Научная статья на тему 'Change of the milk productivity in karakul sheep under feeding in different level of the feeding and their impact on growth and development of the lambs'

Change of the milk productivity in karakul sheep under feeding in different level of the feeding and their impact on growth and development of the lambs Текст научной статьи по специальности «Животноводство и молочное дело»

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Аннотация научной статьи по животноводству и молочному делу, автор научной работы — Bazarov Bahritdin Maxammadiyevich, Rajamuradov Zaynitdin Turabovich

Article Bazarov B. M. and Razhamuradov Z. T. on this topic “Changes in the milk production in karakul sheep when fed different feeding level and their impact on growth and development of the” lambs. The article presents the materials obtained in the study of the influence of standardized feeding on milk production and its chemical composition. Experimental studies have identified and established a positive influence normalized feeding of pregnant ewes in lactating and seasons. Established that the winter and early spring, the organization of full feeding improves metabolism queens organism and thus increases milk production.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Change of the milk productivity in karakul sheep under feeding in different level of the feeding and their impact on growth and development of the lambs»

Change of the milk productivity in karakul sheep under feeding in different level of the feeding.

Bazarov Bahritdin Maxammadiyevich, ScD, assistant professor, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan Rajamuradov Zaynitdin Turabovich, ScD (Doktor in Biology) professor, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]

Change of the milk productivity in karakul sheep under feeding in different level of the feeding and their impact on growth and development of the lambs

Abstract: Article Bazarov B. M. and Razhamuradov Z. T. on this topic "Changes in the milk production in karakul sheep when fed different feeding level and their impact on growth and development of the" lambs. The article presents the materials obtained in the study of the influence of standardized feeding on milk production and its chemical composition. Experimental studies have identified and established a positive influence normalized feeding of pregnant ewes in lactating and seasons. Established that the winter and early spring, the organization of full feeding improves metabolism queens organism and thus increases milk production.

Keywords: Karakul sheep, breed, physiological, clinical, pregnant sheep, lactation, milk yield, growth and development of lambs, feeding, diet, lack of nutrients, normalized, roughage.


Physiological and clinical status, hematological indices of sheep and goats within the body, in accordance with the change of seasons changed several times — in heat and coming to hunt pregnant sheep, lactation and barrenness. These state of the organism of animals is accompanied by a change in biochemical processes occurring in the body, and of course, change the body's need for nutrients. This regard, the organization Feeding Karakul sheep in a market economy to study the effect of different feeding of levels in different physiological states has both theoretical and practical importance.

In the winter and early spring there is a rapid development and the formation of the embryo and newborn lamb health associated with the levels of metabolism that occur in the body of ewes during these periods of life. This helps ensure the body Karakul ewes in the second halfpregnant sheep and early lactation essential nutrients and other food components. The level occurring in their body metabolism is associated not only with the physiological state of queens, but also on the type and level of feed coming from outside [8, 3-5].

The vitality of newborn lambs, and their resistance to the influence of environmental factors and future productivity, directly linked to the chemical composition and nutritional value of consumed fodder, as well as the biological properties of synthesized mother's milk [1, 5-7].

Milk period — the most responsible in the rearing, the purpose of which is to obtain a further highly, healthy, hardy animals, well-paying food products and the adaptation to local conditions. It should be noted, that in the known literature of this field, only the operation performed in European countries and only sheep, not conducted in fine-fleece such work karakul. Proceeding from the above, we believe that the study of the effect of different levels of feeding during the winter season and early spring on milk production and quality of milk in the synthesized karakul sheep is an urgent problem. Thus, the determination and the knowledge of the processes occurring in animals, makes it possible to determine the required rate of dry matter, protein and energy exchange in the diet of sheep. However, in Uzbekistan at the year-round grazing karakul sheep Similar studies have not been conducted.

As a result of long-term observations, that are determined, these periods of the year in the diet of small cattle was insufficient

quantity of feed consumed, and the insecurity of the body of sheep and goats with the necessary nutrients. As a result of these adverse events in individuals observed abortions, stillbirths, and diseases of various diseases most queens [2, 10-14].

Thus, in order to determine the effect of different levels of feeding on milk production ofkarakul sheep and lambs on the development we have carried out experimental research.

The purpose and objectives of the study

In connection with the above, in carrying out production tests objective was to examine the effect of standardized feeding Karakul ewes on for metabolic processes, changes in body weight, milk production and the viability of newborn lambs, as well as on the dynamics of growth and development after weaning. Based on the data to make recommendations to farmers about the effectiveness of standardized feeding ewes at the most crucial times of the year in the life of the queens.

To achieve the goal it was necessary to solve the following specific objectives:

- Detailed rules to organize the feeding of ewes [4, 9-11] taking into account the body weight and condition, as well as complement the missing part of the diet of nutrient supplementary feeding;

- Determine the number of nutrient intake and digestibility coefficient of the individual components of the diet [3, 13-15];

- Determine the chemical composition of milk and milk production test mares;

- To determine the cost-effectiveness of standardized feeding Karakul ewes during pregnant sheep and early lactation.

Material and Methods

The production tests were carried out for 3 months (January, February and March 2012-2013) on the uterus polustoylovogo content (experimental group) and the uteri contained without feeding on pasture (control group). Experimental animals ofboth groups underwent a veterinary examination and the age, body weight, physiological state, astrakhan type and constitution were analogous, quite consistent for zootechnical and physiological experiments [5, 2-6]. Amid balance experiments were conducted physiological and biochemical experiments to determine the amount of the consumed nutrients

Section 1. Biology

and their digestion in the gastrointestinal tract of ewes test [6, 7-9]. Feeding ewes produced experimental methods listed above groups — periods, and it consisted of a preliminary (23 days) and the reference periods (7 days) [7, 3-6]. Milk fat and protein was determined by calculation. The dry matter content, lactose — refractometric method and the amount of incineration ash of the sample was determined in a muffle oven. All received digital content were statistically processed by the method of E. K. Merkuryeva [6, 23-26].

Results and discussion

From the data obtained, it is seen that the ewes received normalized ration observed normalization digestion in the rumen microbial activity and improvement in its content. It can be considered on the basis of the data that the test group of ewes on the actual consumption of the diet components, fully meet the needs of the organism in nutrients, and is consistent with the standards of pregnant and lactating mares, and the current is now widely used for feeding sheep.

These indicators are in the experimental group reached — 2054.71 ± 6.83 kg. of dry matter and 151.85 ± 1.71 grams of digestible protein. Actual consumption nutrients ewes in the control group compared to the experimental group were significantly lower and amounted to a dry matter basis — 479.46 ± 5.41 kg. (23.3 %) and digestible protein — 14.3 ± 0.46 g. (9.42 %), respectively (Tab. 1).

Table 1. - The amount actually consumed nutrients in experimental animals

№ Indicators Groups

Control Experienced

1 Dry matter, kg. 479.46 ± 5.41 2054.71 ± 6.83

2 Organic matter, g. 427.2 ± 3.21 1912.93 ± 1.79

3 Crude protein, g. 36.40 ± 1.87 279.44 ± 2.67

4 Digested protein, g. 14.3 ± 0.46 151.85 ± 1.71

5 Crude fat, g. 11.84 ± 2.03 73.19 ± 0.54

6 Crude fiber, g. 193.7 ± 3.12 643.13 ± 2.46

7 BEV , g. (nitrogen-iree extractives) 185.74 ± 0.21 917.22 ± 3.32

8 Ash, g. 52.74 ± 0.89 140.54 ± 0.98

As is known, in determining the biological value and quantity of milk received experimental ewes, the study of physical and chemical properties of the milk is the main natural factor. According to data obtained by us it was determined the effect of feeding ewes normalized in the second half pregnant sheep and early lactation period, a change in body weight of ewes and newborn lambs, as well as growth and development of lambs in the first two months of life. Along with this determined amount of milk and its allocated physical and chemical properties and compared with the control group data. According to data in the literature studied Karakul sheep compared to other breeds of sheep is a large-fruited breed of sheep. The live weight of newborn lambs in accordance with the biological characteristic of the breed make up 10-12 % by weight of the mother's body [10, 17-19].

N. Bobokulov [1, 5-8], having studied some biological properties of Karakul sheep and other species, says that compared to other

breeds Karakul lambs have high growth rate and these indicators are not inferior even precocious meat — wool breeds of sheep. According to the author, newborn lambs Karakul breeds had a live weight of 10.8 % by weight of the constituent body of the mother, while the figure was hissar — 6.4 %, jaidar — 7.9 -9.2 %, Saraj and fine-wooled — 7,7 % respectively.

It should be noted that, in connection with the distribution of land among farmers, was dramatically reduced the area of pasture land and the loss of them needed to feed sheep stocks and species [9, 8-14].

In addition, sheep farmers in order to generate additional income in the equine companies use a variety ofhormonal treatments that led to the crushing of live weight, instability to various diseases of the body and shoot down the rate of growth and development of the resulting offspring. At this point, the live weight of the resulting offspring is in the range of 8.0-9.5 % by weight of the mother's body [2, 8-11]. It should be noted that, in connection with the distribution of land among farmers, was dramatically reduced the area of pasture land and the loss of them needed to feed sheep feed stocks and species [9, 16-18].

In addition, sheep farmers in order to generate additional income in the equine companies use a variety ofhormonal treatments that led to the crushing of live weight, instability to various diseases of the body and shoot down the rate of growth and development of the resulting offspring. At this point, the live weight of the resulting offspring is in the range of 8.0-9.5 % by weight of the mother's body [2, 3-5]. Proceeding from the above, according to the procedures zootechnical experiment two groups of15 animals heads were formed in each not differ in body weight, and the constitutional sheepskin types suit the age and analogues ewes.

In most cases, ewes milk production depends on belonging to a constitutional type and class of mares, on this basis, they are divided into dairy, dairy and moderately low milk individuals. According to certain authors, if the ewe per day secrete less than 500 ml. of milk, they are, low milk from 500 to 750 ml. — to moderate milk and more 750 ml., they are abundant milk. Results of analyzes of scientists of the Uzbek Research Institute ofAstrakhan-showed that, if the daily milking ewes account for more than 750 ml., the live weight of the newborn lamb is 4.17-4.25 kg., if the daily milk yield is in the range of500-750 ml., the 4.01-4.05 kg., and ifless than 500 ml., the amounts of 3.80-3.96 kg. According to the authors, dairy ewes identical impact on the daily rate of growth and development of lambs, and the data confirm the above, and the average daily gain of lambs was 193, 164 and 153 g. respectively [10, 22-27].

Table 2 shows the data obtained during the experiment to change the live weight of ewes and their newborn lambs, as well as milk production. During the experience, we determined that, in the control group, body weight newborn lambs averaged 3.30 ± 2.04 kg., this amounts to 7.80 % of live weight of ewes, and the figures in the experimental group was — 4.03 ± 2.39 kg., and 9.53 % respectively.

Table 2. - Changing body weight and milk production under the influence of the experimental ewes feeding conditions

Indicators Groups

Control Experienced

Prior experience After the experience Prior experience .After the experience

The live weight of ewes, kg. 42.32 ± 1.78 33.4 ± 1.96 42.25 ± 1.64 43.71 ± 0.09

The live weight of newborn lambs, kg. 3.30 ± 2.04 7.98 ± 3.07 4.03 ± 2.39 12.01 ± 1.01

The daily milk production, a liter 476.7 ± 6.81 748.3 ± 2.73

The average daily gain of lambs, g. 152.0 ± 0.78 188.7 ± 0.57

Effect of 15-hydroxyazomethine and 15-acetoxyazomethine, diterpenoid alkaloid atisine derivatives.

The average daily gain of lambs of experimental group averaged 188.7 ± 0.57 g., and in the control group — 152.0 ± 0.78 g. or 19.5 % favor the experimental group. Our findings correspond to the data of some authors, the results of experiments carried out in good years for fodder and climatic conditions. In addition, we studied the effect of standardized feeding on chemical composition and biological value of milk, as well as the body's resistance lambs fed on mother's milk in a lactation period of the year. In our opinion, the study of this problem makes it possible to predict the natural resistance of the organism growing lambs left on to replenish the herd.

The content of dry matter in milk, as well as its components — fat, total protein, casein, and lactose, was in all cases more in the milk of experimental groups than in the control group (table 3).

At six months of age in lambs, that is, if the beat of the mothers received differences at birth survived, and the difference between groups was 5.16 kg., it is said that during the grazing lambs with their mothers, they used the same in the same amount of feed. In addition, since the beginning of the birth, feeding biologically high-grade food means lambs of the experimental group had greater average daily gain. On this basis, we believe that the

difference between the comparison groups has found credible evidence.

Table 3. - Physico-chemical properties of experimental ewes milk

№ Indicators Groups

Control Experienced

1 Dry substance, % 12.79 ± 0.15 15.54 ± 0.24

2 Fat, % 4.82 ± 0.16 5.20 ± 0.09

3 Total protein, % 3.52 ± 0.04 4.16 ± 0.17

4 Casein, % 2.86 ± 0.04 3.40 ± 0.18

5 Lactose, % 4.46 ± 0.03 5.19 ± 0.13


We believe that the organization of the normalized feeding karakul sheep since the beginning of winter, before the beginning of the spring period, make it possible to keep the body weight of ewes in the middle of fatness and get the required amount of high-grade milk. This can contribute to obtaining a larger litter. In the future, it can serve as a means for farmers to increase of production and conservation of highly Karakul sheep, as well as constitute a major factor in the economic sector.


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Zaynabiddinov Anvar Erkinjonovich, post-graduate, Sadykov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected] Usmanov Pulat Bekmuratovich, Doctor of science, professor, Sadykov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Effect of 15-hydroxyazomethine and 15-acetoxyazomethine, diterpenoid alkaloid atisine derivatives, on postrest potentiation in rat papillary muscle

This work was supported by a grant FA-F6-T083 from the Coordinating Committee for Development of Science and Technology under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Abstract: We studied the effects of diterpenoid alkaloids 15-acetoxyazomethine and 15-hydroxyazomethine on post-rest potentiation behavior in rat papillary muscle. The results show that 15-AAA produced a concentration-dependent biphasic effect on post-rest potentiation (PRP) and at low concentrations (< 5 ^mol/l) enhanced it, whereas, at higher concentrations

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