Перспективы Науки и Образования
Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)
Адрес выпуска: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-04/ Дата публикации: 30.08.2021 УДК 159.9
Р. М. Шдмионов, Е. С. ГрининА
Характеристики академической адаптации обучающихся на разных уровнях образования в России
Введение. Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью поиска эффективных путей адаптации в связи с изменяющимися условиями образования и развития личности, включением в образовательный процесс обучающихся с различными образовательными потребностями и возможностями, в том числе, с ограниченными возможностями здоровья (ОВЗ) и хроническими заболеваниями. В настоящее время отсутствует концептуальная и систематичная разработанность теоретических положений и экспериментальных исследований в области академической адаптации.
Материалы и методы. В качестве материалов исследования послужили статьи российских периодических журналов. Метод исследования: теоретический анализ проблемы академической адаптации на разных уровнях образования.
Результаты исследования. Основные исследования академической адаптации в России сосредоточены вокруг проблем определения ее критериев, возрастной специфики, факторов и условий успешной адаптации, разработки диагностического инструмента, ее характеристик в условиях инклюзивного обучения и др. Специфика академической адаптации на разных уровнях обучения связана с обретением опыта адаптации и психологическим развитием обучающегося. Детерминанты академической адаптации различаются в зависимости от уровня образования. В условиях дошкольного образования ими выступают игровая деятельность и опыт взаимодействия со сверстниками и взрослыми, психосоматическое развитие; в условиях начального - коммуникативные навыки, учебная мотивация, взаимодействие с педагогом; среднего - соответствие организации образовательного процесса особенностям и возможностям обучающихся, взаимодействие со сверстниками и взрослыми, специального профессионального - психофизиологические особенности обучающихся, личностные факторы (академическая мотивация, рефлексия), интерперсональные факторы.
Обсуждение и заключение. Анализ академической адаптации как многокомпонентного явления позволит выработать средства ее оптимизации, создать условия успешности для ребенка и взрослого в системе образования. В условиях современного образования важное значение приобретают исследования академической адаптации обучающихся в инклюзивной образовательной среде, разработка концепции академической адаптации как процесса последовательной смены ее оснований, факторов и механизмов на разных образовательных ступенях.
Ключевые слова: академическая адаптация, детерминанты академической адаптации, уровни образования, инклюзия, инвалидность, диагностические инструменты
Ссылка для цитирования:
Шамионов Р. М., Гринина Е. С. Характеристики академической адаптации обучающихся на разных уровнях образования в России // Перспективы науки и образования. 2021. № 4 (52). С. 370-380. сМ: 10.32744^.2021.4.24
Perspectives of Science & Education
International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)
Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-04/ Accepted: 18 April 2021 Published: 30 August 2021
R. M. Shamionov, E. S. Grinina
Characteristics of students' academic adaptation at different levels of education in Russia
Introduction. The relevance of the study is conditioned by the need to find effective ways of adaptation due to changing conditions of education and personality development, as well as to inclusion of students with various educational needs and capabilities in the educational process, including those with disabilities (health limitations) and chronic diseases. Currently, there is no conceptual and systematic elaboration of theoretical provisions and experimental research in the field of academic adaptation.
Materials and methods. The materials of the study are articles from Russian periodicals. The research method is theoretical analysis of the problem of academic adaptation at different levels of education.
Results of the study. Major studies of academic adaptation in Russia are focused on the problems of determining its criteria, age specificity, factors and conditions for successful adaptation, the development of a diagnostic tool, its characteristics in inclusive education, etc. The specificity of academic adaptation at different levels of education is associated with gaining experience of adaptation and psychological development of a student. The determinants of academic adaptation differ depending on the educational level. In the conditions of preschool education the determinants are games and the experience of interaction with peers and adults, psychosomatic development; in the conditions of primary education the determinants are communication skills, educational motivation, interaction with the teacher; in the conditions of secondary education the determinants are correspondence of the educational process organization with characteristics and capabilities of students, interaction with peers and adults; in the conditions of special professional education the determinants are psychophysiological characteristics of students, personality factors (academic motivation, self-reflection), interpersonal factors.
Discussion and conclusion. Analysis of academic adaptation as a multicomponent phenomenon makes it possible to develop means of its optimization and to create conditions for children and adults' academic success in the educational system. Within the context of modern education it is important to study students' academic adaptation in an inclusive educational environment, the development of the concept of academic adaptation as a process of successive change of its foundations, factors and mechanisms at different educational levels.
Keywords: academic adaptation, determinants of academic adaptation, levels of education, inclusion, disabilities, diagnostic tools
For Reference:
Shamionov, R. M., & Grinina, E. S. (2021). Characteristics of students' academic adaptation at different levels of education in Russia. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 52 (4), 370-380. doi: 10.32744/pse.2021.4.24
psychological aspects of the problem of personal adaptation have not lost their J relevance over a long period of time. This fat is conditioned by rapid and significant changes in conditions of life of a modern person and the need to adapt to effects of various environmental changes. Despite the fact that major mechanisms of adaptation are predetermined by the entire history of human existence, new living conditions, as well as adaptation's dynamics and diversity shape it differently in different areas now. One of such spheres, characterized by a very the high level of dynamics, is education. The embodiment of inclusive education ideas, implementation of educational activities in distance learning and activation of academic mobility necessitate quick psychological restructuring of educational subjects and their adaptation to current conditions. In addition, significant transformations are taking place in the psychology of students themselves, which is associated with changes in their personal, cognitive, behavioral and communicative spheres. Therefore, the most important task of modern psychology is to conduct comprehensive analysis of foundations, factors, content characteristics and effects of academic adaptation of students that belong to various categories.
The purpose of this study is to analyse and generalize the empirical studies of foundations, factors and content characteristics of students' academic adaptation at different levels of education.
The problems of the study are:
1) To identify general patterns in the understanding of the phenomenon under study and its specificity based on the analysis of empirical studies of students' academic adaptation, carried out taking into account the level of education;
2) To assess the development level of studies related to factors and foundations of students' academic adaptation;
3) To analyse studies on students' academic adaptation within the context of disabilities.
Materials and methods
The materials of the study are articles from Russian periodicals ("Psychological Science and Education", "Psychology Problems", "Siberian Psychological Journal", "Social Psychology and Society", "Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Acmeology of Education. Development Psychology", etc.). The research method of the study is theoretical analysis of the problem of academic adaptation at different levels of education.
_Theoretical justification
Psychological studies of students' academic adaptation have begun relatively recently. They are primarily based on the understanding of adaptation determined by J. Piaget, who described it as a dual process, i.e. adaptation of the system and adaptation of the environment (transformation of its elements in accordance with someone's own ideas about what should be done) [29]. Since academic adaptation involves adaptation of a student to the academic environment of an educational institution, research in this area is differentiated by its various types/levels (preschool, primary, basic general, secondary
general, etc.). This does not seem accidental, since the specifics of academic adaptation at different levels of education and types of institutions and its content itself have its own differences associated with the level of mental development, educational skills, urgency of the problem of relations with others, etc.
_Results of the study
Nowadays, studies of academic adaptation are based mainly on the age criterion, to be more precise, on the basis of subjects' belonging to a particular educational level. Thus, we can single out studies of academic adaptation at the stages of preschool, primary or secondary education, as well as college and university education.
Preschoolers' Academic Adaptation Research
Adaptation of children to a preschool educational institution is a significant and noteworthy process. It can be considered not only as a stage or aspect of academic adaptation, but as a factor of its success in further education as well. Academic adaptation of preschoolers is mainly investigated in the context of their readiness for schooling through indicators of this readiness. Traditionally, games are considered to be a significant factor in the adaptation of a preschooler, his/her development and preparation for learning activities [7]. At the same time, T.V. Ermolova and E.V. Pantsyrnaya [41] determined that children's readiness for school is influenced not so much by games, but rather by the role-playing practice of a preschooler, including the peculiarities of his communication with adults and peers.
One of the significant factors in the academic adaptation of a preschooler is his/her physical activity. At different stages of this period of life, physical activity acts as a condition for (cognitive, social, etc.) development. It is no coincidence that V.Yu. Konovalov considers the child's psychosomatic development [17] to be the key to the child's readiness for school and his/her successful adaptation to learning.
Detailed analysis of the problem of psychological readiness for school and the role of preschool period in the adaptation of a primary school student, carried out by N.I. Gutkina, allowed the author to establish that readiness for schooling presupposes a certain level of mental development of a child, that is necessary and sufficient for adaptation and mastering of the school programme under conditions of learning in a group of peers [12]. To determine readiness for school, the author recommends using tasks that allow you to determine the level of spontaneous, affective-needs related (motivational), intellectual and speech spheres. Obviously, it is these aspects of development that are fundamental for children's adaptation during the transition from preschool stage of education to school one.
Research on Academic Adaptation at Primary School
Adaptation of children to primary school is usually defined as the process when a child gets used to school requirements and procedures and to a new environment, as well as new living conditions. It can be noted that the study of adaptation to school began using the "ex adverso" method, namely, with the analysis of the problem of school disadaptation [13]. Significant interest to this problem appeared in the 1990s, which, in our opinion, may be associated with a change in the educational paradigm and the structure of the educational space and its milestones. This inevitably led to difficulties in the process of academic
adaptation. Among major signs of disadaptation are impaired concentration, defective memory, difficulties in the production of speech acts, fear of knowledge assessment situations, anxiety before public speaking and other academic events.
Studies of adaptation proper in primary school students have covered a number of areas. First of all, one of these areas is a multilevel communication system [37]. It is quite obvious that communication skills influence not only educational activities, but also social life of a primary school student, thereby facilitating or hindering his/her adaptation.
Another aspect of primary school students' academic adaptation, which has been pointed out by specialists, is interaction with the teacher, whose professional skills also have a significant impact on it. The most optimal type of interaction for solving problems of school adaptation is the personality-oriented type of pedagogical interaction, while educational-disciplinary type of interaction often leads to negative manifestations in the behavior and activities of school students, to an increase in anxiety and deformation of relations with others [42].
Academic motivation is also a significant factor in academic adaptation. It is largely determined by the degree of readiness for school [16].
A number of authors identify the emotional state of students as the most important characteristic of the process and result of adaptation. The process of studying at school at early stages of education causes children's anxiety and discomfort, and the greatest experiences of first-graders are associated precisely with the learning situation, as well as with relationships with age-mates [19].
One of the indicators of successful school adaptation, in addition to external criteria (such as academic success or status in the group of age-mates), can be the level of subjective well-being of students, which is associated with the presence of autonomous learning motivation, positive relations with the teacher and children's interest in learning activities [10].
One of the current trends in the study of academic adaptation in primary school is the study of adaptation processes of children with special educational needs [9]. These studies state that such children have specific features of the development of the cognitive sphere, personality, communication difficulties [4], etc., which leads to the risk of academic disadaptation. However, academic adaptation and disadaptation are largely interrelated with the specifics of the disorder. Thus, children with cerebral palsy, neurosensory hearing disorders or mental retardation are characterized by low academic adaptation, which is manifested in a decline in academic performance or presence of behavioral disorders [22]. Levels of development of social and emotional role-playing behavior of primary school students with mental retardation or developmental delay in the structure of academic adaptation correlate with the level of educational activity performance, with academic performance and indicators of relationships with adults [6]. Intellect and behavior control play a significant role in adaptation to school in children with mental retardation [39].
Thus, in most cases, the study of academic adaptation's peculiarities in primary school can be performed in several logical ways: the study of educational disadaptation as a failure to adapt to the educational situation; the study of readiness for school as a factor of further adaptation to learning; the analysis of the specific factors that can influence or determine the effectiveness of adaptation (emotional state of students, peculiarities of interaction with others in the educational process, etc.). Academic adaptation of primary school students as an integral phenomenon has not been subjected to a detailed study. Therefore, we need theoretical and empirical studies aimed at a more accurate definition of its criteria, methods for their diagnosis, conditions for their achievement and determining factors.
Research on Academic Adaptation at Secondary School
The issues of academic adaptation during transition to secondary school level have been studied even to a lesser degree, although it is no less significant than in primary school. Perhaps this is due to the assumption that students, by the end of primary school, have already obtained basic educational skills, are able to structure and control cognitive activity, develop interaction with other subjects of the educational process, and the educational process itself becomes quite familiar and does not cause emotional discomfort, i.e. students, in general, have the necessary competencies to adapt to the educational environment and its conditions. However, transition to secondary school, as a rule, coincides with the beginning of adolescence, which makes changes in the entire situation of academic adaptation inevitable, highlighting its somewhat different sides. In particular, they relate to the personal sphere, including educational motivation, and communicative sphere. In addition, organization of the educational process changes (new subjects, different teachers, multiple classrooms), that can cause significant difficulties in the academic adaptation of students. Thus, O.S. Bezrukavniy [5] points out that change in status (from being the oldest students in primary school to being the youngest students in secondary school), an increase in the number of teachers, as well as the diversity of their requirements, may act as probable reasons for difficulties in students' adaptation during their transition to secondary school. The use of stress tactics by teachers, intensification of the learning process, lack of consideration for age and functional characteristics of students are recognized as risky. In addition, the researchers established that adaptive readiness of secondary school students is conditioned by their characteristic features of social interaction with age-mates and teachers [38].
It should be pointed out that academic adaptation in secondary school is associated with shifts in the intellectual development of an adolescent [29], a progressive change in the structure of educational activity and the nature of relationships with peers. The tension of adolescents' adaptation process is well known, but its research is rather episodic.
Research of Academic Adaptation in College and University Students
The next trend in academic adaptation research is the study of adaptation in the process of obtaining professional education. It should be noted that this trend of research is the most developed one both in Russia and abroad. Here we can single out several dominant vectors of research: 1) adaptation issues at the initial stages of university education; 2) adaptation of foreign students; 3) academic adaptation issues of special categories of students (students with disabilities, students with chronic diseases).
The structure of academic adaptation of students turns out to be ambiguous from the point of view of different researchers. It is possible to distinguish between didactic, social and professional [34], cognitive, emotional-evaluative, communicative, personal, motivational, psychophysiological [32] and other components.
Numerous studies of students' academic adaptation at a university have made it possible to establish a number of the most important factors: psychophysiological characteristics of students [35], academic motivation [30], reflexive abilities of students, including the ability to analyse difficulties arising from educational activities and ways to overcome them [11], awareness of a university choice and satisfaction with interpersonal relations [33], personal activity [25]. The risk of students' emotional disadaptation may be associated with perfectionism [15], expressed social anxiety [20], etc.
Analysis of academic adaptation characteristics in academic migrants (foreign students) plays an important role in the studies of students' academic adaptation. At the same time, scientists point out peculiarities of foreign students' adaptation and coping strategies depending on their national and cultural affiliation [8].
The problem of academic adaptation of students with disabilities is very important too. This is conditioned by the increasingly widespread implementation of inclusive education, which makes it possible for people with psychophysical disabilities to get a profession. Inter alia, various aspects of adaptation of students with visual impairments [14], hearing disorders [21], musculoskeletal system disorders [26] are analysed.
In most cases, the focus of researchers' attention is on the socio-psychological aspects of adaptation of students with disabilities. Generally speaking, the adaptation indicators of such students turn out to be lower than those of notionally healthy students, while students themselves can deny the existing problems [18]. According to Yu.Yu. Teryushkova, it is difficult for many students with disabilities to adapt to the role of a student [36], and constructive relationships with fellow students are a significant factor in their adaptation. Difficulties in adaptation have been noted for students with disabilities not only in the first, but also in subsequent years, which manifests itself in a tendency to depression, anxiety and a desire to give socially-approved answers [2]. One of the most problematic phenomena that negatively characterize subjective well-being and adaptation of students with disabilities is negative self-acceptance, which distinguishes them from healthy students [27].
A number of works emphasize the need for specially organized support necessary for adaptation of such students [1]. However, the experience of accompanying students with disabilities in Russia is just being formed, in contrast to foreign countries (USA, Canada), where the experience is considerable [24]. Currently, various models of socio-psychological support in the system of inclusive education are being actively developed [28].
Recently, researchers have begun to pay attention not only to academic adaptation of students with disabilities, but also to the study of the problem of adaptation of students with chronic diseases. Traditionally, university psychological services do not focus their attention on them, however, these students can also experience difficulties in academic adaptation due to the limitation of their activity resources and the specifics of psychological functioning. For example, a number of works point out the relations between self-assessment of health status and academic adaptation [23] and between academic adaptation and subjective well-being of students with chronic diseases [31].
Thus, studies of the college and university students' academic adaptation seem to be the most complete and extensive. At the same time, both the criteria for academic adaptation of students and its structure remain controversial. The most important problem is to develop tools for academic adaptation assessment.
Discussion of results
Academic adaptation of a student is the most important psychological phenomenon that characterizes the state of dynamic equilibrium between a person and the educational environment (including spatial, social, cognitive and physical objects), the content and functioning of which are specific depending on the level of education and (obviously) the type of educational organization. The psychological tradition of analysing empirical studies of Russian psychologists in the field of a new scientific direction, that is emerging in Russia,
i.e. psychology of academic adaptation of a student, makes it possible to state that this is a process and a result of adaptation to the educational environment, including the system of interpersonal relations in education, educational activities and educational space, that characterize experiencing dynamic equilibrium between a person and the educational environment.
Due to the fact that academic adaptation is a complex integral psychological phenomenon, the effect (result) of which is the ability to release energy, abilities, cognitive resources for successful learning, as well as to maintain health, this phenomenon requires the closest attention of researchers. However, its studies are very scattered, therefore, scientific discussions are required to develop unified methodological approaches and principles at least at certain levels of education (taking into account its specifics).
Theoretical studies and generalizations in the field of academic adaptation research can be developed based on the leading concepts of Russian psychological schools, which outline the basic principles of research and the programs of which still have a very significant advantage, which is in the unity of the natural scientific paradigm of research and a humanistic approach to the study and development of a child at all stages of his/her development (Sh.A. Amonashvili [3], D.B. Elkonin [7], V.I. Panov [40], etc.).
Academic adaptation research makes it possible to reveal different aspects of the relation of students' personality with the environment and with him/herself as a source and a subject of his adaptation capable of transforming the environment and oneself. These aspects form a single indivisible whole and characterize an equally indivisible experience. Certainty and integrity of academic adaptation can contribute to the release of personal resources even under conditions of their limitations due to health problems.
Therefore, analysis of academic adaptation as a multicomponent phenomenon will make it possible to develop its means and to optimize this process, creating conditions for the success of a child and an adult in the educational system.
Studies of students' academic adaptation in Russian psychology are concentrated around a number of problems that can be identified as follows:
1) studies of students' academic adaptation of students at different levels of education are mostly discrete; there is a specialization of researchers based on the age of students;
2) research of the influence of adaptation skills on adaptation at subsequent stages at the early stages of education;
3) analysis of numerous factors and conditions of adaptation without their systematization;
4) analysis of various components of academic adaptation in the absence of assessment tools by means of phenomena that are "proper" for a theoretical description or common sense and are operationalized in the form of specific scales;
5) despite clear understanding regarding the presence of academic adaptation problem, which exists among psychologists, there is clear lack of research on children's adaptation;
6) insufficient study of the academic adaptation of students, who have certain health problems and development of means for its development;
7) theoretical studies of academic adaptation aimed at developing general principles for the analysis of this phenomenon and at the generalization of scattered data on its specificity at different levels of education and different characteristics (types) of its subject (gifted children, persons with disabilities, etc.).
Prospects for the study of students' academic adaptation are associated with theoretical interpretation of this phenomenon and generalization of data obtained at different levels and with different approaches, development of criteria and assessment
tools and, finally, study of the role of various (primarily) internal characteristics (from neuro- and psycho-physiological to socio-psychological ones) and external socio-cultural and organizational factors.
Research on the factors of students' academic adaptation in an inclusive environment is still important. It requires formulation of special interdisciplinary research capable of answering the most pressing questions of modern science: from the (lower-higher) levels of determination of students' academic adaptation to the possibility of digitalization of some of adaptation-related problems (for example, using "brain-computer" interfaces). Studies of academic adaptation in students with disabilities are based on traditional methods of differentiating persons with disabilities, based on the modality of disorders (hearing, vision, musculoskeletal, emotional-volitional, etc.). At the same time, students with combined health disorders or functional disorders are not often viewed from the perspective of how such a factor effects their academic adaptation. Studies of individuals without differentiation of these disorders suggest that they also experience adaptation difficulties associated with health limitations. This requires taking into account the factor of general somatic health (as a separate specific group of students). Thus, a new trend of research is emerging in modern psychology, which is psychology of academic adaptation in an inclusive educational environment.
Therefore, the problem of academic adaptation is one of the relatively new, underdeveloped, but very promising areas of scientific and applied research. Scientific development of the problem of academic adaptation and formation of its integral model will allow for effective psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process, which, in its turn, can have a positive impact on the development and functioning of an individual and society as a whole.
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the framework of the state assignment on the topic "Academic adaptation of persons with disabilities" (project No. FSRR-2020-0003)
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Информация об авторах Шамионов Раиль Мунирович
(Россия, Саратов) Доктор психологических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой социальной психологии
образования и развития Саратовский национальный исследовательский государственный университет имени Н.Г. Чернышевского E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8358-597X
Information about the authors
Rail M. Shamionov
(Russia, Saratov) Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Social Psychology of Education and Development
Saratov State University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8358-597X.
Гринина Елена Сергеевна (Россия, Саратов) Кандидат психологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры реабилитационных технологий на базе ГАУ СО «ЦАРИ»
Саратовский национальный исследовательский государственный университет имени Н.Г. Чернышевского E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8766-9668
Elena S. Grinina
Saratov, Russia PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Rehabilitation Technology Department of the State Autonomous Institution of Saratov region "Adaptation and rehabilitation centre for disabled people" Saratov State University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8766-9668