Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 7 (2013 6) 1085-1092
УДК 811.112
Category of Memory: Principles of Linguistic Description
Nukolai L. Shamne* and Larisa N. Rebrina*
Volgograd State University, 100 Universitetskii Prospect, Volgograd, 400062 Russia
Received 21.05.2013, received in revised form 06.06.2013, accepted 11.06.2013
The study offers the concept of linguistic description of category of memory. It takes into account the multidimensionality, structuredness, communicative nature of the given category, language vs. speech opposition, cognitive, volitional functions, systematic and continuum linguistic organization, consistency as the most important law of language development. The authors worked out the complex approach combining achievements of systematic and structured, cognitive and socio-pragmatic paradigms of linguistics. The research algorithm involves introducing temporal, spatial and social coordinate axis in the linguistic model of category of memory. The work provides the following methods: descriptive, methods of definition, componential, contextual, historic and semasiological, comparative, discourse analysis, method of quantitative estimation. The study describes genetic paradigm and nominative paradigms of memory operations in standard German, Swiss, Austrian national variants of German, low German dialect «Platt»; linguistic reflection of ontological, axiological and epistemological dimensions of the examined category; manifestation offunctioning of autobiographical and collective memory subsystems. The investigation verifies the authors' hypothesis of integrated representation and discourse manifestation of the studied phenomenon. For designating the object's summary cognitive mapping in the result of its linguistic acquisition a new term «linguistic coedification» is introduced. The results of the study can be applied in linguistic modelling other notional categories, in university courses of general linguistics, lexicology, history and stylistics of the German language, lexicography.
Keywords: category of memory, the German language, linguistic modelling, language varieties, nominative paradigm, representation, discourse manifestation.
1. Introduction
Memory and language are the necessary elements of evolution, tightly interrelated systems performing accumulative function and providing operations with knowledge simultaneously being the basis for a man interacting with the surrounding world. Memory as a social construct having a communicative nature is mediated by the language and it causes the regularity of its
linguistic description. It represents a self-regulating system of processes focused on organization and accumulation of information and functioning as cognitive informative structure on the base of interacting of subject, object and environment, where subject can be single and multiple and object can be personal or social significant.
Existing linguistic researches of memory were conducted in various directions: studying
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* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]
semanticsandmorphologyofsingleunitsofmemory nomination (Iu.D. Apresian, L.G. Babenko, T.V. Bulygina, E. Butulussi, L.M. Vasil'ev, A. Vezhbitska, M.A. Dmitrovskaia, B.L. Iomdin, M.V. Milovanova, M.V. Nikitin, M.V. Pimenova, V.V. Turovskii, T. Nir, A.D. Shmelev, I. Shreder); describing the phenomenon of memory as a fragment of the Russian linguistic view of the world (N.G. Bragina, V.V. Turovskii, E.V. Uryson), realizing concept "memory" (M.A. Dmitrovskaia, A.A. Zalizniak, E.S. Kubriakova, M.V. Pimenova, M.G. Sabadashova, O.V. Shatalova, O.V. Shchilenko), semiotic stems and communicative nature of memory (N.G. Bragina, O.G. Revzina, A.V. Sokolov, E.G. Khomiakova, U.L. Figge); genre analysis of discourse practices (commemorative speech, family communication) (A. Keppler, A. Linke, G. Vel'tser).
Memory as a multifeatured phenomenon requires systematic studying and canbe considered as a category related to the categories of space, time, cognition including ontological, axiological and epistemological basic dimensions.
2. Theoretical Framework and Methods
Under category of memory we see a complicated cognitive formation integrating and organizing various forms of memory phenomenon manifestation into some unity (types of memory processes and subsystems functioning at the levels of personality and society) and properties pointed out interdisciplinary. The studied notional category gets complex representation in the language and for naming that we introduce the term «linguistic coedification» (from Latin co- -«aggregative, joint, united» and aedidificatio -«structure», «formation», «construction» of something, of some building [ADAE]), we think that justified since the absence of terminological item rendering the content to be expressed.
Linguistic coedification of the category of memory is summary cognitive mapping of the given extra linguistic object as the result of its linguistic acquisition. It integrates characteristic features of representation, nomination and discourse manifestation of the related phenomenon, is constituted by universal and variable (in the plan of synchrony) and also constant (from the point of view of diachrony) elements. Addressing coedification of the named category in the German language assumes realization of a new concept of linguistic description of memory taking into account functional aspect of memory, its multidimensionality and structural organization, separation of language and speech, system and continuum character of language, continuity as an important factor of its development and also working up a complex approach consolidating the experience of studying linguistic factors in the system-structured, cognitive and socio-pragmatic paradigms of the modern linguistics. We judge by comprehension of memory as a dynamic structure essential properties of which are more completely reflected by verbal constituents of the language lexical system naming basic operations of memory.
Pragmatist character of the memory itself and the language as means of its manifestation causes introducing spatial, temporal, social organizing coordinate axis in its linguistic model that provides including in research material constituents of lexical-semantic system (LSS) of some temporally, spatially and socially determined varieties of the German language as meta-system of variants, diverse discourse practices manifesting the work of autobiographic (AM) and collective (CM) memory functioning at the levels of personality and society.
The offered research algorithm includes: 1)complexsemasiologicallyandonomasiologically oriented analysis of semantic, formal, functional characteristics for the items of primary and
secondary nomination of memory processes in the modern German language, description of the structure of inner organizing nominative paradigms and the degree of revealing basic memory operations for the purpose of pointing out mechanisms of nomination, regularities of presentation data for denotative situations, components of linguistic model of memory and their relevant characteristics; 2) studying genetic paradigm of denoting mnemic processes, nominative paradigms of Swiss, Austrian standard variants of the German language and low German dialect «Platt» and pointing out constant, universal and variative features of acquisition of the considered phenomenon in the continuum of the German language; 3) generalization of linguistic aspects of polar memory subsystems functioning, subsystems differentiating in subjects, objects, chronotopes and aim of addressing individual or over-individual past. The arrangements mentioned above are carried out by applying a descriptive method, methods of statistic, definition, component, contextual, historic and semasiological, comparative intralinguistic, discourse analysis, structural and semantic modeling, quantitative estimation, theories and methodologies of lexical semantics, theories of nomination, etymology, dialectology, variantology, pragmalinguistics, discourse linguistics.
3. Examples of Analysis
The study of system factors of the German language results in determining linguistically mediated perceptions of memory, forms of its being in consciousness of native speakers, significant elements of corresponding situations and their characteristics, axiological attitude towards memory, its objects what correlates to ontological and axiological dimensions of cognominal category. Analysis of relevant discourse practices demonstrates how and for
what purpose operating quanta of knowledge stored in memory is carried out, how language mediates reactualization, reconstruction and reinterpretation of various types of memory contention, their presentation and translation. The enumerated aspects are interconnected with epistemological dimension of the category of memory.
We are going to illustrate the basic research stages.
The first stage of the research is devoted to description of system factors of the German language continuum. It includes the analysis of genetic and some nominative paradigms. Among the first paradigms of units of the primary and secondary nomination of memory operations in the modern coedificated German language (280 lexical units (LU)) are constructed and described. Let us exemplify if. The verbal collocation in Erinnerungen schwelgen is a constituent of subgroup «recalling information in memory»; it has a structure of a simple phrase; it is subjectival, internally and externally intransitive; it belongs to functional and grammatical serie with the productive component «Erinnerung» (in Erinnerungen kramen / schwelgen / stöbern / wühlen / versinken); the verb is a grammatical head, the noun is a semantic prop word. Nominal component directs at location of memory operations.CollocationinErinnerungenschwelgen is stylistically marked (elevated style); it realizes spatial subject code, conceptual integration of the phisical and mental; it depicts longtime, intensive, conscious operation of recalling positively estimated emotional experience. Named features are reflected in dictionary definitions: schwelgen -«(gehoben) etwas Angenehmes bewusst und intensiv genießen» [LGDF]; «(gehoben) sich einem Gefühl, einem Gedanken o. Ä. genussvoll überlassen; sich daran berauschen», «(gehoben) etwas, wovon man besonders angetan oder fasziniert ist, im Übermaß verwenden» [DUW].
The analysis of the corresponding lexical subsystem of the modern German language let us conclude the following. Asymmetrical lexical and grammatical representation of memory operations objectifies linguistic presentation of ontological aspect of memory as vertically organized space and memory operations - as physical actions or multidimensional movement, transposition of fragment of the past in the given space. The situation of recalling information in memory is differentiated by a high degree of expressing. Linguistic model of memory as of a dynamic structure includes basic components «subject», «object», particularly «process». The given components are actualized and specified within non-denotative and denotative features (subjective estimation, subject character, object character, memory operations) reflected in semantics of LU. Nomination of the corresponding operations is mediated more often by spatial, anatomical, personifying and presentive thematic codes. Inner organization of the studied nominative paradigms objectifies ontological types of memory processes (maintenance, recalling, loss of information in memory). Hierarchic structure of paradigms reflects a progressive modification of base forms of mnemic experience by means of superstructure of additional characteristics within the features mentioned above. Axiological dimension of the studied phenomenon is characterized by ambivalence and is caused by quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the elements of the named situations. Presence of functional equivalence of verbal constituents at the lexical level of the modern German language reflects tight interactions of such elements of human psychosphere as memory, knowledge, speech and perception.
Introducing a temporal organizing coordinate axis, i.e. turning to diachronic aspects of representation of memory operations, let show the continuity of methods of semantic
mapping mental presentations of the considered phenomenon and underlying structures of awareness about it. At the heart of nomination of the most part of the constituents belonging to the genetic paradigm (39 LU) there is adaptation of denotation to action or motion, reframing the physical as the mental. For instance, the verb einfallen is a derivative prefixal formation from fallen (VIII в.) with the meaning «to break down, to fall down under action of gravity» [KLEW, 274; EWDP]. In the modern German language the given unit names the operation of involuntary recollection. Prefixoid ein- derives from ancient in and introduces the meaning of direction and while using with verbs - semantic meaning «to place, to import». Inner form of einfallen expresses features motivating nomination «sudden», «inner». Base notions «movement down», «inside» correspond to the idea of space and its scope. Feature «inner» is redefined as «own». Semantic map appears the following: physical situation (to move fast, sudden inside in physical space) ^ physical situation (to become inner) ^ mental situation (to become own, be understood, to be present, to advance in mental space) ^ mental situation (to recur). Memory operation is represented as independent directed motion of objects in space.
The results of historic and semasiological analysis witness that coedification of category of memory in the German language includes such constant elements of linguistic acquisition of the considered phenomenon as preserving methods of semantic mapping of mental images of memory processes; asymmetrical, special and pragmatic representation of memory and basic operations of memory in lexical and semantic system similar to «outer» world; reflection of basic ontological types of memory processes in organizing structure of nominative paradigm.
Comparative analysis of nominative paradigms of the Swiss (110 LU), the Austrian
(135 LU) standard variants of the German language and low German dialect «Platt» (175 LU), implementing introducing in the linguistic model of memory description of spatial and social coordinate axis, allows to point out the following universal features of coedification of memory category at the level of language system: ambivalence of axiological constituent and common components of the linguistic model of memory; spatial and pragmatic representation of memory; the lesser degree of expressing causation operations of memory and positive qualification of mental abilities; asymmetry of representing basic memory operations; mediation of characterizing coedification by temporal, quantitative and qualitative features of the elements belonging to the modelled situations; multilevel feature structure of the named denotative situations being fixed in the semantics of lexical units; hierarchic organization of the nominative paradigm of memory operations. For example, the verb of the Swiss standard variant of the German language usfallen / ausfallen means «aus dem Gedächtnis entschwinden» [SchwI, 755] and names operation of involuntary forgetting. The designated situation is identified with movement, thought as sudden, fast, uncontrolled. Memory is represented as space and objects of memory operation as active, independent. At the heart of nomination there are spatial and personifying thematic codes. The verb of low German dialect «Platt» inknüppeln meaning «mit Gewalt einprägen, ans Herz legen» [PDW, 119] describes an intensive operation of memorization or memorization causation when the behavior of the subject is persistent, categoric. LU inknüppeln is a derivative from noun Knüppel («ein kurzer, dicker Stock « Prügel: jemanden mit einem Knüppel schlagen» [LGDF]). The named situation of information maintenance in memory is adapted to violent, unpleasant physical interference and estimated by the speaker as negative. Prefix in- contributes the meaning of
direction. Linguistic representation of denotative situation also correlates to the idea of space.
The second stage of the research is directed at studying functional aspect of coedification of memory category. It contains analysis of multifold discourse practices expressing the work of polar memory subsystems (person-centered, existential, for example, autobiographical stories, novels, diaries, autobiographies, biographic interviews, blogs, autobiographic utterances of the heroes of fiction belonging to different genres - AM; institutional, for example, mass media publishing - CM).
Analysis of linguistic aspects of autobiographic memory functioning demonstrates that in autobiographic discourse practices we notice objectifying base functions of AM determined by purposes of subject's addressing the individual past: the most often verbalized pragmatic (past event proficiency, problem solving in the present, planning for the future) and self-regulating (correction of psychic condition); the least presented communicative (making, endorsing, revival of social contacts) and existential (forming comprehensive presentation about oneself and history of one's life) functions [for functions and level structure of AM see Nurkov 2008]. Peculiarities of manifestation of AM subsystem functioning in the German language are exhibited in the presence of function interrelation with parameters defining narrative organization -positivity index, thematic dominants, position of reminiscent and narrative subject. For example: Ich habe angenehme Erinnerungen daran. In unserem Haus hatte es nie eine derartige Wärme gegeben, nie so viel köstliches Essen. Die Damen umhegten mich, als wäre meine Mutter gestorben, und ich genoss die Aufmerksamkeit [Grisham, Regenmacher, 157]. In the given context self-regulating function of autobiographic function is presented. Recalling
of the content is carried out by the subject for the purpose of correcting his or her psychic condition that causes emotional involvement of the narrator, realization of subject-actor's position, his or her positive experience as thematic dominant. Sore recollections about mother's illness are compensated by addressing positive images of coziness and attentive careful aunties. The narration contains description of impressions and estimations of the one recalling as a participant of the event. Lexis with positive semantics prevails (angenehm, Wärme, köstlich, umhegen, Aufmerksamkeit genießen).
In nowadays society changed needs of an individual lead to the increase of relevance of communicative function and realization of therapeutic function of autobiographic memory and also to shaping a new non-classic form of their manifestation - Internet-diary. It fixes modification of AM operation and implies displacement of discourse bounds of the private and the public, interactivity, combination of autocommunication and broad addressing. Therapeutic function of AM is aimed at overcoming traumatic experience, creating «positive prospective perspective».
Analysis of examples corpus of autobiographic narrative demonstrates discourse manifestation of the following organizing forms of autobiographic material in AM: bright events (prevailingverbalization)-emotional,imaginative description using estimating lexis and LU pointing at unusual heroes' experience; important events - presenting results, consequences, role of past fragment in life history, presence of LU denoting a special status and events interaction; ontological events - congruency estimation of the event and personality, their characteristics, using LU with feature semantics; watershed events -comparison of the two self-descriptions relatively to the crucial point, subjective estimation of changes, involvement of LU denoting two
temporal plans and realizing the comparison. The prevailing tonalities of narration in studied autobiographic practices are reflecting, emotional and enthusiastic; other tonalities (critical, ironic, nostalgic, etc.) act as additional. In the studied material the level structure of the considered subsystem constituted by concrete episodes-occasions, recollections of fateful events, vital themes, holistic / integral views of one's fate. Frequency of verbalizing bright events, concrete episodes, subject-actor's position, emotional tonality of narration and character of thematic dominants while linguistic manifestation of functioning AM indicate prevailing realization of formula of reactualizing individual past in the German linguoculture - «single - bright -autocentric».
Institutional functioning of collective memory in the German language socium is objectified in forming value attitude to the past. CM is organized around state and nation, has social chronotope [Sokolov, 2002]. Manifestation of CM is characterized by subject-object, manipulative character of addresser's influence on mass listener, corresponding stratagem and tactic organization of production and translation of negative, positive or deactualized image of past fragments. Producer of the message uses argumentative (formal and logical and psychological argumentation) and compositional tactics (information test structure in accordance with the theory of advancement), aimed at modification of cognitive and axiological constituents of the communicative space of message receiver. The most productive as our material shows is a strategy ofnegative presentation of overindividual past for the purpose of shaping positive view of the present and legitimation of the authority. Positive and negative qualification of past events is characterized by a similar set of multidirectional tactics.
Let us give an example. Heute sei vielen der verbrecherische Charakter der DDR-Macht nicht
bewusst. „Es wird verklärt und verharmlost, nicht nur im Osten, nicht nur von Tätern. Das Unrecht des SED-Staates hervorzuheben, heiße nicht, in der DDR gelebtes Leben zu entwerten" ... . Es ist gut, dass es im Rechtsstaat möglich bleibt, auch den Täter als Opfer zu begreifen [RZ, 10.11.2011]. In the given context there is a compositional tactics of recurring argumentation of negative presentation of the past. Addresser turns to one and the same theme revealing it with the help of images. It mediates appearance of the constituents of a definite semantic field and lexical items with negative semantics. Message producer initiates negative estimation of building the Berlin Wall separating the two German states. The recurrent theme («crime») is constructed with the help of lexical items verbrecherisch, Täter, Opfer, Unrecht, is relative to presented event of the past and encourages sharing of its negative estimation.
Appealing to psychological argumentation is more relative than formal and logical arguments that corresponds to the nature of manipulative influence and decreases criticality of perception. Argumentation tactic of confirming the value of past fragment and compositional tactic of negative contrasting contextual framework are dominant while creating a positive view of past events. Deactualization of past image in German-language mass-media is carried out
while verbalization mainly by the way of shifting emphasis from event on its commemoration mediating access to the past fragment taking into account needs of the present situation.
4. Conclusion
Realization of a new integrative approach aimed at description of coedification of the studied notional category allows to conclude that multidimensional category of memory gets summary presentation in systematic and speech facts of the German language. Coedification of the category integrates constant, universal and variable elements of linguistic continuum as meta-system of temporal, spatial and social modifications. Forms of semantic mapping of mental projection of the named phenomenon are characterized by continuity. Inner organization of nominative paradigms points at asymmetrically represented ontological types of memory processes. Ontological aspect of coedification of memory category reflects spatial and pragmatic acquisitionofthegivenphenomenon.Itsaxiological dimension is ambivalent, defined by quantitative and qualitative characteristics of elements of memory operations and concrete conditions of actual retrospection. Epistemological dimension of the category is indicative of interpretative, intentional, discourse character of memory as a construct.
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Категория памяти:
принципы лингвистического описания
Н.Л. Шамне, Л.Н. Ребрина
Волгоградский государственный университет, Россия 400062, Волгоград, пр. Унивесритетский, 100
Предложена научная концепция лингвистического описания категории памяти. Онаучитывает многомерность, структурированность, коммуникативную природу данной категории, оппозицию языка и речи, когнитивную, волюнтативную функции, системную и континуумную организацию языка, преемственность как важнейший закон его развития. Разработан комплексный подход, сочетающий достижения системно-структурной, когнитивной и социопрагматической парадигм лингвистики. Исследовательский алгоритм предусматривает введение в лингвистическую модель категории памяти временной, пространственной и социальной осей координат. Использованы методы: описательный, дефиниционного, компонентного, контекстуального, историко-семасиологического, сопоставительного, дискурс-анализа,количественныхподсчетов. Описаныгенетическаяпарадигма и номинативные парадигмы операций памяти в литературном языке Германии, швейцарском, австрийском национальных вариантах немецкого языка, нижненемецком диалекте «платт»; языковое отражение онтологического, аксиологического и эпистемологического измерений изучаемой категории; манифестация функционирования подсистем автобиографической и коллективной памяти. Верифицируется авторская гипотеза о совокупном представлении понятийной категории памяти в немецком языке, интегрирующем константные, универсальные элементы, базовые измерения и закономерности системной репрезентации и дискурсивной манифестации изучаемого феномена. Для обозначения суммарной проекции объекта в результате его языкового освоения вводится новый термин «языковая коэдификация». Результаты работы могут быть использованы при лингвистическом моделировании иных понятийных категорий, в вузовских курсах общего языкознания, лексикологии, истории и стилистики немецкого языка, в лексикографии.
Ключевые слова: категория памяти, немецкий язык, лингвистическое моделирование, разновидности языка, номинативная парадигма, репрезентация, дискурсивная манифестация.