foam when it is the buried in the soil. In Figure 2 it can be seen that CaCO3 will increase the value of biodegradability. CaCO3 as cavity-forming agent increases the decomposition value due to the absorption of large amounts of water, thus optimizing the performance of degrading microorganisms. Likewise with proteins that have a major effect on the ability of the foam to be degraded, it is because the protein that is an organic compound contains elements of C, H, O, N that are easily degraded in soil by microorganisms [11].







_______t' Jf*




0% ► — protein

15% t — protein 20% • — protein 25%

4 6 8 СаСОЗ (% w/w)


Fig. 2. The effect of CaCO3 and protein addition toward biodegradability.

Tensile Strength Test

Tensile strength test was performed to determine the maximum load that foam can hold when stretched, before the foam broken. Figure 3 shows that the addition of CaCO3 decreases the value of tensile strength of the foam, it is because CaCO3 serves as blowing agent (cavity forming), the given force will be channeled to all the pores (cavity) that formed. The more pores formed, the more and more rapidly the deformed pore region, the value of tensile strength will decrease [22]. In contrast to the addition of proteins that decreases the deformation value of a material and result in an increasingly elastic material which adds a strong tensile strength [23-25]

160 140 120 -100 -


60 '

- 40


I 20 -0

-----protein 0%

—• — protein 15% —* — protein 20% —♦ — protein 25% —» — protein30%

-A \

X \\

5 10

CaC03 (% WAV)


Fig. 3. The correlation of CaCO3 and protein addition toward foam tensile strength.

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

Figure 4 shows the biodegradable foam morphology with various magnifications. It can be seen that the resulting foam have irregular cavities and the presence of small dots which is the particles of starch that have not been homogeneously mixed with the dough. This occurs because the lack of rotation (rpm) in the mixer and also the starch particles undergo grouping during the experiment so that it cannot be spread evenly. The resulting biodegradable foam structure differs from the commercial foam structure. Foam sold in the market is commonly closed cells. Biodegradable foam that is closed cell have their particle attached each other and have no cavity so they do not absorb the water also the cell wall is clear and homogeneous. Open cells are the opposite which mean cell wall is not arranged regularly

and not homogeneous, and absorb more water. The result of biodegradable foam produced in this experiment includes open cells because the structure is not homogenous so there is a gap between the cell wall. This causes the biodegradable foam sample to be more hydrophilic.


AL D5.0 x180 500 urn



Fig. 4. Morfology of biodegradable foam with the magnification (a) 50x; (b) 180x; (c) 500x; (d) 1000x.

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The addition of protein content from 0% to 30% decreased water absorption percentage from 27,41% to 24,09%, increased biodegradability from 14,55% to 28,67% and biodegradable foam tensile strength from 69 MPa to 146,3 MPa. The addition of CaCO3 levels from 0% to 11.1% increased water absorption percentage from 6.57% to 24.09%, increased the biodegradability from 20.48% to 28.67% and lowered the biodegradable foam tensile strength from 146.3 MPa to 9.2 MPa.


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N.Hendravati, A.A.Wibowo, S.Rulianah, K.Sa'diyah

Kompost edila bilan qida qablaçdirmasi hazirda sanayeda an böyük tendensiyadir, çûnki bu, ekoloji cahatdan düzgün bir alternativdir. Bu tadqiqatin maqsadi soya zülalinin va kalsium karbonatin (CaCO3) alava edilmasinin manok niçastasindan hazirlanmiç bioloji parçalana bilan köpüyün mexaniki xassalarina, bioloji parçalanma qabiliyyatina, su udma qabiliyyatina va morfoloji quruluçuna tasirini müayyan etmakdir. Köpükamalagatirici agenti kimi kalsium karbonatin (CaCO3) va müxtalif dayiçanlara malik tamiz protein izolatinin alava edilmasi bioloji parçalana bilan köpük keyfiyyatina tasir göstarir. Kalsium karbonat (CaCO3) alavasinin miqdari 0-dan 2.8; 5.6; 8.3; 11.1% w/w, tamiz soya zülal izolati isa 0, 15, 20, 25, 30% w/w arasinda dayiçdi. Bioloji parçalana bilan köpüyün an yaxçi naticasi 24.09% udma qabiliyyati, 28.67% parçalanma qabiliyyati va 9.2 MPa dartilma gücü yaradan 30.0% zülal va 11.1% CaCO3 alavasinda alda edilmiçdir. Zülal va kalsium karbonat (CaCO3) alavasinin daha yüksak saviyyalarinda, bioloji parçalana bilan köpük mahsulu daha çox su uducu olur, asanliqla parçalanir, daha az dartilma gücüna malikdir va qeyri-müntazam divar hüceyra quruluçuna malikdir.

Açar sözlar: ЬщтЫэ prosesi, bioloji parçalanma, soya proteini, suyun udulmasi.


Н.Хендравати, А.А.Вибово, С.Рулиана, К.Са'дия

Компостируемая упаковка для предприятий общественного питания является, пожалуй, самой большой тенденцией в отрасли в настоящее время, потому что это альтернатива, которая является экологически правильной. Цель данного исследования - определить влияние добавления соевого белка и карбоната кальция (CaCO3) на механические свойства, биоразлагаемость, способность поглощать воду и морфологическую структуру биоразлагаемой пены, изготовленной из крахмала маниоки. Добавление карбоната кальция (CaCO3) в качестве пенообразователя и чистого изолята белка с различными переменными оказывает влияние на качество биоразлагаемой пены. Количество добавляемого карбоната кальция (CaCO3) варьировалось от 0; 2.8; 5.6; 8.3; 11.1% в/б, а чистого изолята соевого белка - от 0, 15, 20, 25, 30%. Лучший результат биоразлагаемой пены был получен при 30.0% белка и 11.1% добавки CaCO3, которые дают 24.09% поглощающей способности, 28.67% разлагаемости и 9.2 МПа прочности на разрыв. При более высоких уровнях добавления белка и карбоната кальция (CaCO3) продукт биоразлагаемой пены обладает большей водопоглощающей способностью, легко разлагается, имеет более низкую прочность на разрыв и имеет нерегулярную клеточную структуру стенки.

Ключевые слова: процесс выпечки, биоразлагаемость, соевый белок, водопоглощение.

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