3 year student, faculty of processing technologies Vilts K. R.
2 year candidate for master degree, faculty ofprocessing technologies
Shkhalakhov D. S. c.t.s., associate professor Nesterenko A. A.
c.t.s., senior teacher Keniyz N. V.
Russia, Krasnodar, Kuban State Agrarian University after I. T. Trubilin
Abstract. Carbohydrates (sugars) are used to provide easily fermented medium for microorganisms that take part in aging process of dry fermented sausages, the technological efficiency of which much depends on their correct use. Carbohydrates must be added into mince because glycogen existing in meat is not enough to achieve required acidity.
Adding carbohydrates facilitates better preservation of product because, on the one hand, the fermentative process caused by sugars' breaking up prevents growth of pathogenic microflora, and, on the other hand, protein substances and fats are almost not used by microorganisms as energy source because «as nutrient medium they easily use fissionable sugars».
Adding sugars intensifies and stabilizes nitrosopigments formation because it facilitates growth of denitrifying microorganisms and in this way boosts reconstruction of sodium nitrate. On the other hand, lactic acid bacteria effect on sugar splitting provides formation of enough amount of lactic acid. It has been established that introducing reducing substances (glucose, maltodecstrines, ascorbic acid and its salts, preparations containing these sunbstances, and etc.) reduces partial pressure of oxygen in the system thereby creating opportunities for intense and steady color of the product (thanks to reduced possibility of nitrosomyoglobin oxidizing). Reducing substances to intensify colorizing process are necessary because energy which provides life activity of denitrifying bacteria is contributed by electrons or hydrogen atoms transfer from moleculars of denitrifying substances to nitrate moleculars. Thus, carbohydrates are used to create easily fermented medium for microorganisms which participate in sausage aging process when under their influence the following chemicals reactions take place: transmutation such as reconstruction of nitrate, creation of different acids and aroma.
Keywords: starter cultures, technology acceleration, meat raw material, carbohydrates, summer sausages.
In the technology of summer sausage production during seasoning and drying processes the initial pH value of minced meat and amount of microorganisms it contains is of great importance because too fast or slow reduction of pH leads to waste. An important factor is also type of carbohydrate and acid formed during fermentation. Carbohydrate can be added as monosaccharides (fructose, glucose, dextrose, and maltose), disaccharides; (saccharose) and polysaccharides (starch); but it should be taken into account that monosaccharides are broken up by microorganisms, and disaccharides and complex mixtures at first under influence of ferments of invertase and maltase are split into monosaccharides. Hence, it is better to use simple carbohydrates for fast acid formation and vice verse complex saccharides (carbohydrates) for slower process, as there is not a sharp drop of pH value. However, in the latter case there may be not enough acidity for fast formation, hard structure and required stability at preserving [1,2].
Positive results are achieved by combining different carbohydrates types. In this case part of dosed carbohydrate facilitates fast increasing of the initial acidity and the other prevents sharp reduction of pH value.
There is contradictory data of carbohydrates amount (from 0,2 to 3 %) in receipts of dry sausage which can be explained by big variety of sausage types and consumers' taste.
Choice and amount of saccharide depends on sausage production type. So, according to the traditional technology the pH value drops slowly that is why it is recommended to add saccharide from 0,2 to 0,5 % in ratio to the raw material weight. At the accelerated technology it is advisable to reduce the pH value of mince sharply and fast forming lactic acid and preventing growth of pathogenic micro flora. The amount of saccharide is bigger by -0,6 - 1 % in this case[3,4].
In the Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology (MSUAT) on the basis of refined
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lactose and food lactose they have developed four types of mixtures including taste and aroma forming ones. Using supplements like «Aroma» gives a possibility to stabilize color and increase stability of sausage at its preserving, improve sanitation and hygiene properties, and reduce its production cost [5].
The staff workers of the NCSTU have proved that lactulose containing preparations have a positive effect on colour characteristics and reduction of residual sodium nitrate share in cooked meat products. It has been established levels to introduce lactulose containing preparations into receipts of cooked sausages. The residual amount of lactulose does not reduce organoleptic properties of finished products. Later this research has made it possible to develop and design a hypothetic model of myoglobin (Mb) and lactulose interaction based on analysis of molecular electron density redistribution. According to the designed model of myoglobin and lactulose interaction electron density redistribution has taken place on myoglobin parts. Metastable triple complexes «heme-lactulose-NO» have appeared, or «heme-lactulose-NO» which has given stable colored derivatives after thermal treatment [6,7].
Creation of triple supramolecular complexes is indicated by change of Total Energy (for myoglobin it is 166019 kcal/mole, for the system «myoglobin - lactulose» - 409961 kcal/mole) when dipolar moment increases by three times. Some change of protein molecular conformation takes place, therefore iron accessibility to interact with nitric oxide and carbohydrate increases which leads to creation of fields with high electron density in supramolecular complexes and intensive interaction of Mb with nitric oxide and carbohydrate forming a stable compound Mb- carbohydrate-NO that adds steady coloring to finished products.
Hence, lactulose use leads not only to oxireduction change of sodium nitrate with reconstruction to nitric oxide but also the system potential including Mb, MetMb, NO and carbohydrate, and its reaction capacity increase.
Thus, successfully selected carbohydrate preparations create necessary conditions to intensify technology of production process and for denitrification of summer sausages. However, it should be noted that numerous research data has proved that fermented products with probiotic and prebiotic microorganisms play a great role in accumulating nutrients, in particular it is proved by research to evaluate vitamins synthesis and increase of food consumption efficiency when used in human diet. Moreover, it is under discussion how inhibition property of fermented products affects the process of cancer formation. It has been proved that using such food ingredients is favourable for prophylaxis and prevention of gastrointestinal tract toxicosis.
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