Экономическая социология. Т. 10. № 1. Январь 2009
Call for Papers
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Markets as Networks
0110000101110011 L1Ü11Ю01Ü0110101101111
25th - 26th September 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria
Organized by:
- Research Committee 02 on Economy and Society of the International Sociological Association,
- Bulgarian Sociological Association,
- Sofia University «St. Kliment Ohridski». Conference topics
The conference aims at reviewing the major conceptual tools that economic sociology has proposed to understand the various forms of interplay between markets and network structures. How markets are socially constructed via networks, whether markets are social networks? How networks of individuals and firms can serve as a competitive advantage on the market? As a context, of interest here is market opening and closing as an interaction of global orders and national traditions. Globalization is primarily geared toward the opening of markets. However, open markets produce tensions and crises, whose settlement involves new forms of closure through re-regulation on a transnational level. In this way, national forms of market order are getting under pressure of adjustment.
How do these macro-processes influence the formation, maintenance and dissolution of networks of market players? How do the corporations build their networks and what is their effect on the national (dis)integrity in particular? What kind of networks form and maintain the small entrepreneurs? How their development is connected to the migration streams in the global world and what is the specific role of the family networks? The expectation is to study how the interaction of processes located at different levels of institutionalization produces new, more open and more flexible market and network structures. The important focus is expected to be the theoretical clarification of the very concept of network and the way in which the networks mechanisms generate social capital. Social capital is seen here as competitive advantage on the market which has network origin. Related focus of interest is on information as a core of intersection between market and network: how and under what circumstances the structure of prior relations among people and organizations in a market can affect, or replace, the flow of market information and what people can do with it? The network mechanisms such as contagion (imitation), prominence (reputation), closure, brokerage, etc. should be explored.
- The Concept of Network; Network Formation, Maintenance and Dissolution: the Network Structure of
Social Capital; Markets as Social Networks,
- Small Entrepreneurship, Family Networks and Migration in a Globalizing World,
- Corporation in Networks — National (Dis)Integrity?
- Different Market Routes — Different Networks.
The general objective of the conference is to attract papers reporting on recent empirical research, theoretical contributions and, of course, good combinations of the two.
Language: English
Keynote speakers
David Stark is Arthur Lehman Professor of Sociology and International Affairs at Columbia University (USA) where he directs the Center on Organizational Innovation. He is an External Faculty Member of the Santa Fe Institute.
David Stark examines organizational forms as sites of multiple evaluative principles, or frames of worth.
Olivier Godechot is PhD in sociology, Research Fellow at Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), France. Currently he works at Research Centre Maurice Halbwachs, Research unit Professions, Networks, Organisations. He is an external member of the Centre de recherche en économie et statistique (CREST).
Godechot examines the financial markets using social networks analysis but also an academic world and labor markets intermediates.
Important dates and deadlines
Submission and acceptance of abstracts and papers
- Deadline for abstract submission: March 1, 2009.
The abstracts should not exceed 500 words. Please send an abstract using the abstract submission form on the website and also a short CV with a list of publications.
- Deadline for announcement of the selected participants: March 31, 2009.
- Deadline for final papers: September 5, 2009. Conference fee and registration Conference Fee: 80 EURO.
- the fee is payable upon arrival or via bank transfer. (For details see conference registration form);
- for early bird registration until 1 May 2009: 50 EURO;
- limited grants available for young researchers and also scholars from Central and East European countries
who can apply for a fee waiver and contribution to their travel expenses.
Application documents
- Abstract submission form
Colleagues interested to submit an abstract for the Networks as Markets Conference are kindly requested to complete the following Abstract submission form.
- Conference registration form
Colleagues who wish to register for the Networks as Markets Conference are kindly requested to complete the following Registration form.
Conference location
Sofia University Department of Sociology
125 Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd., Bl. 4, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria Website: http://www.netmark.bsa-bg.org/7Conference_topics