CATERING FOR TOURISTS FROM VENEZUELA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Gasimova Afet Ayat Gizi, Mammadova Solmaz Elnur Gizi

Modern tourism has become one of the ways to form universal human values. At present, the establishment of diplomatic, political and trade relations between Azerbaijan and the countries of Latin America is proceeding quite rapidly, in connection with which a large number of representatives of these countries come to our country. One of the main organizational issues of this process is the issue of accommodation and meals for guests. Since the hotel company provides consumers with not only accommodation services, but also food services, its organization is one of the most important components in the field of activity of the hotel complex.The level of service in the restaurant is evaluated in the aggregate assessment of the quality of products and services provided to customers. Based on this, each of the indicators of the level of service should be evaluated according to the following parameters: product quality, service culture, assortment and comfort.

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Текст научной работы на тему «CATERING FOR TOURISTS FROM VENEZUELA»

26. K.Kryvyakin, B.Tursunov, Z.Hakimov. Estimation methodology of efficiency of production capacity management at textile enterprises. Бюллетень науки и практики 4 (1), 228-241, 2018.

27. Tursunov, B. (2017). Ways of increasing the efficiency of usage production capacity of textile

enterprises. Бюллетень науки и практики 8, 232-242, 2017.

28. N.Yuldoshev, Tursunov B, S.Qozoqov. Use of artificial intelligence methods in operational planning of textile production. Journal of process management. New technologies 6 (2), 260-266, 2017.


Gasimova Afet Ayat gizi.,

Azerbaijan Technological University, Acting Associate Professor Mammadova Solmaz Elnur gizi,

Azerbaijan Technological University, Gandja, undergraduate


Современный туризм стал одним из способов формирования общечеловеческих ценностей. В настоящее время довольно быстрыми темпами идет налаживание дипломатических, политических и торговых отношений Азербайджана со странами Латинской Америки, в связи с чем большое количество представителей этих стран приезжает в нашу страну. Один из самых главных организационных вопросов данного процесса - это вопрос размещения и питания гостей. Так как гостиничное предприятие предоставляет потребителям не только услуги проживания, но и услуги питания, то его организация является одной из важнейших составляющих в сфере деятельности гостиничного комплекса. Уровень обслуживания в ресторане оценивается в совокупности оценки качества продукции и услуг, оказываемых клиентам. Исходя из этого, каждый из показателей уровня обслуживания должен оцениваться по таким параметрам: качество продукции, культура обслуживания, ассортимент и комфорт.


Modern tourism has become one of the ways to form universal human values. At present, the establishment of diplomatic, political and trade relations between Azerbaijan and the countries of Latin America is proceeding quite rapidly, in connection with which a large number of representatives of these countries come to our country. One of the main organizational issues of this process is the issue of accommodation and meals for guests. Since the hotel company provides consumers with not only accommodation services, but also food services, its organization is one of the most important components in the field of activity of the hotel complex.The level of service in the restaurant is evaluated in the aggregate assessment of the quality of products and services provided to customers. Based on this, each of the indicators of the level of service should be evaluated according to the following parameters: product quality, service culture, assortment and comfort.

Ключевые слова: туризм, туристы из Венесуэлы, питание, ресторан, обслуживание

Keywords: tourism, tourists from Venezuela, food, restaurant, service

Introduction. Modern tourism has become one of the ways of forming universal values, the most accessible way of learning, studying and preserving the historical, cultural and natural heritage in the 21st century. The term "hospitality" is widely used in modern literature, it should be noted that hospitality is a more capacious and general concept, since its task is to satisfy the needs of not only tourists in the narrow sense, but also consumers in general. It should be noted that the hospitality industry has historically formed and grown from the accommodation sector represented by various types of hotel enterprises. At present, the establishment of diplomatic, political and trade relations between Azerbaijan and the countries of Latin America is proceeding quite rapidly, in connection with which a large number of representatives of these countries come to our country. One of the main organizational issues of this process is the issue of accommodation and food for such important guests [5].

Since the hotel company provides consumers with not only accommodation services, but also food services, its organization is one of the most important components in the field of activity of the hotel complex.

In the context of growing globalization, it is especially important for any hotel to serve foreign tourists at catering facilities. A variety of food services and the right approach to their organization will provide the hotel with the ability to receive guests from all over the world. After all, 80% of the probability of their returning to this hotel will depend on the quality of the food provided. All this emphasizes the relevance of the thesis.

Object and research methods. The object of the study is to study the features of serving tourists from Venezuela at catering facilities in a hotel complex. During the study and presentation of the material, methods of system analysis, methods of theoretical research [4, c. 45].

Discussion. Venezuela is located in Latin America. The cuisines of Latin America are largely similar to each other. In these countries, corn, various vegetables, beans, beans, cheese, sauces with a lot of pepper, natural meat dishes (mainly beef and pork) are widely used. A feature of the preparation of meat and fish dishes in Latin American countries is that meat products and fish are not breaded; side dishes are served

separately. For side dishes use potatoes, beans, corn, rice, noodles. Side dishes seasoned with butter. Large portions of meat, liver, kidneys (whole) served in the form of hot assortment. Stew meat with red beans, smoked sausage in tomato sauce.

Venezuelan cuisine was formed on the basis of the traditions of the peoples of the American continent, immigrants from Europe and some elements of African and Asian culinary. As in many other countries in Latin America, the basis of the cuisine is meat, legumes and maize (corn), rice ("arros"), potatoes, special bananas and many other vegetables and spices, often used in the most unimaginable combinations. Local snacks and light dishes (usually called "komida-criona") consist mainly of "arepa" or "tamale" cakes, which they manage to give hundreds of options here - they wrap various side dishes, meat, fish, eggs, cheese and vegetables, used as a component of complex dishes or sandwiches, and also used as an independent snack. In many cases, tortillas play the role of simple bread or even a spoon for picking sauce. Sweet pancakes with kachapa cheese, fried dough with tekenos cheese, pancakes with meat or other ingredients мп empanadas 'and пан pan de jamon' - a long loaf stuffed with ham, are also very common. olives and raisins. In the Indian regions bake "kasaba" - dry flat bread from yucca [1, с. 356].

Meat is the second most important part of Venezuelan cuisine. There are many colorful dishes of poultry, pork and beef, including soups and numerous meat products stewed with vegetables.

The national dish of Venezuela is considered to be "pabellin-criollo", which is an assortment of beef, rice, black beans, cheese and fried bananas. Also noteworthy is the ubiquitous Ceviche or Sebic; beef with rice and vegetables "carne-mechad"; "Sancho" thick poultry soup (usually served with tortillas and fried cassava); Caracas chicken; stew with vegetables and spices carne-esmechada meat; thick soup made of tripe and "mondogo" vegetables; tortillas with beef, pork, ham, green pepper, tomatoes, raisins and olives "olyaka" or "alyaka" (a traditional Christmas dish); charcoal-baked beef (pre-marinated) "parrilla-criola"; "perico" -scrambled eggs with tomatoes and onions; soup of beef, poultry or fish, with vegetables and roots - "herbido" and other typical dishes. Mena del dias are very popular, and they usually offer very cheap dishes like soup and some simple appetizers.

The long Caribbean coast of Venezuela and many freshwater ponds provide the local table with a wide variety of fish. Trout (trotting), sea bass (corvina), grouper (Mero), nanny shark (Corazon), snapper (Pargo), dorado and even piranha are not uncommon guests in local menus . Shellfish and other seafood are also abundant. Especially popular here are local shrimp in avocado or hot pepper, rice with clams, as well as oysters in wine sauce.

For dessert, they usually serve fresh strawberries or guavas with cream, a peculiar salad of vegetables and green avocado guasacaca, cuesillo (fruit cake), caramel (dulce de leche), various pastries with mahorete (custard) cream) and all kinds of sweets (the most good are candies made from guava or bananas).

Venezuelan cocoa is considered one of the best in the world, but since almost all of it is exported to Europe, it is not easy to find it here, as well as local chocolate.

All kinds of fruits are grown in huge quantities: papaya, watermelons, mangoes, bananas, pineapples, guava, oranges and strawberries, as well as dozens of types of fruits that simply do not have a name in Russian. Of these, "ugos" is also prepared - inexpensive fruit juices of excellent quality [3, c. 67].


The most popular juices are: lechosa (papaya), parchita (passion fruit), mango, pina (pineapple), melon, guayaba (guava) and tamarindo (Indian date or tamarind). Coconut juice is often drunk directly from the nut. You can also buy papelon or papelon (lemonade from raw sugar and fruit juices), as well as milkshakes (with fruit pulp and ice) or batidos (with fruit juices) on almost every corner. Bottled water is inexpensive and available everywhere, and local coffee is also very popular.

Very strong Venezuelan beer can be bought everywhere (the most famous brands are Polar and Regional, each of which has several varieties). Of strong drinks, Venezuelans give a clear preference to rum (the best local brands are Ron Cacique and Ron Anejo Aniversario Pampero), especially its darker varieties, as well as "chiche" (a local version of moonshine made from wheat or rice).

There is a twofold task for those who want to adequately receive a foreign guest, to make him -through food - happy and happy. On the one hand, it is necessary to take into account his national culinary habits and preferences, on the other hand, to enrich his impressions, introduce him to traditional local cuisine, give an idea of what the residents of the host country love and consider delicious.

In this case, we are talking about representatives of Latin America. Latin American cuisine, which has been influenced by at least three national cuisines: native - Indian, colonial - Spanish and North American, just like the Latin Americans themselves, is "hot and romantic", it is piquant and fragrant, colorful and sophisticated. The combination of tenderness and passion, a wide range of emotions, considered a characteristic feature of Hispanics, is also evident in the kitchen. Light breakfasts are "balanced" by hearty, hearty lunches and dinners. An indescribable variety of fruits and vegetables - and dishes of natural meat fried on special grills in portions of 350-500 g, hot chili peppers and countless sauces created on its basis - and seafood dishes melting in the tongue, corn tortillas, which were also eaten Aztecs and Incas - and coffee with the most delicate ice cream, prepared according to home recipes [2, c. 89].

Findings. The openness of the inhabitants of the region fully extends to food. True gourmets, they are always ready for new gastronomic experiences. Arriving in Azerbaijan, of course, they are not against joining her kitchen. Venezuelans, like many other foreigners, are happy to order borscht, dyushbere, pancakes with meat or caviar, barbecue, fish pies and other dishes that are included in the concept, the national cuisine of Azerbaijan. Given all the above

nuances, for guests from Latin America you can offer the following order of service in the restaurant.

Early breakfast

Coffee, butter, bun and marmalade or hot chocolate with cookies

Brunch (10.00 - 11.00)

Vegetables, fish and egg dishes (e.g. scrambled eggs, baked with asparagus beans)

Mandatory on the tables should be fruit and fruit juices, preferably freshly squeezed.

You can also serve a classic continental breakfast (consists of tea, coffee, rolls, butter, cottage cheese, eggs, sometimes complemented by fruit or yogurt).

Lunch and dinner

For lunch and dinner, you can offer the a la carte menu below, which will include both dishes from Latin America and national Azerbaijani cuisine.

Menu a la carte

Chef's Cold Appetizers

Mexican appetizer (boiled meat, boiled ham, pickled bell peppers, onions, parsley)

Guacamole (chili / tabasco pepper, lemon juice, avocado, tomato, onion)

Lobster salad (avocado, onion, fresh parsley, dried mustard, dry white wine, lobster meat, young salad, homemade mayonnaise paprika)

Entremes Iberico (Assorted Spanish delicacies: Salchichon Iberico, ham "Jamon Serrano" and sausage "Chorizo berico" decorated with olives, gherkins and greens)

Assorted de Pescado (Assorted smoked Halibut, Sturgeon, Salmon and Salmon own ambassador)

Ensalada Imperial (Slices of avocado with red caviar, with lime sauce, garnished with Frize lettuce and cherry tomatoes).

In the current situation of economic instability, competition of domestic restaurants for customers intensified. therefore, improving the organization of his business is an important condition for their activities. In the competitive market environment in which the restaurant operates to increase the number of consumers in order to increase work efficiency, it is necessary to study the external and internal business environment. The level of service in the restaurant is evaluated in the aggregate assessment of the quality of products and services provided to customers. Based on this, each of the indicators of the level of service should be evaluated according to the following parameters: product quality, service culture, assortment and comfort.


Кумагина Т. Г. Национальная и зарубежная кухня : учеб. Пособие. М. : ЮНИТИ, 2005.-431 с.

Марциано П. Справочник совершенного хозяина ресторана: 100 идей для достижения превосходства в конкурентной борьбе. М.: Современные ресторанные и розничные технологии, 2009. — 146 с.

Солдатиков Н. Д. Как избежать проблем ресторанному бизнесу . - М: Ресторанные новости, 2009. -198 с.

Колмогоров Ю.Н. и др. Методы и средства научных исследований. Учебное пособие. Екатеринбург : Изд-во Урал. ун-та, 2017.— 152 с.


УДК 338.24.01_


DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2019.4.67.363 Клименко Оксана Петровна

канд. эконом. наук, доцент кафедры «Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит» Институт финансов, экономики и управления ФГАОУ ВО «Севастопольский государственный университет»


Целью исследования, проведенного в статье, явилась оценка методических подходов к анализу бизнес-процессов управления современным предприятием. На основании изученных научных материалов было установлено, что современные исследователи выделяют качественный и количественный анализ бизнес-процессов. Применение методик качественного анализа дает возможность структурировать процессы, устранить «узкие места», определить очередность их совершенствования. Методики количественного анализа, в отличие от качественного анализа, оперируют фактами, числовыми величинами, позволяют избежать субъективных оценок и ошибочных интерпретаций, полученных вследствие недостаточной формализации выводов.


The purpose of the study carried out in the article was to evaluate methodological approaches to analysis of business processes of modern enterprise management. Based on the scientific materials studied, it was found that modern researchers highlight qualitative and quantitative analysis of business processes. The application of qualitative analysis techniques allows to structure processes, eliminate bottlenecks, determine the order of their improvement. Methods of quantitative analysis, unlike qualitative analysis, operate on facts, numerical values, allow to avoid subjective estimates and erroneous interpretations obtained due to insufficient formalization of conclusions.

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