CERTIFICATION SCHEMES IN CONSTRUCTION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
product / service / certificate / procedure / scheme / auditor.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Yusupov A.R.

One of the main works when conducting certification work is the choice of a certification scheme xisoblanad. In the documents prepared by co-workers from the ISO composition of certification, eight schemes of certification are issued, which are carried out from a third party, and in our republic, this 8th scheme is implemented

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УДК: 004

Yusupov A.R., candidate of technical sciences

associate professor Ferghana Polytechnic Institute Uzbekistan, Ferghana


Annotation. One of the main works when conducting certification work is the choice of a certification scheme xisoblanad. In the documents prepared by co-workers from the ISO composition of certification, eight schemes of certification are issued, which are carried out from a third party, and in our republic, this 8th scheme is implemented

Keywords: product, service, certificate, procedure, scheme, auditor.


Certification of products is carried out by accredited certification bodies


Accreditation of the certification body is the official recognition of the IOC for the transfer of products certification, quality and production systems in accordance with the requirements of specific documents in the established sphere of accreditation [2].

Materials and methods:

This includes empirical methods such as modeling, fact, experiment, description and observation, as well as theoretical methods such as logical and historical methods, abstraction, deduction, induction, synthesis and analysis. The research materials are: scientific facts, the results of previous observations, surveys, experiments and tests; means of idealization and rationalization of the scientific approach.

The accreditation of the certification body is complemented by the following main stages:

- identification and examination of documents;

- appointment of the commission on verification;

- appointment of the commission on verification of the organization to be accredited;

- certification of an accredited organization;

- examination of documents and review of attestation results;

- granting the applicant an accreditation attestation.

One of the main works when conducting certification work is the selection of a Certification Scheme [3].

In the documents prepared by co-workers from the ISO structure for certification, eight schemes of certification are issued, which are carried out from

a third party, and in our republic, this 8th scheme is implemented. Below we recommend opening the leprosy of these schemes [4,5,6,7,8].

Results and discussion:

The first scheme. Product sample testing (ispit. tipa). This scheme is characterized by a very simple scheme, in which it is determined that the corresponding NTX of the sample of the product, meets the technical requirements. The issuing authority is responsible for the certificate. The results of the certification according to this scheme cannot guarantee the provision of a constant quality of the product. The certification body does not organize a control of the HEC after the test, so there is no information on whether the product meets such then standard requirements, there is no information about whether the technological process can ensure the quality of the product. This yul is spread to some extent in national and international trade relations due to its simplicity and the fact that it does not require much cost.

Second scheme. In this scheme, the sample types of the product are tested in specially approved testing organizations, and then its quality is monitored on the basis of samples that are periodically obtained from sales outlets. This method makes it possible to evaluate the quality of the products of serial production with an assessment of the quality of the samples being poured. The cheapness of the method lies in its simplicity. Its disadvantage, on the other hand, is that depending on the result of the control tests, if it is determined that it is inappropriate for the standard requirements of the product, it can still be excluded from sales outlets will not be bullied or there will be some difficulties to exclude it.

The third scheme. The product is based on conducting types of samples in specially approved testing organizations, and then periodically monitoring the inspection of samples without sending them to the seller or consumer. The difference from the second scheme is that the Test control is carried out before the product falls into sales outlets, and if it is determined that it is inappropriate for the standard, the shipment of the product to the consumer is stopped and a poor-quality product release is obtained. In the third scheme, the certificate is issued to the fan for 12 months and is monitored every 6 months.

Turtleneck scheme. It is based on testing the types of samples of the product as if they were 1-3 schemes, and then the quality of the product is obtained by periodically conducting inspection control of samples obtained from the production in the Chamber of Commerce. In this case, the product is produced, which, after certain costs for its release, is determined to be in accordance with the requirements of the standard.

The fifth scheme. This scheme is based on conducting product sample types in approved testing organizations and assessing the quality of product production, and then periodically checking and controlling the quality of namun alar in the sales department and production. This method of certification not only monitors the quality of the product, but also monitors the quality of the product that will be released at the enterprise at the required level. This method is the most common

scheme in industrialized countries as well as in international certification systems. Compared to the first-fourth schemes, this scheme is the most complex and relatively expensive standing scheme, the advantage of which is that the consumer makes sure that the quality level of the product is high, which is the main criterion.

Sixth scheme. This scheme is intended only to conduct an assessment of the system by ensuring the quality of the product at the enterprise. This method is also referred to at some point as attestation of the enterprise - maker. In this kind of certification, only the ability of the enterprise to release products of the specified quality level is assessed.

Seventh scheme. This scheme is based on the selection of tests from a prepared batch of products. Depending on the results of the selection tests, a decision is made to increase the batch. For certification in this variety, the size of the sample should be, which depends on the level of quality that will be acceptable to the large size of the prepared batch. Basically, the collection of the sample in the received qai is carried out by authorized testing organizations.

Eighth scheme. This scheme is based on the determination of the compliance of the standard requirement of a customized particular item of Har passing tests. This certification method has a much higher provider liability than the above 7-schemes. Naturally, only items that have passed successful tests will receive a certificate or a successful mark. Scheme 8 applies when higher and more stringent requirements are imposed on a product based on use, or where failure to meet standard requirements as a result of the product's use can cause significant economic damage to the consumer. This kind of certification is more used in items made of precious metals and alloys. The main purpose of this is to check the specified amount of precious metals, their composition and the purity of the item.


Sources on certification have analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of each certification scheme. Of these, the most perfect and complex is the fifth scheme. Since this scheme is complete, taking it as a basis, the modern international certification system is being created [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16].


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12. 1S0 9003. Sifat tizimlari. Tugal nazoratda va sinovlarda sifatni ta'minlaydigan model

13. 1S0 9004. Sifatni umumiy boshqarish, sifat tizimlarining elementlari. Raxbariy korsatmalar.

14. 1S0 90012. Ulchash vositalarining sifatini ta'minlaydigan talablar.

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