УДК 37
Sinel'nikova Nadezhda Alexandrovna Синельникова Надежда Александровна
student студент
Belgorod State National Research University Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет
Abstract: This article discusses the main stages of formation of the modern system of vocational guidance for schoolchildren, its current features, tasks, forms, methods and structure.
Аннотация. В данной статье рассматриваются основные этапы становления современной системы профориентации школьников, ее нынешние особенности, задачи, формы, методы и структура.
Key words: career guidance of schoolchildren, self-determination of youth, forms of career guidance.
Ключевые слова. профориентация школьников, самоопределение молодежи, формы профориентации.
The development of the career guidance system in Russia has a fairly long history, echoing the history of the development of human civilization and culture. V. Menshchikov, in his writings, emphasized that professions appeared as soon as human society emerged [2, с.272].
The most rapid development of the career guidance system in Russia began around May 1924. At this time, A. F. Clark created the first «Career Guidance Laboratory», where scientists actively explored the potential of practical use of career guidance activities. The experience of opening a «Career Guidance Laboratory» was so successful that by 1932 there were already 54 professional counseling bureaus in the country.
In the 60-70 years of the 20th century, E. A. Klimov and other employees The Leningrad Institute of Vocational and Technical Education offers a four-tier classification of professions and introduces differential diagnostic questionnaires, which are still used today [1, ^312]. Also during this period, K. M. Gurevich develops the theory of professional aptitude, in which he distinguishes two main types: professions of absolute aptitude and professions of partial aptitude.
70-80 years of the last century, according to A. A. Weisburg and A. E. Golomshtok became the "golden years" of the development of the vocational guidance institute. In educational institutions of that time, all conditions were created for the organization of effective career guidance, the main forms of career guidance were practiced, which are still relevant to this day: individual, group and mass.
In the 1990s, there was a strong decline in the development of the system of vocational guidance for schoolchildren, due to the socio-political transformations of that time, namely, the collapse of the Soviet Union. Budget funding for career guidance centers is kept to a minimum.
The modern system of career guidance is multifunctional, it performs diagnostic, training, forming and developing functions. Career guidance is implemented through four main components: the provision of professional information, the provision of professional advice, professional selection and professional selection. However, the practiced forms of career guidance, despite their diversity, are not always effective and do not always allow to fully form the readiness of young people to make a conscious choice professions. Modern statistics note that «30% of students leave chool with only a vague idea of employment opportunities, poorly assessing their abilities and interests regarding a suitable career». This often leads to the fact that young people are trained in a professional field in which they know they will never work.
Improving the system of career guidance requires identifying the best practices and formats of work with young people, allowing them to form the educational and career trajectories of young people, taking into account their personal abilities and the objective needs of the state. Analyzing the international experience of career guidance,
I would like to mention the experience of Japan, as it has proved to be quite effective in the world educational arena.
In 1972, the rector of the University of Asia-Professor Fukuyama published a unique scientific method «F-test». Within the framework of this methodology, the professor identified three main factors of conscious choice of profession: introspection, analysis of professions, professional tests. Every year, students in grades 7-9 of Japanese educational institutions try out 16 different professions from different fields: agriculture, science, business, etc. After that, self-analysis is conducted on 62 points on a five-point scale of various skills. The same ones the most important points in relation to each student are evaluated by teachers and psychologists. The results are compared, the student's self-esteem index is calculated, and an individual program of further education is proposed, aimed at the formation and development of professional qualities and competencies. In addition, students acquire primary practical work skills.
Active forms of career guidance are also being introduced locally in Russia. For example, in Irkutsk, Vologda, Kemerovo, The project «Professional tests» is being implemented in the Nizhny Novgorod and Samara regions. It implies the implementation of territorial network cycles of professional trials, which include various tests and exercises that simulate the elements and conditions of a particular type of professional activity, having a completed form. Thus, the young person is artificially included in his possible future professional activity. Behind during the work of the experimental sites, about 600 thousand schoolchildren took part in such professional tests. A significant socio-economic result of this work was a noticeable increase in interest in professions in demand in specific regions, including workers, and an increase in competition for professions and specialties of secondary vocational education.
Also, in the educational arena of the Russian Federation, there are mixed forms of career guidance. Since 2018, the career guidance project «Ticket to the Future» has been implemented in Russia at the federal level. «Ticket to the Future» is a project for early professional orientation of students in grades 6-11 of general education
institutions. Within the framework of the project, about one million Russian schoolchildren will be involved in career guidance testing on a specialized digital platform, and then in a business game.
The testing methodology is based on the scientific works of domestic scientists and the practice of experts of the Union "Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers «Young Professionals (Worldskills Russia)», which is the operator of the project. Testing is focused on the diagnosis of interests in modern promising industries and in-demand competencies. After each stage of testing, participants receive feedback and recommendations on building an individual curriculum in accordance with the selected professional competencies (professional areas activities). Unfortunately, despite the relevance of the project, it is being implemented only in 36 regions of the Russian Federation.
At the center for testing and development «Humanitarian Technologies», the camp «Professionals of the Future» is held on a commercial basis. The camp is a career-oriented field program for children aged 13-17. In the professional camp, children immerse themselves in the profession together with leading coaches and experts, create projects and develop the necessary professional skills.
It is necessary to note the fact that in the online space there are quite effective resources focused on career guidance of modern schoolchildren. One example is the online project of the Cherepovets news agency «Profpogruzhenie». The project is a video blog that talks in detail about various professions, and then invites high school students to test a particular profession on the set.
Thus, it should be noted that the domestic system of career guidance has passed quite a long historical path of its development and transformation. Today, it has a certain legal and organizational structure, proven forms and methods, some of them are already outdated and their use does not provide the necessary results, but some local practices demonstrate quite high efficiency and the widespread introduction of such active career guidance formats can significantly improve the quality of career guidance for modern Russian youth, promote it professional self-determination.
1. Vaisburg A. A., Golomshtok A. E. Choice of profession and education of the student's personality: Educational concept of professional orientation. - M.: Point, 1987. - 312 p.
2. Menshchikov A. P. Professional orientation of youth. Moscow: Scientific expert, 1989. - 272 p.